Chapter 23: Buckbeak, Boggart, and Hogsmeade
The next morning, Everyone is up and ready for the day. A bluebird flies past the Clock Tower, through the Covered Bridge, and out into the Hogwarts grounds. It then flies too close to the Whomping Willow and gets thwacked.
Inside shows the students with the teacher present.
Professor Trelawney: Welcome, my children. In this room, you shall explore the mysterious art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess...
A crimson scrim FLUTTERS and SYBIL TRELAWNEY, DivinationvProfessor, glides dramatically INTO VIEW, eyes huge and bug-like behind enormous glasses.
Professor Trelawney: ... the Sight. Hello. I am Professor Trelawney. Together, we shall cast ourselves into the future. But know this. One either has the Gift or not. It cannot be divined from the pages of a book. Books only cloud one's Inner Eye.
Hermione: [under her breath] What rubbish.
Ron: Where'd you come from?
Hermione: Me? I've been here all along.
Professor Trelawney: [spinning on Neville] You, boy! Is your grandmother well?
Neville: [nervously] Um, I think so.
Professor Trelawney: I-I wouldn't be so sure of that. [to Dean] Give me the cup. [Dean does so] Oh...
Professor Trelawney set it down and looked at Neville with an uncertain face while walking in the opposite direction.
Professor Trelawney: Hmm... Pity.
Neville immediately looks at the cup.
Professor Trelawney: Broaden your mind!
She walks past Matthew's table only to immediately turn around.
Professor Trelawney: Interesting...
Matthew: What is?
Professor Trelawney: You have an extraordinary future ahead of you, Stutler.
Matthew: I do?[looks at his cup]
Professor Trelawney: Yes, a bright future overcoming the darkness.
Matthew: Sweet.
Pansy: What about mine?
Professor Trelawney goes to Pansy as she looks at her cup, looks closely, and looks surprised.
Professor Trelawney: Oh my.
Pansy: What?
Professor Trelawney: Your future has a light path ahead of your dark past, very unique.
Pansy: And what else?
Professor Trelawney looks close, causing her to stumble a bit as she has a faint blush.
Professor Trelawney: The rest... You have to find out yourself.
Pansy: Great.
Professor Trelawney: The future is growing for you.
Ron: Well. He's got a wonky sort of cross that's trials and suffering. But this lot here
could be the sun that's great happiness. So... he's going to suffer but be very happy about it.
Professor Trelawney takes the cup, peers inside, and GASPS. Trelawney regards Harry with a mixture of pity and fear.
Professor Trelawney: Oh, my dear boy. My dear... You have... the Grim.
Everyone gasps except Seamus, who's confused.
Seamus: The Grin? What's the Grin?
Bem: Not the Grin, you idiot, the Grim. "Taking the form of a giant spectral dog, it's among the darkest of omens in our world. It's an omen... Of Death."
Harry peers into his cup. The tea leaves shift. The dog disappears. And a new image emerges slowly... Sirius Black.
The four emerge from the bridge and make their way toward Hagrid's hut. The Whomping Willow looms in the distance.
Hermione: Death omens. Honestly. If you ask me, Divination is a very wooly discipline. Now Ancient Runes. That's a fascinating subject.
Ron: Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking this term?
Hermione: A fair few.
Ron: Hang on. Ancient Runes is the same time as Divination. You'd have to be in two classes at once.
Hermione: Don't be silly. How could anyone be in two classes at once (mimicking Trelawney) Broaden your minds...
STUDENTS gather around Hagrid as Harry, Ron, Matthew, and Hermione arrive. Draco, Crabbe, Pansy, and Goyle stand with the Slytherins.
Hagrid: C'mon now, get a move on! Got a real treat for yeh. Great lesson comin' up. Follow me.
Hagrid leads them toward a small paddock just this side of the Forbidden Forest. In the paddock, a freestanding IRON RACK hangs with DEAD FERRETS, BUZZING with FLIES. Nearby is a PUMPKIN PATCH.
Hagrid: Gather 'round. Find yourself a spot. That's it. Now, the first thing you'll want to do is open yer books.
Draco: And exactly how do we do that?
Hagrid: Just stroke the spine of course.
Draco and the other students then did as he was told, and the book calmed itself. As Neville was about to open the book Matthew stopped him.
Matthew: Stroke the spine, Neville.
Neville: Right, thanks, Matt.
As the four friends gathered near a rock Hermione spoke.
Hermione: I think they're funny.
Draco: Oh, yeah. Terribly funny. Witty. God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until Father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes.
Matthew: Shut up, Malfoy. If you don't like it, go cry to Daddy about your little problems like the little princess that you are.
Oohs were heard through the crowd. Draco was furious at the American's insult.
Draco: [anger] How dare you... you...
He couldn't think of a comeback.
Draco: Dementor! Dementor!
Everyone except Matthew looks at what Draco is pointing.
Matthew: Wow. That's your comeback. You really are pathetic.[turns and walks to his friends]
Draco angrily grits his teeth, while quietly cursing him.
Draco: [quietly] Pathetic? American swine.[reaches for his wand] I'll show you who's pathetic.
He was about to pull it out before a hand stopped him.
Pansy: Can't let you get us in trouble.
Draco: [anger] Why are you saving this American? He needs to be taught a lesson. Make him know his place.[aims his wand at Matthew]
Matthew: [snapped his fingers]
The magic suddenly backfires on Draco as he falls.
Students: [laughing at Draco]
Matthew: Try to practice your spells more often, Maldork.
Matthew laughs at his misfortune as they proceed forward. Draco glares at Matthew with hatred, knowing that he will never forget the humiliation. Hermione gave Matthew a motherly look.
Hermione: That was unnecessary to do that, Matthew.
Matthew: I know, sorry.
Hermione: I'll let that one slide for now, as you did humiliate him.
Matthew: Thanks. And I promise I won't do it again.
Hermione: That's a lie. And you are still terrible at it.
Matthew: Ok. I get it.
Just then Hagrid called their attention with a "da-da-daaa!" They all turned to see a beautiful creature.
Hagrid: Gee up, there! [Grins] Bea'iful, isn't he?
Matthew: What is... that?
The creature appears to be a mix of a horse and an eagle.
Ron: I agree with Matthew. Hagrid, exactly what is that?
Hagrid: A Hippogriff, o' course. Now, the firs' thing yeh gotta know is they're proud. Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don't insult one, 'cause it might be the last thing yeh do. Right then -- who wants to come an'
say hello.
The entire class quickly stepped back, leaving the two in front.
Matthew: You go first.
Hagrid: Good man, Harry!
Harry: [sarcastically] Gee, thanks, Matt.
At which, he slowly approaches the Hippogriff.
Hagrid: Now... you have to let him make the first move. It's only polite. So... step up. Give him a nice bow. Then you wait and see if he bows back. If he does, you can go and touch him. If not... well, we'll get to that later.
Harry is a little unsure about it but nods either way. He steps forward, and bows. Buckbeak's head cocks, eagle eyes studying Harry cannily, while Harry waits.
Hagrid: Back off, Harry! Back off!
Harry starts to step back, when... Buckbeak ducks his beak. Hagrid sighs, relieved.
Hagrid: Well done, Harry! Go on. Pat him.
Tentatively, Harry reaches out his hand on Buckbeak's fierce beak. The class claps as Matthew gives a thumbs-up, causing Harry to smile.
Hagrid: Look at that! I reckon he might let yeh ride 'im!
Harry:[smile drooping] Excuse me?
Hagrid: We'll just set yeh behind the wing joint. Mind yeh don't pull any feathers out. He won't like that.
Hagrid lifts Harry high, drops him onto Buckbeak's back, and before Harry's settled, SLAPS Buckbeak's hindquarters.
Hagrid: Off you go!
As Buckbeak GALLOPS FORWARD, Harry slides scarily back, giant WINGS unfold, huge and powerful, and -- WHOOSH! --they SOAR into the air. Rising higher. And higher. And higher. Gradually, Harry loosens his hold on Buckbeak's neck. Losing himself in the joy of flying.
Smiling at the sight of his and Buckbeak's SHADOW racing across the grass below.
Circling over the Whomping Willow, past Hogwarts castle, and then SWOOPING, with heart-stopping speed, over the Black Lake, Buckbeak's talons tickling the smooth glass of the water, summoning the GIANT SQUID to the surface briefly. Hagrid WHISTLES then, and Buckbeak wheels, beating his way back to the paddock, galloping to a halt. As Harry slides off, the class CHEERS -- all except Draco, who narrows his eyes maliciously.
Hagrid: Good work, Harry! [Under his breath] How'm I doing me firs' day?
Harry: Brilliant... Professor.
Draco: Oh please.
They both grin, when Draco pushes past them roughly and strides toward Buckbeak.
Draco: Yes. You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute.
Hagrid: Malfoy, no!
In a flash, Buckbeak's steely talons SLASH DOWN. Malfoy freezes. Looks down at the BLOOD BLOSSOMING on his robes. SHRIEKS. Instantly, Harry dashes forward. Buckbeak WHIPS AROUND raises its talons, and -- seeing Harry -- lowers them. Ducks its beak. Harry... realizing what he's done... breathes.
Draco: It's killed me! It's killed me!
Matthew: Wow... what a pu- ow!
Hermione quickly pinches his ear to shut him up.
Hagrid: Calm yourself! You're fine... just a scratch...
Hagrid looks a DEEP GASH glistens on Draco's limp arm.
Hermione: Hagrid. He's got to be taken to a hospital. I'll go with you if you like-.
Hagrid: No. I'm the teacher. You all... you all just... Class dismissed!
And with that, Hagrid -- looking shaken -- swoops up Malfoy, flops him over his shoulder, and lumbers toward the castle.
The gang was walking through the corridors of the castle before they were suddenly approached by Oliver Wood.
Oliver: "Matthew! Hey, can I talk to you for a moment?"
Oliver said, gesturing to the side.
Matthew: Yeah, sure, I'll catch up in a bit, guys.
Matthew said to his friends as they nodded and walked away.
Matthew: "So, Wood, what's up?"
Matthew asked, confused about why Wood wanted to talk to him alone.
Oliver: "Listen, I've decided to put you on the team this year. You won't be on the sidelines anymore; you'll be replacing Katie as a chaser."
Wood said, smiling.
Matthew: Wait, are you saying that... I'm joining Quidditch?!
Matthew: I don't know. I'm not much of a sports guy. But I'll try. Wait, what about Katie?"
Oliver: "She decided to stop playing quidditch and focus more on her studies."
Matthew: "Ok, so when's practice?"
Oliver: Every day at 6. Better be ready, Stutler."
Wood said, smirking as he walked off, leaving Matthew a bit excited and nervous.
Matthew: I can do this... I'm going to die.
Matthew went to go to his friends until he bumped into an extremely pretty girl with long, shiny dark hair, a freckled nose, and a head shorter than Harry's. Her name is Cho Chang, a house member of Ravenclaw.
Matthew: Oh, Cho. Sorry.
Cho: It's OK. I didn't see you there either.
Matthew: [trying to act cool] So... how's your day?[groans silently at his lack of coolness]
Cho: My day was great. How's yours?
Matthew: Well, I've been studying physics all summer. But my life went well.
Cho: Well, that's nice. But, I couldn't help but notice that you'll be joining the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
Matthew: Uh, yes. Plus I've been doing a lot of cardio exercises lately in the summer. Let me introduce Thunder, Lightning.
Matthew refers to his left and right arm respectively.
Cho: Thunder and Lightning?
Matthew: It's an American thing.
Cho: [giggles] Well, if you're there, I'll be here to support you. See ya later.[leaves]
Matthew: Hey, Cho?
Cho: Yes, Matthew?
Matthew: Do, you... wanna, uh... you know... hang out... sometimes?
Cho: [smiles] Sure.[leaves]
Matthew smiles. Unknown to him, Balthazar standing behind him. Matthew was startled when he suddenly turned around.
Balthazar: Love is a distraction. Sorcery requires complete focus. Let's go, "Thunder and Lightning." There's more to learn.
The ghosts of the Headless Hunt "crash" into the Entrance Hall and then ride through the Great Hall. His arm now bandaged, Draco is sitting with his female companion, Pansy Parkinson.
Pansy: Does it hurt terribly, Draco?
Draco: It comes and it goes. Still, I consider myself lucky. According to Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two, and I, uh, could've lost my arm.
Harry, Matthew, Ron, and Hermione watch from the Gryffindor table.
Matthew: What a loser.
Ron: That little git. He's really laying it on thick, isn't he?
Harry: At least Hagrid didn't get sacked.
Hermoine: Yes. But I hear Draco's father's furious. I don't think we've heard the end of this.
Seamus: He's been sighted! He's been sighted!
Seamus yelled, running to the Gryffindor table and slamming down today's newspaper.
Matthew: Who?
Seamus: Sirius Black!
He said, making everyone gasp and stand up to look at the paper.
Hermione: Dufftown?! That's not far from here.
Hermione says, looking to Harry, who has a concerned look on his face.
Neville: Y-you don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?
Neville asked worriedly.
"With dementors at every entrance?" someone said.
Seamus: Dementors! He's already slipped passed them once, hasn't he? Who is to say he won't do it again?
"That's right. Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke. Trying to catch smoke with your bare hands." Some random kid said as Harry had a worried look on his face.
Meanwhile, back in New York City, Horvath walked past the nearby Charging Bull Statue after he and Drake wandered the city a bit until they found just the spot the former Merlinean was looking for. His attention is skyward as he looks at the satellite dishes on the tops of the surrounding buildings. He turns to look down at Battery Park, the park in the center of said buildings. In addition to the Bull Statue, the park has a large circular fountain in the middle.
Horvath: This is perfect. The Rising will happen here. We'll use their satellite dishes on the rooftops. (points his cane at the dishes in the distance) There, and there, and there. Get it done.
Horvath turns to Drake only to be dismayed by the sight of him standing a little way off with a crowd of fans around him, clamoring for autographs.
Drake: (signing autographs for his fans) My "Best of" DVD drops next month.
Drake notices the unimpressed Horvath who raises an eyebrow.
Drake: Here we go. All right. Move.
He shoves an oblivious kid aside and walks towards Horvath.
Drake: Sorry about that. It's just nice for them to see a genuine icon like me.
Horvath: (attempting to be sarcastic despite the evident venomous tone) Fortunately, they'll all be dead soon. And before that, we need to find the boy.
Drake: And how exactly are we going to find him?
Horvath places a bewitched magnet that has a symbol of Hogwarts on the Bull Statue with a sly grin.
Horvath: We'll wait until he's alone.
The screen goes up as the night later becomes morning it appears back at Hogwarts. Beautiful flowers gleam in the dawn light, then, slowly begin to WITHER. The dew FREEZES, the grass grows brittle. Seconds later, the Dementors sweep by.
A tall WARDROBE RATTLES VIOLENTLY as Harry, Matthew, Ron, and several classmates regard it warily.
Professor Lupin: Intriguing, yes? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to
what's inside?
Seamus: (in a hushed voice) That's a Boggart, that is.
Professor Lupin: Very good, Mr. Finnigan. Can anyone tell us what a Boggart looks like?
Hermione: No one knows.
Matthew JUMPS glances at Hermione, then WHISPERS to Harry and Ron.
Matthew: When'd she get here?
Hermione: I was standing beside you, anyways, Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears most. That's what makes it so.
Professor Lupin: Terrifying, yes. Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it now, shall we? Without wands, please... Riddikulus!
Students: Riddikulus!
Professor Lupin: One more time with confidence. Riddikulus!
Students: Riddikulus!
Draco: [to his crew] This whole class is ridiculous.
They chuckle at it since they sound the same.
Professor Lupin: Good. So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What finishes a Boggart off is... laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Neville, come up here, will you?
Neville eyes the rattling wardrobe and steps forward queasily.
Professor Lupin: What would you say is the thing that frightens you most?
Neville: Professor Snape.
Everyone LAUGHS good-naturedly. Lupin nods thoughtfully.
Professor Lupin: Hmmm... yes. Neville, I believe you live with your grandmother.
Neville: Yes, but I don't want the Boggart to turn into her either.
Professor Lupin: It won't. But I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes, very clearly in your mind. Can you do that? Shall we begin, Professor Blake?
Balthazar: Indeed we shall, Lupin. [Reaches to the closet as he opens it]
Lupin: You can do this, Neville.
Neville nods nervously and takes a deep breath.
Balthazar: Right then. Wand at the ready. One. Two. Three!
Sparks jet from Lupin's wand, striking the doorknob, and the wardrobe bursts open. Instantly, Snape appears, eyes flashing hideously as he stalks forward, causing Neville to back away in fright.
Neville: R-r-riddikulus!
Instantly, the class laughed (except for Draco and his fellow Slytherins). Neville blinks, amazed, then slowly, grins himself.
Professor Lupin: Wonderful Neville, wonderful, incredible. Okay, to the back, Neville. Everyone, form a line!
All the students form in the line.
Professor Lupin: Ron! Forward!
Lupin drops the needle on an OLD GRAMAPHONE. As a SCRATCHY RHUMBA fills the room.
Balthazar: Concentrat. Be brave.
Snape DISSOLVES into a mad whirling mass, then mutates into a... GIANT SPIDER. As Ron GASPS, Harry, Matthew, and Hermione exchange an uncertain glance. Lupin puts his hands on Ron's shoulders to steady him. Ron raises his wand.
Professor Lupin: Wand at the ready, Ron. Wand at the ready.
Ron: Riddikulus!
ROLLER SKATES materialize on the spider's hairy feet and it begins to shuffle crazily in place. Instantly, Ron relaxes as the class' LAUGHTER rings out.
Professor Lupin: Yes! You see? Very good, very good. [The spider falls after the loss of balance] Marvelous. Absolutely, very very. Parvati, next!
Ron gave Harry and Matthew high fives. As Parvati steps up, the spider SPINS faster and faster, a DIZZYING BLUR, then reappears as a cobra. The cobra hisses as Parvati stands in fear.
Professor Lupin: Keep your nerves steady.
Parvati: Riddickulus!
The cobra's hooded head BOBS back and forth transforms into a JACK-IN-THE-BOX. Lupin grins and...
Lupin: Next. Mr. Stutler.
Matthew steps in.
Harry: Good luck Matt.
Cho: [concerned] Be careful.
Pansy: This should be entertaining.
Lupin: Alright, Matthew, be brave.
Matthew: There's literally nothing that can't scare me.
Balthazar: I doubt that.
Matthew: [mumbles] Dang it.
Matthew steps in front of the Boggart as he looks at it. It turns into a grizzly bear as it roars.
Matthew: [frozen in fear]
Harry: You're afraid of bears?
Matthew was too afraid to respond. The bear gets close to Matthew.
Balthazar: Calm your mind, ease your nerves.
Matthew: Riddickulus!
He quickly waves his wand as the spell hits the bear. The grizzly bear turns into a big teddy bear. Matthew sighs in relief. The students laughed. Cho and Pansy laugh as well.
Lupin: Haha. Splendid, Mr. Stutler. And next.
Matthew goes to the back as Harry goes in front. Concern flickers through Balthazar and Lupin's faces. The Jack-In-The-Box pivots on its spring, its face tumbling toward Harry, becoming more sinister, transforming into a... Dementor.
Suddenly the MUSIC FADES. Harry starts to raise his wand, then... freezes, transfixed. The Dementor looms closer and closer, when... Lupin steps between and snaps his wand.
Lupin: Here!
He quickly waves his wand as the Dementor vanishes and rolling mists appear, which become clouds. With something glowing within the clouds, white, silvery, and round.
Lupin: Riddickulus!
The orb deflates like a punctured balloon, whizzes crazily throughout the room, then darts back into the wardrobe, slamming the door shut as the class cheers.
Lupin: Right, sorry about that. Uh, that's enough for today.[to Balthazar] Don't you agree, Professor Blake?
Balthazar: Agree so, Lupin.[to the class] Class dismissed.
As the students exit, chattering loudly, only Harry, subdued, remains behind. At the doorway, Lupin glances back and exchanges a private glance with him. As he exits, the WARDROBE gives one last RATTLE.
Balthazar: Not you, Matt. We still have important work to do.
Matthew: Ugh. Coming.
Two weeks later, A great buzzing queue of STUDENTS -- Third Years and older -- each clutching a PERMISSION FORM -- pass by a glowering Filch. The Third Year students are in their causal clothes.
Professor McGonagall: Remember! These visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again.
Harry goes up to her. And before he can talk.
Professor McGonagall: No permission form, no visiting the village. That's the rule, Potter.
Filch: All those with permission, follow me. Those without, stay put.
Harry: [to McGonagall] But Professor, but I thought if you signed it, then I could--
McGonagall: I can't. Only a parent or a guardian can sign. Since I am neither, it would be inappropriate. I'm sorry, Potter, that's my final word.
Ron, Matthew, and Hermione look sadly at Harry.
Harry: Forget about it, guys. See you later.
Ron, Matthew, and Hermione leave with the others, leaving Harry standing by himself in the courtyard.
Harry: [voiceover] Professor, can I ask you something?
Lupin: [voiceover] You want to know why I stopped you facing that Boggart, yes? I would've thought it'd be obvious. I assumed it would take the shape of Lord Voldemort.
Harry: I did think of Voldemort, but first, but then I remembered that on that train, the Dementor.
Lupin: Well, I'm very impressed. That suggests that what you fear the most is fear itself. This is very wise.
Harry: Before I fainted, I heard something... a woman... screaming.
Lupin: Well, Dementors force us to relive our very worst memories. Our pain becomes their power.
Harry: I think it was my mother... the night she was murdered.
Lupin: You know, the very first time I saw you, Harry, I recognized you immediately. Not by your scar, by your eyes. They're your mother Lily's. Yes, oh yes, I knew her. [he turns around to look out the other side of the bridge] Your mother was there for me at a time when no one else was. Not only was she a singularly gifted witch, but she was also an uncommonly kind woman. She had a way of seeing the beauty in others, even and perhaps most especially when that person could not see it in themselves. Your father James, on the other hand, he, uh, he had a certain, shall we say, talent for trouble. [Lupin turns back to join Harry] A talent, rumor has it, he passed on to you. You're more like them than you know, Harry. In time, you'll come to see just how much.
End of Chapter 23
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