
*Albus pov *
Suntem in Sala Mare vorbind de diverse chesti si așteptând să apară mâncarea. Toti profesorii erau la masa lor si o vad pe doamna directoare  ca se ridică .
- Copii in seara asta o sa avem un concert la noi la Hogwarts spune doamna directoare si toți raman cu gurile căscate.
- Crezi ca o sa le zică că noi vom canta? Ii intreb pe Rose, Hugo si  Sofia
- Da se poate spune Sofia entuziasmată
- Cine o sa cânte doamna profesoară? Intreaba un elev de la Griffindore
- Trupa se numeste Strengarii spune doamna directoare. Noi suntem Strengarii pentru ca numele asta Imi aduce aminte de bunicul James, de nasul tatei, de tatăl lui Teddy . Ne uităm la părinții noștri care raman șocați la auzul numelui acesta. Tata mai ca era sa plângă pentru ca era vorba de bunicul.
- Azi cei din trupa Strengarii vor avea liber de la ore spune doamna directoare si noi zambim.  Iesim din Marea Sala si mergem in camerele noastre sa ne luam instrumentele.  Eu cant la chitară,  Rose la tobe, Hugo la bas si Sofia la clape. Dupa ce ne luam tot ce ne trebuie mergem in Camera Necesității sa repetam. Sofia a facut o vraja de a apărut afișe cu noi prin toata scoala si cu ora la cat se va tine concertul. Vom canta la ora 21:00. Hainele le avem pregătite și acum trebuie să repetam. Am stat  acolo cateva ore bune pana vine prânzul. Ne lăsăm instrumentele acolo si mergem sa mâncăm. Ajungem in Sala Mare si mergem la  masa celor de la Griffindore sa mancam. Ne așezăm si începem să mâncăm tot ce apucăm. Diseară la câteva ore după ce vom mânca mergem sa ne echipam si ne aparetam pe scena. Terminam de mâncat si mergem in Camera Necesității sa mai repetam pana la 19:30. Mergem sa ne pregătim pentru concert. Avem mâncare la pachet . Ne întâlnim in camera comună a Griffindorilor si mâncăm.  Dupa ce terminam Sofia face o vraja si totul este curat. Ma uit la ceas si vad ca este ora 20:00. Urcam toți in camere si începem să ne pregătim.  Dupa ce am terminat ne-am intalnit in salonul casei Griffindore.  Vad cs este ora 21:00. Ne-am aparetat la intrarea în Marea Sala. 
- Vi prezint pe Strengarii spune doamna directoare si noi ne aparetam direct pe scena.  Toti incep sa aplaude si ne uitam la părinții noștri.  Toti au rămas cu gurile căscate. Mergem fiecare la instrumentul lui si începem cu prima melodie.

You're the light
You're the night
You're the colour of my blood

You're the cure
You're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much
So much

You're the fear
I don't care
Cause I've never been so high
Follow me through the dark
Let me take you past our satellites
You can see the world you brought to life
To life

So love me like you do
Lo-lo-love me like you do
Love me like you do
Lo-lo-love me like you do
Touch me like you do
To-to-touch me like you do
What are you waiting for? 

Fading in
Fading out
On the edge of paradise

Every inch of your skin
Is a holy gray I've got to find
Only you can set my heart on fire
On fire

Yeah, I'll let you set the pace
'Cos I'm not thinking straight
My head spinning around
I can't see clear no more
What are you waiting for? 

Love me like you do
Lo-lo-love me like you do
Love me like you do
Lo-lo-love me like you do
Touch me like you do
To-to-touch me like you do
What are you waiting for? 

Love me like you do
Lo-lo-love me like you do
Love me like you do
Lo-lo-love me like you do
Touch me like you do
To-to-touch me like you do
What are you waiting for?
Dupa ce terminam cu melodia asta începem cu a doua melodie.

Cross my heart, hope to die

To my lover, I'd never lie

He said "be true," I swear I'll try

In the end, it's him and I

He's out his head, I'm out my mind

We got that love, the crazy kind

I am his, and he is mine

In the end, it's him and I, him and I

My '65 speeding up the PCH, a hell of a ride

They don't wanna see us make it, they just wanna divide

2017 Bonnie and Clyde

Wouldn't see the point of living on if one of us died, yeah

Got that kind of style everybody try to rip off

YSL dress under when she takes the mink off

Silk on her body, pull it down and watch it slip off

Ever catch me cheating, she would try to cut my (ha-ha-ha)

Crazy, but I love her, I could never run from her

Hit it, no rubber, never would let no one touch her

Swear we drive each other, mad, she be so stubborn

But, what the fuck is love with no pain, no suffer

Intense, this shit, it gets dense

She knows when I'm out of it like she could just sense

If I had a million dollars, or was down to ten cents

She'd be down for whatever, never gotta convince, no

Cross my heart, hope to die

To my lover, I'd never lie (I love you baby)

He said "be true," I swear I'll try

In the end, it's him and I

He's out his head, I'm out my mind

We got that love; the crazy kind

I am his, and he is mine

In the end, it's him and I

Him and I



In the end, it's him and I

Him and I



In the end, it's him and I

We turn up, mobbin' 'til the end of time

Only one who gets me, I'm a crazy fuckin' Gemini

Remember this for when I die

Everybody dressed in all black, suits and a tie

My funeral will be lit if I-

Ever go down or get caught, if they identify

My bitch was the most solid, nothing to solidify

She would never cheat, you'd never see her with a different guy

Ever tell you different, then it's a lie

See, that's my down bitch, see that's my soldier

She keeps that thang-thang, if anyone goes there

Calm and collected, she keeps her composure

And she gon' ride for me, until this thing over

We do drugs together (together), fuck up clubs together (together)

And we'd both go crazy (crazy), if we was to sever

You know? We keep mobbin', it's just me and my bitch

Fuck the world, we just gon' keep getting rich, you know?

Cross my heart, hope to die

To my lover, I'd never lie

He said "be true," I swear I'll try

In the end, it's him and I

He's out his head, I'm out my mind

We got that love; the crazy kind

I am his, and he is mine

In the end, it's him and I

Him and I



In the end, it's him and I

Him and I



In the end, it's him and I

Cross my heart, hope to die

To you, I've never lied

For you, I'd take a life

It's him and I, and I swear (ayy)

'Til the end I'm-ma ride wit' you

Mob and get money, get high wit' you, yeah (ayy)

Cross my heart, hope to die

This is our ride or die

You can confide in me

There is no hiding, I swear

Stay solid, never lie to you

Swear, most likely I'm-ma die wit' you, yeah

Cross my heart, hope to die

To my lover, I'd never lie

He said “be true,” I swear I'll try

In the end, it's him and I

He's out his head, I'm out my mind

We got that love, the crazy kind

I am his, and he is mine

In the end, it's him and I


Him and I



In the end, it's him and I

Him and I



In the end, it's him and I

Am terminat de cântat si am plecat toți în camerele noastre. Dupa ce ajungem in camera comună a Griffindorilor am stat putin si am mai vorbit. Dupa 15 minute am plecat fiecare in camera lui. Am ajuns in camera mi-am pus hainele pe umeras si le-am pus în dulap. Am intrat in baie sa fac un dus. Dupa 10 minute am iesit si m-am îmbrăcat în pijamale.  M-am băgat în pat si imi pun capul pe perna adormind instant.

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