Chapter 8 Cave-Trolls, Mithril and Skeletons
The Fellowship walked further down the path and a giant cavern was on the other side of the tunnel that had just came out of, Gandalf looked around the chasm slightly "Let me risk a little more light," he murmured and the top his staff glowed a bright white illuminating hundreds of beautifully carved stone columns, Gimli's eyes widened, Harry couldn't believe how dwarves had managed to mine this deep and make this place, "Behold," said Gandalf "The great realm and Dwarf-city of Dwarrowdelf."
"There's an eye opener, no mistake," said Sam staring at the columns, Harry snickered.
The whole Fellowship took it in turns to gawk at the scale and beauty of the city, even Legolas had to admit that it was impressive and Gimli looked triumphant as they walked through the dark and gloomy passages through the columns, Harry rounded a corner and stopped dead, surrounding a doorway there was another collection of mutilated dwarves skeletons, Merry clapped a hand over his mouth to stop being sick as the rest of the group appeared, Gimli had a look of utter horror on his face as he ran through the doorway, ignoring Gandalf's warning shout of "Gimli!"
Harry ran after Gimli and through the doorway there was a horrible sight, corpses and skeletons littered the floor, chunks of stone had been smashed to rubble but the main attraction was where the one shaft of light was focused on, there was a carved stone coffin. Gimli fell to his knees in front of the coffin and started shouting "No!" And sobbing as well as hitting his head on the stone which would have done damage had he not been wearing a helmet
Gandalf sidled past Gimli and to the top of the coffin and dusted it off with his hand, revealing a passage of runes, "Here lies Balin," read Gandalf "Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria, he is dead then," this caused Gimli to wail louder and Gandalf removed his hat as a mark of respect "It is as I feared," he muttered while handing his hat and staff to Pippin.
Harry looked around the desolate tomb and then something caught his eyes, a large, thick, brown leather book was cradled in the arms of a skeleton "Gandalf," he said, Gandalf looked at him "I found something," he said, pointing to the book, Gandalf prised the book out of the skeletons arms and dusted off the cover, when he opened the book a cascade of dirt fell out of it, Gandalf blew the dust off the pages and studied the writing on it.
"We must move on, we cannot linger," Legolas whispered to Aragorn.
"They have taken the bridge and the second hall," read Gandalf, slowly "We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long, the ground shakes, drums, drums in the deep, we cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark, we cannot get out, they are coming." A sudden clang echoed from behind them, Harry turned round unsheathing his sword but the noise came from Pippin who seemed to have knocked the head off of the skeleton's body and down a deep well and when Pippin turned in surprise he knocked the skeleton's whole body, armour and all into the well which made an even larger set of clangs, then a chain clanged down and after that, a metal bucket which made a louder clang, Harry was sure the whole of Moria heard the racket. At every crash, bang and echo Pippin winced, Gandalf slowly looked at him giving of an ominous air, the whole tomb was silent "Fool of a Took!" Gandalf muttered clapping the book shut, "Throw yourself in next time, and rid us of your stupidity," said Gandalf, seizing his staff and hat and leaving a rather deflated Pippin.
"Ouch," Harry muttered, then he heard something, Harry craned his next and caught the sound and the reactor the Fellowship heard it to, the banging of drums and non human screams, Frodo drew part of his sword out of his scabbard which was glowing a bright neon blue before Harry had time to question it Harry had drawn his sword.
"Orcs!" Exclaimed Legolas.
Boromir ran to the door and stuck his head out and an arrow whizzed past his face and embedded itself in the door which was quickly followed by another, "Get back!" Yelled Aragorn "Stay close to Gandalf!"
Boromir slammed the door shut "They have a cave troll," he panted after that it was mass panic as Harry started to help Aragorn, Boromir and Legolas barricade the door in a desperate do attempt to the stop the orc packs who were fast approaching with their cave troll, the Fellowship drew their swords and Legolas notched an arrow, bracing themselves for impact, the fact the orcs had destroyed his cousin's him seemed to have gotten into Gimli's head and he climbed onto Blain's coffin axe at the ready as the door quivered as the orcs tried to break it down.
"Let them come!" Cried Gimli savagely "There is one Dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath."
Spear tips started to poke through the splintering door and a whole appeared, Legolas let the arrow fly and a scream of pain echoed from the other side of the door, Legolas notched another arrow and back up slightly, Aragorn and Legolas fired their arrows through the hole just as the door flew off their hinges and orcs ran through the door like a river. The orcs had waxy, greasy skin that ranged from black to khaki, their black eyes were full of hate, they bared their teeth that were pointed into fangs. A few of the orcs fell dead with arrows poking out of their chests or heads but that wasn't enough and they streamed forwards, Harry yelled out a war cry and attacked the orcs viscously and he chopped one fully in half as the rest of the fellowship charged. Harry proved himself to be a good sword fighter that day he whirled round chopping and slicing and stabbing at any Orc in his path, he noticed the hobbits were holding up well and the others were amazing but for each Orc killed more appeared and then a large roar echoed through the caves and a large silhouette appeared in the darkness. It smashed through the doors like a tank and the monstrous form of a cave troll formed in the cave it bellowed in challenge and an arrow sprouted from its chest it paid no attention to it and raised its mace to crush Sam but Sam dived through his legs confusing the troll but the troll turned with lightning speed. It backed Sam into a corner it raised its foot to crush him when Harry and Aragorn pulled on the chain on the troll's neck colour and it was pulled backwards towards the waiting Gimli who hit it with the flat of his axe but it did not stop the troll in throwing Boromir like a sack of flour who hit a wall and then rolled off a stone ledge and collapsed onto the floor. Only to be face to face with an Orc but Aragorn threw his sword and the Orc fell dead as Boromir got to his feet, Aragorn nodded to him before jumping into the fray, Gimli threw his axe at the troll but that did not deter the animal and it smashed half of Balin's coffin throwing Gimli backwards. The troll and a few Orc charged Harry but as the troll swung his mace Harry ducked and an Orc was killed by it, by using this technique Harry killed off all the orcs and stabbed the troll in the leg, and Legolas fired two arrows into the troll's side who fell to it's knees but was soon up again and tried to knock Legolas off a ledge but the elf jumped on the troll and fired an arrow into its head but somehow it didn't die. Sam smashed an Orc's face with his frying pan while stabbing another "I think I'm getting the hang of this," he said, mirroring Harry's statement, the other three hobbits yelped in terror as the troll bore down on them but Merry and Pippin darted left and Frodo darted right as the ledge they stood on was smashed by the troll's mace, unfortunately the troll turned right "Frodo!" Aragorn yelled as Frodo hid behind a column, Aragorn fought his way towards Frodo with Harry ahead of him in the race to get to Frodo. The troll wheeled round the column following Frodo who was etching away from the troll, but then troll caught side of Frodo it roared and charged the poor hobbit who tripped over and fell into a corner.
"Not again!" Harry muttered as he hacked through orcs "Not again!" He shouted he kicked the last Orc out of the way as the troll seized Frodo's leg.
"Hadrid!" He shouted "Aragorn!"
"Frodo!" Harry and Aragorn yelled simultaneously as the troll dropped Frodo on the floor just as Harry and Aragorn appeared Aragorn stabbed the troll in the chest with a makeshift spear, the other hobbits bombarded it with stones but the troll refused to die Harry shielded Frodo from attacks but then Aragorn flew through the air unconscious as the troll caught him with the mace. Frodo ran over to Aragorn but he didn't have time to check him over he had to dodge attacks by the troll who had seized Aragorn's makeshift spear, the troll backed Frodo into a corner, it hefted its spear to stab Frodo, "No!" Shouted Harry he dived in front of the approaching spear and the spear passed clean through the palm of Harry's left hand, Harry screamed in pain as the spear kept going through the hole in his hand and it caught Frodo in the bottom left of Frodo's torso, Frodo gasped as if he were winded. There was a long silence as the rest of the fellowship looked on in horror, Merry and Pippin jumped onto the troll's back and tried to stab it but slipped off.
"Frodo!" Called Sam "FRODO!" The fellowship fought with renewed effort as the troll drew his spear out of Frodo's body and hand but Harry kept fighting he seized his sword and charged the troll, the troll threw Merry and Pippin onto the floor while others tried to stab its legs.
Harry then try his sword and hit the troll between its eyes "That was for Frodo!" He yelled as the troll staggered around Legolas fired an arrow into its throat and finally the troll fell down dead. The fellowship ran to Frodo who had fallen to the floor "Oh no," Harry whispered, Aragorn helped him turn Frodo over who was breathing.
" He's alive!" Said Sam joyously.
"It's all right, I'm not hurt," Frodo said, Harry resisted to punch the hobbit who had scared him.
"You should be dead," Aragorn said, amazed "That spear would've skewered a wild boar."
"It think there's more to this Hobbit that meets the eye," said Gandalf knowingly.
Frodo opened his shirt and there was a beautiful chain mail shirt underneath "Mithril," Gimli said, entranced by the shirt "You are full of surprises Master Baggins."
"It wasn't just the Mithril that saved me," said Frodo quietly "Hadrid did to he stopped the spear from going into my heart had the Mithril not been there, look at his hand."
"Hadrid," Gandalf said "Let me see your hands." Harry took this moment to see his hand properly, in the centre of his left hand there was a hole the size of a broom handle, his hand was bright red, the sight of his blood made Harry feel slightly dizzy.
"I cannot heal this," said Gandalf there is not a spell that could fix this.
Harry was worried about revealing his identity but if it healed him he would be fine with it "Try vulnura semento," Harry suggested.
Gandalf looked sceptical of this but he put his hand over Harry's hand and started chanting and the wound closed up. Harry heard the rabble of more orcs coming along and so did Gandalf "To the bridge of Khazad-Dûm!"
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