Chapter 7 Cappuccino


Check the math your dispersal models don't correlate." Caitlin said to Cisco "Uh, they do if you factor in seasonal fluctuations in reproduction cycles." Varity raise an eyebrow at him. "What exactly are we debating?" Harrison made an appearance.

"The average number of bugs Barry swallows in a day running." Cisco responded casually as her father hum. "His poor immune system." Varity responded. "I look forward to seeing you accept your Nobel." Wells spoke to them as Varity rolled her eyes. She approach her father. "I'm going to head out and grab something to eat do you want Big Belly Burger?" He nodded as she grab her keys leaving but as she headed to the elevator she saw Barry on the floor. "Barry!?"


Varity was helping Caitlin with Barry wounds. "13 fractures that a new record and that just in your hand you also have a concussion and three crack ribs and a bruised spleen even with your powers, you'll need a few hours to heal." Caitlin look to Barry "What exactly did you hit?" Wells look at him. "A man, a big bad man. His skin changed when I hit him to metal."

"Interesting a man of steel."

"So you went after a meta-human alone? Dude, why didn't you call us?" Cisco asks "I didn't know what he was." Barry got off the bed receiving help from Varity. "Besides, I was off-duty." Barry gave her a smile as she smirk back. "You're lucky he didn't knock out your teeth those puppies don't grow back."

"The strange thing is I feel like I knew him."

"What do you mean?" Varity tilt her head lightly. "He said something that was familiar, but he going to hurt someone if we don't stop him. So how do I fight a guy that made of steel?"

"We will find a way. Tonight you heal." Harrison pointed a finger at him. She pull Barry back down on the medical bed. "Well look like I'm staying here with you tonight, good thing I leave spare clothes."


"Your childhood nemesis is now an unstoppable meta-human that seriously mess up." Cisco since. "I had a childhood nemesis. Lexi La Roche. She use to put gum in my hair." Caitlin pouted.

"Aww, Caitlin." Varity gave her side hug since she was holding coffee. "Jake Puckett, if I didn't let him copy my homework he'd give me a swirly. What about you Varity?" Cisco asks as she switch to him. "I was home school of course since my dad is a genius. The only bully I had was the nanny when she said to stop sneaking out and to clean my room."

"Now that we've established that we're all uber-nerds except Varity, what are we gonna do about Tony?" Barry ask as she pouted. "We are gonna train you Karate Kid style." Cisco walks to show them what he meant by that. They all follow behind. "Wait like which movie one or two or the remake?" Varity question.

"One of course the first one since it's a classic." He then shows them a robot. "Behold! I call him Girder."

"For the record, not my idea." Caitlin said looking at the two. "Don't worry Caitlin I know you have more class." He rolled his eyes at the girls. "Fighting is physics. It not about strength it not about size it"s about energy and power. Channel your speed the right way and you can totally take this bad boy down."

Varity started getting a headache. She plead to herself not right now as she got an image of a school.

"I have ice and bandages standing by." Caitlin held up. "Maybe you shouldn't do this, this isn't really a good idea." Varity responded but before Barry could respond Cisco started Girder. A few seconds later Barry fell on the floor with a grunt. She bent down to him as he admired her concern face before stuttering in pain. "I'm p-p-pretty sure I just dislocated my shoulder." She wince helping him sit upward. "Don't say I didn't warn you, Barry Allen." She sat him on a chair. "I'm not going to lie but this is going to hurt really bad but it will be quick." She grab his arm but his phone started to ring. She waited for Barry to end his call while Caitlin stood by.

"Okay let do this so Barry, when you said you were off-duty last night you were visiting Iris right? Caitlin looking at Barry.

Barry look at Varity as she already knew the answer but he said no since Caitlin was there.

"Sorry, Barry." Varity popped his shoulder back in place.


Varity walk into Jitters smiling widely because she was a few steps away from a cappuccino in her hands. She walk up to see Iris sitting on a counter interacting with a staff. "Hey, Iris." She spoke taking a seat next to her. "What brings you here?" She look towards her. "Cappuccino and also I got bored and had some time after modeling so I thought why not I visit you."

She smiles at her. Iris name was call out as the two look over to see a bulky blond men with tattoos on his arm. He approach the two. "I got to say Iris you are looking amazing and so is your friend." He shot them a wink as they rolled there eyes. "Thanks, Tony, you too." Iris responded.

Varity started getting a headache and bad feeling in her stomach. "Oh yeah, I keep in shape I got a gym in my place been living out in Keystone on the west side you should stop by sometime and your friend."

"Can she get you a drink? They have the best cappuccino." Varity try to ease atmosphere. "No thank you Varity I came to see Iris." "How did you find Iris anyway?" She stood protectively not liking his cocky attitude. "Found her little blog about the streak. Why are you writing about this guy?" Tony ask. "People say he a hero." Iris said

"He a coward I just happen to know that he took a beating last night and ran off like a little girl. You should write about that." Tony looks at both of them before taking a step closer Varity stare him down. "Do you two have any idea of who the leather boy is?"

They two women shook there head no. "Um if you're not gonna get a drink I should get back to work working on her coffee" Iris said to Tony. "I prefer to buy you both a drink. What time is Iris off"

"She has a boyfriend and hes a cop." Varity spoke firmly.

"What about you?" He said with a dumb smrik. "I am going to be late for my business meeting." Varity look at the corner of her eye to see the television screen to see his face wanted. "I should give them a call."

"Give me the phone now!" He yelled. Varity handed him her phone his arm turn metal crushing her phone as she let out a small yelp. "I'm sorry um for the damage." He places the cash on top of broken phone laying on the table. "We'll pick this up some other time." Tony then leaves quickly.

Varity was sitting with Iris still shaken up about her broken phone that was in front of her. Iris rub her arm . Papers were flying around in the cafe "I guess you got my message." Iris stood up. "Are you okay?" Streak/Barry looks at the two. "He destroys my phone like the hulk and was aggressively flirting but either then that we are fine." Varity replied

"Plus we can handle our selves I'm a cops daughter and she took self-defense classes." Iris points out. "Not with this guy..." He looks at Iris shaking his head.

"I knew him when we were kids, he didn't want to hurt me he wanted to impress us but he is focused on you and not in a good way."

"Do you know where he went?"

"We have no idea but there something else." Varity look up. "His hand it transformed to like a Iron fist. He like you isn't he?" Iris look at him gently. "Yeah and you writing about me is what brought him to you."

"I know but maybe if I try to talk to him and-" Varity was cut off. "No! He too dangerous for you" Streak/Barry he looks straight at her. They heard knocks on the window looking to see cops. Then he flash away.

"We got to go..." He already vanishes.

As Varity went into her car she felt worried she didn't know how her friends and dad would re-act to what occurred a few hours ago. She headed to Star Labs. As she enter, Caitlin and Cisco said they needed a ride since Barry got himself into trouble.

Varity park to the weird dark place. "Barry!? Where are you?" She look around as she carefully walk through garbage and glass the place was a wreck. "Caitlin, Varity over her!" Cisco yelled as they headed toward him. She crouch down to him caressing his cheek "Barry say something so we know you're okay."

He groan as she sigh in relief. Cisco help her pick him up as they headed back. "What were you thinking I told you that we would figure out a way to deal with!" Harrison yelled at Barry. "I'll heal." Barry said firmly

"You can't heal when you're dead." Varity flinch at this comment. He then looks toward his daughter. "Varity why didn't you tell me he came for you." She pull out her broken phone from her back pocket. "He kinda crush it when I was going to notified you..."

He let out a sigh. "He could of kill both of you."

"I know all right I know! In the past 36 hours, I've had my ass handed to me twice by the guy who tortured me as a kid. I couldn't stop him then, and I can't stop him now! Even with my powers, I'm still powerless against him." Barry was frustrated she approach him slowing taking his hand.

"Not necessarily, Cisco?" Harrison looks at Cisco. "Any material if struck at a high velocity can be compromised."

"We ran an analysis on the metal in Tony's footprint base on its density and atomic structure if you impact it at just the right angle, at just the right speed you can do some serious damage." Cisco look toward Barry

"How fast would he have to go?" Varity question looking at her father. "You would have to hit him approximately mach 1 point 1." She blew out a low whistle. "You want Barry to hit something at 800 miles an hour?" Caitlin eyes widen. "837 actually."

"Smart-ass." Varity spoke quietly while Barry smiles at her. "It slipped" She whisper to Barry.

"That faster than the speed of sound." Caitlin added in.

"I know he would create a Sonic boom which I've said before would be awesome." She shook her head. "Calm down your nerd hormones." Varity look at Cisco as he gasp. "I've never gone that fast before." Barry look at them. "Yet." Wells smirk to himself as his real plan was going to action. "I can't believe we're actually entertaining this idea. I mean he needs a straight shot from miles away." Caitlin put her hand on her hip. "Yeah 5.3 miles theoretically." Cisco peep out "Do it right, you'll take him down. Do it wrong, you'll shatter every bone in your body." Varity look at Barry to see him looking at her. Her stomach flutter under his stare dropping her gaze embarrassed.


Varity was with Iris while she was working on her blog about the streak as she peep out information. A slam was heard from outside. She received a headache with the image of lockers now.She shook of the image. "Iris, did you hear that?" She looks toward her worried. She slowly got up from the wooden chair looking through the window. Varity stood behind her to see a police car flip over. Iris grabs her hand turning around to meet with Tony."Hey, Varity and Iris." Tony spoke in a chilling voice. "What do you want Tony?" Varity swallowed nervously

"I did tell you we would pick this up in another time remember?" He took a steps closer to her. She took a blade out of her bra. Why did she had a blade? Well her father insisted after the attack he even got it customized purple. He knew she was a sucker for designed items. She step back quickly taking out her blade and swung it at him, but he caught her hand "Sorry sweetheart." He twisted her wrist she yell out a cry of pain. Iris try to run off but everything suddenly went black as he head hit the ground.


She open her eyes blinking slowly. "Iris...what happen?" Vairty ask laying against a locker curled into her self. Her head was pounding and he hand stung every time she try to move her wrist. "Your hero is gone" Tony started walking toward them.

Barry did super Sonic punch making him crash into locker. He transformed back to human shaking it off. "Oh, hell to the no." Varity gain her balance slowly growling as she swung her shoe colliding with his face. He fell to the floor knocked out cold with a bruise setting on his face. "Nice kick." Barry/Streak said to her as she lean against the locker. "That what he gets for hitting us girls." Varity touch her head. She wince as it stung pulling back her hand seeing blood. "Oh..." Iris quickly supported her. "Thanks, Iris."


"Dude that had to feel good." Cisco said as Barry faced his Bully. "You have no idea." Barry smiled. Barry came up to Varity extending his arm outward. She gave in resting her head against his chest tiredly. She was now being monitor by her father after having her head wounded and wrist sprain.

"Almost as good as proving me wrong about the supersonic punch." Caitlin smirk looking at Barry. "Actually that part hurt like a lot." Barry looks at Caitlin. "Tell me about it." She muttered against him. "But at least no modeling for a month till my wrist heals."

"I couldn't have done it without you guys." Barry tells the team as she pulls away letting a small yawn. "All I want to know is which child bully we are gonna take out next mine or Caitlin." Cisco look excited. Varity let out a small chuckle and started walking with Barry as he supports her.

"What guys this is serious." Cisco stood behind with his hands in the air.

Varity was resting with her blanket sitting on a chair with her eyes closed. Hearing a familiar voice she open her eyes seeing Joe.

"Joe!" She got up excitedly and hug him. " Varity, you should rest." Her father look at her with a slight look of worried. "Dad relax I won't get hurt from a hug." She spoke hugging Joe. "Now I let you talk while I go and rest as told." She went back to her seat and snuggle up in the blanket with a smirk.

She was ignoring the conversation when she heard her mother name Tess Morgan. She got up quickly. "I'm going to get some air if that okay."

"Varity wait!" Her father call out but she ignore his calls.

Again thank you for 100 reads. 💜

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