Quidditch and Samhain

It was Sunday, the day that Hadrian was shown quidditch for the first time. As Hadrian was walking up to the Great Hall for breakfast, something caught his eye.
A glint of black scale.
"What was that black gleam?" Hadrian thought.

"Me" A voice in his head replied


"Me, Onyx"

"Where are you? I've not seen you since the train. You left me when we got to the castle."

"Ah, I went to see the Snake King below us."

"Snake king?"

"Yes, the Basilisk beneath the school."

"Ok... But how can I hear you in my head?"

"This is from the familiar bond we share."

"Cool. Can you come with me today and show me the Snake King later?"

"Sure. One moment though"
Onyx then slithered through a crack in the wall and up  Hadrian's leg, onto his shoulders.
"There," he hissed.

"Ok, now I'm going to go to the Great Hall for breakfast," Hadrian thought to Onyx.

"Ok. Speak to me in Parseltongue around others. You want them to fear your power."

"Good idea."

Once they reached the Great Hall, Hadrian sat with Draco at the end of the Slytherin Table. They started talking about Quidditch and what will happen at Four PM. When the post arrived, two identical packages were dropped in front of Hadrian and Draco. Hadrian opened the letter that came and read it aloud to Draco.

Dear Mr Riddle and Mr Malfoy,

Do not open the packages at the table. They contain your Brooms. Mr Malfoy's was sent to him by Lord Malfoy any Mr Riddle's was sent by Professor Dumbledore.

-Professor S.Snape.

The boys left the table and went straight to their common room to open the packages. Draco had his personalised Nimbus 2000, with his name engraved on it. Hadrian had received a Brand New Nimbus 2000.

"Draco," Hadrian said.


"How did you get your name engraved on your broom?"

"Oh, it's a spell, why?"

"Can you do the spell?"

"Yes but again, why?"

"Do it to my broom."

Draco performed the spell and engraved 'Hadrian Riddle' on to the side of his broom.

--Time skip to 4 pm and on the Quidditch Pitch--

"Right. Professor Snape seems to think you two are good enough to be on the Quidditch team. Prove it to me." Marcus Flint said, pulling out a large red ball and some golf balls. "You, Malfoy, will be trying to score against our Keeper, Bletchley. If you score the majority, I will deem you good. Riddle, you will be attempting to catch these Golf Balls as I throw them. If You catch the majority, I will deem you good."

They then spent the next two hours shooting at the goalposts and catching golf balls. Hadrian didn't miss a single ball, whilst Draco scored 36/40 shots.

"Excellent job you two. I know that we will win the tournament this year."

The two boys then returned to their Common rooms for a shower before Dinner.


The rest of September and most of October passed by quite well, except for a few run-ins with the Weasel Squad - Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas - All of which ended with at least one of the aforementioned three being hurt.

Income Samhain, at the end of October, where the easy times end. During the feast, Professor Quirrell came bursting through the large doors.

"TROOOOOL! IN THE DUNGEONS! Thought you ought to know.." Then he fainted.
There were screams and shouts from students.

"SILENCE!" Roared Dumbledore. "Prefects, lead your houses to their common rooms."

Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw started filing out and so dod some Slytherins.

"Why are you Slytherins not going to your common rooms?"

It was Hadrian that answered. "Professor, not to be disrespectful but are you trying to kill us? The troll is in the Dungeons. Our common rooms are in the Dungeons."

THere were murmurs of agreement.

"Well then, Slytherin will stay in the Great Hall with Professor Snape. All other teachers, follow me to the Dungeons."

As the teachers left, Quirrel regained consciousness. "What happened?"

"You fainted after shouting about a troll in the dungeons Professor," Hadrian said to him.

"Oh, well... Can someone accompany me to my office?"

"I will. I can fend off trolls anyway. Their weakness is the head. If it gets hit on the head, it will either die or go unconscious."

Hadrian took Professor Quirrell to his office and asked something of him.

"Can I speak to my father? Face-to-face?"

"But of course! Only, not right now."

"Why not?"

"He is too weak and I have plans for tonight. after all, the troll is only a diversion."

"What are you doing"

"Getting the Philosopher's Stone to bring your father's body back."

"It won't work."

"Pray tell, how would you know?"

"The elixir of life would give him a temporary and highly unstable body. He would depend on a mixture of the elixir and Unicorn blood to survive. I would suggest taking a Horcrux, preferably your first one as it has the most of the soul, and doing the 'Familial Rebirth Ritual' in the book 'Horcruxes and Dark Rituals'. It would give him the body that matches the age of the soul fragment. Of course, if it is too young, a simple ageing potion will fix it."

"Very well thought out Mr Riddle. I shall take this into account."

With that, Hadrian left the office and Quirrell asked the Dark Lord if it would really work.

"Of course it will, Quirrell. The ritual was made to revive the person from their Horcruxes."

And with that, nothing special happened during the year. No Stone business, except for Dumbledore realising that it really wasn't safe - or that no one tried to steal it. No detention in the forest etc. etc.

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