Gringotts and Diagon Alley

Harry started the next day returning the stolen items to their original owners. It was not a fun task.

A few weeks later, in mid-August, Harry set out for the Leaky Cauldron to get his school items, with Onyx around his chest to hide him.

The leaky cauldron was a small pub on the corner of the road. When he entered, everything became deathly silent.

"Bless my soul. It's Harry Potter!" The barman exclaimed.

"Is someone called Tom here?" Harry asked the barman.

"Yes. It would be me."

"Ok then. How do I get all of the things I need for Hogwarts?"

"Follow me, Mr. Potter."

Harry followed Tom to the alley behind the bar and, as a safety precaution, Onyx stick his head out of Harry's shirt. But Tom only tapped a few bricks and opened up an entrance to a large shopping district.

"You'll want to go to Madam Malkin's first, Mr Potter, to get robes, as they take a while. But, obviously, go to the bank too. It's called Gringotts."

"Thank you, Tom."

Harry made his way over to the large marble building with the word 'Gringotts' over it. On the door was an etched poem, reading;

Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed
For those who take, but do not earn
Must pay most dearly in their turn
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there.

Harry thought it was cool and continued into the bank. There were small creatures everywhere. Harry walked up to one of them.

"Hello. Is this the place I can come to get money?"

"Well that depends, do you have a vault?"

"I don't know"

"Very well, I will get an inheritance test to see if you own any."

The thing shouted something in a strange language and another creature appeared next to the first one, with a sheet of parchment.

"Place three drops of blood onto this parchment and we shall see your vaults."

Harry took the needle offered to him and pricked his finger, letting three drops fall before sucking it to stop the blood. The blood began to spread and form words. It read;


Birth certificate (illegal adoption)

Harry James Potter
Mother: Lillian Rowena Potter née Evans
Father: Jamison Godric Potter
Godparent(s): Sirius Black (incarcerated)
Aunt(s)/Uncle(s): Petunia Dursley née Evans, Vernon Dursley
Cousin(s): Dudley Dursley

Birth Certificate (official)

Hadrian Amos Riddle
Mother: Alicia Helga Riddle née Diggory (in hiding)
Father: Tom Marvolo Riddle (presumed deceased / in hiding)
Godparent(s): N/A
Aunt(s)/Uncle(s): Amos Diggory
Cousin(s): Cedric Diggory

Creature: Shi, Shadow Phoenix

Creature Inheritances come at age 13

Heir to:

Most ancient and noble House of Potter (adoption)
Most ancient and noble House of Peverell (adoption)
Most ancient and noble House of Gryffindor (adoption)
Most ancient and noble House of Slytherin
Most ancient and noble House of Ravenclaw (adoption)
Ancient House of Gaunt
Most ancient and noble House of Hufflepuff (secondary Heir)

Lordships can be claimed at an age of 13 to these houses:


Lordships can be claimed to the following houses when the Current Lord steps down:


Wizengamot seats: (total in wizengamot is 100)

Gryffindor - 5
Potter - 3
Peverell - 5
Ravenclaw - 5
Slytherin - 5
Gaunt - 1
Hufflepuff - 5

Total: 29



Total value (including liquidated assets): 948,667,231,443 galleons, 11 sickles, 23 knuts.


Gryffindor Castle
Godric's Hollow
Gryffindor Summer Home - Germany
Gryffindor Winter Home - Germany
Potter Estate
Potter Manor (Closed up)
Peverell Manor
Peverell Castle
Gaunt Shack
Slytherin Castle
Slytherin Manor
Ravenclaw Manor
Ravenclaw Castle
Hogwarts (3/4)


Magical core (50% blocked)
Parselspells (100% blocked)
Occlumency (90% blocked)
Natural Legilimens (100% blocked)
Creature Inheritance (100% blocked)
Shadow Powers (100% blocked)
Phoenix Powers (100% blocked)
Metamorphmagus Abilities (100% blocked)

All placed by Albus P W B Dumbledore.

Unwanted potions and spells:

Loyalty spells (keyed to Albus Dumbledore, Weasley family, Gryffindor)
Compulsion spells (keyed to Albus Dumbledore)
Hate spells (keyed to Malfoy family, Slytherin, Tom Riddle, Severus Snape)
Heavy forced Glamour

All spells cast by Albus Dumbledore

Shadow walk (blocked)
Shadow manipulation (blocked)  
Occlumency(80% blocked)  
Parseltongue(blocked, broken) 
Creature speak (blocked)
Flame travel (blocked)
Partial Metamorphmagus (blocked)
Animagus - Cerberus
Wandless Magic (blocked)


Magical Core

Magical Core affinity: Natural Dark
Magical Core strength: 300 (unnaturally strong)
(Magical core level will naturally increase to 175% of the current core)

Highest Magical core known is 360 (Maximum), which belonged to Merlin


Harry was stunned. Or should I say Hadrian was stunned?

"Can I have any documents with my false name to be changed to have correct information?"

"Yes. We can do that."

"And can you remove all these blocks and spells?"


The creature called another one over, who wore a suit, and told him the situation.

"Mr Riddle, this is Head Goblin Ragnok. He will remove all the unwanted spells and blocks from you. Follow him."

The goblin led him to a large room with shapes carved into the floor and held out two vials of liquid.

"Stand in the rune and drink the first potion. It will cleanse your body off all the spells. Then drink the second one. It will remove all the blocks from your magical core."

Hadriandid as requested and was met with incredible pain for around five minutes, then it stopped. Hadrianwas now realising that everything was a lot louder and clearer. Ragnok summoned a full-length mirror and boy did Hadrian look different.

His face became smoother and he realised his glasses were useless. The god-awful scar was gone and he was around 7' taller. His eyes were no longer the bright green they once were, but now a rather nice deep blue and his hair became a dark brown with jet-black streaks. It was more tameable now.

"Thank you Ragnok. Now, how do I go to my vaults?"

"I shall take you down. Which one will we go to?"

"Whichever one is closest."

So they set off on a mad cart ride to the Potter trust vault, whilst Ragnok gave Hadrianthe rundown on what the money system is.

"There's 29 knuts to a sickle and 17 sickles to a galleon. The potter trust vault has around 57,000 galleons in it."

As he went to the vault, Ragnok fashioned a key for Hadrian.

"This will open all the Potter and Evans vaults. The others require blood to enter."

"Oh ok then."

As the vault was unlocked, Ragnok handed Hadriana pouch, saying it will always have the correct amount of money in it whenever you need it.

Hadriangrabbed a few galleons for miscellaneous purchases and thanked Ragnok as they reached back up to the bank's main floor

Hadriannow took in the huge alleyway, where stores lined the walked and it bustled with people.


A/N - it's a little shorter than the last one but the next will have more excitement.

Disclaimer -- I don't own Harry Potter

Edited age for lordship

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