Wands and Lucius Malfoy

A/N - Harry will be Hadrian from now on


Hadrian Riddle took out his equipment list and began to walk through the Alley to find shops that can help him. First, he went to Madam Malkin's Robes for all occasions for his school robes.

As soon as he entered the small shop, a woman came up to him and said
"Hogwarts dear?" Hadrian nodded in reply, "Well follow me. I've got another boy being fitted for his robes in the back.

Hadrian silently followed to where a young boy with slicked back, platinum blonde hair was stood on a stool. As Hadrian stepped up into the stool next to him, the witch - who Hadrian believed to be Madam Malkins - started measuring his arms, legs and pretty much everywhere in-between.

"Hullo. Are you going to Hogwarts too?" The boy questioned, with the tone of a rich snob.

"Yes I am, thank you very much," Hadrian replied.

"Well do you know which house you'll be in? I'm going to be a Slytherin, like my father."

"What are the houses? Sorry, I've never been in the magical world before."

"There's Hufflepuff, they're all the outcasts, supposed to be loyal though. There's Ravenclaw, the smart know-it-alls. There's Gryffindor, the annoyingly and stupidly brave. Then there's Slytherin, the cunning and ambitious." He clearly was biased to Slytherin. "Anyway, where are your parents?"

Hadrian was a bit taken aback but replied. "My mother is dead and I never knew her. My father is in hiding somewhere. But I'm not sure on which house I'll be in."

Madam Malkins finished both boys at the same time. "All done boys and be back in two hours to get the robes."

"Ok then," Hadrian replied

The blond boy turned to Hadrian. "I'm Draco Malfoy. What's your name?" Draco held out a hand.

"Hadrian. Hadrian Riddle." Hadrian replied, shaking his hand.

" Hadrian Riddle? As in, son of notorious dark wizard Tom Riddle?"

"I guess..."

"Oh, I have to take you to my parents! We've been looking for the lost Prince for ten years!"

"Lost Prince?"

"I'll let my parents explain. Come on!"

So Hadrian followed Draco to his parents. His father had the same blond hair as Draco but his mother had the darkest hair Hadrian has ever seen, which turned to blond at the bottom.

"Hello, Draco. Who's this?" The father asked.

"He's the lost Prince, Hadrian Riddle, father."

"Oh my, are you really? Where have you been all these years?"

"I'd rather not say right now Mr Malfoy." Hadrian sheepishly replied.

At that moment, Onyx decided to pop out.

"Master, who are these people? Are they a threat?" Onyx hissed.

"No. They are the Malfoys. Leave hem be. And stop calling me master, it's  Hadrian. Master makes it sound like you're my slave."

To say that the father of Draco was shocked was an understatement.

"You're a parselmouth, of course, you are... Anyway, my name is Lucius Malfoy, and this is my wife, Narcissa. You've already met Draco it seems."

"Hello, Mr and Mrs Malfoy. A pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure's all mine. Now, before we bring you to your father, do you have your items for Hogwarts?"

"No, I only just ordered my robes and am yet to get anything else."

"Then we shall get it for you whilst you and Draco go get your wands."

Lucius left to go to Flourish and Blotts, Potages cauldron shop, Slug and Jiggers Apothecary, and others. Hadrian and Draco set off to a wand shop in Knockturn Alley by the name of 'Arturo Wands - Powerful wands made just for you.'

Inside was empty, apart from a man behind the counter who was whistling a happy tune.

"Hello." Hadrian started.

'Oho! Customers! What can I do for you today? Clearly, you need wands, but what wands are for you?"

"Whichever you deem worthy," Draco replied.

"No, no boy! We create the wands for you, starting with the wood. Wait here a moment."

The man jumped up and popped into the back room, coming out with eight boxes behind him. He laid them on a table and ran back again, this time returning with four vials and six other boxes.

"Hover your hand over one of these eight and stop at whichever your magic pulls you to. You first" the man said, pointing at Hadrian.

Hadrian did as asked and stopped over the seventh box, but also the eighth.

"Ooh! Yew and Blackthorn. Interesting combinations. Now do the same with these boxes and liquids. They hold the cores and core-infusers."

Harry proceeded to pick out a dark greenish liquid and a jet black hair.

"Whoa! Basilisk venom and Thesteral tail hair - forcefully taken. This wand will be exceptionally powerful with the dark arts." Hadrian just stared. "That will be ten galleons and eleven sickles boy."

Hadrian handed over the money and stepped aside to let Draco choose. His wand ended as Elmwood with dragon heartstring core. It's infused with dragon blood.

After they paid, they were told to return tomorrow to get the wands. So Draco found his father and asked if Hadrian could stay with them overnight, so they could get their wands in the morning.

"Of course Draco. But Hadrian, what about your guardians?"

"They won't mind."

Lucius saw the happiness in Hadrian ' eyes and apparated them to Malfoy Manor.

It was huge. It was spotless. It was perfect.
Draco gave Hadrian a quick tour of the manor before showing him where he can sleep - the guest room next to his. He then showed him how to call a house elf called Dobby to him to do the more mundane tasks like put away his clothing.

"We must take you to Twilfit and Tattings to get you better clothing!"

Hadrian didn't care too much - he liked his grey shirt with the darker collar, his black jacket and his jeans.

The boys were then called for dinner as it was 7 PM. Draco took him down and once they were seated, Food was brought by the elves.

The food was way better than what was served at the orphanage. It was going well, everyone making Smalltalk until Lucius asked the question Hadrian was avoiding.

"So, Hadrian, where have you been these past ten years? We've never been able to find you."

"Oh umm, I'd rather not say anything about it yet..."

Lucius made a humming noise in apology. "So do you want to meet your father tomorrow, before we go back to get your wands?"

"I guess so."

"Great. Now, it's getting late. Draco, take Hadrian back to his room for the night."

Draco slipped down off his chair and took him back up to the west wing, where their rooms were.

---time skip to morning---

Hadrian woke up early in the morning. He would get his wand and then he was finally going to see his father! Sure it was the Dark Lord but how bad can he really be...?

It was very bad.

He's stuck to the back of someone's head!


Yay part 3 out!!

I don't own Harry Potter

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