Chapter 6 Funerals, Flowers and Stargazing

The funeral procession wound through the streets and out of Edoras heading towards a tomb that had been recently constructed, four soldiers dressed in all their armour carried Prince Théoden's body towards the tomb. Theodred looked a lot like his father, he had long blonde hair and had the same blue eyes as his father, he too was garbed in his armour and had his sword pointed at his feet like Boromir's at his funeral. The whole population of Edoras was either in the procession or was waiting at the tomb, Théoden followed his son's body through Edoras and Harry, Gandalf, Legolas, Aragorn an Gimli followed him. Théoden had given Harry some new black clothes to wear, which Harry was happy to wear, as his others had practically worn away, Harry clutched his staff in both hands, he slowly bent of Theodred and pressed the staff's crest against the dead prince's brow in a blessing. Even though it was a very sad affair Harry could not help but notice how beautiful Eowyn looked, a circlet of gold rest on her forehead, her blond hair was tied back in a bun and she wore a black mourning dress.
"Bealocwealm hafað fréone frecan forth onsended," lamented Eowyn, Harry heard her emotions in her voice as she sang.
"Giedd sculon singan gléomenn sorgiende on Meduselde,
Thæt he ma no wære, his dryhtne dyrest,
And maga deorost Bealo."
And just like that the funeral ended, with two men sealing off Theodred's stone tomb next to those of his ancestors. Edoras was in mourning for three whole days at the loss of their beloved prince, Harry walked the streets garbed in a black tunic and leggings, his white staff in one hand and his other resting on the pommel of his sword Istar, it was very grim. Harry hadn't seen Theoden or Eowyn since the funeral, on the third night of mourning Harry found himself walking across the burial mounds and noticed that a peculiar white flower was growing amongst the grass. Delicately, Harry picked one of the ground "That's Symbelmyne," said a voice from behind him, making Harry jump so much he dropped the small flower and turn round to see Eowyn.
"Oh!" Exclaimed Harry "Sorry my lady, I'll go away now, sorry," stuttered Harry, starting to walk back towards the gates.
"Wait," said Eowyn calmly, Harry did as he was told and moved back to where he was, Eowyn picked up the flower Harry had dropped "This flower only grows in Rohan, did you know that?"
"I'm sorry no."
"This flower, Simbelmyne, has ever grew on the burial mounds of our forebearers," she said "and now it will grow on my cousin's," she flew the flower on the floor.
"I'm sorry for your loss," said Harry kindly "He sounds very special, is there anything I can do or..." Harry put a comforting hand on her shoulder and to his surprise she didn't shrug him off.
"He was, he was like a brother to me..." she sniffed loudly "But no matter for now he is dead and gone..." Eowyn crouched to the floor in a ball and her shoulders racked as she silently cried.
"Shhh..." Harry soothed quietly, and he tilted her face upwards towards the night sky, where billions of white stars gleamed brightly "When I was younger, I thought that whenever somebody died they would become a star and watch over us. See those two," Harry pointed towards two large stars very close to each other. Eowyn nodded weakly "Those are my parents and see that one and that one, yes those ones, they are two of my friends who died recently," said Harry thinking of Boromir and Cedric Diggory.
"Thank you Hadrid," said Eowyn, she sounded generally thankful and she had stopped crying "That one," she pointed at one of the largest stars in the sky that Harry had not seen before "Is Theodred," a smile touched the corners of her mouth but then it faded, she turned to face Harry "If you don't mind my asking, how did your parents die?"
This question came as a slight shock to Harry but he answered kindly "They were murdered, when I was small," Harry didn't know what to say next because he couldn't say it was Voldemort "By Saruman..."
"What's that?" Asked Eowyn, she stood up suddenly and pointed at a silhouette on the horizon.
Harry squinted slightly "It looks like a horse, come on!" Harry and Eowyn ran down the hill towards the horse and were surprised to see two young children upon its back looking exhausted, Harry felt the forehead of one of them and it was ice cold to the touch "We need to get them warmed up," muttered Harry "Fast."
The next morning, Harry sat at one of the many tables at Meduseld trying to keep his eyes open, he and Eowyn had seen to it personally that the two children, a boy and a girl, were given a bed, blankets, a bath and food whilst they extracted as much information as possible from them during the night. "They had no warning," said Eowyn seriously "They were unarmed and now the Wildmen move through the Westfold, burning as they go, rick, cot and tree," Aragorn and legolas exchanged worried glances but Theoen wore a passive mask as he listened.
Harry stood up next to Eowyn "They left no survivors," said Harry, "Apart from those lucky enough to escape before the attacks, they ruthlessly slaughtered men, women and children and judging from their general direction their next target will be Edoras, we must fight for our city."
"Where's Mama?" piped up the little girl, Eowyn wrapped a blanket and soothed her gently.
"This is a but a taste of the terror Saruman will unleash," said Gandalf severely, Theoden massage on of his temples with one hand stressfully "All the more potent fears are now being driven by Sauron, ride out and meet him head-on, draw him away from your woman and children, you must fight!"
"You have two thousand good men riding north as we speak," added Aragorn calmly "Eomer is loyal to you," Harry assumed that Eomer was the rider's leader "His men will return and fight for their King."
Theoden stood up "They will be three hundred leagues from here by now," said Theoden angrily "Eomer cannot help us," Gandalf stood up to protest but was cut short by Theoden "I know what it is you want of me but I will not bring further death to my people, I will not risk open war."
"Open war is upon you," retorted Aragorn calmly "Whether you'd risk it or not," Harry nodded in agreement.
Theoden turned to face Aragorn "When last I looked," siad Theoden icily "Theoden not Aragorn was King of Rohan."
"Then what is the King's decision?" Asked Gandalf.
"By order of the King the city must empty!" Shouted the guard who Harry had learnt was called Gamling "We make for the refuge of Helm's Deep! Do not burden yourself with treasures, take only the provisions you need!"
"Helm's Deep!" Muttered Gandalf crossly, "They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight!" The streets in the city had gotten so crowded that Harry, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and Gandalf had shove their way through the panicking locals.
"Who will defend them if not their King?" Stormed Gimli as they barged their way through the stables.
"He is only doing what he thinks is best for his people," murmured Aragorn unhappily.
"Hasn't Helm's Deep saved them in the past?" asked Harry.
"There is no way out of that ravine," said Gandalf, "Theoden is walking into a trap, he thinks he is leading them to safety, what they will get is a massacre."
Harry and Legolas opened the doors for Shadowfax's stable and Gandalf rushed through and began to saddle the white stallion "Theoden has a strong will but I fear for him, I fear for Rohan," Gandalf then lowered his voice so that only Harry and Aragorn could hear him "Hadrid, Aragorn, Theoden will need you before the end, Rohan will need you two, the defenses have to hold."
"They will hold," assured Aragorn, Harry nodded nervously.
Gandalf swung onto the back of Shadowfax "Look to my coming," said Gandalf "On the fifth day, at dawn look to the east," and with that Gandalf lashed the reins and Shadowfax bolted out of Edoras leaving Harry with Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn again, alone.

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