Chapter Four

"How long have you been awake?"

Sabrina walked out of the bathroom, lip gloss in hand, to look at Kofi, who had just woken up and was sitting in his bed.

"About an hour," She says, walking back into the bathroom. "Why?"

"Why have you been up so long?" He asks.

"I need to do my makeup and hair," She says, shrugging. "It takes time to do that."

"Well, are you almost done?" He asks, appearing in the doorway.

"Yeah, I'm done," She says. "The bathroom is all yours."

Walking out of the bathroom, Sabrina heads toward the nightstand, which is where her phone is sitting. She reads a text from her brother.

'Hey, Autumn, me and a few guys are going to the gym later. Do you want to come?'

'Yeah, sure. Sounds fun.'

Sticking her phone in her pocket, she writes Kofi a note and heads to the elevator to get some breakfast.

A Few Hours Later:

"Where is this gym we're going to?" Chris asks, turning yet again because the GPS tells him to.

"No clue," Sabrina says, shrugging. "Heath gave me an address and told me to show up. It sure is lucky you have a GPS, though, or else I'd be in Florida by now."

Laughing, Chris says, "I don't doubt that."

After a few more turns, Chris pulls into a parking lot in front of a gym.

"Hey, we found it!" Sabrina says.

"You mean I found it," Chris says. "Why did you make me come with you again?"

"I didn't want to show up alone," She says, shrugging. "Plus, we could work on some moves or something, since you're my tag team partner, now."

Thinking about it for a few seconds, he says, "Fair enough."

They get out of the car and head into the gym, Sabrina a few feet ahead of Chris. She opens the door and walks in, noticing who the "guys" Heath were talking about are, and turns around, bumping into Chris.

"What the hell, Sabrina?" He asks, confused.

"I refuse to do anything with them," She says, crossing her arms and frowning.

"Who?" He asks and looks behind her.

Heath was facing away from them, talking to John Cena, Drew McIntyre, and Jinder Mahal.

"Cena's cool, I like him," She says. "But I don't like the other two."

"Come on," He says, grabbing her arm and dragging her with them.

"Let me go!" She hisses at him.

"Hey, Autumn!" Heath says, smiling. "You brought Chris along, too?"

"Yeah," She says, forcing a smile. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

Not giving him a chance to answer, she grabs his wrist and brings him away from everyone else.

"What's wrong?" He asks once they've finally stopped.

"Jinder and Drew are wrong, that's what's wrong!" Sabrina says. "You know I don't like them. Why'd you bring them?"

"You didn't like Chris, but you brought him," Heath says.

"For your information, I'm beginning to like Chris because he doesn't annoy me and he isn't a bad influence on you and he doesn't drop you off to hotel rooms while you're drunk," She says, frowning. "Do I need to go on?"

"You just need to get to know them," Heath says. "They're not bad people."

"I'm not saying they are," Sabrina says. "I just don't like them."

"You don't like half the people you know, Autumn," He says. "What's so wrong with them?"

"They're taking my brother away from me," She says softly. "That's why I don't like them."

She walks past Heath to where everyone else is standing, waiting for them.


Chris watched Sabrina grab her brother's wrist and drag him to a different part of the gym. Jinder mumbled something in Hindi, smirking.

"Man, you know I don't understand you when you speak Hindi," Drew says.

"I said," Jinder says, glancing at John and Chris, but looking back to Drew. "That she is smokin'."

"Dude," Chris says, frowning. "She's your partner's sister."

"You're acting like I care," He says. "Whether she's related to Heath or not, she's still hot."

"It's pretty obvious who got the good genes in that family," Drew says, smirking.

Luckily, Sabrina walks back from her conversation with Heath, looking to be on the verge of tears. Heath follows her a few seconds later, looking confused and hurt. John gets a concerned look on his face, while Jinder and Drew are still smirking, Jinder muttering in Indian again.

Sabrina starts to walk past everyone, but Chris grabs her arm.

"Sabrina, what's wrong?" He asks as she turns around. "Did Heath say something?"

After taking a deep breath, she replies, "It's nothing. I just overreacted over something small. I'm okay." She smiles. "I promise."

"Well, since you promised..." He says, smirking.

She laughs. "I'm not lying. I promise that I'm okay."

"Are you guys done with your little lovefest over there?" Drew asks, causing Sabrina to blush and Chris to frown. "We'd like to get started."

"Why don't you - " Sabrina starts, but Chris stops her.

"Yeah, we'll be right there," He says. He looks at Sabrina and smiles. "You really shouldn't swear."

"But I didn't," She says, raising an eyebrow.

"You were about to," He says, turning around to stand with everyone else.


After exercising and practicing some moves for God knows how long, Sabrina says, "I'm tired" while collapsing onto the ground, spreading her arms out around her.

"We can go - " Heath begins.

"Wait," Drew says, causing everyone to look at him. "Do you mind if I have a practice match with her?"

Sabrina groans, but Heath says, "Yeah, sure."

"Unless she doesn't want to," Drew says, looking at Sabrina.

"Bitch please," She says, standing up. "I never back down from a fight. Now get your ass in the ring."

The gym they were at had a practice ring, because it was a frequent spot for wrestlers when WWE was in Atlanta, which is where the show that night was going to be.

Chris and Heath laugh, while John smiles and Jinder mumbles something, more than likely in Indian.

Drew and Sabrina get in the ring and John refs the match. Once it begins, Sabrina goes for some punches, but Drew dodges them. Then he starts to play the air guitar. Stopping for a second, Sabrina raises an eyebrow, but quickly kicks him in the leg, causing him to fall. She goes for the pin.


Standing up, she says, "Y'all really need to stop with the air guitar thing. Not everyone is going to stop and marvel at it."

She jumps out of the ring and grabs her water bottle, taking a drink of it.

"I let you win," Drew says, standing up, smirking.

Sabrina stops drinking and she frowns. "What? Are you serious? I can get back in that ring and teach you a thing or two about letting me win."

"I was just kidding," He says. "Your kick really hurt my leg."

She shrugs. "They do that sometimes. Now are we done? I need a shower."

"Yeah, we're done," Heath says. "Go take a shower."

"Finally!" She says.

She heads to the women's locker room, which was pretty much deserted. She drops her gym bag in there and takes herself a shower. When she's done, she gets out and gets dressed.

Walking out of the locker room, she finds that no one else is done, and that she and the guys were the only people really there. She walks over to the ring and lies down in the middle of it. She grabs her iPod out of her pocket, along with her headphones, and listens to some music, singing along to it.


Chris was the first of the guys to be done taking a shower. After getting dressed, he messed with his hair for a few minutes and finally walked out of the locker room. After walking a few steps, he realizes he hears singing, and after walking a few more steps, realizes that Sabrina is in the ring, singing. He stands at a distance, and in a spot where she can't see him. He listens to her sing.

"If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks, then I'll follow you into the dark."

"Is that..." Chris mutters to himself, not really sure. He walks over to the ring and over to Sabrina. When she feels the ring move because of his weight, she takes off her headphones and looks up at Chris, confused. "You were singing."

She blushes. "You heard that?"

"Yeah, I did," He says. "Was that Death Cab for Cutie?"

She smiles and stands up. "Yeah. You know them?"

"I do. I didn't know you listened to them," He says. "I thought you listened to country music."

"I can listen to other things besides country music," She says, laughing. "I listen to everything, I just like country music the most."

Before Chris can respond, Drew walks out of the locker room and says, "Sabrina!"

"I want to tell him to fuck off so badly," Sabrina whispers.

"Why don't you?" Chris asks, smirking.

"He's Heath's friend," She says, sighing. "I don't want to be rude to him to his face."

Sabrina walked past Chris and up to Drew.

"Hey, Sabrina," He says, smiling a toothy grin.

"Yeah...?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asks.

"I'm going to be on Raw," She says. 'And you're not, because Drew McIntyre went from the Chosen One to a jobber.'

"I meant afterward," He says. "Are you going to be busy?"


"Do you want to do something?" He asks.

'No, I don't want to do anything with you. Or Jinder. Or any of Heath's dumbass friends. You are annoying and I don't want my brother hanging out with you, but...I kinda like your accent. Sadly, that's the only good thing I can think of, which is what Heath would want me to do: think of the good things.'

"Uh...sure," Sabrina says, instead, keeping her thoughts to herself.

Drew says a few more things and walks away, leaving Sabrina to stand there. Chris walks up and stands behind her.

"So, what did he say?" He asks.

"I'm going on a date with him," She says, still staring straight ahead.

Chris laughs. "I thought you hated his guts."

"I do hate his guts. With a burning passion," She says, finally turning around to face him. "But I'm pretty sure Heath would want me to at least try and be nice to his friends."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," He says. Before she can make a sarcastic remark, he says, "By the way, what was it that Heath said earlier that made you so upset?"

She frowns. "Like I said, it was nothing. I just overreacted. Can you take me back to the hotel?"

'Dammit, I just blew it,' He thinks, sighing, and saying, "Yeah, sure."


Monday Night:

"Hey, Heath?"

Heath stopped walking and turned around to face his sister, who had called his name.

"Yeah?" He says. "What's up, Autumn? Where are you heading?"

"I have to go talk to Hunter or John Laurinaitis or something about my storyline, but I wanted to talk to you first," Sabrina says.

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry," She says, sighing. "I kinda overreacted and you didn't deserve that."

"Aw, Autumn, it's okay," He says. "You had a point, though. I need to stop hanging out with them so much."


"Yeah, really," He says. "Now go talk about your storyline."

She laughs and rolls her eyes. "Yes, sir."

They both turned around and went their separate ways. Heath eventually got to his locker room, where Jinder and Drew were talking.

"Are you serious?" Jinder asks Drew. "She actually said yes?"

"I'm not going to lie about it," Drew says. "I'm going out with a champion tonight!"

"You going out with Kaitlyn or something?" Heath asks, shutting the door.

"Uh...sure," Drew says, glancing at Jinder.

"What do you mean, 'sure'?" Heath asks, confused.

"I meant, yeah, I'm going out with Kaitlyn after the show," Drew says.


"Oh, you're here tonight, Vince?"

Sabrina just walked into the GM's office, expecting Triple H, but was surprised to find Vince McMahon sitting behind the desk in front of her, with Chris on the other side.

"Ah, Sabrina, it's so nice to see you," Vince says, smiling. "I've got some business to take care of, that's why I'm here. Please, take a seat."

Sabrina sits down in the chair next to Chris, confused.

"What's going on?" She asks.

"I just wanted to let you guys know a few things," Vince says. "First of all," He looks at Chris. "When you kissed Sabrina, it made me want to see more. You guys are going to be placed in a romantic storyline. Also, you guys will be facing another team tonight to become the number one contenders for the Tag Team Championships."

"Who will we be facing?" Sabrina asks, frowning. Chris looked over at her, and noticed her hands gripping the arms of the chair so tightly that her knuckles were white.

Vince grins. "You'll find out in the ring. Now, that is all, so you guys may leave now."

Sabrina stands up and waits outside the office for Chris, who didn't walk as fast as she did.

Once he's in front of her, she says, "Why didn't Vince know about the kiss?"

"What?" He says, surprised to find her there.

"Why didn't Vince know about the goddamned kiss?" She asked, enunciating each word.

"Maybe he just forgot about it," He says, shrugging.

"Or maybe you just forgot that you decided to do it all on your own!" She yells. "You knew I hated you, but you still kissed me! I'm sorry, but I don't kiss friends. And I don't kiss people I hate, either."

She turns around walks away. When she's turned the corner at the end of the hallway, Chris finally says, "Sabrina, where the hell are you going?!"

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