Chapter 4 Blades, Elves and Horses
"No!" Harry shouted as Frodo disappeared even though he could still see him, Harry ran forward to try and draw the Nazgûl's attention but he gasped when he saw them, they were now shimmering blue skeletons wearing crowns in ghostly blue robes, their swords shimmered as they adjusted them. Their faces were skulls with thin strands of white hair clinging to them, they had no eyes but they seemed to see fine, Frodo's eyes widened at the Nazgûl's true form and and at the ring which was slowly pulling his hand towards the waiting fingers of the tallest Nazgûl. Frodo pulled his hand back away from the Nazgûl who seemed surprised before snarling and he drove his sword into Frodo's left hand shoulder, he screamed in agony as the blade went into his body the Nazgûl gazed at him and suddenly drew his blade out and turned round to meet Strider. He waved a flaming torch at the Nazgûl causing them to back away from the wounded Frodo who had ripped off the ring and screamed in pain uncontrollably, his shoulder was caked in blood.
"Frodo!" Sam shouted, getting up and running to his wounded friend while Strider waved his torch at the Nazgûl who were recoiling Harry quickly found a stick on the floor an putting all his concentration towards the stick he muttered "Incendio," the edge of the stick burst into flame and he joined Strider in the fight.
"Oh Sam," Frodo moaned as Sam knelt next to him, Strider ducked and weaved the Nazgûl's blades managing to catch one's robe on fire, causing it to scream in pain. Harry set another on fire before meeting another's blade with his sword as Strider duelled his opponent with his great sword the Nazgûl soon realised it couldn't win this fight and it jumped off the cliff and away from the fight. The one that had stabbed Frodo faced Strider who threw his torch at it, the Nazgûl caught alight and creamed before even more flames appeared when Harry threw his and it retreated. Harry rushed over to Frodo who's face was contorted in pain "Strider!" Harry called "Help him," Strider ran over and picked up the Nazgûl's sword.
"He's been stabbed by a Morgul Blade," said Strider grimly as the blade of the sword disintegrated into powder "This is beyond my skill to heal, he needs Elvish medicine," he said picking up the screaming Frodo and they left the watchtower.
Strider carried Frodo through the forest as the Nazgûl's screams echoed round them, Harry held a torch to ward them off as they ran "Hurry!" Called Strider too Sam, Merry and Pippin who were lagging behind.
"Wee six days from Rivendell!" Shouted Sam "He'll never make it!"
"Hold on Frodo!" Harry whispered.
"Gandalf!" Screamed Frodo as his head bumped against Strider's back.
"Stop here!" Called Aragorn he lowered Frodo to the floor it was then Harry noticed that they were surrounded by three extremely lifelike trolls, each wore expressions of pain.
Frodo's face was beaded with cold sweat, his bright blue eyes had dulled over into a greyish colour and his skin was as white as chalk, "Look Frodo," said Sam "It's Mr Bilbo's trolls," Harry had no idea what Sam was talking about as Frodo's breaths rattled and rasped. Sam rested a hand on Frodo's forehead "Mr Frodo?" He asked before taking it away and facing Strider "He's going cold."
Strider held his torch higher and didn't reply, he looked as if he was waiting for someone "Is he going to die?" Pippin asked worriedly.
"He's passing into the Shadow World," Strider said turning to face them "He'll soon be a Wraith like them,"
Frodo's breathing rattled more than it ever had and a familiar scream echoed from the forest "They're close," whispered Merry.
"Sam!" Strider barked, Sam stood up and ran to him "Do you know the Athelas plant?"
"Kingsfoil, aye, it's a weed," he said cautiously.
"It may help to slow the poisoning," Strider said "Hurry!" Sam obediently scampered off the look for Kingsfoil followed by Aragorn and Harry.
Sam crawled around on the ground looking for the plant but Strider found some immediately and picked some with his knife to cut the stems "Nice one," whispered Harry as Strider tipped the weed into a bag, suddenly a sword was pressed against Strider's throat.
"What's this?" Said a female voice "A ranger caught off his guard?" Harry drew his sword and was about to attack the masked figure "Attack and he dies," she whispered.
Back at the troll statues Frodo was rasping as he struggled to breathe and suddenly a white light filled his eyes, a horse rode out from the trees , the light was emanating from its rider who sat on its back, the rider swung off the horse, she wore a long dress of white, she walked calmly towards Frodo and he saw her clearly. She had long flowing black hair and a beautiful face, she was an elf "Frodo," she whispered "I am Arwen - I've come to help you." Frodo didn't realise she said this in Elvish but Merry and Pippin did the looked cluelessly at each other. "Hear my voice," she said "Come back to the light." Frodo found it harder and harder to breathe his eyes started to close.
"Who is she?" Asked Merry in wonder.
"Frodo," she said, Strider appeared beside her holding Kingsfoil.
"She's an elf," said Harry calmly even though he had never seen an elf before unless you count Dobby.
"He's fading," Arwen said, she opened Frodo's shirt to see his wound, Harry almost was sick at the sight of it. A deep black cut went through his chest and the veins around it had turned a sickly black colour, Strider made the mistake of touching it, Frodo gasped "He's not going to last," she said "We must get him to my father."
Strider picked him up off the floor "I've been looking for you for two days," Arwen said, helping Strider carry Frodo.
"Where are you taking him?" Sam asked with worry in his eyes however Arwen ignored him.
"There are five Wraiths behind you," Arwen said as Strider put Frodo on Arwen's horse "Where the other four are, I don't know."
"Stay with the Hobbits - I'll send horses for you," Strider replied in Elvish, when Frodo was safely on the horse.
"I'm the faster rider - I'll take him," Arwen said also in Elvish.
"The road is too dangerous," Strider protested.
Pippin looked very puzzled at this "What are they saying?" He asked looking to Merry.
"If I can get across the river the power of my people will protect him," Arwen said hurriedly. "I do not fear them," she said in English, Harry noticed Strider her put a hand on Arwen's hand. She smiled at him before she swung onto her horse behind Frodo who's face was now turning ashen grey.
"Arwen," said Strider once again in English "Ride hard, don't look back," as she rode off into the forest.
"Strider?" Harry asked "What should I do, I'm not a hobbit."
"Wait here," Strider muttered, a sudden look came over his eyes.
"What are you doing!?" Shouted Sam, after Arwen's fast disappearing horse "Those Wraiths are still out there!"
A twig cracked behind Harry he quickly swirled round and drew his sword in one motion, he saw a black dragonish horse emerge from the thicket its milky white eyes glowed in the night "What is that?" Harry whispered staring at the dragonish horse, the horse whinnied mindfully.
Merry, Pippin and Sam stared at where the horse was but couldn't seem to see it, Strider obviously saw it because he didn't give a second glance to the horse and picked Harry up and plonked him on the horse's back "It's a Thestral Hadrid," he said briskly "They only appear to you if you have seen death, now go! Follow Arwen!" Harry nodded before galloping off into the forest.
Day had just awoken when Harry had left the forest, he swerved round remaining trees at breakneck speeds, the Thestral doing exactly what he wanted and he saw a white splodge on the horizon entering another part of the forest. Harry put on another burst of speed and rode after Arwen's horse but then he heard something he dreaded to hear, the horrid scream of the Nazgûl. Harry saw the shadows of the black horses chase after Arwen, 'Run Arwen, run' he thought, he was soon a horse's distance from Arwen's the Nazgûl getting ever closer to them "Arwen!" He called "Get Frodo past the river, I'll distract the Wraiths!" Arwen nodded an understanding and she rode off over a plain. "Hey!" He yelled at the Nazgûl, "I have the ring!" and he rode off in a different direction, followed by the screaming Nazgûl. All five of them galloped after Harry swerving through trees, their horse's mouths foaming, "Run Thestral, Run!" Harry urged his Thestral feeling more afraid than in the graveyard, Harry violently changed course trying to shake them but failing, the Nazgûl fanned out around him boxing him in on all sides, he jumped over a fallen tree log and a river formed ahead of him, he saw Arwen on the opposite side yelling for him to join him.
Harry charged through the rushing water and stopped at the other side and saw the Nazgûl had stopped and screamed in anger, "Give up the halfling, She-Elf," one growled, their voice as horrible as their screams, Arwen drew her sword and Harry drew his.
"If you want him," she said "Come and claim him." The Nazgûl roared and drew their swords and rode into the stream and Arwen started chanting very quickly in Elvish, Harry noticed the water level rise slowly he instinctively backed away, the Nazgûl stopped in the middle of the river and glanced down river and a wall of water flew out from behind a corner forming into horses made out of water, the Nazgûl tried to gallop back to the bank but the water was too quick for them and water cascaded around them like a white curtain, washing them down river and the water returned to normal. Arwen dismounted her horse and pulled Frodo off it, Frodo's skin was now completely grey, his glazed eyes were slowly shutting "No, No!" Said Arwen, she lay Frodo down on the floor. Frodo rasped and rattled on the floor "Frodo, no," She pleaded.
"Oh no," Harry muttered as he crouched down beside Frodo.
"Frodo!" She called "Don't give in, not now!" She shook him, Frodo didn't respond, tears were forming in Arwen's eyes, one fell on Frodo's head as she cradled his head, she closed her eyes and Harry could tell she was trying to heal him. The next few minutes blurred past Harry and he could only remember arriving in Rivendell, seeing Frodo slowly get better and Elrond chanting.
Frodo slowly awoke the next day "Where am I," he groaned.
"You are in the house of Elrond," said Gandalf, Gandalf was the grey wizard that Harry had seen and he looked better than he did then "and it is 10:00 in the morning on October 24th, if you want to know," he added, reminding Harry of Dumbledore.
Frodo opened his eyes to see Gandalf sitting in a chair, smoking a pipe "Gandalf!" He exclaimed.
"Yes I'm here," said Gandalf merrily.
"And you're lucky to be here too," said Harry, who was leaning casually against a wall.
"Hadrid!" He said, surprised.
"A few more hours and you would have been beyond our aid," Harry added pointing to Frodo's bandaged wound which Frodo was rubbing.
"But you have some strength in you, my dear Hobbit," said Gandalf, folding his arms before smiling.
Frodo slowly sat up wincing as he did so "What happened, Gandalf?" He asked softly "Why didn't you meet us?"
"I am sorry, Frodo... I was delayed" He said coming up with an alternative to captured, Harry nodded dully. "A friendship with Saruman is not lightly thrown aside," he said, a far away look coming to his eyes.
"What is it Gandalf?" Asked Frodo.
"Nothing Frodo."
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