Chapter Eight

I also really like this chapter. (I like my chapters sometimes. xD)

Disclaimer: I own no one but my OC, Sabrina.


Sabrina was eventually saved from the Shield by Chris and they shared a kiss, but off-screen, it'd been a while since they'd hung out, because she was always with Seth, who she had grown close to.

She had just lost her Intercontinental Championship to Kofi and was now preparing to go against Seth and Roman for the Tag Team Championships.

"Hey, you ready?" Chris asks.

"Yeah, just a sec," Sabrina says, taking one last sip of water. She followed Chris to Gorilla.


In the end, Sabrina and Chris won the titles.

"Ow. Ow ow ow ow," Sabrina repeated over and over backstage.

Their match had been a ladder match, by her request. When she grabbed one of the belts, the ladder was pushed and she landed awkwardly on her ankle.

"Are you okay?" Chris asks.

"Does it look like I'm fucking okay?" She snaps. A look of hurt washes over his face. "Sorry...It just - Fuck! It just hurts a lot."

They eventually reach the trainer's room, where they find out she may have broken her ankle.

"This night just keeps getting better and better..." She mumbles.

"You're going to need to go to the hospital and I'd say you'll need to be off of TV for at least a few weeks," The trainer says.


Behind the trainer and Chris, Heath walks in, looking concerned.

"Autumn, are you okay?" He asks.

"My ankle's broken," She says, sighing.

"I'll take her to the hospital," Her brother volunteers. The trainer agrees. "Come on, Autumn."


While at the hospital, Sabrina gets a call from Vince.

"Sabrina, I need to talk to you," He says. "How are you doing?"

"I've been better."

He chuckles. "Well, obviously. Look, I want you to go home for a while. You've been working nonstop for a while and you need a break. When your ankle's better, you can come back and the Shield can have their rematch."

"Sounds great," She says. "But are you sure I can't - "

"I want you to get some rest, Sabrina," He says. "You deserve it. In a few weeks, you can come back."

"Yes, sir," She says, sighing. "Well, the doctor's here, so I need to go."

"Get well soon," He says before hanging up.

"You don't need to be walking any time soon," The doctor explains. "I'd say you should get someone to be with you at all times so you don't have to walk."

"I can do it."


"Yeah, I may or may not have followed you here," He says, shrugging. "I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"But you need to stay - "

"I already talked to Vince and he says it's fine," He says.

"Well, if you don't mind..."

"I love hanging out with you," He says. "It should be fun."

"You'll get tired of me sooner or later," She says, laughing.

"Well, uh," The doctor says, awkwardly. "I'll prescribe you some pain medication and you can be on your way."

"Great!" She says, smiling.

She's brought a wheelchair, which Chris helps her get into, and he wheels her out to his car. He puts the crutches the doctor gave her into the backseat.

"You know, you don't have to do this," Sabrina says. "Heath could easily do it because we live near each other."

"I don't mind," Chris says. "Do you just not want me around?"

"No, that's not it." She laughs. "I just don't want to be a burden."

"I haven't hung out with you in a while ever since you started hanging out with Seth," He says, his voice tinged with...was that jealousy?

"I can have friends, you know," She mutters.

The rest of the car ride back to the hotel is silent. When they get there, Chris helps her get her stuff from her room. They get back to the car and head to the airport. Once on the plane, Sabrina almost instantly falls asleep, considering it was close to midnight.

She normally wore makeup, but in the ring, she didn't, so her face was bare, which Chris loved. All the other Divas were always caked with makeup, but then again, Sabrina wasn't like the other Divas. Even though it was snowing outside, due to it being December, her hair was stuck to her forehead from sweat.

She moved around, still asleep, and rested her head on his shoulder.


"We are about to make our descent, so please buckle your seatbelts."

Sabrina woke up, slightly confused, but then remembered she was on a plane. She then realized that Chris's head was on top of hers, as she had fallen asleep on his shoulder, and he was sleeping.

"Chris," She whispered. Nothing. "Chris." Still nothing. She brought her hand up to his face and started touching it, then proceeded to poke it.

"Sabrina, that was my eye."

She quickly put her hand down and he laughed, taking his head off of her.

"My bad."

"If my eyes had been open, that would've really hurt," He says.

"You wouldn't get off of me," She says.

"You could've woken me up instead of trying to blind me," He says, smirking.

"Hey, I didn't mean to!" She protests, crossing her arms and pouting. "I'm sorry..."

"We have now landed. Thank you for flying with us."

"Good thing you didn't poke my ear," He says, smirking. "I'd be deaf and I wouldn't have heard her say that."

"You'd be stuck on the plane forever," She says, standing up and laughing.

They get off the plane, get their luggage, and hail a taxi. After about ten or fifteen minutes, the taxi stops in front of an apartment building.

"Do you not live in Pineville?" Chris asks.

"It's easier to live in Charleston because I can drive everywhere relatively quickly," Sabrina explains. "Plus, it's closer to the airport. Pineville doesn't have a lot, so Charleston was the next best choice."

She and Chris get out of the taxi, get their stuff, and head to the entrance of the building. Snow was falling slowly, but steadily. It was resting on top of Chris's head, but, in addition to her head, it was also landing on Sabrina's eyelashes. Chris finally had to tear his eyes away so he could open the door for her.

Since she was on the third floor, they took the elevator. When they got to her floor, she led the way to her apartment. She took the keys out of her pocket, unlocked the door, and walked in.

"Well," She says. "My room is down that hall, so you could sleep in there. My apartment only has one bedroom."

"What about you?" Chris asks, confused.

She shrugs. "I've got a couch. My mom always told me to treat my guests like they're my family, and I'd let my family sleep in my bed."

"But your ankle is broken," He points out. "There's more room to stretch your leg out in your bed than on the couch."

She glares at him, silently, before finally saying, "Fine. I'll sleep in my room."

He smirks. "I knew you'd see it my way."

"Whatever..." She mutters, making her way to her room.


"Hey, can we talk?"

Chris looks up from his laptop, and Sabrina could hear some talking on the other side.

"Yeah, just a sec," He says. He looks back at the screen. "Guys, Daddy needs to go. It's getting late. You guys need to go to bed."

"But, Daddy," A young girl says.

"No buts, Sierra," Chris says, smirking. "I know for a fact that you're tired."

She yawns, and Sabrina can hear the grin in her voice as she says, "No, I'm not!"

"You have school tomorrow," Chris says.

"Kids," A female voice says. "You've talked to Daddy long enough, you need to go to bed."

"Okay..." They say together.

"Goodbye, Daddy," The boy says.

"Goodbye, Ash," Chris says, smiling.

"Bye, Daddy!" Two girls say at the same time.

"Bye, Sierra. Bye, Cheyenne," He says.

"Kids," The female voice repeats, sternly.

The boy sighs, sounds like he's fumbling around, then turns off the webcam. Chris turns off his laptop.

"What's up?" He asks, a grin still on his face.

"Were those your kids?" Sabrina asks. Of course those were his kids. Why else would they have been calling him 'Daddy?'

"Yep," He says. "I talk to them whenever I can. It's easier on Skype than talking to them on the phone."

"I can tell they really love you," She says.

After a few seconds of silence, he says, "Why did you come out here?"

She shrugs. "I couldn't sleep. My ankle hurts and I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?" He asks.

"Seth," She says, and he frowns. She sits down in one of the chairs on either side of the couch. "Growing up, I never had a lot friends who were girls. I get along better with guys, so I've always had guy friends. That's why I hang out with Seth. He's cool. And it's hard for me to make friends, so when I found out he actually likes hanging out with me, I wasn't going to miss the chance to do something about it. I don't know why you even care, but I just wanted to let you know."

"I'm sorry..." He says. "It's just...Since we've been a tag team, you've actually started to not hate me. At least, I hope so. And, when you met Seth, you just stopped talking to me. You're pretty much the only Diva who talks to me, and when that happened, I just...I guess I got jealous."

"You know it works both ways," She says. He shoots her a confused look. "You could've tried to talk to me. Just because I was with Seth doesn't mean I wouldn't have talked to you. I thought I did something wrong and you just hated me and we were back to square one. I've actually grown to like you. That rarely happens and I was hoping you weren't going to throw it away."

"Well, I thought you and Seth were..." He trails off.

Sabrina makes a face, then laughs. "Me and Seth?! Oh my God, no! I don't want to date Seth! He's not my type, and he has a girlfriend! I'm not going to split them up! I'm not that bad of a person! I just hang out with him because he actually enjoys talking to me! Not because I want to date him!"

Chris smirks. "What's your type?"

"I've never thought about it." She shrugs. "I just know it's not Seth."

"You're so specific," He says, sarcastically and chuckling.

She laughs. "Hey, I'm complicated. All I know is that if I don't get my pain medication, I am going to saw my foot off." She reaches for her crutches.

"Hey." She stops and looks at him. "Let me get it. There's a reason your doctor wanted someone with you and it's because you're not supposed to be walking around."

He stands up and walks to the kitchen, grabbing her medicine and filling up a glass with water. He brings it back to her.

"I hate you," She says, glaring at him, as he hands her the medicine and water.

"Why is that?" He asks, smirking.

"I don't like people doing things for me," She says.

"I guess you'll have to get used to it," He says.

She takes her pill and frowns. "My ankle still hurts."

"You have to wait," Chris says, laughing. "It's not going to work the minute you take it."

Before she can respond, Boys 'Round Here by Blake Shelton starts playing from somewhere in the apartment.

"Where the hell is that coming from?" Chris asks.

"It's my phone," She says, laughing. "Will you get it for me? It's in my room."

"Sure," He says. When he hands it to her, he's smiling. "It's 'Heathy Boo Bear.'"

She smiles and quickly answers it. "Hi Heath!"

"Hey, Autumn," He says. "I have someone who wants to talk to you."

"Who...?" She asks, frowning.

"Don't worry, it's not Drew," He reassures her.

Before she can protest, she hears some shuffling around, then an Indian accent says, "Hello, Aut - I mean, Sabrina."

"Jinder?" She asks, confused.

"Yes," He says. "I just wanted to apologize for anything I may have done to disrespect you. You are a wonderful girl and Drew should be ashamed of himself for what he did."

"Thanks...But I'm fine, really," She says. "I'm sure whatever you did, it wasn't intentional. I'm just hard to get along with."

"Heath would like to talk to you now," He says, and there's once again more shuffling around.

"Did you put him up to that?" Sabrina asks.

"No, I promise I didn't," He says. "He realized how much of an asshole he was being and wanted to apologize. And I wanted to talk to you."

"What do you want to talk to me about?" She asks.

"How are you doing?"

"Chris is taking good care of me," She says, rolling her eyes. "You have nothing to worry about."

"Is it just you two in the house?" He asks.

"Oh my God, Heath, I'm not having sex with him!" She says. She glances at Chris, who is holding back his laughter.

"I'm your big brother, Autumn, I just wanted to make sure," He says.

"I'm hanging up now before this gets any weirder," She says.

"I'll call you in a few days to check on you," He says.

"Bye, Heath," She says, hanging up the phone.

Laughing, Chris says, "Aw, you're not going to have sex with me, Sabrina?"

She glares at him. "No, I am not. That was just my brother being overprotective. I was assuring him that I would not be having sex with you."

"You won't be having sex with me on the first date, right?" He asks, smirking.

"There hasn't been a first date!" She says, laughing. She reaches for her crutches and stands up. "I'm going to sleep. My ankle doesn't hurt anymore."

She starts walking to her room, but stops when Chris starts talking.

"There can be a first date, you know," He says, quietly.

She turns around. "What?"

"I mean, if you want to go on a date," He adds, quickly.

She gives him a small smile. "Yeah, that'd be nice. I might go on a date with you, Jericho, if you ask me properly. And when I'm all unbroken." She motions to her ankle. "When this thing gets off, I'll go on a date with you, but you have to properly ask me."

He smiles. "Alright. I'm holding you to that!"

"I know you are," She says. "But we'll have to see if you can stand being with me for these next few weeks."

She turns back around and goes to her room.

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