Chapter 10 Lothlórien, Galadriel and Mirrors
The Fellowship had walked for a many mile by the time the reached the woods of Lothlórien, the forest was dense and tree towered high above them as they walked "Yep," Harry confirmed "This is definitely a place of elves, I can already here the Elven songs," Legolas looked like Gimli when they first went to Moria
"A beautiful palace in the trees," he bragged in relish to Gimli "And the radiant Lady Galadriel," Gimli stared at Legolas who skipped off ahead through the trees.
"Stay close young Hobbits!" Gimli warned "They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods, an elf-witch of terrible power, all who look upon her fall under her spell are are never seen again."
"Don't be so ridiculous," said Harry airily "If you are talking about Lady Galadriel as the 'elf-witch' who Legolas called radiant?"
Gimli muttered about how Legolas was just a 'blonde haired elvish princeling.'
"Hadrid!" A women's voice said, Harry quickly looked round his surroundings trying to hatch a glimpse of the speaker "Your coming to us..." Two blue eyes suddenly flashed in Harry's vision causing him to jump "is as the prophecy states, our kind welcomes you, Green Wizard!" The voice echoed round Harry's head while Harry tried to make sense of what he had heard.
"Mr Frodo? Hadrid?" Said a different voice, he turned round and saw a concerned looking Sam "You alright?"
"Yeah fine," Harry muttered, Frodo said nothing, Sam looked sceptical at Harry's response but was interrupted by Gimli.
"Well here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily," Gimli continued but Harry didn't listen to the rest of it, he sensed something as if they were being watched, no hunted.
"Good evening," said Harry randomly, interrupting Gimli who was saying something about a hawk "Master elf," he added.
A patrol of elves appeared holding bows at all the members of the fellowship, Legolas was in the awkward position of having an arrow pointed at some his people, Aragorn held his hands up in surrender.
A tall blond elf emerged from behind a tree, obviously the leader "How did you hear us?" Asked the leader.
"I only answer questions when I don't have arrows pointed me," said Harry coolly, the elves around him reluctantly lowered their bows "Thank you, now I happened to have sensed your presence, I get a tingly feeling when we are watched," he said responding to the leader's astonished face.
It was nightfall when the elves stopped at a spread of carved marble and when they arrived elves spoke elvish, "Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil," said the leader gently.
"Our Fellowship stands in your debt," replied Legolas swiftly.
The leader turned to Aragorn "Aragorn of the Dunedain," he said "you are known to us."
Aragorn nodded in thanks "So much for the legendary courtesy of the elves!" Gimli grumbled in English "Speak words we can all understand!"
The leader looked annoyed with Gimli "We have not had dealings with the dwarves since the Dark Days," he said curtly.
"And you know what this dwarf says to that?" Growled Gimli, the dwarf then said something that I will not translate.
"That was not so courteous," said Aragorn angrily.
The leader suddenly saw Frodo and the other Hobbits "You bring great evil with you," he said, he turned to the rest of the Fellowship "You can go no further." Over the next hour Aragorn had a loudly whispered argument with the leader which involved lots of angry pointing and angry gestured, the leader's real name Harry had heard was Haldír. The Hobbits exchanged a silent conversation, the only noise being the whispered argument.
Harry noticed Frodo looking downcast and he mirrored the feeling, the two of them still hadn't got over Gandalf's death, "Gandalf's death was not in vain," said Boromir carefully "Nor would he have us give up hope," he then turned to Frodo "You carry a heavy burden, Frodo, don't carry the weight of the dead."
The loud whispers suddenly stopped "You will follow me," said Haldír stiffly, the next evening they finally arrived at the great palace in the trees, it was nestled in a valley like Rivendell even though it seemed a lot bigger, carved marble staircases wound round trees, white marble paths cut through those trees, as Harry was escorted with the rest of the fellowship he couldn't help but marvel at the unnatural beauty of the palace, Merry had to keep pushing him forward every now and again because he would stop and gawk at the place, elvensong echoed round them as they walked, Gandalf's staff clunking against the marble floor. Elves would look at them before walking off when the passed them and by the time they had reached their destination it was nightfall once again, their destination was a glowing villa at the top of yet another flight of stairs, they stood outside the glowing villa. It looked almost ghostly in the strange light that illuminated the palace and then suddenly when Harry was wondering about the lights two bright, blinding lights emerged from the building, the two light walked down the stairs eventually getting dimmer and dimmer until it was completely gone and two elves stood there. On the right their stood a tall male, he had frown lines crossing across his face and Harry thought he looked old but on the other side Harry was spellbound, dressed all in white and a circlet of silver adorned her head, the Lady Galadriel was the most beautiful person Harry had ever seen, her face was not wrinkled like the elf next to her or Elrond's but smooth and timeless.
"The enemy knows you have entered her," the male said "What hope you had in secrecy is now gone, nine are here, yet ten set out from Rivendell, tell me where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him, I can no longer see him from afar."
Suddenly the voice returned to Harry's head, the voice of Galadriel "Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land," Then Harry realised she spoke out loud "He has fallen into Shadow," Galadriel said, Harry nodded as did Aragorn, the male looked at Galadriel in surprise.
"He was taken by both Shadow and Flame," said Legolas "A Balrog of Morgoth, for we went needlessly into the net of Moria," Gimli looked very sheepish and saddened after Legolas's snide remark.
"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life, we do not yet know his full purpose," said Galadriel sadly, and the sadness was mirrored by the Fellowship especially Gimli "Do not yet the great emptiness of Kazad-Dûm fill your heart Gimli, son of Glóin, the world had grown full of peril and in all lands love is now mingled with grief," Harry was very surprised when Boromir broke down in tears, Harry gingerly patted Boromir's arm.
"What now becomes of this fellowship, without Gandalf, hope his lost," said the male negatively.
"The quest stands upon the edge of a knife, stray a little and it will fail," said Galadriel "to the ruin of all, yet hope remains whilst the company is true, do not let your hearts be troubled, go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil, tonight you will sleep."
Galadriel made eye contact with Harry "Welcome, Hadrid Dagorlad of Rivendell, saviour of Middle-Earth, the one who has seen the eye!"
The fellowship were all woven new fresh clothes and had a chance to bathe their wounds before they slept, that night the palace echoed with elvensong "A lament to Gandalf," said Legolas knowledgeably, Aragorn sharpened his sword nervously.
"What do they sing about him?" Asked Merry.
"I have not the heart to tell you," responded Legolas, sadly "For me the grief is sill to near."
"I bet they don't mention his fireworks," muttered Sam "There should be a verse about them," then suddenly Sam burst into song but it sounded more like a poem "The finest rockets ever seen," he recited "They burst in stars of blue and green and oh what am I thinking."
Then Harry suddenly started singing the song, with a beautiful melodic voice he never knew he had. "Or of thunder and silver showers," (to the tune of All Shall Fade in Return of the King) he sang "Came falling like a rain of flowers," he heard Aragorn kick Gimli to wake him up "The dragon roared, over the shire, before bursting in a shower of fire..." Harry stopped singing, the words vanished from his head "I bet that doesn't do the justice," he muttered.
Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Aragorn get up and walk over to Boromir who was sat alone at the foot of a tree, he followed Aragorn a nod hid behind a statue and watched "Get some rest," said Aragorn to Boromir "These borders are well protected."
"I will find no rest here," said Boromir, his voice quivered slightly "I heard her voice inside my head, she spoke of my father and the fall of Gondor, she said to me 'even now there is hope left' but I cannot see it. It's long since we had any hope," Aragorn walked over to Boromir and sat next to him "My father is a noble man, but his rule is failing and our people lose faith, he looks to me to make things right and I would do it, and I would see the glory of Gondor restored." Aragorn looked down slightly "Have you seen it Aragorn?" Boromir asked suddenly, Aragorn looked up "The White Tower of Ecthelion, glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver, it's banners caught hit in the morning breeze, have you ever been called home by the clear ringing of silver trumpets?"
"I have seen the White City," said Aragorn "long ago."
"One day, our paths will lead us there," said Boromir "And the tower guard shall take up the call: The Lords of Gondor have returned," Aragorn smiled slightly at the imagination of that happening, Harry quickly sprinted back to there camp where he saw Frodo obviously returning from somewhere he nodded in a greeting and Frodo nodded back looking slightly shaken, Harry ran in the direction Frodo had came from.
He ran down two flights of stairs leading away from camp when he saw Galadriel standing by something that looked like a pensieve, she held a china pitcher and filled it with water from a fountain, Harry stepped down the last few stairs and only then did Galadriel notice his presence "Will you look into the mirror?" Asked Galadriel.
"What will I see?" Harry asked cautiously.
Galadriel smiled "Even the wisest cannot tell, neither could the Hobbit Frodo," said Galadriel, Harry then realised why Frodo looked so shaken, "For the Mirror shows many things," Galadriel said and she poured water into the Mirror "Things that were, that are and some things that have not yet come to pass," Galadriel put the pitcher down and seemed to invite Harry to look inside, Harry approached the mirror slowly before looking in. Nothing happened, he only saw his reflection, he looked up expectantly at Galadriel "Look again," she said.
Harry looked again and he saw something and he could not believe his eyes, it was Ron! Ron Weasley! And Hermione Granger! "Harry?" They called "Where are you?" The scene dissolved and formed another, he saw himself riding into battle on the back of a horse clad in armour a crown on his head, screaming a war cry, a White City in flames, him in Green robes like Gandalf's and holding a staff, and then suddenly Sauron's eye filled the water.
"I will kill you Hadrid Dagorlad," it said "You are a danger to my plan... You are a fool and will loose everything..." Harry ripped his head out of the water and he fell over onto his back.
"I know what it is you saw," said Galadriel, for it is also in my mind, she made eye contact with him "It is your destiny," she said "You will save Middle Earth as you take up your rightful place as Hadrid the Green and the King of a great kingdom, You are one of the three things that may cause the downfall of Sauron: the ring's destruction, Aragorn's coronation as the King of Gondor, and you becoming the sixth wizard as you will possess more power than Gandalf and Saruman together."
She left Harry's head "I hate it when you do that," Harry muttered "But anyway I don't want more power and me a King? You would have to be joking, I can't rule a country..."
Galadriel crouched down to Harry's size "Remember what you told Frodo in Moria," she said "Even the smallest person can change the future and you can change the future."
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