Chapter 26: Godfather

Weeks later Hogwarts Castle, is dusted with white due to snow.

Harry, framed in the window, stares out, looking forlorn. In REFLECTION, SNOW falls on the glass.

A ragged line of students in their winter clothes follows McGonagall toward the bridge.

Harry's POV becomes OBJECTIVE and. FOOTPRINTS appear in the snow, moving quickly to join the other students.

Suddenly, Fred and George appear, heading the opposite way, and... the FOOTPRINTS reverse themselves... as if Fred and George were escorting an invisible person.

Fred: Clever, Harry.

George: Bit not clever enough.

Fred: Besides, we've got a better way.

The great doors open and Fred and George enter. The INVISIBILITY CLOAK drops and Harry is revealed, looking cross. Instantly, Fred slaps a WORN ROLL OF PARCHMENT
into his hand. Harry unfurls it. Frowns. It's blank.

Harry: What's this rubbish?

Fred: Rubbish he says. That's the secret to our success.

George: It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me.

Fred: But we've decided your need's greater than ours. George, if you will...

George: I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

George touches his wand to the parchment and INTRICATE INK LINES surface in the fiber of the paper spread like veins. Harry reads the CURIOUS WORDS at the top:

Harry: 'Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present The Marauder's Map'...?

George: Ah... Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. We owe them so much.

Harry: Hang on. This is Hogwarts! And that... No. Is that...?

Harry points to a small MOVING DOT labeled "Dumbledore."

Fred: Dumbledore.

George: In his study.

Fred: Pacing.

George: He does that a lot.

Harry: You mean, this map shows...

Fred Everyone.

Harry: Everyone?

George: Everyone.

Fred: Where they are.

George: What they're doing.

Fred: Every minute.

George: Of every day.

Harry: Brilliant! Where'd you get it?

Fred: Nicked it from Filch's office, of course, first year. Now listen. There are seven secret passageways out of the castle. But we'd recommend...

Fred and George: This one.

George: The One-Eyed Witch on the third floor.

Harry: The One-Eyed...

Fred: Witch, right. But you best hurry. Filch is heading this way.[as they go]Oh. And, Harry? When you're done, make sure to give it a tap and say, '

Fred and George: Mischief managed.'

Fred: Otherwise, anyone can read it.

That said, they left as Harry approached a statue of a hump-backed one-eyed witch.
Harry traces his finger along the tattered
surface to an INK FIGURE labeled "Harry Potter." A tiny SPEECH BUBBLE appears: "Dissendium."

Harry: Dissendium?

The witch's EYE OPENS and the statue pivots, revealing a DARK OPENING in the floor. As Harry crouches, squinting, a cool DRAFT OF AIR ruffles his hair, and the CAMERA DRIFTS INTO THE DARKNESS...

A tiny LIGHT bobs in the distance, fracturing the darkness, and then Harry appears the tip of his wand GLOWING, map in hand. INSERT MAP: "Harry Potter" glides across the parchment. Harry stops and cranes his neck as he taps the map.

Harry: Mischief managed.

A trapdoor lifts. Harry's eyes appear. As he pulls himself up, a DOOR BANGS OPEN. Dense CHATTER ROARS from above. Quickly, Harry hides and watches a MAN'S BOOTS descend the stairs.

Woman: A box of Jelly slugs as well, Horace. We're nearly cleared out.

A man named Horace grunts, and begins moving boxes. Harry looks up to the cellar door and takes out the invisibility cloak. The CELLAR DOOR EASES open -- but no one appears. We TRACK THROUGH a sweet tooth's dream, SWARMING with customers. Up ahead, Neville prepares to lick the LOLLIPOP in his hand, when it simply floats from his fingers and out the door into the MISTY, FOG-SHROUDED chaos of Main Street. As the lollipop drifts on, FOOTPRINTS appear in the snow below.

At this elevation, the most hangs on thick, undulating veils, the Shrieking Shack an eerie silhouette in the gloom.

Matthew: Creepy.

Hermione: It's meant to be the most haunted building in Britain. Did I mention that?

Ron: Twice.

Hermione: Should we move a bit closer?

Ron: Huh? Oh... All right...

They take a step. One step. Stop dead.

Ron: Actually, it's fine from here.

Hermione: Perfect.

Just then, VOICES ECHO and THREE FIGURES appear over the rise, phantoms in the mist. Malfoy. Crabbe. Pike.

Draco: Well, well. Look who's here. Are you two shopping for your dream home? Seems a bit grand for you, WeaselBee. Don't your family all sleep in one room?

Ron: Shut your mouth, Malfoy.

Hermione: Leave him alone.

Draco: [clucking his tongue] Now that's not very friendly. Boys, I think we're going to have to teach Weasel-Bee to respect his superiors.

Matthew: I hope you don't mean yourself, Malfoy!

Draco's eyes shift, regarding Matthew with disgust.

Draco: How dare you speak to me, you filthy, little Mudblood!

A snowball suddenly hits him on the back.

Draco: Who did that?!

Malfoy glances about in confusion, when he takes two more. Hermione, Matthew, and Ron glance about uneasily.

Draco: Well, don't just stand there, do something!

Pike's ski hat was pulled over his face, and Crabbe's pants got pulled down showing his boxers as he quickly tried to pick them up, he was pushed to the snow.

Matthew: Wow...

Hermione and Ron laugh at the scene as Pike's scarf gets picked up and starts to spin him before he falls. And Draco tripped over and fell flat to the ground. Matthew laughs as well.

As Draco is being dragged into the snow, it stops as he quickly gets up and leaves.

Draco: Get out of the way!

He shoves Pike aside, prompting his lackeys to get up and follow him.

Matthew: That was awesome.

Ron: Did you manage to do that, Matt?

Matthew: That wasn't me.

Hermione: He's right, if it was him doing that, he would be using his wand or ring.

Ron: Then, who did?

Then, Ron's ski hat goes up a bit as well as Hermione's hair being played with, and Matthew's hood goes over his head.

Hermione and Matthew: Harry.

Harry: [takes off the Invisibility Cloak] [laughing]

Ron: Bloody hell, Harry! That was not funny!

The four of them laugh. The four trudge through the SWIRLING SNOW. Harry's
donned Hermione's scarf and Ron's hat to disguise himself.

Ron: Those weasels! Never told me about any Marauder's Map!

Matthew: The what?

Ron: Type of map that has a secret passage from Hogwarts.

Matthew: Oh.

Matthew sees Cho with her friends from Ravenclaw in Hogsmeade.

Matthew: Hey, uh, I- I'm going to explore for a bit. See ya.

Hermione: See you later, Matthew.

Ron: See ya, Matt.

Harry: Stay safe, okay.

Up ahead Cornelius Fudge emerges from a MINISTRY SLEIGH as Hagrid swings the door clear and -- with unfortunate ease -- rips it clean off the fittings. Fudge joins McGonagall and a CURVY BARMAID (ROSMERTA) outside the THREE BROOMSTICKS PUB.

Hermione: That's Madam Rosmerta. Ron fancies her.

Ron: It's not true!

Harry: Shhh.

Fudge: I trust business is good.

Madam Rosmerta: It'd be a right sight better if the Ministry wasn't sending Dementors into my pub every other night.

Fudge: We have a killer on the loose.

Madam Rosmerta: Sirius Black? In Hogsmeade! And what would bring him here?

Fudge: Harry Potter.

Madam Rosmerta: Harry Potter!

Fudge looks around nervously, then jerks his head toward the pub. As he leads Rosmerta and McGonagall inside.

Ron and Hermione: Harry?

Harry went invisible, and FOOTPRINTS tracked through the snow, into the pub.

Meanwhile, Matthew goes to Cho as he is a bit nervous.

Matthew: Ok. Talk to her. Act cool. Act-.

Suddenly, Matthew bumped into Pansy Parkinson.

Matthew: Oof!

Pansy: Oof! Hey, watch it.

Matthew: Sorry.

Pansy: Great, of course, you out of all the people here would do this.

Matthew: Hey, it's not like I did it on purpose.

Pansy: Of course you didn't.

Matthew: Oh, come on you can't believe that I'd do somethin' like this on purpose.

Pansy: If you didn't then at least be a gentleman and help me up.

Matthew then helps her up before picking up a couple of her bags, which leaves her surprised; turning to her.

Matthew: Where to?

Pansy: [recomposing herself; smirking] Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop.

Matthew: Let me guess: You're going on a date with Malfoy.

Pansy: How did you know?

Matthew: Please, you two are perfect for each other.

Pansy: [smirks] Jealous?

Matthew: Whatever, I'm going to find Cho-.

She steps on his foot before he can finish his sentence.

Matthew: Ow! Jeez!

Pansy: Muscle spasms.[she walks away as Matthew rubs his hurt foot]

Matthew and Pansy are entering the tea shop they take a seat at a corner on the other edge of the room.

Matthew: What's your problem?

Pansy: I don't have a problem though I can see one talking to me.

Matthew: Jeez. When I said Cho, you-.

Pansy: [anger/jealous] Why do you want to be with her instead of me?!

Matthew: [confused] Uh, what?

Pansy: N- Nevermind.

Matthew: Ok... Pansy, I'm going to say before you hurt me but... are you jealous-?

She quickly steps his foot before he can finish.

Matthew: Ow!

Pansy: I am not jealous, Stutler.

An elderly waitress walks over to them.

Kay Willows: My what a lovely young couple.

Pansy: Oh no we're-

Matthew: Like I'd ever-

Kay: Nonsense, (whispering) You know my husband and I were just like you two. (handing them the menu) You can keep denying the truth or you can order.

Both kids look at each other before sighing in annoyance; taking out a note and quill.

Kay: Good, now what will it be?

Matthew and Pansy: I'll have a piece of carrot cake along with a cup of jasmine tea.

Kay: That's sweet, ordering the same thing.

Pansy: Carrot cake is your favorite?

Matthew: Yeah, they even made some in New York.

Pansy: So... what's it like in New York?

Matthew: It's, quite a busy city, doesn't stop people from seeing the great sights in that place.

Pansy: Hmph. And what about your muggle parents?

Matthew: They're quite well, and worked well, though it didn't take them time to learn that I'm a sorcerer.

Pansy: They're probably disappointed.

Matthew: Nope, because it was the first time anyone in my family was capable of magic.

Pansy: Please, you barely have control of your spells.

Matthew: Maybe, but that hasn't stopped me a bit.

Pansy: I still don't see why an American loser like you would hang out with someone lower than you.

Matthew: Because they're my friends, something you don't understand.

Pansy: I have friends.

Matthew: Really? Name a few that you don't look down on.

Pansy: Millicent Bulstrode, Tracey Davis, and Daphne and Astoria Greengrass.

Matthew: And do you care for them?

Pansy: Yes, I do. They have been my best friends since the first year. The same goes for Draco Malfoy, Blaise, Pike, Crabbe, and Goyle.

Matthew: And do you care for those guys?

Pansy: Of course.

Matthew: Pfft, yeah right.

Pansy: What is that supposed to mean?

Matthew: It means I don't believe you. And I seriously doubt that Malfoy and his lackeys care about you or your friends.

Pansy: Of course they do. What makes you doubt it?

Matthew: Because Malfoy is nothing but a wisecracking coward. He doesn't care about anyone but himself.

Pansy: You're just jealous because he is from a higher-class family than yours.

Matthew: At least my family treated me with love and kindness.

Pansy: Well... At least, um, at least-?[mumbles as she struggles to think what else]

Matthew: What?

Pansy: Never mind.

Matthew: Pansy...

Pansy: C- Can we talk about something else?

Matthew: Uh, sure.

Kay: [arrived] Here you go.

She places the cups of tea and plates of carrot cakes on the table.

Matthew and Pansy: Thank you.

Matthew: Nostalgic one isn't she?

Pansy: I'd be surprised if she doesn't come back with her husband, and we have different tastes in partners.

Matthew: Yeah, I mean, I want a partner who's there for me no matter what, someone who I can treat as my best friend and has my back no matter what.

Pansy: And I want someone who doesn't follow my every whim, someone who helps me with what I need not what I want.

Matthew: Someone who we can do things for each other without expecting anything in return.

Pansy: Someone who I can see myself in the future with.

They slowly looked at each other as their hands were slowly close to the tip. Matthew and Pansy didn't even notice it.

Matthew and Pansy: [chuckling at each other] Like you'll ever be any of those things.

As they didn't know, their hands were already at the tip. Matthew then notices Pansy shivering.

Matthew: You okay?

Pansy: I'm not that good with the cold, but it's nothing I can't handle. I still have my jacket.

Matthew: But you're not wearing a scarf on your neck.

Pany: What are you doing?

Matthew: You look like you're about to freeze to death. Here.

Matthew takes off his scarf and wraps it around her neck.

Pansy: What about you?

Matthew: I'm fine, no the first time I've been at a snowy place.

Pansy: Doubt there's a place colder than this.

Meanwhile, with Harry, he turns just as an UNSHAVEN WIZARD'S arm whips down and a DART goes WHISTLING right toward Harry's eyes. Harry DUCKS, pivots, and sees the dart pierce the cork of the disfigured DARTBOARD behind him. Harry hurries on, trailing Fudge and McGonagall up a DARK STAIRWELL as Rosmerta leads them into a small BACK ROOM. As the door starts to close, Harry rushes forward: SLAM! Too late. The KNOB turns, and the door opens.

Harry hurries on, trailing Fudge and McGonagall up a DARK STAIRWELL as Rosmerta leads them into a small BACK ROOM. As the door starts to close, Harry rushes forward: SLAM! Too late. The KNOB turns, the door opens, and SNOW flutters off the sill of a HALF-OPEN WINDOW. McGonagall turns, frowning, and re-closes the door, harder this time, then joins Fudge and Rosmerta. HARRY'S POV SHIFTS FROM one TO the other as they speak.

Madam Rosmerta: Come on then, let's hear it.

Professor McGonagall: Years ago, when Harry Potter's parents were marked for death, they went into hiding. Few know where they were. One who did was Black. And he told-.

Madam Rosmerta: You-Know-Who. I've heard this rot. It was all over The Daily Prophet back in the day. And I'll say now what I said then: Of all the boys I ran out of here, Black's the last who would've gone over to the dark side. Hearsay. That's all the Ministry had. Hearsay.

Fudge: Ha! Tell that to Peter Pettigrew!

Madam Rosmerta: Peter Pettigrew?

Professor McGonagall: Little lump of a boy? Always tagging after Black and-.

Madam Rosmerta: I remember him. What's he got to do with it?

Professor McGonagall: After the Potters were killed, Pettigrew went looking for Black. And, unfortunately... Found him.

Fudge: Black was vicious. He didn't kill. Pettigrew. He destroyed him. A finger. That's all that was left. A finger there's your hearsay.

Rosmerta looks to McGonagall. She nods grimly.

Professor McGonagall: Sirius Black may not have put his hands to the Potters, but he's the reason they're dead. And now he wants to finish what he started.

Madam Rosmerta: Harry.

McGonagall nods, then looks pained.

Professor McGonagall: This: Sirius Black was and remains today... Harry Potter's

The pub doors fly open, revealing Main Street, where Ron and Hermione wait, rubbing their hands against the chill. As they look down, FOOTPRINTS appear in the snow. HARRY'S POV ENDS. FOLLOWS Hermione and Ron until they LEAVE FRAME, then HOLDS ON a POSTER of BLACK, fluttering against a lamppost: "Have you seen this wizard?"

Back with Matthew and Pansy, the two of them are laughing.

Pansy: And that, that happened?

Matthew nodded.

Pansy: That's hard to believe.

Matthew: That's what my teacher and classmates said after the water spilled on me during the little incident. They called it, "Pulling a Stutler" back in New York.

Pansy: [laughing]

Matthew: Yeah, I was a laughingstock back there.

Pansy: Aw, poor mouse.

Matthew: Haha.

Matthew sees Ron and Hermione can be seen running past the window beside them as Matthew stands up.

Pansy: You're leaving?

Matthew: Yeah, something tells me, a friend of mine's in trouble.

Pansy: Oh, yeah.

Matthew then places galleons on the table before running out of the store; sighing as he runs past the window.

Matthew: Bye, Pansy.

Pansy: Bye... Why do you always have to make me feel like this?

Pansy shrugs it off as she still wears his scarf.

Pansy: [feels the warmth of Matthew's scarf] [sighs]

Meanwhile, Matthew runs fast to catch up with Hermione with Ron. At the end of a ROCKY OUTCROP, the FOOTPRINTS end, and SOBS are heard. Ron takes Hermione's arm, discouraging her from going further, but she does, filling the footprints with her own, then kneeling and very gently drawing the cloak from Harry. He stares into the mist, eyes stinging with tears.

Hermione: Harry? What's the matter?

Harry: He was their friend. And he betrayed them.[outraged] He was their friend! [eyes hardening] I hope he finds me. But when he does, I'm going to be ready! When he does, I'm going to kill him!

The DYING SUN streams through high windows, painting Harry's face a fierce AMBER-RED as he stands opposite
Lupin. ANCIENT CHARTS drape the walls while gleaming SPHERES OF SPUN GLASS ORBIT one another silently. Lupin paces before a LARGE TRUNK.

Professor Lupin: You're sure about this, Harry? This is very advanced magic. Well beyond Ordinary Wizarding Level.

Harry: If Black can fight the Dementors, I need to know how too.

Lupin studies Harry as if conflicted and then decides.

Professor Lupin: Very well. The spell I'm going to teach you is called the Patronus Charm. Ever heard of it?

Harry shakes his head.

Professor Lupin: A Patronus is a kind of positive force. For the wizard who can conjure one, the Patronus works something like a shield. The Dementor feeds on it instead of him.

Just then, the trunk RATTLES VIOLENTLY. As Harry's eyes wander, Lupin SNAPS his fingers bringing his attention

Professor Lupin: But in order for it to work, you must think of a memory. And not just any. This memory needs to be a very happy one. And powerful.

Harry thinks a bit. Then nods.

Professor Lupin: Got something? Good. Let it fill you up. Lose yourself in it. Then speak the incantation: Expecto Patronum. Without your wand.

Harry: Expecto Patronum...

Professor Lupin: Right then. Shall we?

Harry nods and raises his wand. Lupin, watching closely, reaches over, and grips the lid of the TRUNK.

Professor Lupin: Concentrate, Harry, concentrate...

As Lupin flings open the case, Harry opens his eyes. I'm the sun's blood-light, the Dementor looks particularly horrific.

Harry: Expecto... Patronum... Expecto Patronum!

The torches on the wall FLICKER as a CHILL BREEZE fills the chamber.

Harry: Expecto... Expecto... Expecto...

A SCREAM ECHOES distantly. Harry's hand trembles. His eyes begin to roll up. Harry fainted.

Professor Lupin: Harry!

The Dementor mutates into a silverly white orb.

Professor Lupin: Riddikulus!

He flicks his wand and sends the orb back into the packing case. Harry stands blinking, dazed. Lupin fishes a chocolate frog from his pocket, and presses it into Harry's trembling hand.

Professor Lupin: Quickly.

Harry studies the frog. Takes a bite. Begins to recover.

Harry: That's one nasty Dementor.

Professor Lupin: Boggart, Harry. The real thing would be much, much worse. Just out of interest, what were you thinking of? What memory did you choose?

Harry: The first time I rode a broom.

Professor Lupin: That's not good enough, Harry. Not nearly.

Harry glanced towards the window, at the bloody sun.

Harry: There's another. It's not happy, exactly. Well, it is. It's the happiest I've ever felt... but it's complicated.

Professor Lupin: Is it strong?

Professor Lupin asked as Harry turned to face him, nodding confidently.

Professor Lupin: Then let's give it a try. You feel ready?

Lupin asked as Harry approached the trunk with his wand at the ready.

Harry: Let's do it.

Harry said, pointing his wand at the trunk. Lupin took position next to the trunk. Lupin waved his hand in front of the trunk once more before opening the lid allowing the boggart dementor to spill into the air as it hovered over Harry.

Harry: Expecto Patronum!

Harry said forcefully and nothing happened. Harry thrust his wand towards the dementor and yelled passionately.

Harry: Expecto Patronum!

He yelled as a white mist-like shield formed before him, preventing the dementor from getting closer.

Professor Lupin watched in shock as the dementor couldn't get through the shield and laughed in amazement at the feat Harry had just accomplished. Harry then forced the dementor back into the trunk as Lupin immediately closed it, and the spell ended.

Professor Lupin: Yes! Well done, Harry. Well done!

Professor Lupin said happily as he laughed, slapping the trunk.

Harry: I think, I had enough, for today.

Harry said out of breath as he leaned against a column for support.

Professor Lupin: Yes. Sit down.

Professor Lupin said, walking over to them and taking out a piece of chocolate.

Professor Lupin: Here, eat this. It helps. It helps.

Professor Lupin said, handing Harry the chocolate as they sat down on the steps.

Harry: I was thinking of him... and Mum. Seeing their faces. They were talking to me. Just talking. That's the memory I chose. I don't even know if it's real, but it's the best I have.

Harry said as the two of them sat there smiling. After a bit of rest, Harry left, leaving Professor Lupin.

Balthazar: You did good, Remus.

Professor Lupin sees Balthazar emerging from the shadows.

Professor Lupin: I know I did well, Balthazar. Harry is a bit rusty, but he has a way to go.

Balthazar: I agree. The same goes for Matt, too.

Professor Lupin: Yes... Have you told him the truth, yet?

Balthazar: Yes. I did. Horvath will come for him if gets the Grimhold.

Professor Lupin: Then we'll have to be ready, from the moment he tries to escape.

In the town of Hogsmeade, at the Three Broomstick Inn, the mirror was shown to have cracks.

Drake: Ok. Now what? Are still going after the boy?

Drake and Horvath (who managed to get free) leave the building as the Morganian showman is shown to have dried wet spots on his coat from the butterbeer.

Horvath: We are, we just need a moment that he is alone, with no one to back him up.

Drake: How?

Horvath: Reinforcements.

Horvath leaves the scene, prompting Drake to follow.

End of Chapter 26

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