Petey woke up the next morning to notice that the sun was up and brighter then ever. He groggliy (is that a word?) rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock on Dogmans nightstand. 10:15.
He took off the covers and stretched, yawning as he got up and walked to the bathroom. At this point he'd stayed over enough times to have his own toothbrush. As he brushed his teeth he noticed how much of a wreak he looked.
"Why the fuck do I look like shit...? UUUGHH!"
he decided to style his fur and puffed it out the way his mom used to.
He missed his mom. More than anything.
He remembered that one time he came home from school to hear his mom screaming.
Took him years to understand that...That bastard of a husband raped his mom.
Next time he saw him, he'd kill him.
Petey shook his head. Reminding himself not to dwell on the past and look towards the future.
After doing his morning routine, he saw Dogman making breakfast with Lil Petey drawing on the table.
"Oh! Hi papa! I didn't know you stayed over again! I like how you styled your fur too!" Lil Petey smiled at Petey.
Petey chuckled and ruffled Lil Peteys fur, making Lil Petey let out a soft giggle. "Morning sport. And thanks."
Petey then turned to Dogman, who had apron on saying 'Kiss the cook'.
"Looks tempting."
Dogmans eyes widened, looking to the side at him as his muzzle turned red.
"I MEANT THE FOOD!" Petey sputtered out. "But hey, at least we aren't having canned dog food for breakfast."
Dogman would sign a wel deserved 'fuck you' , but his hands were full. Petey decided to help and whisked the eggs.
"You...Doin ok Greg?"
Dogmn let out a bark and a nod.
"You need any help today? Like cleaning, taking care of Lil Petey? Anything?"
Dog man shrugged his shoulders as a 'I'd think about it' gesture.
As Dogman and Petey served breakfast, Lil Petey asked if they could go to the park later, so Lil Petey could play with Molly.
"Sure Lil Petey. I can ask Flippy if we can pick up Molly so you can play with her at the park, ok?" Dogman signed.
"Ok! Thanks dad!"
"Wait, you call Greg dad??" Petey sat confused.
"Sometimes. But you're both my dads!" Lil Petey happily explained.
"I think it's sweet!" Dogman signed again, smiling as he did. "And I like your fur style Petey." He brushed a finger against Peteys face.
Petey blushed and grumbled at Dogman. "T-thank you..."
Dogman and Petey watched Lil Petey play with Molly at the park, smiling as they watched them play tag with each other and draw.
Petey looked off to the side,thinking back to his moment of vulnerability and trust he put into Dogman last night.
...But also his growing feelings for the dog.
He never expected his ex-enemy to be the one Petey was attracted to. But he shook it off. Besides, he's a cat and Greg's a dog!
Petey wondered if he could tell Dogman more. I mean, he thinks Dogman would like to listen to what he'd say.
Maybe he can finally tell him secrets and problems that's bugged him for years.
He knew he could trust Greg. And Greg knew he could trust him.
"Hey Dogman?"
Dogman and Petey both turned their heads over to look each other in the eyes. Dogmans hands moved with skilled rhythm and meaning.
"Yeah Petey? Is something wrong?"
Petey took a deep breath in and out. This was it. The moment of trust. The leap of faith. The trust fall.
"Would you like to know more about me? And once I'm done we can talk about you? Like an I go, you go thing?"
"Ok then! Sounds fun!"
Well that was easier then expected--
Petey cleared his throat nervously before sighing.
"...I'm transgender and my birth name is Poppy..."
Petey expected a disgusted "ew!" and a look of horrification on his face. But he only saw acceptance and welcoming.
"Cool. Glad you decided to be who you wanted to be."
"Yeah! I would never judge you with your choices and lifestyle. You just gotta be yourself Petey. That's what I love about you."
Petey blushed more. Goddamnit, why did he have to have that stupid smile?!
"Ok my turn!" Dogman excitedly signed. "To me you're yellow, not orange."
"What? You think I'm yellow??"
"I'm color blind."
"Oh. I forgot dogs were color blind."
"It's ok. Your turn!"
Petey put a hand on his chin. Trying to think of something.
"I'm gay."
That even shocked Petey. How did he say that so bluntly?! AND WHY DID HE SAY THAT TO DOGMAN?! HE'S GONNA THINK HE'S A CREEP!
Dogman snickered a bit. He signed happily to him.
"Cool. I'm bi."
"That's pretty cool. I didn't know dogs could have sexualities."
"Well, we do."
Petey blushed a bit more at that. The sun aluminated his features and making his fur lighten up as he shyly looks away.
Dogman cleared his throat, before nervously snifing him. Like what does do when they see a female dog. Petey took notice of this and started freaking out internally.
"Hey papa! Can I stay over at Mollys house for a sleepover?" Lil Petey interrupted the moment by asking the question. Petey shook his head as to shake off the blush.
"S-sure kid. When we drop off Molly, we'll let you off too." Petey nervously said, still embarrassed by the seemingly intimate situation between him and Dogman.
Dogman barked a yes in response, and right after, his phone started to ring. It was the Chief telling Dogman he needed to come in for an emergency staff meeting. Dogman frowned and hugged Lil Petey a good bye hug, doing the same to Petey.
"I'll come right back after okay?" Dogman signed before rushing off to the police station.
About an hour later, Petey started driving to Flippys place. Lil Petey and Molly giggling and whispering to each other in the backseat.
"What are you little sneakers whispering about?" Petey playfully asked.
"Are you and Dogman 'In LoVe' ??~" Molly giggled along with Lil Petey. Peteys face turned red.
"M-ME AND GREGS RELATIONSHIP SHOULD BE NOTHING THAT CONCERNS YOU!" Petey shot back, making Lil Petey and Molly burst out in a long fit of laughter.
Petey grumbled. But his blush didn't falter.
Petey knew that there was a lingering tension between him and Dogman. A thing he couldn't describe, but he liked the feeling of it. He liked the feeling of when Dogman would get close...When he licked his face or kissed his cheek, he'd feel a wave of euphoria. And he loved it.
But he knew it all just had to be in his head. There's not anything else besides friendship and co-parenting. And it would stay that way forever. Even if Petey wanted more. Since he didn't want to risk the beautiful friendship he had with Greg.
Once Petey pulled into the drive through of Flippys place, Flippy came over and opened the door.
"Hey Molly! Did you have a good time with Lil Petey and his dads?"
"Yep! Lil Petey would like to stay over and Petey said he already could. Is that ok?"
"As long as his dads already said yes, it's perfectly fine with me! But please try not to make a big mess...-"
"We won't !" Lil Petey and Molly then rushed into Mollys bedroom. Flippy sighed and looked over at Petey, who seemed internally conflicted.
"What's wrong there Petey? Something bothering you?" Flippy questioned as he put a claw on Peteys shoulder.
"Yeah...But I'm just...Confused..."
"Want to come inside and talk about it? I can make us some coffee!"
"Ummm...Sure I guess. No harm trying."
Flippy lead Petey into the dinning area, grabbing the coffee grounds and water as he started making the coffee for them.
"So. What's on you mind Petey?" Flippy questioned ashe turned on the coffee machine.
"W-well...When we were driving back from the park, Molly asked me if me and Greg were...A thing...And I've recently been thinking about it..."
"Oh! Has there been any significant changes in you and Dogmans relationship?" Flippy and Petey sat at the dinning room table to get more comfortable as Petey though about how to respnd and choose his words carefully.
"I don't think so! I mean...I guess?? He kissed me on the cheek yesterday...And we have had a lot of physical touch over the past few weeks..." He nervously played with the stub of his tail.
"That could be a sign of a change in your and Dogmans relationship. Maybe he had grown feelings for you..."
"He could never! It would make things way to complicated between us. He has work as well as I do, and we co-parent on taking care of Lil Petey. What if something goes wrong? If so than it would be really akward for us to take care of him!"
"You can't always look at the negative Petey."
"What's wrong?"
"I think I'm in love with Dogman."
(wowie golly gee wizz two chapters in one day that's crazzyyyy. 1454 words)
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