Chapter 6 Ice Cream Tub
^This hair but in brown^
Varity walk in to seeing all her friends she was invited to a bar and of course she came even though she couldn't drink she notice Barry smiling at her from a distance she blush lightly readjusting her glasses. She headed over to him ignoring the star struck customers. "Hey Barry why so lonely?" She gave him a hug. "Were you waiting for me? If so I'm sorry..." She look at her outfit. "It's okay and I didn't know you wore glasses." She smirk. "Yeah I usually were brown eye contacts but not today ."
"Why do you were different color contacts-" Barry ask she was about to answer but got cut off. "Hi, Iris." Varity greeted hugging her. She return the hug then pull away looking at Barry. "I'm glad you invited Varity, Cisco and Caitlin." Iris smiled. They all sat down. "They're cool right?" Barry look at his friends. "They save you life Barry that makes them the coolest people I've ever met. It nice you became friends." Iris handed me a drink. "To friends old and new." Iris said. They clink the glasses as Varity put the glass on the tray.
"I'm up wish me luck." She walk to Eddie after her Varity gave it a try and kept hitting bullseye they were shock. She headed toward her team giving them a break as the two sigh. "Isn't there anything she can't do."
Barry grabs a whole tray of shots. "Um Barry I pretty sure that not good for you" Varity look up at him. He grabs one of her hand and led them over to Caitlin and Cisco. "Guy's? I have a problem."
"We all do when guys like him exist." Cisco said as he looks at Eddie. Varity chuckle, "You mean being a showoff to impress his girlfriend because if so that been around century's."
"Yeah, he so hot. Uh I mean genetically speaking because I'm a geneticist. Of course." Caitlin spoke trailing of. Varity hug Caitlin from behind and whispering in her ear "smooth" as she blush pushing her away playfully while she giggle.
"I'm not talking about Eddie. I'm talking about this." Barry down all his drinks. "I can't feel anything."
"Yeah, that usually what happens when you drink too much." Cisco raise an eyebrow. "No, the alcohol is not affecting me. I mean I literally feel nothing."
"So basically flavor water." They all look at Varity. "Well, he said he felt nothing so he feels no buzz and water has no buzz." She shrug.
"It's your hyper-metabolism. I need a sample." Caitlin said "I'll get more shots". Cisco said excited for testing. "I swear I had a Vacutainer in here." Caitlin look through her items in her bag. "Wait, you carry a blood collection kit in your purse?" Varity question "You have your hobbies." Caitlin look up at her. Varity nodded since she was right. "Fair enough." Cisco, Caitlin, and Barry took more shots from the bar. "Still nothing?" She question looking at Barry for a reaction. "I can't get drunk. I mean I'm only 25 and my drinking days are already over." He pouted.
"Come on Allen and Varity your up." Eddie took out his buzzing phone. "There was a bombing on 8th and pass. Sorry guys" Eddie left early as Iris linger behind. "I got an early shift at jitters. Barry, we will catch up tomorrow." Iris left after. "It getting late, so I'm just gonna..." Barry realize he didn't need a excuse and flash out.
They manage to have little coms on them to still keep contact. "Guys, there a window washer and he gonna fall." Barry spoke through the intercoms as everyone huddle together at the table. "Don't catch him you don't have super strength." Caitlin noted the obviously. "Well is there a mattress store somewhere, what if I get a bunch of mattresses and stack them?"
"Barry, this isn't a roadrunner cartoon." He kept thinking out loud. "How fast would I need to go to run up the side of a building?"
"How far do you need to go?" Cisco asks "I don't know. 50 meters give or take." The taking swung side to side as the wind roared. "Guys hurry!"
"Just run really fast to maintain your velocity on the way down or..." Caitlin trailed off. "Splat." Varity spoke with a whistle at the end. "Great. All right, all right. Here goes."
"Barry!? Are you alright?"
"Yeah, Varity I'm fine thank for caring." Cisco then took away the glass that she was clutching. "Oh you guys need a ride"
"Yes" They both reply as she rode them home.
^ This hair but in Brown ^
"A file number is all the info you have on the bomber?" Cisco look at him. "C.C.P.D's been ordered off the case." Barry answer back. "Well, who has the power to do that?" Caitlin question. "The army. Some general. His name was Eiling I think." Barry look at the team.
"General Wade Eiling." Varity and her dad said at the same time. "You know him?" Barry looks at two. She nodded looking at her father. "About ten year ago, general Wade Eiling contacted S.T.A.R labs to develop enhanced Gene therapies for soldiers. I was interested in the potential medical benefits for civilians. General Eiling really wanted to develop mind-reading capabilities for interrogation purposes. I stopped the study when I saw his techniques up close but are split was less than amicable." Wells spoke to Barry. "He took all the evidence I collected in the bombing, Everything but the folder." Barry held up the folder.
"Well...lucky for us the VA finally joined the new millennium and digitized their records. A lot of redacted info. But our girl name is Bette Sans Souci an EOD specialist for the army." Cisco look at them. "EOD?" Varity look at her father "Bombs." She gave a little nod. "Is there an address?" Barry cross him arms
Varity look away at his flexing arms hiding the slight blush on her cheeks.
"Here we go. One person on in case of emergency. Cameron Scott. Inglewood." Barry flash out to location. "Barry, can you hear me? Barry?" Cisco look up at the team worriedly not getting a response from him. "There must be a perfectly reasonable explanation for why he not answering." Caitlin spoke calmly. Barry then show up in his boxers.
Caitlin cover Varity eyes as she was still too pure for that world. "Don't ask." He change quickly for Varity sake. "I'm gonna ask." Cisco blink rapidly "Where my suit?" Caitlin drop her hands from her eyes. "Our suit Cisco." Varity added. "It's gone..." Barry trailed off as his tone gt high pitch. "What do you mean it gone...what did you do to my suit?" Varity usher to Cisco holding his arm.
"It blew up dude. I manage to get out of it before it went kaboom."
"My suit went kaboom?"
"Our suit." She pull his arm gently. "Fun fact about Bette Sans Souci she's not carrying bombs. She touch the emblem on my suit and turned it to a bomb. She a meta-human."
"With the ability to cause spontaneous combustion upon tactile contact." Harrison spoke more complicated. "She blew up my suit." Cisco spoke shock. "We have like three more Cisco." Varity look up at him as he look down toward her. "Okay. We have two and I love that one."
"Cisco Ramon, did you just sass me?" Varity put her hands on my hip. "Cause if you did you better be getting me a card that says a big fat sorry before I strangle you."
"Yes, ma'am." He replied quickly not wanting to feel her wrath.
"All right, what else do we know about her?" Barry ask. "Oh... I don't know. She pure evil. We're gonna find this girl and send her butt into the pipeline. No one blows my tech to smithereens and gets away with it..."
"Cisco Ramon, first of all, we don't know her intentions and second of all I won't let you send down someone down the pipeline because a suit got destroyed when we have two more."
"Unless she looks like that..." Cisco trailed of love struck looking at her picture on the screen.
Varity rolled her eyes. "I don't think she meant to hurt me." Barry inclined. "Well, her being a meta-human explain general Eiling's interest in her." Wells concluded. "And why he stole the case from us. He didn't want anyone to know what she could do, Doctor" Joe made himself known. "Detective." Harrison turned his wheelchair around
"So human bomb. Must be Tuesday in Central City." He scuff. "General Eiling's not one to give up a potential asset without a fight." Wells warned. "We have to find her before he does." Varity butted in worried for the women.
"Barry? Can I see you for a second?" Joe look at him. Barry nodded
"So Cisco...are you getting me my card right?"
"Uhh...yeah let me just get it."
"Cisco don't you dare hide from me I know this trick."
"What are you talking about...?" His tone of pitch rise. "Fine be like that I'm not talking to you until you apologize and learn the suit it ours." He let out a defeated whine.
Varity phone ring "Hello, Varity Wells speaking how can I help you."
"Hey, it Cole."
"Cole Spouse you know not to call me on my business phone." She growled a bit annoyed. "Hey...hey calm down tiger I was just asking if you wanted to go out?"
"Go out!? Is the bad boy asking me on a date?" Varity spoke too loud and now the rest of the team look at her she began to waddle away into a corner of the room. "If that what you call it then yes and my rebellion ages are over"
"As still dress like one." Varity scuff. "And if we are going on this so call date then it has to be a friendly date." She warned. "What is a friendly date?"
"Well instead of going as potential lovers we go out as friends and if I think it went well then I give you a real date. Now if you're going to tell me when your free better call me on my regular cell phone not my business phone."
"No, but Cole." Varity hung up. "You play hard to get." Caitlin smirk "He a bad boy I got to make sure he willing to play hard to go for the long game."
"How does pure cuteness turn to pure evil so fast." Cisco spoke seeing her walk off. "I heard that Cisco!"
"What I miss?" Varity enter later on "You got to get to her before Eiling does." He look at Varity "Barry is going after the lovely Sans Souci also..." He gave her a card and chocolates. "You're forgiven." She spoke smiling. "Good because I don't want to deal with your scary death stares I already get that from Caitlin." Cisco look at her. "Hey!" Caitlin said as they both chuckled.
"As the detonation dispersed throughout Central City, a number of people were exposed to wave energy and one of those people was you. You were in Central City ten months ago." Harrison explain
"I just returned from Afghanistan. I was there defusing roadside bombs and Shrapnel rip through me. Spent months at the base recuperating and next thing I know I became the thing that almost kills me and Eilings favorite new lab rat." Bette spoke uncomfortable. "The dark matter must of combine with the bomb particulate inside your body." Caitlin suggested. "I thought Eiling did this to me."
"Eiling is not smart enough to create someone like you, but clever enough to see your value." Harrison look at her as Varity raise my eyebrow at him at his choice of words.
"Do you know of any others were changed?"
"There been a few." Caitlin nod a bit. "But no one that looks like you." Cisco flirted. Varity stomp on his feet as he muffled a yelp.
Barry rubs his head "What he means is..."
"I'm sorry, that was inappropriate. Please don't leave." Cisco spoke strained.
They all walk away dicussing there plan of action. "I know how to perform a lobotomy." Caitlin look to Harrison. "Her cellular structures, unlike anything I've seen." He look at the monitor. "Do you think we can help her?" Varity ask her father with soft eyes. "To answer that question we have to understand how she works, and to understand that first, we have to study her in action." Wells added.
"You want her to blow stuff up. Cisco then pumps his fist. "Yes, now we're talking."
Varity sat down rubing her temples receiving a major headache.
"So this is your life now huh? Testing people like me?" Bette ask Caitlin. "Stopping people like you. It not what I thought I'd be doing. Actually aside from Barry, you're the first meta-human that we've tested. Caitlin look at her. "M-meta-human?"
"It just a term. Oh my God what happen" Caitlin said as she looks at her bloody wound. Varity poke my head up concerned. "Why didn't you say you were shot?" Caitlin ask Bette.
"It just graze me." Caitlin observe the wound. "There something in there."
Varity look over to her father. "A tracker." We then got a view of the soldiers coming up from the security cameras. "Lock down the pipeline. Get Bette out of here. I'll take care of Eiling." Harrison usher to the rest of us. "Be careful." Varity spoke to her father rushing off.
Bette threw a frisbee and a few feet away it blew up into smithereens."427 kPa's. Her Trauzl rating is around 45 that the same as any plastique. Plastique...ha first try!" Cisco spoke excitedly.
Caitlin held a boomerang. "Didn't really think this one through did you?" She spoke to Cisco.
Varity headache got worse so she and sat down and close her eyes. "Varity is everything okay you look a little pale?" Caitlin bent down to her height. "Its okay I haven't eaten lunch so I get major headaches when I need to eat." She lied to Caitlin not wanting to get her worried.Cisco came and gave her a lollipop. "A little bird told me you are hungry so here is a lollipop." Cisco look at her with a hint of worried in his eyes. She smiled at him, "Tell the little bird that I say thank you."
She receive a message from Cole.
Cole: Are you free tomorrow at 9:00 A.M
Varity: Yeah why you ask?
Cole: How about I take you out for breakfast for our friendly date? At the beach.
Varity: Your lucky I'm free tomorrow and I like food so it a yes. See you tomorrow 😊 Ps. Don't be late
She walk in with roses to see everyone quiet. "What wrong?"
"Caitlin was about to give the not so good news." Bette spoke as Varity put down her roses. "What with the roses and beach vibe?" Harrison gaze at her. "Um... I tell you later." She tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"The shrapnel in your body has merged with you on a cellular level." Caitlin begin. "And the technology required to un-spliced your DNA it hasn't been invented yet." Wells finish. Bette started crying. "Bette..." Barry called gently feeling guilty. "It okay, Roger that. I just need a minute don't worry. Pretty sure I can cry without blowing stuff up. " Bette rush out.
Harrison stare at his daughter she could tell what he thinking already knew what he was thinking. She look to the ground not wanting to make eye contact.
"What now?" Cisco asks quietly. She press her hand to her chest nodding. "She joins us." Varity and Barry said at the same time. They look at each other shock but then turning into something more they just didn't have the word for it.
"Become a part of the team." Barry finish off and she nodded " have an amazing ability to help people, she makes things explode." Caitlin said looking worried. "She the first meta-human not so hell-bent on destroying this city."
"We did this to her. You guys are just going to toss her like defenseless a puppy?! This isn't her fault she didn't ask for this." Varity felt a buzz on her hand ignoring the sensation. "It too dangerous." Harrison look at his daughter as she let out a huge in frustration. "Well, she's not going into the pipeline." Barry look at the rest.
"I'm not suggesting she go into the pipeline but where she remains at S.T.A.R labs it would put all of us at risk." Harrison spoke calmly knowing if he upset his daughter it would worsen her condition. "From who? Eiling?"
"Eiling is a dangerous man, Barry we do not want him as an enemy."
Pictures of Barry holding Bette in his arm dead came into Varity mind she blink her eyes of a couple of times confused.
"It could have been me hunted, on the run, cutting off from everyone I know and care about you guys save me."
"And I want to save her just as bad as you do Barry. We all do." Caitlin spoke in a soft tone as Varity frown further.
Harrison avoid the topic seeing his daughter now upset and stress. "Varity did you had a beach shoot?" She raise an eyebrow. " didn't you see get my message of me going out." He then pulls out his phone. "Oh sorry, I didn't respond."
"Did you accept Cole date?" Cisco ask. "It wasn't a date he just took me out for breakfast on the beach."
"And gave you flowers?" Barry butt in. ".At the beach... That sound romantic to me" Caitlin smirk. "Isn't he a bad boy?" Cisco added crossing his arms. "No...he just dress like one supposedly but I'm not sure. And it wasn't a date it was a trial, if I like it then I agree I would give him a real date when I have time."
"So you like him." Her father look at her with a hidden frown. "I'm not answering that you guys sound like the paparazzi." Varity grab the roses and put them in a vase by the computer. She was about to take the tag out when Barry flash by and snatch the tag.
She try to reach for the tag out of his hands but he would just flash out. She gave up putting her hands on her knees exhausted. "To my beloved future girlfriend and wife love Cole your Dark Charming." Barry read out loud. "H-he a flirt." She counter gaining her posture through breaths. They all stare at her. She sighed "I met him a couple of times at a photo shoot. He asks me out and you...know I hate breaking people feelings so I said yes."
"Aww." All the guys look at Cailtin "What that cute of Varity, not Cole." Caitlin confirmed looking away from them as she chuckled. She look at Barry but he was staring at the roses lost in thought.
She look at her twitter to see a spam of messages tagging her to Cole kissing another girl. "Why do I always fall for the bad boys." She headed to the grocery store for a jug of ice cream.
Cisco then calls her while she was getting out of the car. "Hey, Cisco." She spoke gloomy. "Varity I have seen the news I'm sorry." Tears then started forming. "I-I'll call you back C-cisco." She was about to end the call when he raise his tone slightly. "Varity were are you and don't make me track you."
"I'm at Jewel's down two blocks by your apartment getting a tub of ice cream."
"Buy two tubs because movie night is coming early and come straight here."
She wipe the tears off her face and smirk wobbly "Okay you pick the movie but no romance."
"Okay, Guardians of the Galaxy it is." Cisco reported quickly. She made it over to Cisco apartment and ate ice cream with him while sitting in his couch crying why did aliens have a better love life than her. Cisco rubs her back soothingly reminding her it wasn't real. She fell asleep accidentally on his shoulder.
"Where Bette?" Barry ask as her enter Star Labs. "She left" Cisco spoke sadly. "Where did she go?"
"She didn't say." Harrison responded. "Well, where the hell she can be?"
Varity shove a spoonful in her mouth but then drop the spoon in the bucket getting a brain freeze as images Shuffle through her head rapidly. "S-she in danger." Varity spoke quietly rubbing her temples. "What...from who?!" Cisco question heading over to her. She look up at him from he seat, "I don't know from what but I have a feeling it not going to end well."
Cisco pull up the military feed. "Look like they've gone to the waterfront to rendezvous with Bette. She turning herself in." Cisco spoke breathless. "She not turning herself in..." Barry flashes out. Varity place the ice cream tub to the side.
"Please let him get to her on time." Cisco whisper to himself.
A bad feeling erupt and ran through her veins she shiver rubbing her arms gently. "Guys we have a problem." He spoke through the other line. Her eyes widen in realization. "Is Bette okay?" Cisco worriedly ask. "No Eiling killed her. She glowing. She's gonna detonate."
Varity shot up from her seat pacing back and forward.
"Oh my God, the mass size, the explosion it would be..." Caitlin trailed off. "Devastating." Wells finished her sentence with a smile twirling the pen in his hand no one notice of course since there were focus on the situation at hand. "Barry you have to get away from the city."
"There no time." Varity look at them shaking her head rapidly stopping in her tracks. "Can I run on water? I built up enough speed to run up a building how fast do I need to go to run on water?"
"650 miles per hour." Wells responded calmly like he was anticipating for all of this to happen. Everything was falling into place just perfectly. "You have to outrun the blast or you'll die too." Cisco said as she bit he bottom lip.
Barry avoided the blast from Central City coming back to Star Labs. "He murder Bette in front of me and there is nothing we can do about it." Barry spoke angrily. "Powerful men have a way of avoiding consequences." Wells stated.
"Are you gonna be okay?" Varity study his features. "Yeah..." Barry exit as she quickly grab a extra tub of ice cream leaving the room following behind him.
The team was back at the bar. "Hey." Cisco sits next to Barry as the other two sit down together. "Hey what are you guys doing here?" He look confused at his friends. "We thought we should have a toast." Caitlin look at him, "You shouldn't be alone when you mourn someone." Varity rested her head on his shoulder. Cisco offer him a drink. "Doesn't work on me remember?"
"Barry Allen, you of all people should know that nothing is impossible." Caitlin held a shot glass wiggling her eyebrows. "I distilled a highly fermented potent suspension it basically 500 proof."
"I ask Caitlin to make you a shot since we all need a drink tonight." Cisco looks at him. "So here to Bette." Varity raise a shot filled with water. "Bette" He down his drinking coughing "Whoa, oh that hit quick."
"Are you buzzed?" Caitlin eyes were filled with wonder and anticipation. "Y-yeah, I'm buzzed for sure. Whoa, that is good stuff. And it gone." He frowned. "Work in progress." Caitlin replied as they all then smiled.
Dr. Wells point of view
"I was wrong about you Harrison. You're still one step ahead. Impressive for a man without the use of his legs." Wade said
"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about Wade."
"A girl who can transform ordinary objects into explosives with the touch of her hand. Today I saw a man who can run faster than the blink of an eye. The night your particle accelerator died was the night the impossible was born. I think we should start working together again."
"I think you should leave."
"You know I could have a squadron of soldiers here in minutes and to your daughter."
"You know I could have a army of press here like that." He snap fingers. "Believe me general I'd be more than happy to testify to your involvement in activities that were less than humane. Threaten me and my daughter again and I will end you general and I'm am not talking about your career." He started walking off but stop for dramatic affect. "You know I figured out your little secret Wells. Won't be long till the public catches on especially Varity." Wade then exit.
Would You want Cole to explain himself and potentially come back to her life or a interest comment down below. 💜
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