harvest moon III

Harvest Moon 3 GBC: Money Guide by Kairi

Version 3.0, Last Updated 2001-12-04 View/Download Original File

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$-Money Guide-$

By: 'Kairi'


Basically this guide is to help you maximize your profit. :) I also added a

few things like a snowboarding section, and a few tips on saving and making

money. There's also a little Q&A section for those newbies that need A's to

their Q's.




3.0 - Dec. 03rd, 2001. - Snowboarding Powerberry. More flowers. It seems

they only sell one flower in Spring and Summer, and I found one S.Dream

flower during the Typhoon which can be planted in the Fall. How would you

get the other seeds if you don't have an eagle? (Besides GS) Anyway, I say

I'm pretty much close to being done. Doesn't look like I really need to

find the selling cost of flowers, and I don't really feel the need to add

anything else on here besides a few Q & A, but you can probably post a topic

on the msg board and find out since most of you(I see on the msg boards)

don't read one of these other FAQs that probably have your answers. So

until further notice, this FAQ is complete. Oh, and I know the secret of

the 'Secret Garden'...:)

2.0 - Nov. 30th, 2001. - Finished up a few things. Made things a bit

neater(believe it or not). All I need now is the cost of the flowers of

each of the months.

1.0 - Nov. 27th, 2001. - The first one. I might update it from time to

time. I need to complete the Flowers section and maybe add a few more

Q&A&T. I also need to finish up the cost of items.




A quick reference to all the best profit-making crops. For an In-Depth

calculation, look farther below.

Spring = Turnips

Summer = Tomatoes

Fall = Eggplant

Winter = None



Highest bringer of profit(plant): Tomatoes

Lowest bringer of profit(plant)-: Asparagus

Highest # of harvest per month: Tomatoes (lotsa work, but lotsa money)

Lowest # of harvest per month-: Asparagus (basically, if you don't really

need money, you can plant this one. But if you don't really need money,

then why are you planting it in the first place? Maybe someone really likes

Asparagus'. Other than that, don't bother with this one.)



Profit Calculations



The format usually is as follows:

Cost of bag(which is negative)


# of crops in bag(which is 9) X (times the selling price for that crop)


Profit per bag

Note: I know some crops you can't yield 9 or all of the units per bag, but

I multiply it by 9 anyway to save some time. You can multiply it by 8 or

however many you wish to get your real profit earnings.

*We use one bag's cost to minimize cost/time analysis' outcome. Multiply

the number of bags used in the month by the outcome(which I've calculated)

to view actual profit per month.





30 Days in Month / 5 Days to Harvest = 6 times per month

$40 per turnip

-$120(cost of 1 bag) + (9)(40) = $240 profit for one bag

$240 X 6 = [!!$1440!!] Profit per month (cost/analysis outcome for Spring)

This is just for one bag of Turnips harvested at the maximum possible rate

per month. Multiply this # by the number of bags that you will buy in that

Spring month, and you will have your total profit for that month.



30 Days in Month / 7 Days to Harvest = 4 times per month(max # of harvests)

$50 per potatoes

-$200(cost of 1 bag) + (9)(50) = $250

$250 X 4 = [!!$1000!!] Profit per month

$440 less than Turnips. This is because it is only harvest a maximum number

of 4 times a month, and the cost is a bit higher per bag.



30 Days in Month / 9 Days to Harvest = 3 times per month

$60 per Asparagus

-$320 + (9)(60) = $220

$220 X 3 = [!!$660!!] Profit per month

Very costly, for only $10 more per unit. Not much at all. Asparagus comes

in as the lowest in profit. Planting Turnips over Asparagus gives you 218%

more profit, which in regular language means that you make over twice as

much money. The only downfall is having to harvest Turnips more frequently

than any other Spring crop, which means more work.


Spring Flowers


White Flower:

$50 per flower

30 / 5 days to harvest = 6 times per month

-$400 + (9)(50) = [!!$50!!] per month

The numbers speak for themselves. Don't plant flowers for profit, unless

you want to make very little progress in the game.

Startdust Flower:

Same cost(?) and selling price as the White Flower.





$60 per T.

30-10 intial ten day waiting period until first harvest = 20 days left

20 / 3 = 6 times you can harvest tomatoes after intial(maximum)

Total times you can harvest tomatoes: 7

-$200 + (9)(60) = $340 for one bag

$340 X 7 = [!!$2380!!] Profit per month for one bag




30-13 intial 13 day waiting period until first harvest = 17 days left

17 / 4 = 4.25 = 4 times you can harvest Corn (max.)

Total times you can harvest Corn: 5

-$300 + (9)(70) = $330 for one bag

$330 X 5 = [!!$1650!!] Profit per month for one bag




30-15 initial waiting period: remaining days 15 days

15 / 4 = 3.75 = 3 Days max.

Total Harvest = 4

-$500 + (9)(80) = $220 for one bag

$220 X 4 = [!!$880!!] Profit per month for one bag

Plant Tomatoes over Melons and you will be making 270% more money.


Summer Flowers


Moonlight Flower:

$50 per flower

[waiting on days til full growth]





$40 per Eggplant

30 / 5 days til Harvest = 6 times Eggplant can be harvested (max.)

-$120 + (9)(40) = $240 Profit per bag

$240 X 6 = [!!$1440!!] Profit per month



$50 per Peanut

30 / 7 = 4 times Peanuts can be harvested (max.#)

-$160 + (9)(50) = $290 Profit per bag

$290 X 4 = [!!$1160!!] Profit per month


Sweet Potatoes:


30 / 7 = 4 times

-$200 + (9)(60) = $340 profit per bag

$340 X 4 = [!!$1360!!] Profit per month

In this case, Sweet Potatoes and Eggplant come in pretty close. Depending

on your current financial status, you may want to choose Sweet Potatoes

simply because you need not harvest it as much as the Eggplants. Your time

could be spent foraging or fishing or communicating with the townsfolk.






Choose either one. They both require the same amount of work, and output

the same number of profit. I like to think:

Wheat = US

Rice = ASIA


(BTW, you don't get the rice/wheat until the second year)


Fall Flowers


(There are no flowers for sale during the Fall.)

S.Dream Flower:

$300 per flower(obtained after a Typhoon)




There's not much you can do in this month, except socialize and help bring

up the hearts of your animals by talking to them. Fishing in the ocean will

brings lots of gold, because most of the fish there yield: 150~250 Gold.



Selling Price of items:



Carp - 150G (Farm River)

King Carp - 80G (Farm River)

Snakehead - 250G (Lake)

Black Bass - 150G (Farm River, Lake)

Bluegill - 80G (Farm River, Lake)

King Salmon - 250G (Lake)

Parrotfish - 150G (Villa & Wharf)

Blowfish - 80G (Villa & Wharf)

Dorado - 250G (Ocean)

Sailfish - 250G (Ocean)

Coelacanth - 250G (Ocean)

Archerfish - 150G (Ocean)

Horned Shark - 250G (Ocean)

Blue Maomao - 80G (Villa & Wharf)

Pink Maomao - 80G (Villa & Wharf)

King of the Lake - 5000G (Lake, Spring 1st, Second year)


Mayonaise - 300G

Egg - 50G

Cheese - 300G

Butter - 300G

Milk L - 250G

Milk S - 150G

Milk M - 200G

Sweater - 300G

Wool S - 150G

Wool M - 200G

Wool L - 250G

Yarn - 300G

Golden Egg - 200G

Wild Berry - 30G

Cherry - 30G

Mushroom - 30G


What to buy?


Now that you have a lot of money, or should know how to get a lot of it, you

should next figure out what to buy. Now everyone's game is going to be the

same, but if you follow my advice, you'll progress in the game a bit


Things you can buy:

-Carpet for Housing 9,000G/6,000G/3,000G

-T.V. 10,000G

-Crib 30,000G

-Books 1,600G~2,000G

-Sprinkler 50,000G

-Cows 5,000G

-Sheep 3,000G

-Chickens 1,000G

-Horses 4,000G

-Animal Med. 1,000G each

-Snowboard 30,000G(winter)

-Plant/Grass Seeds (Varies)


I suggest you start prioritizing what you really need, and what is just

decoration. To be a good farmer, you NEED to have animals, so buy them

first! Why? So they can start growing right away. It takes a long while

for Cows to become full grown, and for Sheep to start growing Wool.

Chickens lay eggs right away(if you choose a female), so you should choose

them first to start your farm.

You should buy three of each animal first, then buy more in each category.

Buy 3 chickens, then move on and buy 3 Cows. This is because your

partner(at least for the girl) wants her Dad's dream to come true, and at

one point she asks that you have at least 3 of each animal in the barn

before Winter. So get to it.

The other items; Carpet, Crib, Books, Sprinkler, Vase, you don't really need

right away. These are mostly to up your happiness level, but you can do

that later in the game. I say the next thing you should buy is a T.V. to

see what kind of wheather you're going to be getting.

But of most importance, get the grass seeds and plant them. Get 3~4~5-25 or

however many bags you can get. You can't have animals if you don't have

fodder. Also, time equals money. Spend both of them wisely.


Other stuff:





A - Jump

B - Jump

Directional Pad - move left or right

Press up on the directional pad to start moving; you should hit terminal

velocity in 8 seconds - 60km/h. Take the first two right/left turns, and

then watch for the (?) sign in the upperleft hand corner to tell you that

you have to dodge some objects. Then take the next two left/right turns,

and dodge some more objects. This should be a breeze...

You should hit 500m in between 34~35 seconds. Next there should be a few

more turns and obstacles. When your time hits about 50 or so seconds, be

prepared for moving really fast. This is the first of the major dodging you

need to do; the second big part is right before the finish line. This is

where you usually fall down from either a tree or log, and if you do, don't

expect to finish before 150 seconds. You should hit 1000m in about 65


Tip #1(The 'Kairi-technique'): If you're having trouble, you can use this

tip. Stay in the far left side, just a little where you can dodge the trees

that come on the left, but not the logs. There's an area there that you can

stay and you won't get hit. It's not all the way to the left; if you find

that you're losing speed, then you're too far. It's just a bit to the right

of when you start losing speed. If you see a log coming at the left, just

press A or B to jump it. You should clear it, unless there are two logs in

succession(or three, yes I have had 3 come on the left), and in this case

you would have to dodge both(move right), because you can't jump two logs in

a row.

Tip #2: Another tip if you're having trouble during 50 seconds into the

run, is to press the start button, and then pressing A again to confirm that

you don't want to quit. This will slow things down for you, so you have

more time seeing the obstacles coming at you. Make the appropriate

adjustments to get out of the way after you unpause. Of course, don't do it

too quickly; I've ended too many runs that way. But if you use tip #1, you

shouldn't need this tip, because all you would need to do is to watch for

the log to come on the left side and press (A) to jump.

After that, you should do a few more turns, and then end up seeing an ice

ramp. This is where you can do tricks, and you will need to do tricks in

order to get the tip on how to get a Powerberry, and to beat the record.


*(The moves here are credited to 'Cher' from the Harvest Moon 3 Msg Board,

where he/she got them from some HM3 website.)



Besides the time, your rank also includes your score. Your score is

determined by the difficulty of tricks you do while you're jumping the snow

ramps. Your best trick equals your high score.

10 points - Left, B

10 points - Right, B

10 points - Left, Left, A

10 points - Right, Right, A

20 points - A, B, A

20 points - B, B, A

20 points - A, A, B

30 points - Right, Down, Right, A

60 points - Up, A, Down, B

60 points - Right, A, Left, B

60 points - Left, A, Right, B

100 points - A, Up, B, Left, A, Down, B, Right, A


After the ramps, there should be a few more left/right turns, and then a

final barrage of obstacles for you to dodge. Once you finish dodging them,

you will hit the finish line. If you didn't fall down from hitting any of

the obstacles in the entire course, you should have a time between 145~146


UPDATE(v.2): After having all my top times being 145 seconds, I have now

focused my time on trying to do the 100 point trick. You too, should be

able to get the 145 second time easily, by using my tip and staying on the

far left - which I dubbed the "Kairi-technique", and only jumping when you

see a log coming at the left.

To pull off the 100 point trick, I suggest you learn the button commands in

pieces. Practice on the gameboy when it's off. I began learning the first

5 steps, which you should do enough times where you can get it right

everytime and on reflex. A, Up, B, Down, A. This should be done in less

than a second. After you can do this well enough, learn the last 4. These

are easier, but putting it all together is tough. It's even tougher in the

real game, because you're prone to panicking.

What's tougher is that you have to do it right the first time(when you first

jump), because if you do it late you won't finish correctly. I have done

it many times; the move is just a horizontal spin times 2, or a 720.

After you get the top ranking in snowboarding, you will be given a tip on

where the PowerBerry is. It says that it's in the tree in the grass field

somewhere. After beating this mode, you open up a new mode: Advanced. In

this mode, there are more 90 degree angle turns, which should leave you on

the highest part of the slope, making you reduce speed. Other than these

turns, there really isn't anything else more difficult than the regular

course, if you use the "Kairi-technique" and stay on the left side all the

time to dodge the obstacles, especially when you see the (?) pop up in the

upper left-hand corner of the screen.

I can't really give any tips on the Advanced course, since there really

isn't much difference from the first course, plus I believe it's random.

Immediately after starting you may encounter a turn, other times there was a

trick ramp before your 8 seconds to maximum speed.

Completing this Advanced course with an S ranking, 100 points, and a time of

145 seconds doesn't give you anything special, it only tells you the same

tip about finding the Powerberry when you beat the orginal snowboarding



Heard it here first!(or second...)

PowerBerry location: I e-mailed the Natsume rep. about where this is, and

he/she told me that it's in the tree in the grass field, like the tip says.

I was so stupid I didn't see through it. Don't bother checking the actual

landscape of the 'grassland', it's not there. It's in the snowboarding

mini-game. The rep. says that you have to hit 20 trees, and you'll

eventually find it. I think you should trying doing a few tricks while

hitting the tree, or trying jumping at it; the rep says that you need to

make the tree shake, although this isn't 100% confirmed, because I'm not in

the Winter month, therefore I cannot try it. It sounds plausible though.

If someone finds it, update me on it please.


Newbies to Veterans



I've seen a whole bunch of topics in the msg boards from 'newbies', or

people new to the game of Harvest Moon 3 GBC. So below, I have outlined a

few things from the game that these newbies may or may not know; in either

case, read on to become a veteran, and hopefully this will stop reoccuring

topics from arising.

I've also added a few money saving tips.


Q & A & T


Q:-How do you get the fertilizer?

A:- The fertillizer is available one day when your partner sees it on T.V.

You will be able to buy it for about 49,000 Gold. Don't worry, he/she won't

ask you about it if you don't have enough money. When it comes in the 3

days, it will be located in your kitchen(I first couldn't find it because I

never go down there), but it will be pointless to mess around with it,

because it's just there to show you that you bought it. The rotten food in

your shipping bin, that expires in two weeks becomes fertillizer. Use the

fertillizer on your plot to make plants/crops grow faster(I believe twice as


Q:-How do I get the fishing rod?

A:- The fishing rod is given to you by Billy, the guy in town. He shows up

on MON/WED/SUN, 'cept when it's raining. Give him stuff and he'll ask to

borrow your hammer(not berries and such, but things you grow/harvested).

He's also the one to give you to boat too, so don't stop giving him things

after you receive the rod.

Q:-How do I set up the sprinkler?

A:- The sprinkler has to be set down on shoveled ground, which means you

need to take out your shovel and dig a trench by the water in your plot of

land. Stick the sprinkler in there.

Q:-How do I use the fodder set?

A:- The fodder set that you buy from the Farmer's Union doesn't add to your

total in the Fodder Bin that you have at home. To use this fodder set, you

must equip it and use it on the animal's tray.

Q:-What am I suppose to do with rice/wheat?

A:- Rice and Wheat you don't need to water. It grows like grass. You'll

need to tear up your plot of land pretty badly if you want to make a lot, so

think sensibly. To plant rice/wheat, dig out a 9X9 plot with your shovel,

so it should be filled with water(it should be a trench). Spread the seeds

over it.

Q:-What's up with the bank?

A:- You don't gain interest if you put your money in the bank. It's just

there so that you can put your extra cash in. I don't know if there is a

maximum limit to how much you can add to the bank. Say for instance you put

in 80,000G, and you have 20,000G in your pocket. The bank will only allow

you to bring out 70,000G, because 99,999G is the maximum you can hold in

your pocket. And so if you deposit over 100,000G of money in the bank, and

lets say you have 0G in your pocket, you can only withdraw 90,000G, because

that's all you can hold. This means, we will never know the true value of

how much you can desposit in the bank.


A:- Once you get your girl pregnant(only if you're playing as the guy,

obviously), she can't work for two months. This means you need to feed and

care for the animals. The only produce you seem to get is eggs from


Q:-Is the mayonaise maker a good deal 'Kairi'?

A:- Well of course it is, but the question should be how long until you

start making money after buying it. The mayonaise maker costs 30,000G. An

egg sells for 50G. If you put an egg in, you will get mayonaise, which

sells for 300G. So the real profit you would be making for each egg is

$250(300-50). So, 30,000G for the cost of the maker, divided by the profit

for each egg($250), and you get 120 eggs. You have to ship 120 eggs to make

up for the cost of the maker. After this, you will start making profit. If

you have 8 chickens laying eggs everyday, it will only take you 15 days(half

a month) to get your money back.

Q:-'sup with the morning fair?

A:- Just a place where you can sell stuff. You can sell anything and

everything, and I mean everything, that you can put in your rucksack(I've

had someone asking me for a rock, I had to tell them that I was all sold out

and to come next time). Seems to be no real purpose except getting money.

Q:-What books can you put in the bookshelf?

A:- So far I have 7. I don't know of anymore. They are:

o-'Blessings of the Field'

o-'Living with Animals'


o-'Cherry Cup Report'

o-'Gallop Stakes Report'

o-'Catch the King!'

o-'Mysteries of the Island'

The first 3 are automatically in your bookshelf. You have to buy the

others. On another note, if you put your horse in the racing circuits,

remember whether it's a male or female. Males and females have separate

races; Derby races for the male horses, and Filly races for female horses.

I tried entering both male and female horses so that I can dominate both

races, but they will only let you enter one horse. I don't think it matters

whether you enter a male or female. My other horse that was in the race

dissapeared, and I never got her back. On and ending note, I suggest you

don't enter any horses until their heart rating/affection is maxed(10


Q:-What is the 'Secret Garden'?

A:- The secret garden just shows how many Powerberries you currently have.

It looks like you can get nine total, as there seems to be a little crack on

the 10th spot. (credit to Natsume rep.)


Tip: When you first start the game, buy as many Turnip(or whatever seeds

you want to plant) seeds as you can. Since you can only go on the Mainland

on Mons. and Thurs., you don't have many chances to go to the store. This

is because when you start out, it will RAIN! on those days, consecutively,

and if you don't have anymore seeds, you'll be left with nothing to do but

collect Wild Berries in the Grassland(which you will be doing a lot anyway,

but it will get tedious).

Tip: Get the fishing rod from Billy as quickly as you can. That way, you

can stop foraging for stuff in the Grassland and actually start making

money. Foraging gets real boring anyway. Getting the boat is recommended

also. This way you won't have to wait on the ferry. You get the ferry from

Billy and Elza, so make sure to give them items regularly.

Tip: With the high selling crops for the month(Turnips, Tomatoes,

Eggplant), two of them(Turnips and Eggplant) can be grown fully, 9X9. This

means you don't need to cut the plot into U-shapes because you CAN water the

middle row. You can only do this from the top though. Just press down all

the way, and water just like normal. You'll be able to reach to middle row,

and that means you won't have to cut any crops into crazy U-shapes and lose


Tip: Once you have a boat, you can take on more jobs(from the Farmer's

Union). In the beginning, try to take on as many jobs as you can(ship 50

Turnips and such). If you take on the job, the faster you complete it the

more Bonus G you will get. Plus, it adds to your reputation as a good

farmer. It's a good idea to save right before doing this, because you can

accidently accept a job that you don't want, and then you will either have

to fulfill it, or cancel it, which isn't too good on your farmer rating. If

you don't get the job you can fulfill, just say 'no' to the current job, and

ask again.

Tip: There's an optional job in the second year - a job to catch the King

of the Lake. Many of the jobs in the second year give you rediculous

amounts of G for your troubles. There's one for 99 Turnips for 10,000 which

is over 200% of the normal selling price for Turnips(40G). Anyway, the job

description is to catch the King of the Lake within 120 days for 60,000G.

(There's a HM3 FAQ that outlines how to catch the King, look for it) If

you're short on cash the next year, which you shouldn't be if you follow

this FAQ, you might decide to turn in this King for money.


Contact Info


I search the msg boards every other week. Post a topic and I'll probably

answer your question(or someone else, some people are nice) if and only IF

the question was not answered in this FAQ or the other good FAQs on here.

If you don't understand how I came to the numbers for each month, you can

e-mail me at: [email protected]

Only at a last resort. I don't check that e-mail often(only once in a blue

moon), because all the spam mail that I get goes to that e-mail.

If see any problems or corrections that need to be noted, you can also

e-mail me there. If you have any contributions that you think would be

nice, you can send me it, and I'll see if I can put it somewhere. I'll

credit you right above or below what you contributed.

Sites that have permission to post my FAQ:


-GameFAQs- (the latest version will be found here first)

All other site don't have permission. Which means they copied it. Which

means I get to sue for money.



-To Myself and for the Thanksgiving break that allowed me to escape college

and write this.

-To my Mom for giving me money all the time to buy this game.

-Natsume for making this game. :thumbs up:

Thanks for playing!

Enter intials: _ _ _ end

Harvest Moon 3 GBC: Money Guide by Kairi

Version 3.0, Last Updated 2001-12-04 View/Download Original File

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