Chapter 1 Curses, Hobbits and Black Riders
"Let go, let go!" Shouted Lily Potter to her son who was engaged in a ferocious duel against her murderer the freshly reborn Lord Voldemort. With a yell Harry Potter called off his bright red expelliarmus charm, he ran as fast as his legs would carry him then he heard Voldemort shout an incantation he had never heard before "Transeat Mundo!" A jet of golden light flew from the tip of Voldemort's wand, it flew towards Harry at the speed of sound and hit him squarely in the chest. Harry heard Voldemort's triumphantlaugh as his vision began to blacken and his body hit the floor before he was consumed by the darkness.
Stars wheeled over Harry's head, each minute as long as a lifetime but then he heard something "Harry, Harry, Harry" the something whispered, it steadily grew louder and louder until it was like standing next to a formula 1 car engine at full throttle, he then started falling. Down, down, down he fell through space and time and he breathed fresh air again.
The sun was setting over a hill in the distance in a pink sky, he appeared to be lying in a cornfield, a scarecrow standing in front of him stupidly, a crow sitting on its stuffed shoulder. Harry slowly eased himself up, his whole body ached as he moved, he looked down at his body which seemed to have changed drastically. He was no longer wearing his old clothes he had worn in the graveyard he was wearing tall slim fitting brown shoes that stopped two centimetres below his knee, dark green leggings, a cotton green tunic and a maroon coloured thin leather cord was fastened round his waist. His hair was slightly longer than it was and his ears seemed more pointy. Harry walked his way through the corn stalks, maybe Cedric was there too, he started calling Cedric's name at the top of his voice, "Cedric! Cedric! Cedric where are you! Please answer me!" Then he heard a voice, he heard it again, he started running towards it not caring if it wasn't Cedric, he wanted to know where he was it started to sound more clearly "Frodo? Merry look who it is its Frodo Baggins!" When the cornstalks started to thin he peeked through the tall plants and saw four rather small people. The first one he saw had bright blue eyes and curly black hair, Harry immediately recognised him as the leader of the group he instinctively reached for his wand which to his horror wasn't there, in case these people were unfriendly he picked up the nearest thing to him a large, sturdy branch. He adjusted in his hands so he wouldn't get any splinters and jumped out of the cornstalks brandishing his fearsome branch.
"Ahh!" Shouted the four small people as Harry flew out of the field and landed nimbly on his feet.
"Who are you?" He asked acting more brave than he was "And where do you come from?" The four small people said nothing and continued to stare at him, one of them was surrounded by carrots and another was surrounded by some cabbages, both had their mouths agape. "Answer me!" He shouted at them raising his makeshift club.
"We're hobbits," the carrot-one squeaked, "From Hobbiton" he added.
"What are your names?" Harry asked coldly.
"I'm Meriadoc Brandybuck, friends call me Merry," squeaked the carrot-one "That's Peregrin Took, friends call him Pippin" He pointed to the hobbit surrounded by cabbages. "That's Samwise Gamgee, friends call him Sam" he pointed at a blond haired one and then he pointed to the leader "and that's Frodo Baggins." He finished.
"What may I ask is your name?" Asked Samwise, his arms folded across his chest. Harry noticed he had a very strong accent but he couldn't put his finger on where it was from.
Harry knew he should never give away his real name, so he made up a more odd one there and then. "My name is um, Hadrid Dagorlad, yes Hadrid Dagorlad. Where are you going you're far away from Hobbiton" he said not having a clue where Hobbiton actually was.
"We are going to Bree" said Frodo "To meet Gandalf the Grey."
"Who?" Said Harry, flabbergasted.
"Gandalf the Grey, the wandering wizard," Harry had never been more relieved in his life to hear that magic word.
"Can I come?" He asked, "I'm lost and hungry and I think he could help me find my way back to my home."
"Alright," said Pippin "The more the merrier in my eyes."
Frodo and Sam didn't look like they agreed with it but before they said no Harry had already thanked them and picked up all the carrots and cabbages "Come on let's g--"
There was a sudden bark of a dog and a "Get out of my field!" Bellowed a gruff voice from inside the field, Harry looked over the corn the metal blade of a scythe gleamed in the sun.
"You lifted Farmer Maggot's crop again!" Whisper-shouted Samwise at Merry and Pippin who were looking guilty.
"Come on!" Hissed Frodo "we'll be caught!" The five companions ran from the field, Merry and Pippin talking the whole way as Farmer Maggot shouted and cursed behind them.
"I don't know why he's so upset, it was only a couple of carrots," said Merry.
"And those cabbages," continued Pippin.
"Oh don't forget three bags of potatoes we lifted last week."
"And then those mushrooms the week before!"
"Yes, Pippin my point is he's clearly overreacting!"
"You'll know the devil when I catch up with you!" Yelled Famer Maggot.
"Come on!" Shouted Harry "he's gaining on us!" The five of them started running and they kept running after they left the field and started weaving through the trees of the woodland they had just ran into, Merry and Pippin ran ahead and stopped suddenly as there was high drop beneath them. Soon Harry and Frodo stopped to join them but Sam didn't notice and kept running forward and knocked them off the ledge down they fell hitting nearly every part of their body until they landed in a heap at the bottom of the ledge.
"Well that was close," said Pippin his face inches from a fresh pile of horse poo.
The sun had now set completely and the forest became dark and misty and it looked like a picture in an old fairytale Harry had read when he was small."I think I've broken somethin'," groaned Merry who pulled out a broken carrot from underneath him, shaking Harry to his senses as they picked themselves up and dusted themselves down.
"Trust a Brandybuck and a Took," Sam muttered darkly.
"What?" Merry protested "That was just a detour. A shortcut."
"A shortcut to what?" Grumbled Sam, irritably.
"Mushrooms!" Yelped Pippin and he tripped over when he was getting up because Sam had pushed him to get to the mushrooms first. As Sam, Pippin and Merry started gathering mushrooms and murmuring to each other Harry heard a distant high pitched squealing which sounded like a knife being sharpened across stone. "I think we should get off the road," said Harry whispered, no one except Frodo heard him.
Frodo obviously caught on and raised his voice "Hey!" He shouted "Get off the road!" The five of them scampered off the road, Merry, Pippin and Sam burdened with carrots, mushrooms and cabbages. They climbed under some long tree roots and waited. "Be quiet!" Frodo hissed to Merry, Sam and Pippin argued over Mushrooms as a horrifying sight came over the hill. On a jet black horse there sat an armed, black, faceless man. He slowly urged his steed onwards until he was right above where the five where who had decided to hide, the rider dismounted the horse and with his metal feet clinking he approached their hiding spot. He bent over and started sniffing the air then scanned the woodland for them, bugs started to come of their burrows in terror, it was then when Harry noticed Frodo take something out of his waistcoat pocket. It was a small hoop of gold, a ring, the funny thing was that it radiated some sort of dark power. Frodo stretched out his index finger and was slowly about to slide on the ring. His eyes had glazed over.
Sam hit Frodo's hand hard, Frodo hastily put the ring back in his pocket.
Merry then suddenly threw a carrot as far away as he could and hit the trunk of a large oak tree one hundred meters away, the Black Rider heard the crash and went in that direction.
"Run!" Whispered Harry as they tore away from their hiding place.
"Waste of a good carrot," grumbled Pippin as they ran.
"What was that?" Squeaked Merry when they stopped. Frodo remained silent and stared at the ring he nearly put on in the palm of his hand.
The dark forest echoed with those awful squealing noises the Riders made as they crept around the forest, hiding behind trees and bushes. "Anything?" Called Sam from behind a tree.
"Nothing," replied Harry grimly.
"What is going on?" Panted Pippin as he stumbled over his own feet.
"That Black Rider was looking for something." Merry said darkly "Or someone. Frodo?" Once again Frodo did not reply as he stared straight ahead of them.
"Get down!" Hissed Pippin and they dropped behind a clump of bushes and a Rider appeared on the horizon. The horse brayed before it walked off.
"I have to leave the Shire," whispered Frodo "Sam and I must get to Bree."
"Right," whispered Harry "Do you four know anyway of transport from here?"
"The Buckleberry Ferry" said Merry hastily "Follow me!"
They ran and ran until their path was blocked by one of the Black Riders who appeared out of nowhere and reared before crashing down back on the ground.
"Run!" Sam shouted.
"This way, follow me!" Shouted Merry and he weaved through the horse's legs followed swiftly by Sam and Pippin. The rider blocked Harry and Frodo from going anywhere, they dodged the horse and caught up with Sam, Merry and Pippin, they jumped a fence and ran to the pier, pursued by the Rider.
"Get the rope Sam!" Shouted Merry as they jumped on the boat and tied it to a moor post.
"Frodo!" Sam yelled as Frodo ran as fast as his little legs would carry him, followed by Harry who was about to overtake him as the Black Rider galloped behind them.
"Run Hadrid!" Yelled Pippin desperately.
"Go!" He yelled back and Sam slipped the rope off the moor post and the boat started to drift away.
"Frodo, come on!" Merry yelled, the Black Rider gaining.
"Come on!"
"Jump!" and with that word Harry threw Frodo onto the boat before jumping on to join them. Harry and Frodo hit the deck of the boat with a thump, nearly tipping the boat over in the process. After a frenzied set of brushing downs, pattings on the back and taunting the Black Riders who had remained on the bank yelling in fury Harry finally realised something where would they next cross?
"Where's the next crossing?" He asked hurriedly as the Black Riders retreated into the forest.
"The Brandywine Bridge" said Merry picking up an oar "Twenty miles."
I hope you liked my first chapter constructive comments are welcome. Sorry for getting rid of the other chapters I am rewriting this story.
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