Chapter Two

"Hey, Brina, why are you still here?"

Sabrina looks up, confused and surprised. She had been wandering around, confused, but she had just found Phil.

"Oh...hey." She says, smiling. "My brother left earlier, he told me to find either you or Kofi to take me back to the hotel."

"Oh. So, do you want a ride?"

"Duh!" She says, laughing. "Now, come on, let's go!"

He chuckles. "Okay, okay. Sorry. I'm tired. Demanding respect takes a lot out of a person."

She rolls her eyes, laughing. "Yeah, sure."

Phil and Sabrina head to his car, talking.


Chris searched the halls after Sabrina ran off, but he never found her. Giving up, he began to walk back to his locker room to grab his stuff and head back to the hotel.

How come the one time he tries to be nice to Sabrina, she runs off? He doesn't extend the courtesy of standing up for others very often, especially when Big Show is involved.

Almost to his locker room, he begins to hear voices (not like Randy Orton, but real voices). Glancing around, he sees Sabrina...and Punk. What's up with her always hanging out with Punk?


Sabrina stood next to Phil, impatiently waiting for him to get off his phone. Before they even left the building, his phone rang. Finally, he hangs up.

He sighs. "Sabrina..."

"You're not taking me back to the hotel, are you?"

"My sister called, and she needs me." Sabrina remembered they were in Chicago that night. "Look, I'm sorry-"

"No, it's okay." She says, shrugging. "I can find someone else to take me. Don't worry. Go see your sister."

Well, there goes my ride..., Sabrina thinks, watching Phil walk away.

"Not going with Punk anymore?"

Sabrina turns around to see Chris.

"I don't know. Am I over there? I can't remember."

"Oh, oh! A joke! You're joking! That was so funny I forgot to laugh." He says.

She rolls her eyes. "What do you want, Jericho?"

"I saw that you needed a ride." He says. "I'm going back to the hotel; wanna ride with me?"

"Hmm...That is tempting...But I'd rather walk." She says, turning around to walk away.

"Not so fast." Before Sabrina can react, two large arms are wrapped around her and she's being picked up. "You're coming with me whether you like it or not."

By now, she had been flung over his shoulder. Not appreciating this, Sabrina starts punching his back.


"Say please." He says, and she can tell he's smirking.

She rolls her eyes. "Please put me down?"

"That's better." He says, as he steps outside.

"You're not putting me down, are you?" She asks, frowning.


She sighs. "Thought so."

A few seconds later, Sabrina hears a car door open and she's being placed inside the car. She crosses her arms as Chris walks over to the driver's seat.

He looks over at her. "You mad?"

"Uh, yeah!"

"I know what'll make you feel better."

He leans over and turns the radio on, going through a few stations until he lands on one playing Drunk on You by Luke Bryan.

She glares at him. "This only makes me feel a little better."

He shrugs. "Well, I tried."

"How did you even find this country station?" She asks, confused.

"I just scrolled through the stations until I found something sounding remotely like country." He explains. "I don't even listen to country! I'm a heavy metal kind of guy."

"Well...Thanks." She says. "I happen to love Luke Bryan."

They don't say anything else as they head to the hotel. About 15 minutes later, Chris is pulling into the hotel parking lot.

"Well...We're here." He announces.

"How'd you figure that out?" She asks, sarcastically.

"You didn't have to come, you know."

"Uh, yeah, I did!" She says, angrily. "You put me in this car!"

"The doors aren't locked."

She tries opening the door, which opens easily.

"I could have easily escaped, you know." She says, stepping out of the car. "I figured you were smarter. Guess I was wrong." She leans down so she can look at Chris. "Thanks for the ride, by the way."

She walks away, heading toward the door of the hotel.

"Hey, wait!"

Sabrina stops and turns around, confused. Chris stops in front of her.


"Let me walk you to your room." He offers.

She thinks for a minute. She hesitates then says, "Okay..."

They begin walking inside the hotel when a voice yells, "Chris!"

"Shit..." He mutters.

Sabrina could recognize that voice anywhere: Kelly Kelly.

Sabrina and Kelly have never gotten along; if you think about it, Sabrina doesn't get along with a lot of people. She got along with Heath, Phil, and Kofi; everyone else could either tolerate her, or they just plain hated her. Heath said it was because she never knows when to shut up.

"You need to kiss me." Chris whispers, eyes on Kelly.

"Wait, what?!" She asks, whipping her head to face him. "Why the hell would you-"

He interrupts her by kissing her; she's too surprised to do anything. When they separate, Kelly is standing in front of them, shocked and confused.

"Uh...Hi..." Kelly says, less perky than usual.

Sabrina shakes her head. "I need to go..."

Sabrina walks away, leaving Kelly and Chris looking at each other awkwardly.

When she's sure Sabrina is out of earshot, Kelly says, "What the hell was that?!"

"Well, I think I'd call that kissing." Chris says, smirking.

"Why in the world would you kiss...her?!"

"Why wouldn't I kiss her?" Chris asks, getting pissed off now. "She's much prettier than you, for one. Hmm, let's see, oh yeah, she's not annoying! She's amazing! It seems to me she's everything you're not."

Kelly's jaw drops. She turns around and walks away, but stops a few feet away, turning back around and smirking.

"You don't like Sabrina." She says, walking back up to him.

"And how would you know that?" Chris asks, raising an eyebrow.

"You told me. When we were dating." She says. "What was it you called her again? Oh yeah. A lowdown, dirty, country hick."

Chris sighs. "Opinions can change, Barbie." He says, using her real name. "My opinion of you has changed!"

"It was an accident! I was-"

"It doesn't matter what it was! It still happened!" Chris yells. People standing around in the lobby look at him. Talking softer, he says, "I need to wake up early in the morning. Goodbye, Barbie."


"Yo, Heath!"

"Autumn, I've told you; you're not ghetto! Quit saying 'yo' all the time!"

She sighs. "Fine...Hi, Heath!"

He laughs. "What is it, Autumn?"

"I'm standing outside our hotel room." She says, staring at the door to the room.

"Uh-huh..." Heath says, confused. "What's the problem?"

"The problem is that I'm not in the room!" She says. "I knocked on the door and you didn't answer!"

"Where's your key?"

"I forgot it..." She mutters.

Heath sighs. "Did you go to the front desk and ask for another one?"

"No. What if they think I'm an idiot or something?" She asks, frowning.

"Why the hell would they think you're an idiot?!" Heath asks. "If you're not gonna ask, at least find someone to stay with."

"Where are you, anyway?" She asks.

"I'm with some guys. Don't worry, I promise I won't get arrested or something."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" She asks, laughing.

"Would you rather me get arrested?" He asks, more than likely smirking.

"No!" She says, laughing. "It's just-"

"Hey, Heath!" A Scottish accent on the other end yells. Drew.

WWE recently put Heath in a stable with Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal. Normally, Sabrina would be happy that Heath finally gets a storyline and TV time, but not if she has to deal with Drew and Jinder. What kind of name is Jinder, anyway?!

Sabrina usually travels with Heath, and lately, Drew and Jinder. At first, Vince had suggested (and by "suggested", he means "demanded") they travel together for a while, but then...they became friends. Vince said he'd find her someone else to ride with if she wanted. And by "someone else", he meant Aksana, so Sabrina was quick to decline. Drew and Jinder combined were better than Aksana. She just had to suck it up.

"Just a sec, Autumn." Heath says. He takes the phone away from his ear, and Sabrina can now hear Gangnam Style by PSY blaring in, most likely, the club. A few seconds later, Heath is back. "Sorry, Autumn. I need to go. Drew found some hot chicks and-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," She says, eyes widening. "Stop right there. I don't want to hear about your adventures of banging chicks. I'd rather kill myself, thank you very much. Just go, Heath. I don't need an explanation. Go have fun and bang hot chicks."

"Great!" He says. "Bye, Autumn!"

She sighs. "Bye, Heath."

'Maybe if I kick the door...,' Sabrina thinks. She decides to give it a try.

She backs up, then runs and kicks it. Nothing happens, but now there's a footprint on the door and an agonizing pain in her foot.


A head peeks out a door a few rooms down, and Sabrina sees it's Kofi.

"What are you yelling about, Bri?" He asks, raising an eyebrow and walking out of his room.

"I hurt my foot." She says, frowning and crossing her arms across her chest.

"How'd you do that?"

"I kicked the door."

"Why in the world did you kick the door?!" He asks, incredulously.

"It wouldn't open!" She says.

"Just unlock it!" He says.

"I don't have a key!" She says. "Don't you think I'd have already done that if I did? I wouldn't be in this mess. And don't suggest that I go to the front desk, because Heath already did."

"Why don't you?"

"I'd look like an idiot!" She says. He smirks and bites his lip. "Don't you say it!"

"But you-"

"I said not to say it!" She says.

"Bri, just come in my room." He says. She smirks and raises an eyebrow. "Okay, that's not what I meant. If you want to sleep in the hallway, that's fine with me."

"Fine." She says, sighing and walking into his room. She notices there's an empty bed. "Where's Truth?"

"Have you not heard?"

"Heard what?"

"We're doing singles competition again." He says. "Truth has a new traveling buddy, so he doesn't stay with me anymore."

"So you're by yourself now?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Do you think Vince would mind if I traveled with you?" She asks.

"Why? Do you not like hanging out with your brother?"

"Two words: Drew and Jinder." She says, frowning.

"That's three words, actually." He points out. "But I'll talk to Vince if you want."

"Thanks." She says. "I don't think he's too happy with me at the moment, anyway."

He sighs. "What did you do, Sabrina?"

"When Hunter told me that I have to tag with Jericho, I kinda flipped out on him." She explains. "I'm not the best person to break bad news to."

"Obviously." Kofi says. "They probably thought it was good news, though. A new tag team! Maybe you guys will be the new Tag Team Champions!"

"That's what doesn't make sense to me." She says. "I'm the Intercontinental Champion; why the hell was I suddenly thrust into a tag team? Do they want me to be a double champion or something?"

"Maybe they want you to win all the championships!" Kofi suggests, trying to be optimistic.

"I don't think Phil's gonna lose that WWE Championship anytime soon." She says.

"True..." He says, nodding. "Well, I don't know. Maybe they were high or something."

She laughs. "Right...I'll just ask them tomorrow."

"You're on Smackdown?"

"Yeah." She nods. "They want to give me and Jericho as much TV time as they can."

Kofi nods, then yawns. "I'm going to sleep. You can go to sleep too, if you want."

Sabrina hesitates, trying to decide if she should tell him about the kiss. When she realizes he's staring at her, waiting for her answer, she decides against it, yawning instead.

"Sure." She says. She walks over to her bed, deciding to sleep in her clothes.

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