Introduction to Family and the Train

Hadrian finally met his father (if you can say it's really him) during his return to Diagon Alley. He, and the Malfoy party apparated to the Leaky Cauldron and then went through the barrier. However, in the little pub, Hadrian noticed an odd fellow that was stuttering and smelling of garlic. It was only when he was questioned did he find out who was with him.


"Hello," Hadrian said to the turban-clad man.

"Oh! H-hello to y-you t-t-too young man. D-do I-i know y-you?"

"No, but I would like to know your name."

"I'm Q-Q-Quirinus Q-Quirrell, I'm going t-to b-be teaching DADA at H-Hogwarts this y-year."

"Oh, ok. Can we speak in a more private area, I must ask you about something 

"L-l-lead the w-way."

Hadrian led him to a secluded part of Diagon Alley and spun to face him.

"So what do you need to tell me, boy?" Quirrell said, losing his stutter.

"Well, I am the son of the dark lord, otherwise known as Hadrian Riddle. I can sense my father's dark aura on you. Where is he?"
(A/N - Fuck you, Ima make him be able to sense the dark shit like Dark Marks and such)

"Hadrian? I thought I lost you... Quirrell, show him to me." An unknown voice said.

"Master you are not strong enough!"

"I have strength enough for this..."

Quirrell unwrapped his turban slowly and span around, revealing a face on the back of his head.

"Hello, son"

Hadrian stood in shock. "Father? What happened to you?"

"It was 1980, on All Hallows Eve. This was the year you were born and just three months after your birth. You were stolen, at only two months old, from me and your mother by none other than the James Potter. They were being told to by the Light Leader Dumbledore. He is a manipulative old coot who, by stealing my child and heir, believed that I would back down. On All Hallows Eve of that year, I finally got Peter Pettigrew on my side. He was the Potter's secret keeper for the Fidelius charm. He told me where they were in exchange for a spot in my Inner Circle. I stormed their house and killed James Potter. Lily pleaded for your life. I convinced her to join me and in exchange, I didn't kill you. Unfortunately, if Dumbledore didn't arrive on-scene, then she would have been alive and I would have raised you as a dark prince. Sadly, he came in, seeing James' corpse, and stormed to the nursery, blasting me to a wraith and killed Lily. That wraith fled to Albania, where it met Quirrell. I was the wraith and am now just a parasite on this fool's head."

Hadrian was at a loss for words. His father was killed by the very man who saved him from the orphanage. But why?

**End of flashback**

Hadrian was laying in his bed at the orphanage as he could only stay overnight at Malfoy Manor. His father had taught him how to remove the tracker from his wand and make it untraceable so now he can do magic even at the orphanage.

---time skip to September 1st---

Hadrian met up with the Malfoys at King's Cross station, outside the barrier between platforms nine and ten.

"Hadrian, over here!" Draco called to him.

Hadrian ran over to the Malfoys and then through the platform. He was met with a scarlet steam engine.

There was a group of redheads who looked too poor to afford to buy some new robes.

"Mum! Why can't I go on the train?" the young ginger girl asked the older one (probably the mother)

"Because, Ginny, you have to be eleven to go to Hogwarts. You're only ten." the mother replied.

"But WHY?"

"It's the rules. Now come on, we have to find Harry to make him Ron's friend."

The girl pouted and stopped arguing, not before mumbling a few profanities.

Hadrian was reminded by the Malfoys that they needed to board the train. It was only 10:15, but they needed to find a compartment before they filled up. So they went on board at the back of the train, as that's where Slytherins sat and tried to find an empty compartment. They went to the very back left compartment and sat down. Hadrian, who was sat at the window, noticed a carving on the side of the wood panelling. T. M. R.

"T. M. R? Draco, do you know what this means?"

"No, what?"

"This was my father's compartment. T is Tom, M is Marvolo, and R is Riddle. He vandalised the compartment so others know it was his."

"Uh huh..."

Hadrian sat, tracing the carving, and thought about what his Father's life was like in Hogwarts. Hadrian pulled out his 'Dark Arts - A Beginner's Guide' book and began to read it, making sure to memorise everything in it.

Before they knew it, he trains started to move and after a good half hour, a bushy-haired girl walked past and knocked on the door. Hadrian opened it with a flick of his wrist and she stepped in.

"Hello, have anyone seen a toad in here? Neville Longbottom's lost one."

Hadrian noticed the whimpering boy behind her and asked him, "What's its name?"

"He-He's called Trevor."

Hadrian pulled out his wand and called out "Accio 'Trevor." and a toad flew into his outstretched hand.


"How did you do that?" The bushy-haired girl asked.

"Summoning spell, duh."

"That's fourth-year stuff! Are you gonna be in Ravenclaw? I hope I am."

"With all those know-it-all prat? No thank you. I'm going to be in Slytherin, like my father and all my Ancestors."

"Oh, well my name's Hermione Granger. You," she pointed at Draco, "are a Malfoy, obviously, and I don't think I know who you are." she then pointed at Hadrian.

"Before I say, you must take a vow of silence."

"Ok then. I, Hermione Jean Granger, do hereby vow to never repeat anything discussed in this compartment. So mote it be. Now, who are you?" 

"Forgive me. I am Hadrian Amos Riddle, Heir to the ancient and most noble houses of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Secondary heir to the ancient and most noble house of Hufflepuff. I am next in line for the lord of the first two and also the houses of Peverell, Potter and Evans. You may know me as Harry Potter - the boy who lived, the chosen one, vanquisher of the Dark Lord, etc etc."

"Oh WOW! You have so much power! Heir to three Hogwarts houses!"

Hadrian could tell from her face what her plans are, but just to be sure, he looked into her mind and saw it. She wanted to befriend him, have it progress into a relationship, and then marry him, get his power and wealth, then kill him off and become Lady Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff-Peverell-Potter-Evans. Ha! Not Likely. Hadrian was gay and only his best-friend know that.

"And before you ask, no I do not want to be your friend with the way you spoke to Draco."

"Oh, ok..." Hermione looked distraught at the loss of power, and maybe more.

"Yeah, now get out you mudblood scum," Draco added.

Hadrianflicked his wand and pushed her out, slamming the door in the process.

The ride went quite well after that. They were joined by Draco's friends, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabble. They all sat, chatting, and eating sweets until they reached Hogwarts.


I don't own HP at all, sadly.

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