Chapter Nine
Disclaimer: I own no one but my OC, Sabrina Miller.
One Day Later:
Chris looked up from his notepad, where he had been writing a few songs. A few seconds later, Sabrina walked out of the bathroom, trying to look calm.
"Is everything okay?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Um...Can we go to the store?" She asks.
"I can go," He says. "You should stay here. I'm sure I won't be long. What do you need?"
"Uh..." She says. "Just drive me to the store. You can wait in the car. I can get it, I promise."
His eyes widen, but a look of understanding crosses his face. "I'll go to the store. You stay here. I'll be back soon."
He grabs her car keys and leaves, leaving Sabrina sitting on the couch.
When the door opens, her head quickly jerks up and her eyes are wide. He holds up a grocery bag, takes out what he bought her, and hands it to her. She mumbles a quick, "Thank you," and rushes to the bathroom, as fast as she can, anyway, on crutches. A few minutes later, she comes back out.
"Um...Thanks," She says. "I would've been more than happy to get those for you."
"You need to stay off your ankle." He shrugs. "A real man can buy tampons. I've bought them before, I'll buy them now. By the way." He takes out the other item in the grocery bag. "I bought you chocolate. I felt like you'd want it. I don't know what kind you like, so I just bought you a Hershey bar."
She hobbles over to him, leans her crutches on the counter, and gives him a hug.
"Thank you," She says, letting go and grabbing her crutches again. "Heath refuses to buy me tampons."
He shrugs. "It was no problem. Really."
"Go sit down," She says. "I will make you a sandwich."
He laughs. "What?"
"You heard me," She says. "Let me make you a sandwich. It's the most cliche thing I can think of: a woman fixing a man a sandwich. It's the least I could do. It's really the only thing I can do since I'm stuck here. Go sit down."
He does as she says, and a few minutes later, she comes walking over with a plate.
"You didn't have to do this," He says.
She shrugs. "I wanted to. I hope you like peanut butter and jelly, because that's all I had."
He rolls his eyes. "Luckily, I do like it."
One Day Later:
"Good morning, sleepyhead."
Chris walked into the living room to find Sabrina eating a bowl of cereal, while sitting on the couch and watching TV.
"Good morning," He says. He looks at the TV, which she had paused. "What are you watching?"
"Old videos," She says. "My mom really liked filming me and Heath while we were growing up, so I got all the tapes she had and got them put onto DVDs, so whenever I come home, which isn't very often, I can watch them. Come watch with me!"
Chris walks over and takes a seat on the couch, making sure not to bother her ankle. She grins and unpauses the video.
The video starts at a pool, one of those above-ground pools people have in their backyards. There was a rope tied to a tree, which was a few feet away from the pool. There was snow lightly coating everything in sight. Chris looked at the date in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen: 12/19/94
"Go on now," A southern accented voice says. "You two wanted to go swimmin' in the snow, so go do it before I change my mind and make y'all come back in the house!"
A girl, who looked about seven or eight, walks into view. She had long brown hair and was wearing a pink two piece swimsuit. She turned around, frowning.
"Heath!" She yelled. "Get your butt over here! This was all your idea!"
A red-haired boy, who was about nine, showed up in the shot, and was visibly shivering. Sabrina smirked as he walked toward her. He turned around and frowned at the person behind the camera.
"I don't know if I wanna do this anymore..." He says.
"You're already out here, so you're gonna do it!" The person filming says.
Heath sighs and Sabrina laughs. He walks over to the tree, climbs it, and grabs ahold of the rope. He gains some momentum, and finally jumps off the rope and into the pool.
"Heath Miller, you better watch that mouth of yours!" The woman yells.
"Autumn, it's your turn now!" Heath yells, getting out of the pool and shaking his hair dry.
She laughs. "Yeah, about that...I was just kiddin'. I'm not really doin' that. I ain't that stupid. I just wanted to watch you do it!"
Heath's jaw drops. "Mom!"
"Hey, there ain't nothin' I can do about it," She says.
Heath groans and the video ends.
"That was during Christmas break when I was in third grade," Sabrina explains. "Heath was always coming up with these dumbass ideas, and one of them was going swimming in the snow. Half of these videos only exist because Heath had an idea."
"Does your mom live in Pineville?" Chris asks.
She nods. "Yep. Most of my family does, with the exception of me and Heath."
"Do you miss it?" He asks. "Pineville, I mean."
She shrugs. "I mean, since most of my family lives there, I miss being there because I love my family. But they understand that I live here for my job, but whenever I'm home, I visit them. Heath and I both do, and our younger cousins get excited when we tell them about the WWE and all the stories." She laughs. "It's like their dreams to become Superstars because of me."
"What about Heath?" Chris asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Hey, those kids look up to me," She says. "I'm not breaking it to them that I get more TV time than Heath."
"Do they not watch WWE on TV?"
"Well, they do," Sabrina says. "But the only people they care about are John Cena, CM Punk, and Tons of Funk. I do have a cousin who's fourteen, and he actually pays attention, so it's easier to talk to him about things. Actually..." She smirks.
"What?" He asks, smiling.
"You're his favorite Superstar," She says.
"What about you and Heath?" Chris asks.
"Well, according to him, it's cooler to say that Chris Jericho is your favorite wrestler, than to say Heath Slater is your favorite wrestler." She smirks. "He says I'm his favorite Diva, though. Says I'm one of the best Divas since Lita, which I took to heart."
"Are you considered a Diva?" Chris asks. "It's been a while since you've actually wrestled another Diva."
She shrugs. "I don't know. I never thought about it. I just like being compared to Lita."
"What do you think about Heath getting to face Lita, but not you?" He asks.
She frowns. "I'm insanely jealous! He's not even a Diva! He got to face all those legends... I ain't faced nobody cool..."
"That was some pretty bad grammar," Chris points out, chuckling.
"Good thing I didn't ask you about it," She says. She grabs the remote. "Let's watch more videos!" She presses Play. "These aren't in any order, by the way."
The camera moves around the room for a few seconds before stopping on a girl with bleach blonde hair.
"My little girl's all grown up and is goin' off to wrestle," A male voice says, sadness and pride in his voice.
"Quit being all mushy, Dad," A voice that sounds like Heath's says. "You didn't act this way when I left."
"Well, I don't like you," Heath's dad says.
The blonde-haired girl laughs. "Quit being mean, Dad. And don't worry, you'll see me soon on TV."
"You're going to wrestling school, Autumn," Heath says. "You're not going to be on TV yet."
"Quit crushin' the girl's dreams, Heath," Their dad says. "She's gonna be on TV one day, just you wait."
"Oh, my daughter's leaving!" The female voice from the first video says.
"We've already established this, Mom," Sabrina says. "You're the one filming this. Have you not been paying attention?"
"Y'all, Autumn's gonna be late if we don't leave soon," Heath says.
"Wait, Autumn, say something before you leave!" Her mom says, excitedly.
She looks at the camera. "My name is Autumn Miller, and I will be the next WWE Diva. Just wait."
"Hurry up, Autumn!" Heath says.
"Alright, alright, I'm comin'," She says. "Don't get your panties in a wad."
"I have a question," Chris says.
"What's your natural hair color?"
"Well, growing up I had brown hair, but at some point it turned blonde, the current color of it," She explains. "But when I was first trying to become a Diva, I figured I should dye my hair, to make it look like Kelly Kelly's and Natalya's. But I hated how it looked, so it's back to its natural hair color."
"I like your natural color," He says. "It looks so much better than when it was bleach blonde."
"Thanks," She says, smiling. "I hated the bleach blonde phase of my life. I just felt really awkward."
"Well, you look beautiful with your natural hair color, so I hope you don't feel awkward anymore," He says.
She blushes. "Thanks..."
"Do you - "
"Hey!" She interrupts, grinning.
"Watching these videos made me think of your kids!" She exclaims. "I want to talk to your kids! I know that sounds creepy, but I just really like kids. Oh, that sounded even creepier..."
Chris chuckles. "Alright, sure."
He gets up to get his laptop, so Sabrina turns off the TV. A few seconds later, he returns, computer in hand.
He sits back down next to her on the couch, turning on the laptop and logging into Skype. Suddenly, a girl's face is filling the screen.
Her eyes widen and she grins. "Daddy!"
Chris smiles. "Hey, Chey. Get your brother and sister, I have someone I want you to meet."
"Okay!" She says, jumping up.
A few seconds later, she returns with a girl who looks just like her, and a boy, who seemed to be older than them, with shaggy blonde hair.
"Guys," Chris says, looking at them. "This is my friend, Sabrina. Why don't you say hi?"
"Hi Sabrina!" The girl who answered the call says, waving and smiling. "I'm Cheyenne!"
"And I'm Sierra!" The other girl chimes in. "We're twins."
"Hi!" Sabrina says, grinning. "It's very nice to meet you! I've always wanted a twin, but I just got stuck with an older brother."
"Hey!" The boy says, and the girls laugh.
"I didn't say there was anything wrong with older brothers!" Sabrina says, laughing.
"Good," The boy says. "Well, uh, I'm Ash."
"Like the Pokemon trainer!" Sabrina says, happily.
His eyes widen. "Yeah...I never thought of that! What did you say your name was again?"
"Sabrina," She says, smiling.
"What?" She asks, confused.
"Mommy called you a - "
"Chey!" Ash interrupts.
"She called you a gold-digging whore!" Sierra finishes, grinning triumphantly.
Sabrina's eyes widen. "Uh..."
"Hey, Cheyenne, Sierra," Chris says. They look at him, expectantly. "Why don't you two go play for a bit so I can talk to Ash, okay?"
"Okay!" They say, getting up and running away.
"I swear I never heard Mom say that," Ash says, once the twins are out of sight.
"It's okay, Ash," Chris says. "It's not your fault. They don't know any better, and I'm talking about your sisters. Your mom on the other hand..."
"Ash?" An adult female voice says. "Why are you on the computer? You're supposed to be doing your homework."
"I'm talking to Dad," He protests.
"Hey, let me talk to your mom, okay?" Chris says. "I don't want you getting in trouble. Go do your homework. I'll talk to you later, champ."
"Okay..." He says, sadly. "Mom, Dad wants to talk to you."
Ash gets up and is replaced by a woman holding a laundry basket, which she sets on the ground before she sits down.
"Chris..." She says. She was glaring at Sabrina, who began to feel uncomfortable.
"Jessica," Chris says. "Have you been saying things about Sabrina in front of the kids?"
"What? No!" She protests.
"Well, Cheyenne and Sierra called her - "
"They said you called me a whore," Sabrina interrupts, frowning.
"Oh boo hoo," Jessica says, rolling her eyes. "I'll tell them never to say that word again, but you shouldn't sound so offended by something that is so true."
Chris's body stiffens beside her, but Sabrina doesn't let the comment bother her.
"Is that the best you've got?" She asks. "Ha! I've been called worse. And I don't really know if I should even listen to someone like you."
"Oh, what's that supposed to mean?!" Jessica says, softly enough that her kids won't hear her.
Sabrina just glares at her. "Figure it out yourself. Now would be the time that I normally walk away, but it takes a lot of effort to get up, so I'm just going to stay here."
Jessica rolls her eyes. "You're so lazy. What does Chris even see in you?"
Since he knew Sabrina was going to say something, Chris cut her off by saying, "She has a broken ankle. Sabrina is the exact opposite of you, which is the reason I like her so much. The only thing you two have in common is you both talk non-stop. The only difference is, Sabrina knows when to shut her mouth."
"You two are wasting my time," She replies. "I'll let the kids say goodbye, then I'm turning Skype off."
She disappears from view, then the kids show up. Chris says goodbye to each of them individually, like he did the first time Sabrina saw him talking to his kids.
Finally, the screen goes black, so he turns the laptop off.
"Well," He says. "That's not how I expected that to go."
"You're a liar."
"What?" He asks, surprised.
"You said I know when to shut up, but I don't," She says. "I just didn't want your kids to hear what I was going to say to her."
He raises an eyebrow. "Do I even want to know what you were going to say?"
"No, you do not," She says, shaking her head. "By the way, what kid does their homework on a Saturday? I used to wait until Sunday night to do mine."
"How did you do in school?" He asks, smirking.
"For your information, I had straight A's and played a bunch of sports," Sabrina says. "I was offered a full-ride softball scholarship to go to West Virginia University, but I declined it so I could go to wrestling school."
"What do you mean by a 'bunch of sports'?" He asks.
"I played volleyball, softball, and I was on the track team," She says. "I like sports."
"Obviously," Chris says.
"Hey," She says. "I'm hungry. I know this great pizza place, but I can't drive, so you should drive us there. I'll put the directions in your GPS."
He glances at her outfit. "You're in camo pajama bottoms and a black tank top."
"Are you trying to say I should change?" She asks. "I'm very comfortable, but I guess I can change. I'll be right back."
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