13- Remorse

TW: blood/Heavy blood, Death

The bullet pierced the air as silence invaded.

Meme was shot. The bullet aimed directly at his chest. He fell and not a second later, all of his friends came running to him, tears in their eyes. Survivor Meme looked in horror at both his dead self and L4FF; he couldn't believe his own eyes. Survivor Blaza glared at L4FF coldly, but instead of running away, L4FF fell to his knees. But it wasnt L4FF anymore- It was Laff.

Laff sat there, his hands in his head. Somewhere in his mind, Socks felt sympathy for Laff. It wasn't his fault, he was possessed by a terminator, by the looks of it, he didn't want this life. The body of Meme was covered in a small pool of blood, the wound was a scarlet red. Blaza stood next to Meme. He was a great man, and didn't deserve this. Nobody deserved it.

A few minutes passed and everyone had stopped mourning. The night sky covered them in despair, the stone gray clouds mourned at the loss of a fellow human. The trees whistled, in remembrance of Meme. Oof decided to take the harsh role of carrying Meme's body. His clothes were covered in his dripping blood, as he began to slowly walk away with the others slowly following behind.

"Wait... Laff!" Socks mentioned, Laff hasn't moved from his place- probably because of shock.

"I'll get him." Survivor Blaza muttered as he grabbed Laff, the dry tears from his eyes disappearing as he took off his sunglasses. Laff followed him without a word except from the savage guilt clouding his mind.

"Look- B-Blaza..." Laff stuttered, his hands were sludged beside him as he walked slowly

"It's Survivor Blaza. After what YOU did to my world."

"Don't blame him Survivor Blaza, this isn't his fault and you know it." Survivor Socks replied harshly. Survivor Blaza glared at Survivor Socks but carried on walking ahead with Laff.

Oof shivered as he carefully walked with Meme's corspe. Socks, Survivor Meme and Muffin were leading the group in the creek of the night. Whilst the others closely following Survivor Blaza and a distraughted Laff.

"Do you need help Oof?" Muffin asked politely, Oof thought for a second.

"No, I don't think carrying a body of a person you knew extremely well will help a 14 year old mentally..." Oof answered, his tone dead serious. The pitch black night sky wasn't helping at all, but even so, Survivor Meme helped Oof with Meme's body.


The Military was barely visible in the dark night. The lampposts surrounding it was dimmed- Almost as if they knew about the tragedy that occurred. All the group walked into the desolate halls, they found a specific area to place Meme's body until his funeral.

Oof placed down Meme's body, the blood on his hands were drying, and he had to force himself to look away from Meme. It was a ruthless imagine, one that he would never forget.

"Come on guys, let's rest, we have spare bunkers for you all." Blaza told, Oof nodded and the everyone followed him to the spare rooms in which they could sleep.

Survivor Blaza eyed Laff carefully before placing him into a cell room.

"Don't do anything." Survivor Blaza scowled. Laff could barely look at him nor anyone, his hands were on his head and he turned away from Survivor Blaza subtly. Survivor Blaza stormed off, his weariness beginning to take control as soon as he began to reach into his bed, awaiting the upcoming days.


The next day arose quickly, maybe it was because Socks fell asleep straight away? Socks didn't know, but he realised that he had simple tasks for him to do in the morning.

He and Joocie were the only ones awake at that time the others seemed to be knocked out. Deciding not to disturb anyone, the two made their way onto the Military grounds.

"I can't believe this... it all felt like a dream- or more like a nightmare." Jooie exclaimed. He was certainly wide awake and ready for anything, but Socks ultimately knew that he should give him some free time to comprehend everything.

"Do you know what Joocie? It was a long night, you and everyone else were exhausted, why don't you chill for a while outside the base?" Socks polity requested, Joocie nodded as a response.

"Thank you! Just call me if you need me." Joocie almost spinted off and Socks saw his figure slowly disappearing away from the base.

Socks stood there for a couple seconds before thinking of something else to do; he thought it was best to leave the others at peace after what happened yesterday, even now at the thought of it some shivers washed over him.

After walking around for a little bit, he thought that visiting Laff would grant both of them the reassurance that they needed. As he trembled through the isolated building, he saw Laff, who was in a really bad state.

Laff's eyes looked like he hadn't slept for a very long time, his chocolate-coloured hair was extremely messy, the mask that he wore was extremely grey. Socks knocked to alert Laff that he was here, Laff turned around and stood up, facing Socks from behind the window that separated them.

"S-Socks? What are you- doing here?" Laff asked, that voice didn't belong to the man Socks once knew, instead, it sounded like somebody that had went through a whole lifetime of pain and agony.

"Laff! How are you doing?" Socks solemnly replied.

The gas man sighed; he had just killed one of his friends, of course it would affect him. Socks looked painfully at Laff, it wasn't really the Laff he once knew. If only things would change. Laff paused for a few minutes, eyes staring into the deep acknowledgement of reflection. Hde fidgeted with his hands for a while and Socks waited patiently.

"It started a few weeks ago, I started hearing voices in my head, he was speaking to me-" The words crumbled from his mouth and Socks instantly had shivers from his spine. "He was telling me how I would kill you all but I kept ignoring him until... I gave up"

"I'm sorry you had to face that. It isn't your fault, and you're safe"

"No. I still hear him, every ticking second... I can't escape, can I?"

Socks heard footsteps approaching him so he faced around and saw Survivor Blaza, quickly approaching the two of them. His eyebrows furrowed, his fists clenched, his mouth struggling to keep itself contained.

"Socks, get out of here." Survivor Blaza sighed, trying to keep his frustration and pure anger contained. Socks looked at the two of them and stepped a few feet away, just so Survivor Blaza couldn't see him.

"Bl- Survivor Blaza..." Laff gulped, he could see Survivor Blaza was angry, so he closed his eyes and let him say what he needed to say.

"Laff, or L4FF." Survivor Blaza spat abruptly at Laff.

"Look... I know what you are going to say... I am sorry."

"Sorry? Is sorry what you say when your world is blown up and almost all your friends are dead?"

"I-I know. B-"

Socks watched as Blaza carried on ranting, saying the worst insults at Laff. Yes, he has every right to be angry but not at Laff. Surely he wasn't blind to see that it really wasn't Laff's fault? Laff sat in silence in the room, the shadows overlaying his pale face, Survivor Blazas anger really took a toll on him, and he couldn't watch it anymore.

"EVERYTHING IS ALL YOUR FAULT, MY WORLD IS GONE AND YOU'RE IN THE PROGRESS OF BLOWING UP THIS ONE." Laff still sat there, his eyes closed as he seemed to be resisting the urge to bring out the terminator inside of him.

"Survivor Blaza, leave him alone." Oof came in and practically dragged the furious Survivor Blaza out, his cheeks flushed from all the anger he displayed. "Get some rest"

Laff mouthed 'Thank you' to him and sighed as a relief as he opened his eyes and got up. Socks had already moved away from Laff, and decided to do something else to clear his thoughts.

Oof took Survivor Blaza to the main building, where Survivor Meme and Muffin were.

"Hello." Muffin welcomed the two, but decided to stop talking after noticing Survivor Blazas anger. Oof nticed Muffin whilst Survivor Blaza ignored him.A few minutes later, Oof came back, and saw the two waiting; Muffin was sitting on a table lazily while Survivor Meme leaned against a grey counter.

"Survivor Blaza is taking a nap... Hopefully" Oof sighed, as he began to sit on a wooden chair next to the two.

"Are you okay Oof?" Survivor Meme asked, yesterday felt like a blur to him and all he could remember was the fact that Oof carried Meme's dead body.

"I think we should all be asking ourselves that question." A hint of frustration appeared in his voice as he began to get up. "I should probably check on the others, nice talking to you." He got up and walked away steadily.

"That was barely a conversation you know." Muffin pointed out obviously and he faced Survivor Meme. "We should call Nadwe."

"OH MY GOD, WHERE IS NADWE?!" Survivor Meme exclaimed hearing Muffin's response. He stood up now too, but this time starting to prepare for the journey outside. He held a gun and started heading out.

"Where are you going, Meme?" A voice called, Survivor Meme looked behind him to find Survivor Socks leaning against the doorway. Meme paused.

"To go find Nadwe, he went missing after Meme's death." Muffin revealed, Survivor Meme shot him a look but Muffin stood strongly and shrugged.

"Great, we will all go."

"No... I want to do this by myself." Survivor Meme complained, Survivor Socks already grabbed a gun with him and held it tightly

"It this truly was the smp... Then you know how many dangerous creatures lurk around us. Three is better than one."

Survivor Meme didn't argue back, so the three began to get ready and find Nadwe.


The midday struck soon, the tangerine colourerd leaves swiftly leaped onto the ground, creating a dry amber texture along the floor. The smokey grey clouds growled, it was obvious that it was going to be heavy rainfall soon.

The three stumbled into the forest and Muffin led the group-having the most experience with the forest. A few minutes later and they drove deeper into the forest, the footprints dampened the amber leaves, leaving them into eternal despair. Each step made a subtle rustle and clatter of leaves, the trees began to expose themselves without the protection of their precious leaves. Each antique tree had long, piercing branches, and some contained snapped branches.

A drop of water feel down at the three, and as they began to look up they noticed what was happening: The sky was covered in a blanket of charcoal grey clouds, and as the heavy storm had already begun, the three feared that there was not much time left, so they hurried.

"Nadwe? Nadwe?" Survivor Meme called out at the barren trees, but in no surprise, there was no answer.

"Maybe I was wrong, why would he be here?" Muffin sighed impatiently.

"What if... He's g-gone?" His hands began to tremble after he remembered the terrible fate for his world's Nadwe.

"You know Nadwe Meme, he's a fighter. He won't give up that easily." Survivor Socks remarked, every second felt nowhere near to Nadwe.

"Is Nadwe a vampire Muffin?" Survivor Meme questioned curiously, of course, in his world, Nadwe was a vampire there so the two worlds had to have some similarity.

"Not that I know of..." Muffin replied, the streak of exhaustion rising in his voice. It was almost pitch black, apart from the faint aura of the moon. "Unless he is and doesn't know it himself, then maybe"

After a moment or two of complete awkwardness, the three heard a leaf crunch from not that far. Immediately Survivor Meme followed the sound, with Muffin and Survivor Socks following unexpectedly.

To their surprise, they found what they were looking for, as the young boy was leaning against the tree with his head in his arms. He looked like a statue, one that hasn't moved in years, upon thinking of it, a shiver rushed through Survivor Meme.

As the three had no time to process anything, Muffin had just noticed what was about to happen: A vampire was about to attack him, its silver fangs shone brightly as its crimson eyes lit up the forest beyond it, it began to creep up towards Nadwe, but before Survivor Meme could save him, it was too late...

The vampire bit Nadwe.

Nadwe let of a deafening scream, the trees almost pushed back by the force, the clouds snarling. Nadwe stood up and held the part of his neck where the bite landed. Before the vampire could do anything, the three approached the two, causing the Vampire to disappear away from them.

Survivor Meme ran up to Nadwe and didn't care the slightest about his surroundings, Nadwe looked at the three in shock.

"NADWE! ARE YOU OKAY? IS THE-" Survivor Meme began looking at the bite mark before acknowledging what was going to happen next. Surely history wasn't going to repeat itself...

Wasn't it?

Survivor Meme didn't want to think about that right now, so he shook those thoughts away. Before he knew it Nadwe was unconscious so he gestured to the two to make sure that they were safe, Survivor Socks held his gun and pointed it in every sound he heard. It wasn't long until Survivor Meme carried Nadwe out, following Survivor Socks and Muffin.


Socks entered Survivor Blaza's room. After making a tough debate with himself whether to talk about Laff with him or not, he decided that he should. Survivor Blaza was sat up on his Bed, and didn't seem tired at all. Instead, he stared into space.

The door Socks held closed gently, as Survivor Blaza noticed Socks enter.

"Hello Socks." The stern greeting was by Survivor Blaza.

"Blaza... Hey, I need to tell you something." Socks replied, a part of him was nervous, whilst the other fought hard to make sure what was about to be said.

"Yeah, what's up?" Survivor Blaza began to get up and open the curtains. Expecting some reassuring Sunlight, he was met with the dark and raging clouds.

"This is about Laff."

"Did Laff escape? Why are we wasting time? Did he kill anyone?"

"No-" Socks took a deep inhale "But I think you should go easy on Laff. This wasn't his fault. He didn't want any of this!"

Survivor Blaza's face darkened.


"Don't what?"

"You don't know what happened in our world." Survivor Blaza spat, the tension peeking in his voice, it was almost as if it was topped with vemon. "Don't question ME"

Socks decided whether to relinquish this argument, so he stood in silence deciding; his shoulders and posture was tense, and just the words by Survivor Blaza gave uncomfortable goosebumps.

"I-I didn't say it like-" Socks paused, he really didn't want to carry this argument further, Survivor Blaza was full of rage.

Survivor Blaza stormed away from his room, leaving Socks facing the window of treacherous thunder outside. He gulped and headed out.


Oof stared at the building that Laff was trapped in. It was for everyone's benefit, but a small amount of guilt formed in Oof. As he began to walk towards it, he noticed Laff walking around in the compact room of the small building. Laff was pacing around, side to side, back and forth and repeated. He looked deep in thought and concentration.

When Oof was in Laff's view he stopped completely and stood in a small area where Oof could properly see him. The man looked like Laff but Oof could already see drastic changes in him: His hair was ruffled and under his sleep deprived eyes were dark, heavy bags. The way that he would occasionally twitch or looked like he was indeed unwell frightened Oof.

"Laff... are you okay?" Those three words Oof pointed out were his first instincts to say, what do you say when your friend had been possessed by a terminator? Oof clearly didn't know.

"Oof! Hello... How- How are you?" Laff responded, although he seemed extremely confused and shocked.

"When was the last time you fell asleep?"

"I fell asleep aroud 5..." Laff took a moment to think. "5 days?" He himself looked uncertain, and Oof's concerns kept worrying.

"Laff you should really go to to sleep. Why- How are you doing this?"

"I- I try to go asleep. But all I think about is... Meme." Laff admitted, his exhausted eyes begging for sleep. He sat down and placed his hands on his face.

"It isn't your fault! You didn't want this, it was L4FF!" Oof defended

"It doesn't feel that way..." Laff took a deep inhale, and closed his eyes. "I just feel responsible for this. I saw the gun in my hand, I watched as my fingers pulled the trigger. I saw Meme fall down- Lifeless"

There was a strong silence after that. Mainly because Oof had no idea what to say- Laff had a point, he saw himself shoot Meme, and there was nothing Oof can do anything about it. Laff on the other hand struggled to keep the terminator inside of him contained.

I'll take care of them... All of them, just give me control.

No, You killed Meme, Y-You've ruined these innocent people...

A small price to pay, Laff. I thought you out of everyone would understand. Clearly I was wrong.

You are a twisted, insane version of me! You have no right to attack anyone...

Laff felt himself losing his patience, not with the terminator inside of him, just everything. Before it was too late, he warned Oof about what may happen, in which Oof responded by nodding and heading out by the second- Probably to alert the others.

A few moments pass as the terminator and the human argue, with one losing his patience for every living second. But as his weary eyes could tell, he had already given up, and casted instantly into a realm of eternal darkness...


The door bursts open as Survivor Socks, Muffin and Survivor Meme holding Nadwe enter. Survivor Socks immediately searched for the nearest bed and threw everything on it to a side, then he yelled:

"Quickly! Meme-" Survivor Meme nodded as he carefully placed Nadwe on the bed. He sighed, exhausted as he sat on the bed next to Nadwe.

"Just let him rest for a while, and then we will see is he's- a vampire." Survivor Meme gulped. Muffin and Survivor Socks began making their way out of there.

"He will be fine." Muffin reassured, as he gave one final glance at Survivor Meme and quickly head off.

The two entered the main hall, instead of making their way to their rooms, they found Blaza, Socks and Joocie sitting down. The two joined them.

"Hey, where were you guys today?" Socks asked before Muffin sat down next to him. Beside the bundle of chairs was a large vibrant candle, which illuminated the room that they sat in.

"We got Nadwe back!" Survivor Socks explained, his head was leaning against his hand. He sounded exhausted, Blaza thought it might be a good idea to leave them sleep in peace.

"How about you guys?" Muffin paused whilst Blaza glanced at Socks who nodded at him "What did you do?"

"Survivor Blaza was... guilt tripping Laff. He's angry- no doubt but there's nothing we can do. A few moments later Socks argued with him." Blaza replied, a sense of fear struck him as he wondered if he would ever reach that potential of rage, however shook that thought away.

Survivor Socks mouthed 'oh' at the two before getting up. "Gonna go to be bed, see ya tomorrow." He gave a yawn as he headed away from the room and into his own.

"Is Nadwe okay?" Joocies concern for him had begun rising.

"He's fine, just tired" Muffin calmly replied. Joocie looked away for a second, then back. He stayed silent for a few moments until Oof bursted in.

"Guys! We have a problem" Oof yelled with panic, the four got up immediately.

"What's wrong?" Blaza questioned.

"Laff. Hes- He's gone."

Another cliff hanger? Why not! Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great day! :D

(Words: 3458)

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