Chapter 4 Rohan, Eavesdropping and Shadowfax
(In this Eowyn is sixteen, deal with it.)
The now five companions walked briskly through Fangorn Forest "As one stage of your journey ends another begins," said Gandalf calmly, he now wore a grey cloak over his white robes and Harry was not sure why "We must travel to Edoras at full speed."
"Edoras?" Said Gimli, astounded "That is no short distance."
"We hear of trouble in Rohan," said Aragorn quietly "It goes ill with the King."
"Yes and it will not be easily cured," said Gandalf gravely before walking on again."
"Then we have ran all this way for nothing!" Interjected Gimli angrily "How can we leave these poor Hobbits in this dank, tree-infested..." a low grumbling sound cut through Gimli's rant "I mean charming, quite charming forest," Gimli's voice was now an octave higher than usual.
"I wouldn't insult this place Gimli," Harry murmured staring up at the trees "They don't seem like the forgiving sort of bunch."
"It was more than mere chance that brought Merry and Pippin to Fangorn," said Gandalf, turning round to face Harry, Gimli and Legolas who had remained silent "A great power has been sleeping here for many long years, the coming of Merry and Pippin will be like the falling of small stones that start an avalanche in the mountains."
"There is one thing that has not changed about you, dear friend," said Aragorn fondly "You still speak in riddles," Gandalf let a chuckle and a smile escape from his mouth.
"A thing is about to happen that has not happened since the elder days," said Gandalf "The Ents are going to wake up and find that they are strong..."
"Strong?" Asked Gimli, a hint of fear in his voice "Oh, that's good..."
"Stop your fretting, Master Dwarf," barked Gandalf, jabbing his staff at Gimli's face, Gandalf turned and started to walk again "Merry and Pippin are quite safe, in fact they are far safer then you are about to be!"
"This Gandalf is even more grumpy than the last one," muttered Gimli as he started walking forwards, Harry laughed as he sprinted past the annoyed dwarf to catch up with the others.
"Legolas?" Asked Harry "Pardon my asking but what exactly is an Ent?" Harry had been wondering what an Ent was since Gandalf had brought it up.
Legolas looked pleased at a chance to share his knowledge and obliged to answer "An Ent," Began Legolas "Is an ancient tree guardian, they were first brought around when the elves first arrived here, they are rather slow creatures and have their own language and have great strength. But if you were to cut down part of an Ent's forest they become extraordinarily angry and would not rest until they had revenge."
"Oh," said Harry dully "And what do they look like?"
"Like trees with long arms and legs and their facial features can often be mistaken for knobbly parts of a tree or moss."
By the time they had finally stepped out of the forest of Fangorn Harry's legs were screaming in protest and pain to have to walk any more "Where are the horses?" Asked Harry nervously "Didn't you tell them to meet us when we emerged from the forest with or without the hobbits, Legolas?"
"I did," murmured Legolas dryly, then Gandalf did something Harry did not expect, he stepped forward and let out two loud, echoing whistles of different notes. Harry suddenly heard the whinnying of horses and as if out of nowhere three horses and one thestral galloped over the hills, Harry's jaw dropped at their arrival but all his attention was focused on the leading horse. It was a beautiful white stallion, it's mane and tail whipped in the wind, it had no saddle.
"It is one of the Meares," said Legolas, in awe of the magnificent horse "Unless my eyes are cheating me with some sort of spell."
"Shadowfax," smiled Gandalf proudly, Shadowfax dipped his head in recognition of his name and Gandalf "He's the lord of all horses and has been my friend through many dangers."
With his staff attached to the Thestral's flank, Harry galloped across the plains of Rohan with Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli and Gandalf by his side. They passed beautiful snow capped mountains, across the small shrubs of heathland and through tremendous plains of grass, they rode throughout the day until it was too dark to continue.
Harry sat opposite Aragorn stoking a small fire with a stick, he did not know the whereabouts of Legolas and Gimli but he did not dwell on it, Harry studied the flames of the fire trying to make out pictures in it like he had done in Gryffindor Tower. Harry was surprised to see Aragorn get to his feet and sidle over to Gandlf who was gazing at the sky folornly, Harry saw the one red part of the sky and he knew it was the famed fires of Mordor. "The veiling shadow in the east that glowers takes shape," murmured Gandalf to Aragorn, Harry felt sort of bad for eavesdropping again but he had to know what they were talking about. "Sauron will suffer no rival," said the white wizard "From the summit of Barad-Dur his eye watches ceaselessly but he is not so mighty yet to be above fear," Aragorn stared at Gandalf inquisitively "Doubt ever gnaws at him, rumor has reached him..." Gandalf turned to face Aragorn "The Heir of Numenor still lives. Sauron fears you Aragorn, he fears what you may become and so he will strike hard and fast at the world of men, he will use his puppet Saruman to destroy Rohan. War is coming, Rohan must defend itself, and there lies our first challenge, Rohan is weak and is ready to fall, the King's mind is enslaved, it is an old trick of Saruman's. His hold over King Theoden is now very strong, Sauron and Saruman are now tightening the noose but for all their cunning we still have one advantage," Gandalf turned to and smiled at Aragorn. "The Ring remains hidden and that we seek to destroy has not yet entered their darkest of dreams and the weapon of the enemy is slowly moving towards Mordor in the hands of a Hobbit and each passing day brings it closer to the fires of Mount Doom. We must trust now in Frodo, everything now depends upon speed and the secrecy of his quest," Harry noticed Aragorn start to look solemn and so did Gandalf. "Do not regret your decision to leave him Aragorn, Frodo must face this task alone."
"He is not alone," said Aragorn quietly, "Sam went with him."
"Did he now?" Said Gandalf carefully "Good, yes very good."
It was noon when the company of heroes finally go their first look at Edoras, and Harry thought that it looked astounding, it was built around a tall hill, wooden houses adorned the sides of it like the baubles on a Christmas Tree. A large fence wound round the small city and on the crest of the hill lay a magnificent mead hall like those in the fairy stories Harry had salvaged as a little boy, the five of them brought their steeds to a halt "Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld," said Gandalf proudly "There dwells Theoden, King of Rohan, whose mind is overthrown, Saruman's hold on Theoden is now very strong..."
"But still strong enough to cure," said Harry trying to put positive on the event, "Right Gandalf?"
"We can only hope," murmured Gandalf, before digging his heels into, Shadowfax's flanks and they rode towards the city of Edoras.
From about a hundred meters before the gate Harry saw a figure throw open the doors to the hall and pace on the steps before walking to the corner of the steps by a flagpole and a smoldering brazier from which the flag of Rohan flew pathetically. Her golden hair flew in the wind as she watched them as they approached Edoras, then the flag flew off the pole and rode the wind away from its rightful place. Harry caught it out of the air as it descended over them as he was about to gallop into Edoras and studied it closely, the fabric was a forest green colour and a white horse galloped in the center of it and was framed by an ornate golden border and just before Harry passed through the gate he stuffed the flag into his saddlebags.
Harry dismounted his thestral and tied it to a stable pole so it would not run as did the others and they walked to the Golden Hall, the five of them attracted a lot of funny looks from locals as they passed through the streets but Harry ignored them and kept walking. By the time they had reached the doors of Meduseld there were already guards, a man stepped forward who reminded Harry of Gimli but he wasn't a dwarf of course. "I cannot allow you before king Theoden so armed, Gandalf Greyhame," said the guard, Gandalf looked puzzled "By order of Grima Wormtongue." Gandalf nodded to Harry, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli and each gave in their weapons too two other guards, Harry handed over Istar and with great reluctance handed over his staff, Gandalf however did not. Gandalf smiled pleasantly at the guard "Your staff," said the guard stiffly.
"Oh," said Gandalf looking slightly taken aback "You would not part an old man from his walking stick would you?" The guard nodded grimly to his comrades and they flung open the doors of Meduseld, Gandalf clutched at legolas and Harry's arms posing as an old man 'Brilliant' thought Harry smiling to himself as they walked towards their audience with Theoden, King of Rohan.
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