Chapter 9 Revenge is Simply Sweet


Varity was resting in Star labs still since her father went all protected mode. Barry came to visit her. "Hey Barry"  She pulled herself upward from laying on the bed. "Woah easy" He saw her swaying and gently propped a hand on her back. She sighed then softly look at him. "Thanks Barry."

"How you feeling?"

"I honestly don't know, they have been running test on me to see if I was affected by the particle accelerator, but its already been a week and I'm getting tired of getting peck by needles," She lifted her arm to show casing all the bandages. "But either way you should get going you have a city protect," She look up to him with a smirk. "Plus I have Cisco watching over me like a mother hen." Cisco came over to Varity side like an obedient puppy as his name was mentioned she held in a giggle as he look confused. Barry grab her hand giving it a squeeze then flash out.

"So do you two have something going on..." Cisco gave her a sly smirk. She quickly shook hands outward embarrassed. "What!? N-No! W-we don't," Varity blush. "Okay, tomato whatever you say." He then shot her a wink. She cover her hands with her face whining. "Cisco Ramon, when I'm done healing I'm going to make you eat your words. Wait! How about now?" She pull off the wires of her skin getting up carefully. "Varity think about this..." Cisco pleaded as back away. "I already did, revenge is simply sweet." She began to chase him. "Come and face your tickles Cisco!"

"Never!!" After Cisco was on the floor pleading sorry through his laughs they went back to help Barry with a robbery.

"Barry bank robbery at Cunningham and Sampere." Cisco said to him through the coms while Caitlin was asking Varity to rest but she responded with "I'm fine."

"Wait...That's were I bank." Caitlin eyes widen. "Once super thieves showed up. I went mattress." Cisco spoke as Varity chuckled.


Varity decided to change since she was perfectly fine. 

"Angry, hate, aggression," Wells tag off as he wheeled by in his wheel chair. "A Jedi craves not these things," Cisco said in a Yoda voice "No one is feeling that quote?" They ignore him and continue talking while Varity pat his back comfortingly.

"Everyone in the bank went total savage for like five minutes and then they were fine again," Barry explained.  "Anger can be a powerful emotion," Her father look at her. "I saved your life." She pointed out squinting her eyes. "If this meta-human can engender irrational feelings of anger in his victims, he can do a lot of damage,"

"Detective West helped me get a copy of the cat scans the hospital did on everybody in the bank, take a look." Wells look at his daughter raising an eyebrow. "Speaking of hospital Varity shouldn't you be resting?" 

"Dad I'm fine seriously you guys don't have to worry about me." She spun around  indicating she was okay. He let her be knowing she would throw a fit.

"Well look at this... The emotion centers of the brains are still showing signs of being overwhelmed." Harrison pointed out on the screen Caitlin pull up. "Particularly the area that control executive function." Caitlin added "I think my brain stop working..." Varity rub her head. Caitlin rolled her eyes "That the part of the brain that stops people from doing whatever random and potentially destructive thing that pop into their head."

Varity got a text from Iris "Hope your feeling better xoxo also meet me at Jitters right now we need to talk to the flash."

"How do you think the meta does that to them?" Barry ask. "That the 1/2 million dollar question." Barry then look at his phone then up at everyone. "Hey if you guys figure it out, just give me a call, okay? Caitlin cross her arms with a smirk. "Is the Flash off to another rooftop rendezvous with Iris and the lovely Varity." She blush. "Wha...." 

"No..." He then gave in. "Yeah, but she probably just wants to ask me, I mean-you know about meta-human stuff for her blog." Barry responded. "Varity now where are you going?" Caitlin ask her. "Um I want coffee and donuts is that a crime, I've only been eating healthy like salads." She headed out.


"Varity and Iris." 

"Ooh first name base." Varity wink at him.  "Flash, it be great to call you by your real name." Iris look up at him. "You mean like Ralph?"

"Is your name Ralph?" Varity spoke playing along. They both smirk at each before Iris clear her throat. "-What did you want to see me about?"

"My boyfriend, he's..." Iris said as Barry butted in. "Did you guys break up?" Varity held in a scuff. "No he's a cop and he think that you're dangerous and he trying to convince his boss your a menace that need to be stop I thought I should warn you. Anyways you should probably go." 

He then look at Varity. "You're not going." She spoke softly he then turned to the his side. "I got to run." She smiled at him, "I bet you say that to all the girls." He hum "What other girl?"  She was left blushing as butterfly fill her chest. "Did the flash just flirted with you." Iris grab her hands look straight at eyes excited. Varity look to where he left, "I-I think he did."

"You need to get his phone number next time."



Varity walk into star labs with box of donuts. "I brought Krispy Kreme." She smiled. "Varity have I told you your amazing." Cisco said to her while she set the drinks and donuts down. "Nope."

"Also we heard you and Barry. "

"I don't know what your talking about so shut up." He quickly obey not wanting to get hit in the back of the head or face her wrath. "Yes mam."

She got a headache it was stronger then before a vision appear of a gold arrow hitting a wall. She sat down to the closest chair near.  "Varity are you okay your pale? I told you to rest." Caitlin look at her while she was focusing on her breathing. "I'm going to rest here." Varity replied to her. 

She accidentally fell asleep talking to Caitlin about anything to get her mind of the vision.

She woke up with a start when she felt a gust of wind hit her face. She sat upward seeing Barry and Felicity, but her shirt was on fire. "Felicity! Your shirt is on fire!" She ran over to her and pat the fire Felicity took of her shirt throwing it the ground. Caitlin and Cisco walk in while she grab her purse to covering herself while Varity went in front of her to covering any other spot missing. "Um you guys remember Felicity." Barry said with a tight smirk. "I'll always remember this." Cisco said while popping his lollipop in his mouth.

"Hi, Felicity its so good to see you. What brings you back to Central City?" Caitlin grab Felicity a shirt as she quickly took it. "Not Barry right?"

"No, no not Barry, this not happening. We look down that road and and said no thank you."

"They get it." Barry spoke salty, Varity went over hugging Barry she lean against him tired. He look down at her, his heart beating quickly at her soft figure hoping she wouldn't hear it. 

"Actually I'm here because of this." She took out what seem like a metal boomerang. "Awesome! What are the wings made of?" Cisco spoke fangirling. "Not sure I'm thinking some sort of composite or high-density plastic." He took it from her hand. "Reinforced with Carbon fiber. Oh that's weird. It almost feel like it's.."

"Vibrating." Felicity finish off. "Oh I wanna run some test, and I wanna run them right now!" Cisco walk with Felicity. "Aw look at them, cute nerds." Varity smile as Barry was staring down at her still. "Oh um oops sorry your really just warm." She pulled away from him. 

"Varity go rest." Caitlin spoke sternly while she obey sitting down. "What does she mean by that? Are you okay?" Barry ask her leaning against the table right beside. "I just got pale. I should be fine." She avoided his gaze. Barry nodded knowing she was lying, but didn't pry any further.

"Hey, you guys come up with anything new on our meta?"

"The officer who was affected says he saw a flash of red before he lost control. I suspect the meta is inducing rage via the ocular nerve and doctor Wells want to see you and Varity too." Caitlin look at both of them with sympathy.

Varity sigh "He gonna give me a earful." She enter with him. "Why do I feel like we got called to the principal office. " Barry said looking down at her. "My dad was my principal..."
She spoke too loudly her father look at her with an eyebrow raise. Varity gave a tight smile at turning her attention to Joe. "Oh we are both in trouble." She nudge Barry as he nodded in agreement. "Starling City vigilante,"  

"He calls himself 'The Arrow' now." Barry explained  Varity peep out a little "Awesome."  It was a little too loud they turn there attention toward her. "What I'm a fan." She shrug

"Wait what the problem?" He ask as she cross her arms over her chest. "We don't trust him." Harrison spoke firm. "Wait, what! You guys don't even know him, and haven't even gave him a chance." She look at the grown men. "I know he is wanted for murder in least 12 different cases dating back three years." Joe spoke sternly while he look at the two young ones. "I know there been two major terrorists attacks in Starling since he became active."

"Alright but the Cops there are cool with him now he doesn't kill people anymore." He counter back. "Barry what about all the criminals that he put arrows through? Those, what, don't count?" Joe scuff. 

"He's a hero, Joe."

"Your a hero, Barry. You offer protection, hope, light what that man does is carry out a dark reckoning for his city it is a brutal, violent vision of justice one we do not share. You truly think he's a hero, fine so be it but he not the kind you should be looking up to both of you." Wells look at two.

She suddenly had a unsettling feeling in her stomach. Screaming was heard and glass shattering. They ran out of the room seeing the boomerang flying all around breaking glass and the lights.  "That my bad, that on me." Cisco since as he came out of hiding. "I want that Arrow out of my city tonight." Joe told Barry walking off.


Barry invited Varity out for Jitters as she was sulking at her father words.
There arms were link together as he led her to Felicity and what look like Oliver Queen. 

Varity gave Felicity a hug with a smirk. "Your so small and cute I just want to eat you well not literally y-you know I'm just gonna stop talking." She tilt her head. "Eat me?" She face Barry with her confuse eyes pointing at herself. 

"U-uh ignore her anyway Varity meet Oliver Queen, Oliver meet Variety Wells." She extended her hand out. "It nice to meet you Oliver." She finish with a charming smile. "Now I'm going to go in the line before it get longer do you two want something its on the house?"

"It okay we already order." Oliver held his hand up as she nod. "Alright." She turn to Barry "The regular right?"

"Yep." They un-link arms and she headed to the line. She finish ordering to see Iris over were Barry was standing.  

"Iris!" Varity gave her hug as she returned it  "Barry I need to talk to you." Iris pulled him away. He look at her as she shrug her shoulders having no idea for the conversation. "Hopefully Barry didn't forget anything or did anything..." She look to Felicity.

It was silent till Oliver spoke up. "How long have you known Barry? " Varity eyes gleam with memory's flowing through her mind. Her features soften making her even look more beautiful. "I known him since the accelerator explosion when my dad took him in for his wounds and to test the unexplained seizures."

"So you know?" She nodded. "Of course it would be really hard for my father to hide a secret from me if I show up unannounced which I do all the time." Felicity added on to the conversation. "Oh I forgot to mention Barry maybe mention that your The Arrow." He raise an eyebrow at her as she gave a smiled. "Sorry about that he got very excited." She shook her head chuckling from the memory. 

"O-oh right I'm going to see if they have the drinks ready I almost forgot." She stood up from her seat receiving the mugs. She was going to head back when a person ask to take a picture with her. She gasp in delight. "I would love too!" The person pulled out there camera as Varity held the jugs high and snap a picture. "Thank you!" They said as they look at her excitedly. "No problem." She spoke sending them a wink. She headed back and gave Barry his coffee who was already looking at her. He was about to open his wallet when she refused pushing his hand. "Don't pay me take it as a gift it the least I can do since I won't have to be captive at Star Labs." He smirk at her silly personality. "Now I'm going to accompany Felicity."

"So you and Barry... " She huffed.

"Felicity!?" She set her cup down gently.  "What you guys look cute together." Varity rolled her eyes. She smirk looking up at her wiggling her eyebrows. "So you and Oliver... "

"Varity!? It not like that."

"Are you sure because he has all eyes for you and I wouldn't blame him look at your adorable and one of a kind."

"And your like a gleaming goddess  no wonder Barry like you." Varity look at her nails. "Huh?" She set her hand down. "I-I think your hair is cute today." She pat her head. "Really? I thought it was messy."

Oh she was clueless about his little crush.


Varity was sketching since her father forbid her to work till she got better. She ignore Felicity and Caitlin conversation when she tune in hearing her father voice.

"Miss Smoak, a word, if you please."  They stop the conversation.  Varity had a bad feeling in her stomach knowing her father was going to talk to her about The Arrow. A few minutes later Felicity and Barry walk in. "Hey we just got a ping from the facial recognition software on Nicoli aka Prism." Cisco sat in-front of the computers . She put down her sketch and pencil looking at Cisco. "Since when do we have facial recognition software?" She question. "Happy Hanukkah." Felicity smiled while she rolled her eyes at the comment.

"Where can I find him?" Barry asked "Traffic camera just caught him entering a residence at 168 Jarvis."

"We should let The Arrow know." Varity added not caring for her father opinion. "I can handle this solo, I've done it before."

"Barry I think you need his help."

"Variety I can handle this" He said as he turn around.  

 "Don't say I told you so when you get hurt." She turn around walking away so no one would see her pain expression. "Varity wait... " Barry look at her back regretting his words. 


Barry came back saying the meta human show him his red eyes. "Your retina and cornea seem unaffected." Caitlin hummed. "I told you, I'm fine."

"No desire to go MMA on any of us?" Felicity eyebrow raised as she look at him.  "No. Yeah I mean something weird happened with his eyes everything went red next thing you know, Bivolo was gone." He walk to the center of the room. "Look obviously his powers didn't work on me so..."

"It was stupid for you to go out alone. You take to many risks. As fast as you are, that's going to catch up with you."

"Caitlin I'm not Ronnie. You got to stop treating me like I am."

"You're right, you're not." Caitlin storm away. Varity and Felicity look at Barry. "What."

"You are such a lovable dummy." Felicity said. 

She shook her head poking her finger at his chest. "What she actually means is you owe Caitlin an apology you insensitive jerk." She gave him one last hard glare before going to comfort her friend.


Everyone was working while Felicity was on the call and ended it. "That was The Arrow he says Barry is acting strangely."

"Strangely how?" Harrison look at Felicity, Joe walk in explaining what was happening . "He was acting angry. It was scary and his eyes they glow." Varity frowned. "It possible that his body is fighting off the effect so it's hitting him slower." Caitlin explained to Wells. "When it comes to rage, the longer you suppress your emotion-." Varity finish his sentence. "-the bigger the explosion." Her father look at her remembering all the times they argue. He look away he knew he was going to stop caring in one point with time.

"Consider what he can do, how do we stop him?" Joe look at the team. "A cold-gun who come real handy about now I'm just saying. " Cisco said as in a low tone holding his hands up defensively. "None of us can stop Barry. Maybe Varity but we still don't know how her powers work fortunately I think you need to call back Oliver queen."

"Wait you were affected by the particle accelerator?" Felicity and Joe look at Varity. She nodded slowly "I was gonna tell you guys, but we have bad timing as always like right now. also how did you know?" She question confused. "Oh, see I knew The Arrow was Oliver Queen. I mean I had it narrowed down to like 150 people but it was definitely on the list." Cisco said to the body guard. 

"Do you have a way to stop Barry's rage fest?" The bodyguard ask her father. "I have an idea about how to do that. Joe we're gonna need your help."

"I have him facial recognition, pick him up on a traffic camera downtown." Felicity said "I just hope they can turn Barry back before he kills Oliver." Caitlin frowed. "I'd be more worried about what Oliver might have to do to Barry." The bodyguard retorted

"Barry has superpowers. Oliver has a bow and arrow."

"Do you have any idea how many people Oliver Queen has killed with that bow and arrow."

"Recurred bow arrows can travel 300 feet per second so like 200 miles per hour. Barry can run three times that fast." Cisco butted in.

"Can you all shut up and be concerned for there safety and not there strength and talents seriously." Varity shot at all of them while Felicity let a low whistle. "Who are you?" The bodyguard look at the girl with spunk.

"Varity Wells also know Harrison Wells daughter and you are?" She replied with a smiled. "John Diggle." He said as he extended a hand "And my money is on Oliver." She rolled her eyes.

"My money on speed." Cisco retorted. "Please tell me your actually not having this conversation right now." Felicity look at the two. "They are." Varity confirmed. She then got a headache seeing vision on Barry and Oliver fighting.

 Her eyes glowed purple. She walk off into the hallway quickly closing them. She open her eyes to see she was in a alley next to a light post where Oliver and Barry where fighting. She was leaning against a building tired from the use of her energy. 

A white van came in. Varity sneakily walk to the car slowly turning the corner to see Oliver helping Barry get up as he was back to normal. She rush over helping him.

"Let me help you." She help him up. "Varity?! How did you get here?" Barry question her. "I-I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure Felicity, Caitlin, Cisco and John in Star Labs are freaking out right now." She spoke with a sigh. This now did confirm she was affected by the particle accelerator explosion.


"Blah, Blah, Blah no prison can hold me heard it all before pal. Adios Prism." Cisco said while the door closes in front of him. "I liked Rainbow Raider. "  Varity look to Cisco. "Okay you don't get to pick the names." Cisco sass her as she gave him a pout.  "One day I will."

"I have a prison like this mines on a nearly inhospitable island in the north China Sea but this works too." Oliver look around at the tech. "Original."  Varity hum.

They headed back to Star Labs as Varity stood far from her father.

"My identity is a closely-guarded secret know only to a few and if it were to get out, will endanger my family, my friends and it would be embolden my enemies to retaliate at me through them." Oliver spoke to the team. "What Oliver is trying to say is that he had a lovely time working with you and getting to know each of you and he can't wait to do it again soon." Felicity said while looking at Oliver grabbing his arm.


Varity smiled looking at the two interaction. "You know it didn't sound like that's what he was saying." Cisco whisper to Varity. "Some people have there own opening up." She responded

Joe walk up to Oliver. "I may not agree with your methods, but thank you." Joe said as he look at him sincerely. "You're welcome." He smirk.

"Mr. Queen, I met your father once, Charity event. One of the things we spoke of was you. I think he would of be very proud of the man you've become." Harrison smirked while Varity mouth fell open. "You knew his father?" Her father just smirk.

"Thank you and please call me Oliver."

Varity went over to Felicity and gave her a hug whispering "Felicity Queen has a ring to it." Felicity stop hugging her and push her. Varity gasp. "That for not telling me you have powers and you have explaining to do." She wince. "Let me walk you out. I'll explain everything then. "Varity headed toward to the elevator. "Varity" Her father called her name sternly.

"I'll be right back." She replied gaining a pep in her steps. "Your not coming back are you." Felicity smiled at her. "Nope."


Varity walk with the arrow team into Jitters to see Barry sitting alone and Iris looking at them.

"Hey you guys heading home?" Iris question to Felicity and Oliver. "Yeah we could use some Java's for the road." Felicity replied. "I will hook you up and you Varity, the regular."

"Please it been a long night."

"Boy trouble?"

"That the only trouble I don't get." Varity spoke as the lady's follow her. Varity then saw Oliver and Felicity talking so she gave them space heading over to Barry and sat down. They sat in silence until Barry spoke up unraveling the tension between the pair.

"I'm sorry."

"Wait why are you sorry?" Varity ask confused.

"I hurt Caitlin and you. I said things that I didn't meant. " He look into her eyes. "Barry it okay you couldn't control it. We know it wasn't you talking." She put her hand on top of his. Silence then surrounded the air again.

In the silence she decided she came to a decision. She needed someone else to talk to beside her father and a therapist. 

"Barry I need to talk to you can I talk to you at the end of the day." He blink his eyes rapidly before nodding. "Yeah sure anything." She got up pecking him on the cheek as he was stun. "Thanks Barry. Now I need to go to work before I'm late." She wave bye to Oliver and Felicity with her favorite drink before leaving.


The two met up outside of Joe house.

"So what up." Barry said as he look concern at the girl in front of him.

"I haven't been truthful about myself." She look down at her trembling hands. "Barry I been affected by the particle accelerator and I'm scared of what I'm started a few weeks after you woke up from your coma. I can't control what I'm am but I don't want this to affect the relationship between all of us. I knew that Tony were gonna die and Bette but I was uncertain because there were just vision up in my head and I cause them to die." She took a breath. "After knowing that I was affected by the particle accelerator I try protecting all of you but I was always too late. I couldn't protect you from hurting Iris or Eddie, when they were held captive, or when you lost your speed. I'm so sorry." Teardrops fell from the corner of her eyes as they guilt crept in. Barry wipe her tears gently from her face pulling her into a hug.

"I promise what ever your going through were going to find out and help you. This is not your burden alone Varity. I won't let you go through this alone."

"Thank you Barry. " She sniffle. "Come in, it's getting cold out here.

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