Dolores Umbridge updated her status:
All student organizations are disbanded.
Fred Weasley: What about Quidditch??
George Weasley: What about HMFAG?? :((
Fred Weasley: What does HMFAG stand for George? And how come you never told me about it?
George Weasley: Shut up Fred! Now's not the time!
Fred Weasley: Does it stand for Horses, Mules, Fireflies and Giraffes by any chance? Haha xD
George Weasley: Why the bloody hell would you think it stands for that??
Fred Weasley: I dunno. But tell me or I'll keep guessing.
George Weasley: It stands for Help Me Find A Girl. Now if you tell anyone about this Fred, I will kill you!
Harry Potter: This is Facebook, Fred.
Hermione Granger: That's right. Everyone knows what you post here. Unless of course you adjust your privacy settings but I don't think you know Facebook that well yet!
George Weasley: Are you calling me stupid?
Hermione Granger: Now why would you say that?
Ron Weasley: Who the hell writes this stuff in the comments under somebody's status anyway? I mean there is this thing called Private Messaging...
Hermione Granger: Good one, Ron :)
Harry Potter: Hey does anybody know that Dolores actually means sorrow in some other language?
Hermione Granger: That would explain the cat pictures! Lol
Dolores Umbridge: This happens to be my wall! Go away!
Fred Weasley: You can't make us!
Dolores Umbridge: I really hate children..
Ron Weasley: And again, that would explain the cat pictures -_-
(Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and 10 others like this comment)
Okay how was that? Tell me what you want me to write in the next chapter, okay? Percy Jackson or The Hinger Games? Or do you guys want a crossover? I need your opinion guys! XD
Oh and I'll be asking you guys a question at the end of each chat now so umm.. answer it okay? Please? Cuz if you don't then I'll feel stupid for asking..Anyways here's today's question:
Who is your favorite Harry Potter character and why? Answer it! Haha oh and please drop a vote if you thought this chat was funny :)
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