Chapter 3 Fangorn, Headaches and Suprises

"They crawled," murmured Aragorn "But their hands were bound," Harry's forehead burned feverishly as he saw the whole scene played out inside his head, Pippin crawled across the rocky grass, his face covered with dirt and grime, he suddenly picked up his pace when he saw a discarded battle axe and he quickly sliced of his bonds using the blade. Pippin ran over to Merry and untied the ropes on his hands, before they ran as fast as their little legs would carry them, racing under horses and weaving round Uruks and Orcs. "They ran over here, but they were followed," said Aragorn, following the trails of crushed grass, the Orc Harry had seen in his dream had grabbed Merry's belt, but Merry threw it off of himself leaving the Orc clutching the belt who threw it away in disgust before trying to follow the Hobbits, "Run!" Shouted Merry to Pippin. "The tracks lead away from the battle!" Called Aragorn running across the tracks followed by Legolas, Harry and Gimli, before he stopped suddenly "Into Fangorn Forest."
Harry's head's pain slowly ebbed away into nothing as they stood in front of the tall trees of Fangorn Forest "Fangorn?" Gimli wondered out loud, making Harry jump, "What madness drove them in there?"
"Well it was either into the forest or to be slaughtered by Uruks or Orcs or those Riders," sighed Harry suggestively, leaning on his staff. The four of them slowly walked into the forest, tall trees with gnarled roots towered over them with some sort of forboding air around them, and if Harry looked close enough he could swear he could make out faces in the bark. Harry then noticed a peculiar black substance on the leaves of a small patch of shrubbery "Gimli?" Asked Harry "What's this stuff on the leaves of this plant?"
Gimli strode over, his armour clinked with every step, he put his finger in the black stuff and then put that finger in his mouth before spitting it out "Orc blood," he growled, the forest was dimly lit, rotten leaves adorned the floor like a warm blanket, Harry bounded over a stream, scanning the floor for little hobbit tracks but then stopped. He was standing in the center of a huge footprint.
"These tracks are strange," said Aragorn, prodding the dirt with an outstretched finger.
"Yeah, understatement of the year," muttered Harry under his breath so Aragorn couldn't hear him.
"The air is so close here," said Gimli, there were water droplets forming on his beard as the humid air condensed on it.
Legolas put his hand on a particuarly large and twisted oak tree and closed his eyes for a second "This forest is old," he paused slightly "Very old... full of memory... and anger..." Suddenly the air was filled with the sound like strangled war horns, Gimli raised his ax instinctively "The trees," murmured Legolas "They're talking to each other."
"Gimli," hissed Harry "Lower your ax," Harry moved his hand down in a placating gesture, Gimli who was looking very worried, slowly lowered his ax and held his hands up in surrender.
"They have feelings, my friends," said Legolas, his blue eyes sparkled nervously "The elves began it, waking up the trees, teaching them to speak..."
"Talking trees?" Asked Gimli disbelievingly, Legolas nodded encouragingly "What would trees have to talk about? Except for the consistency of squirrel droppings," Harry bit down on his hand to stop a laugh and even Aragorn allowed himself a smile before his face hardened into its usual serious mask.
"Aragorn!" Called Legolas in elvish "There's something out there!"
"What is it?" Asked Aragorn also in elvish, sprinting after the elf.
"The White Wizard approaches," whispered Legolas back in English, he stared at a clump of bushes ahead of them.
The four of them exchanged silent glances to each other "Saruman," Harry breathed apprehensively.
"Do not let him speak," whispered Aragorn "For he shall cast a spell on us."
The quartet crept silently through the undergrowth, Harry silently drew Istar as slow as possible and readied his staff in his other hand, Gimli gripped his ax tightly and Legolas fingered his notched arrow and Aragorn drew his sword. "We must be quick," whispered Aragorn and with that the four of them leaped out of the undergrowth to be met with a blinding light. Gimli swung his ax madly only for it to be broken by the Wizard, Legolas fired two arrows that were deflected magically, Aragorn's sword glowed red hot in his hands forcing him to drop the sword, only Harry remained standing. He jabbed his sword at the wizard which was magically deflected before Harry unleashed a torrent of energy from the top of his staff catching the wizard off guard, Harry stared at the staff in wonder but the wizard noticed his hesitation and quickly threw Harry to the ground with a spell.
Aragorn, Legolas, Harry and Gimli shielded their eyes from the glowing bright light helpless and weaponless on the ground, at the feet of the most dangerous wizard in Middle-Earth. "You are tracking the footsteps of two young hobbits," came Saruman's deep voice but Harry noticed it sounded slightly distorted.
"Where are they!?" Shouted Aragorn at Saruman.
"They passed this way, the day before yesterday," said Saruman, but his voice sounded increasingly familiar, yes, could it be? Could it possibly be?"
"They met someone they did not expect, does that comfort you?" Asked the wizard.
"Who are you?" Harry asked desperately, although he had a good idea of who it was in his head "Show yourself!" The glowing white light slowly faded and then stepped forward Gandalf, but not the Gandalf Harry had known before his supposed death in Moria. His hair was know white and not as long as it once was as was his beard, his robes were white and he also had a new staff and it was very similar to Harry's although it had a different crest, however he had still retained his piercing blue eyes. "It cannot be," whispered Aragorn in wonder and amazement.
"Forgive me," said Legolas bowing to the wizard, Gimli also lowered his ax and bowed, Harry lowered his sword and his staff before bowing as well "I mistook you for Saruman."
"I am Saruman," said Gandalf almost merrily "Or rather Saruman as he should have been."
"You fell," said Aragorn, clearly lost for words.
"Yes," agreed Harry, getting to his feet "I saw you fall to your death right in front of me."
"Through fire," began Gandalf "And through fire, in the lowest dungeons and the highest peaks I fought the Balrog of Morgorth until at last I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside, darkness took me and I strayed out of thought and time, stars wheeled overhead and every day was as long as a life age of the earth. But it was not the end, I felt life within me again, I was sent back until my task was done."
"Gandalf," whispered Aragorn.
For some reason Gandalf looked puzzled "Gandalf?" He asked as if trying to remember something "Yes.." he murmured, a smile crossed his face "That is what they used to call me..." Harry nodded kindly "Gandalf the Grey, that was my name."
"Gandalf," beamed Gimli.
"I am Gandalf the White," Legolas smiled happily at Gandalf "And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide..."

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