Chapter 4

One of these days, maybe your magic won't affect me

And your kiss won't make me weak

But no one in this world knows me the way you know me

So you'll probably always have a spell on me

Hate that I love you, Rihanna ft. Ne-Yo

Jimin didn't know how long they had spent together. They had talked once both had stopped crying. It had been hours and the sky was dark outside, but none of them had wanted to leave the other's embrace.

Jungkook kept rubbing his back and kissing the top of his head, whispering apologies every minute, telling him how much he missed him. It was more than he ever dreamed of. Jimin couldn't believe he was where he wanted to be. Jungkook now knew the truth. That was enough.

"Hyung..." Jungkook called after a while.


"Will you give me another chance?"

Jimin's head whipped up, eyes blinking the tears away as he stared at Jungkook wordlessly. "W-What?"

"I know I don't deserve your forgiveness or another chance," he spoke earnestly and looked so sincere that Jimin's heart clenched. "Will you allow me to make it up to you, hyung?"


What was he even talking about? Jungkook suffered just as much as he did, though in a different way. He didn't know the truth and believed Jimin had left him. He had tried to contact him and it wasn't his fault he couldn't reach Jimin. How could Jimin hold Jungkook responsible for something that wasn't even in his control?

"It's okay if you don't want to. I'll understand." Jungkook averted his gaze. "Will you at least talk to me? I don't think I'll be able to go on without you. I was barely living, hyung. There wasn't a day where I stopped thinking about you."


"I'm sorry. I'm being selfish again, aren't I? I'll just...whatever you want I—"

Jimin kissed him. The good old method he always used to shut him up to stop him from blabbering. Jungkook stiffened, seemingly frozen before he began to kiss him back. It was still the same as he remembered. Jungkook still felt the same. So soft, yet firm.

Jungkook cupped his face to deepen the kiss and Jimin couldn't hold back the soft sob. Oh how much he missed this. He desperately clung to Jungkook. He didn't want to let go again.


Jungkook couldn't believe the way things had turned out in the past couple of hours. His emotions were haywire. He couldn't believe the effect Jimin still had on him. He had realized how foolish his actions were as soon as Jimin had walked into that room.

Many people had told him that he was unreasonable at times. But Jungkook believed he was always reasonable. There was always a reason behind his actions. He always thought twice before doing something. But once he had made a decision no one could change his mind. He was stubborn that way.

Jungkook hadn't regretted his life choices like he did when he met Jimin again. Maybe the reasons he kept giving himself for all this weren't true. He wasn't being completely honest with himself.

Deep down he just wanted to see if Jimin would even care. To see how Jimin would react if he learned Jungkook was getting married. He wanted to know if it would hurt Jimin to see that he has moved on and not stuck on him. He just wanted to know if Jimin really loved him like he did.

He had genuinely believed Jimin didn't want to talk to him. It hurt a lot. Still, he tried. He kept begging for him to come home. Told him how much he missed him and how life wasn't the same without him. How it killed him to go on about without seeing him, without hearing his voice. How much it hurt to come back to an empty apartment after a hard day without him there to tell him everything will be okay.

Because he had spent months begging Jimin only for him to change the number and stop any means he had to contact him. It had hurt him deeply. So he couldn't bring himself to contact Jimin again and beg him shamelessly once more. This sounded like a perfect plan to check on Jimin and see what he was up to.

But then he also wanted Jimin to hurt as much as he did. A sick part of him saw this as a win-win. However, as soon as he saw Jimin, he knew. The joke was on Jungkook. If only he hadn't given up. Maybe he should have left America and gone back. Trusted in their love and gone to turn every stone upside down until he had found Jimin. Should have just sucked it up and begged him once more. But he was stuck as well. If his family ever had gotten their hands on him, they wouldn't let him leave again.

Jimin was his strength. He was his backbone. With him gone, he had to learn to live without him. It wasn't easy. He never adjusted. He never learned. Even after all these years, he still longed for him. As much as he tried to pretend it didn't hurt him anymore, a part of him always relived the memories he had with Jimin. Always imagined what it would feel like to have him there. To share this new life he had built for the both of them to enjoy.

He had known leaving wasn't easy. He had known Jimin had everything planned for his future. Yet he forced Jimin to leave with him because he didn't see any other way they could have been together. His family would have ruined both their career and lives. They had enough money and power to do so. They would have taken Jimin away from him. So he opted for the only choice he thought they both had.

If only he hadn't made that choice. As he sat there at the table, he couldn't help but wonder if this had anything to do with Jimin's disappearance.

That morning, he was sitting on pins and needles, waiting for a chance to get away from that place. Everything about the situation felt wrong. He hadn't felt this guilty in his life. When he saw Jimin leaving the room, he was going to leave too. But his mother had stopped him, wanting to talk about something. He had shifted from one foot to the other, waiting for the stupid, meaningless conversation to end.

When it did end after an hour, he had rushed to find Namjoon hyung who fleetingly told him Jimin was innocent and directed him to Taehyung's room.

Out of all the scenarios he conjured in his mind, he didn't expect to meet Jimin under such circumstances. He was an idiot. A selfish, self-centered, and arrogant asshole. Jimin was and still is an angel. He didn't deserve him.

He had forgiven him so easily even though he didn't deserve any of it. Yes, he hurt too, but all that paled in comparison to what Jimin went through. He wasn't there for him when he needed him the most. That thought hurt him more than the pain he went through when he believed Jimin had left him.

He shouldn't be begging for another chance when he had hurt him in the first place, but he was still selfish. He wanted Jimin back in his life. Just having him in his arms had made him feel so much better and at peace. A peace he hadn't felt in seven years.

What he didn't expect was the kiss. His tears flowed without restraint when he tasted Jimin's salty tears. Jimin was a sensitive person and he could only imagine how much it would have hurt him to think Jungkook was marrying someone else. Yet, he came. There was no forgiveness for what he did and he knew he would spend the rest of his life begging for one. He would spend every waking hour proving he could be a better person for Jimin.

Jimin still tasted the same. He was so soft and warm against him. With his tears, he also tasted hope. Maybe it wasn't too late. Maybe he still had a chance. Maybe things will be alright again.

When Jungkook broke the kiss to press his forehead against his, the words I love you were at the tip of his tongue. It felt so right, but did he deserve to say those words aloud?

Jimin's eyes were closed and his makeup was ruined. He could now see the burn scars on the right side of his face. His eyebrow was scorched, cut in half with remnants of healed skin present there. When he opened his eyes, Jungkook sucked in a sharp breath and choked on a sob. His once vibrant and lively eye was now pale and colorless. Sometime during their conversation and all the crying, his contact lens must have slipped off.

My baby. How much pain did you go through?

He caressed the side of his face tenderly, another sob slipping out of his chest and wanting to cover every inch of Jimin's with his lips. Kiss it better and take that pain away. That was what he did. He gently kissed every inch of the scar.

A shiver ran through his body remembering how Jimin explained the accident. He was pinned when the car toppled. A fire had started and it burned the right side of his face. It had taken multiple reconstructive surgeries to get him here.

His chest heaved with the sobs. He felt like the worst person alive for leaving Jimin like that. He hadn't known but that didn't mean he didn't regret it.

I don't deserve you.

But that wasn't what Jimin wanted to hear. He knew as much. He knew his once best friend and then-boyfriend hated any self-deprecating talks. Jungkook was full of them until Jimin changed him for good.

He didn't think he was enough. Jimin had always been better than him, which led to his jealousy and fear of losing him. It led to all their fights and now Jungkook could see how foolish he had been. Jimin was the best thing that could ever happen to him and he had given up on him without even trying.

Jimin had a huge heart and he forgave so easily.

"I love you," Jungkook whispered.

Jimin laughed, a merry sound he hadn't heard in ages, his tears springing free.

Jungkook was lost again in that laughter. Taken back to the times he'd made a fool out of himself to just make Jimin laugh. A glint in his left hand caught his attention.He pulled away and concern flooded Jimin's features.

"There's something I must do first."

Jimin tensed when he gently pried off his fingers. "You're leaving? D-Don't go. Don't leave." Panic echoed in his voice and he trembled.

"Shh..." Jungkook hugged him again before kissing his head repeatedly. "I'm not leaving," he murmured into his skin. "I need to break it off with Hyewa first."

At that, Jimin moved away as if he touched a hot plate. He touched his lips in horror as his gaze automatically found the engagement ring on Jungkook's ring finger.

"Oh, my God! I'm so sorry." He shook his head, his heart racing. "I shouldn't have. We shouldn't—"

Jungkook cupped his face. He needed to come clean with everyone. It was clear as the broad daylight Jimin still owned his heart.

"I don't love her and she doesn't love me either," he explained. "It's a business arrangement. One I agreed to just so I have a reason to contact you without hurting my pride," he said and scoffed at how ridiculous it sounded. "I didn't propose to her the way one would do to a lover. I slid the ring box toward her after dinner and she accepted. It was customary. I didn't even put it on her finger. The only time I touched her was to hold her hand in front of our parents. There's nothing between us."

Jimin relaxed a bit but didn't look any less guilty. "Still—"

"I know. She doesn't deserve this. That's why I need to break it off first." Jungkook took both his hands in his. "You have always been selfless. You are the most forgiving person I have ever known. Hyung, even after I put you through all that pain, you're still here." Jungkook couldn't stop the sob that slipped out then. "You knew I was doing this purposefully to hurt you, but still you came. I don't deserve you."

"I told you it's not your fault. It's none of our fault," Jimin argued. "Stop saying that, Jungkookie. It hurts me more when I see your pain."

Jungkook smiled sadly. "I should have been there for you. I want to be there for you if you'll let me."


"Don't say anything yet." He waved his left hand in the air with a humorless chuckle. "Let me come back as a free man. Then we can talk."

Jimin stopped him before he could leave.

"Jungkook-ah, I'm not the same."

"I know. I'm not the same either."


"No buts. I want you." He leaned forward to silence him with another kiss. "Only you."

Jimin let him go with a soft smile and teary eyes.

"I'll be back soon."


Jimin was in disbelief. The day had been eventful and emotionally taxing. He didn't think he went through so many emotions in a matter of hours like this before. By the time he made it to his room, he was exhausted. He didn't even bother to check the time when he jumped into the shower.

His eyes were already drooping when he changed into something comfortable and he was out like a light the moment his head hit the pillow. Just before he passed out, he managed to remove the one contact lens that was still intact in his eyes.

When he woke up it was bright and he still felt drained. Yesterday felt like a dream. Jungkook had met him and they had talked. Did all that really happen? Did they really kiss? Or was that one of his fever dreams?

He checked the time and it was almost eleven in the morning. There were a few texts on his phone from Taehyung and the others asking if he was okay. He replied to them and headed to the bathroom. Jungkook wasn't back yet and he hasn't texted him either.

What happened?

Did everything go well?

Was he able to talk to her?

He was still lost in thoughts when he came out. There was a knock on the door and Jimin's heart suddenly began to race. Was it Jungkook?

He hurried to the door with all the speed he could muster. With his glasses, perched on his nose, he threw the door open, his breath hitching when he saw who it was outside the door.


He was still in last night's clothes and he was grinning ear to ear. "It's over, Jimin hyung. I'm a free man."


He waved his free hand in front of him.

Jimin stepped aside to let him inside. "What did she say?"

"Well, I didn't actually talk to her."

"Huh?" Jimin frowned. "How did you break up with her if you didn't talk to her?"

Jungkook smiled sheepishly. "I did go to talk to her, but um...she wasn't there in her room." He cleared his throat. "Her room was open, so I went inside to check. Then I found a letter. Apparently, she was in love with someone else and agreed to marry me only because of her parent's pressure. Last night, she eloped with him," he explained animatedly. "Imagine my surprise. It's as if fate is on my side today."

Jimin's eyes widened. "Wow."

Jungkook beamed. "I know right."

"When you didn't show up...I was worried. You didn't even text me."

"I couldn't. It's chaos downstairs. Come." Jungkook tugged at his hand and led him to the bed and sat him down. "Her father was furious and called the police. He turned the entire place upside down, you know. But she has already left the country."

He sat on the floor next to him and put his head on his lap with a soft sigh. "I'm happy I didn't have to break it off. I mean...not that I wouldn't have but it kinda worked in my favor. My parents were feeling guilty that this happened and are ready to do anything."


"I told them there is someone I want to marry, only if that person agrees of course."

"Oh." Jimin felt his cheeks flare. "Did that person agree?"

He lifted his head. "I wouldn't know unless they agreed to go on a date with me."

Jimin's breath hitched as he stared into the eyes that held the entire galaxy. "Date?"

Jungkook took both his hands in his hands again. "Will you go on a date with me again?"

He laughed because none of this felt real. But Jungkook was here, disheveled and looking like something the cat dragged in, sitting on the floor and staring at his makeup-free face with the same expression he used to have all those years ago.

There were several questions in his mind, several insecurities that wanted to take the front seat and stop him from reaching out. But this was Jungkook. His Jungkook. The man he was still in love with and the man he wanted more than anything else in the world.

"I'd love to."

Ah fuck, I'm crying now. This is why I refrain from writing angst. I only want to write happy stuff. You know how I end up writing a lot of smut during my periods...I was going to do the same today. But then suddenly my brain was like, not today bitch, today I choose pain. So here I am. I'm sorry if I made you cry. I couldn't help it.

Next is epilogue.

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