Chapter 5 Felicity
Varity was playing operation with Caitlin and Barry. Caitlin and Varity would take turns because let be honest the game sucks. "This isn't even remotely anatomically correct." Caitlin look down at the fake patient with the red buzzer nose and color boxers. "That not the point, Dr.snow." Barry tease with a smirk.
"Then what is the point because right now I'm going to make some more holes in the body with these tweezers. Varity gritted her teeth stress out. "To have fun."
"I'll show you fun when I shove my heels up-" Varity got caught off by her father. "-And to continue your ongoing training by testing your speed of your mind by pushing your ability to multitask." He corrected.
Barry flashes to the pink pong table and to the chess. "I'm waiting for you, Dr.Wells."
"Checkmate." Wells speak confident "Wait checkmate?" Barry goes next to Wells shock. "I guess we still have a few things to still learn Mr.Allen?"
The sirens began to rang Cisco put the paddle down and ran to the computer, "Armed robbery at 4th and Collins."
"For the record, I crushed it in operation and ping pong." She rolled her eyes at him. "No Operation is rigged." Barry places another small piece of plastic that was suppose to be spare ribs in front of her before she flashes out. Varity crosses her arms pouting at the teasing.
Caitlin try to pick a piece but it let out a loud beep making her drop the tweezers. "It not as easy as it looks."
Varity walk over to the computers helping out. "Where the nearest hospital?" Barry ask the team. "Saint Andrews... seven blocks, two east." She reply's. "Call the ER, tell them they have an incoming GSW."
"On it." Caitlin grabs her phone ready to make a call.
Varity came with Iris to CCPD to get her mind of operation you could say she was salty and bitter. plus her father kick her out till she calm down he said it wasn't good for her health.
"Coffee break. Thought I would bring Central City finest Java over to Central City finest." Iris said to Joe as Barry sat next to him. "She isn't wrong" Varity spoke playing along trying to help her out with her father. "Thanks. I'm off caffeine." Joe spoke sternly and left.
"My dad's been mad at me ever since I told him about me and Eddie." Iris pouted sighing. "No you mean he's mad at you because you didn't tell him." Barry corrected. "Uh, first, that sounds like you're taking his side, and second, do you know how he does this whole, I'm not talking to you, but I have a whole bag full of judgmental looks I'm going to try on you later." He smirk "Yeah, I've been on the receiving end of those a few times."
"Speaking of communication, after all of these journalism classes I got an idea. I started a blog" Iris announce. "All right, what it about? Your brownie obsession? Cause, you know you probably shouldn't broadcast that."
Varity smirk shaking her head, "I would totally read that I'm a brownie lover myself don't tell my dad I'm limited to my chocolate intake." Barry shook his head at the girl. "No, something important something that Central City needs to know about, The Streak. He out there Barry. Rumor has it, he stopped an armed car robbery earlier. I was hoping that I could take a look at the file, and..." He cut her off. "What? I'm not a liberty to discuss an ongoing police investigation with you."
"Since when Mr.Blabbermouth?" She spoke with sass as Varity mouth fell a bit open. "Take it from someone who's been investigating the impossible since they were 11. Blogging about this is only gonna bring the crazies to your front door."
"I couldn't agree more with you Barry trust me paparazzi love to harass at me for what lie was written about me no offense to them I get they have a job but explaining yourself to other people is exhausting."
"My blog is anonymous." He sighed "All right, well, anonymous or not, it's not safe. You never know what kind of weirdos are out there trolling on the internet."
"I can vouch for that." Varity look around at the new voice to see it was a pretty blond girl."The internet is full of weirdos and nerd rage...lots and lots of nerd rage." The girl added. Varity chuckled. "Hi, Felicity Smoak." She said to Iris
"Iris West."
"Varity Wells."
"Your are Harrison daughter right?" She nodded "Your even more gorgeous in real life also has anyone told you you smell amazing?" Varity blush nodding embarrassed at the compliments.
"Barry Allen... But you all knew that. Felicity is..." Barry got cut off. "The girl you met in Starling City the computerate right?" Iris said. Felicity nodded. "You two worked on one of Barry's unexplained case."
"Which, long story short, was definitely explainable. So the lighting came through here?" Felicity pointed upward to the glass. "Yeah." Barry replied with his hands in his pocket. Varity tug his sleeve making him look down at her she raise an eyebrow and he let out a little nod indicating she knew about him being The Flash. Little did they knew Felicity was watching them.
Varity later on headed back to Star Labs while Barry decided to show Felicity around which led them to walking around in a park.
"Varity seems very nice and really pretty, like super pretty. " Felicity look at him with a smirk.
"Yep she is, she a model b-but to knew that." He scratch the back of his neck. "Congratulations." He looked at her wide eyed. "Oh, no, no Varity isn't my girlfriend she just a friend plus she never had a boyfriend."
"Oh..." Felicity pouted she thought they would look adorable together. Barry change the subject. "What are you really doing here? I mean it good to see you, but do you and Oliver need something or..." She cut him off. "No, no, I came because I wanted to see you. I heard you were out of the coma. Didn't call, didn't write, didn't race over..."
"Oliver told you?" She hum a bit then decided to tell the truth. "Honestly, I heard you two talking on the rooftop in Starling City that night. I want to see it and by it, I mean your speed in case you thought I was talking about something else which I...which I was not."
"Okay, okay, you see that building?"
"Keep your eyes on it." He ran to top of the building snapping a picture of her. "Whoa! Did you take a picture of me? From the top of that building?" He nodded. "Yeah, don't Instagram that."
"Your shoes are smoking!" Felicity said to Barry as he quickly started to stomp his feet against the hard pavement. "Tha-that's happens sometimes. It swhy I have a friction-proof suit."
"Where did you get that?" Felicity ask confused. "I'll show you." He lifted her up and sped to Star Labs with a smirk on his face.
"And this is were my team monitors the police bands for criminals activity. We can track anything that's happening in the city. Check this out. We've even got out own satellite." Barry said. Varity walk over greeting her with a smile."Hi, Felicity."
"Varity work here too?" Felicity wink at Barry as he rolled his eyes. "She comes to support me and are teammates whenever she has free time and her father own all this so yep you can say she works here." Barry explained. "It is of course so wonderful to see you again, Felicity. I'm just wondering how much of our operation she needs to know about." Caitlin said cautiously. Varity gave Caitlin a pout very trusting toward the sweet nerd. "I'm really good at keeping secrets." Felicity hinted
"Yeah, Felicity works with The Arrow." Barry blurted as Varity mouth drop open
"Sweet" Cisco replied with a dork smile as Felicity mouth drop. "Barry that was not for you to say even if I'm a fan of The Arrow." Everyone looks at her confused. "What I took archery." She clasp her hands together.
"Now it all making sense you know who The Arrow is. Wait? Do you know who The Arrow is?" Cisco question "Uh..." Barry shake his head no. "Let just say that my team has a similar setup, but with more pointy objects."
"Welcome, Ms. Smoak." Harrison enter through the entrance.
"Dr.Wells? The Dr.Wells" Felicity approach him star struck. He smirk "Please, call me Harrison, Felicity." She let out an excited gasp. "Oh, you know who I am." She pointed at herself. "Ranked second in the national informative technology competition at age 19. Graduated M.I.T with a master degree in cyber security and computer sciences. I know who you are. I keep an eye for promising talent in the scientific fields. It's what brought me Cisco, Caitlin, and I foresaw great things from you."
"Speaking of great things, want to see something cool?" Barry spoke to her ignoring the conversation.
"How fast can he run?" Felicity ask her finger on her chin. "He hasn't reach his top speed yet theoretically speaking." Wells informed. "So is he really okay?" She whip her head toward Caitlin. "His heart range is within the normal range for him." Caitlin spoke calmly yet firm. "No, I mean, the lighting bolt change him. Do any of you really know how much?"
"We know a fair amount." Cisco added on. "If everything about him is sped up, is he going to age faster? What would happen if he ran too fast? I mean, would he be running, and then poof he dust in a red costume." Varity look at her father worried a bit. "Everything we do here at S.T.A.R labs is to protect Barry Allen. Trust me, Felicity, he in very good hands here." He looks at Varity as she gaze at Barry with a gentle smirk his smiled faded into a stern expression.
"Want to see how fast I can run backward?" Varity put her hands outward but it was to late he crash into the boxes. "Barry..."
"Don't worry. He heals quickly too." Caitlin added looking at Felicity who look shock. Varity approach Barry helping him up as everyone smiled while he rub the back of his head except Wells.
Barry open the door for the two ladies as they smiled at each other before thanking him. "Hey, you three." Iris eyes lit up as they made an appearance. "Hi, Iris." Varity pulled her into a hug. "Has Barry been showing you some of the sights in Central City?" Iris ask Felicity. "Yes, I have seen some pretty amazing things." Felicity spoke as Varity gave her a slight nudge. "Really? Well if you've got some time, maybe we can show you some of Central City nightlife." Iris suggested "Oh, no I get plenty of nightlife in Starling City." Felicity wave her hands outward. "Oh, this is something that I don't think you're gonna want to miss." Iris convey. "Trivia night at Jitters. Eddie not really excited about it I admit, but it could be out night, guys."
"Our night to win $75 worth of cappuccinos." Barry added on. "Yes please." Varity added "I might have a unhealthy addiction to cappuccinos."
"You know what, I'm going to call work. Check-in make sure everything okay. I'll be back in a second." Felicity was convinced. "I'll come for sure let me just call my agent to make sure we can reschedule my photo shoot." Varity walk away.
Barry turned to Iris. "Why are you doing this?"
"Doing what?" Iris reply playing dumb cleaning the tables along the way as he follow behind. "The trivia night with you and Eddie, forcing this whole date thing."
"Because those girls are great and Felicity happens to come from your very rare species of adorable nerds. Varity is maybe out of your lead but she so beautiful and the sweetest rich girl." She fully turned around squinting her eyes at him. "Also why didn't you tell me about Felicity ain't I your best friend?"
"Yes you are and there nothing to say she just a friend including Varity." She sighed at him. "Barry, girls don't just hop on trains and travel hundreds of miles to see someone they don't like. Also, girls don't always check if your okay every time your hurt or need advice. See this is why you need my help. Bring them both we'll have fun." She gave him a smirk at the end.
"Yeah, fun..."
The two women enter together looking stunning. They stood at the entrance looking around for there friends. She pointed them out taking Felicity hand to follow. "Are we late ? If so it her fault." She pointed at Varity as she let out a gasp. "Sellout." She pouted looking at the blonde. "Wait why is everyone...we overdress didn't we?" She scan the area seeing everyone in casual clothing. "No, you two look amazing." Iris assured.
"Yeah, you b-both." Barry stuttered as Varity blush to herself. "E=mc Hammer, that funny." Felicity spoke looking at the team name as Varity ask what it meant listening to the two nerds intently.
The game finally began and there team was wracking up points. "And the points go to E=mc Hammer."
Varity high five Felicty and Barry while they all smiled. "I knew you three would make a great team." Iris spoke.
"So Felicity, what do you do and Varity?" Eddie question trying to make conversation."I work in computer sciences at Queen Consolidated."
"And I'm a model for magazines like CoverGirl but I mostly design clothing for my clothing brand."
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Iris ask the two. "No, no, there no one." Felicity bit her lip. "Same goes for me" Varity trailed off. "I'll get us more drinks" Eddie got up. "Water for me please." Varity added not allowed to drink caffeine. He nodded her way as she thank him.
"And I had too many of those first ones so I'll be right back."
"I'll go with you." Varity got up with Felicity
As they left Iris slap Barry shoulder in excitement. "Dude." Barry rub his shoulder confused. "What... " She lean closer to him. "Are you still gonna tell me that there not into you? Look at there dresses. And when I ask them the boyfriend question they froze."
"Yeah, you were particularly sly with that one." Barry spoke tauntingly as she rolled her eyes. "Felicity is smart, nice, pretty and nerdy and Varity is a model, sweet, and always there for you. And most importantly these girls are the first that I have seen you with that really understand and appreciate you for the amazing person that I am always telling you that you are. There perfect for you so what are you waiting for, Barry?" Iris question. He stood silent looking at the direction they left.
"I'm sorry, I thought I knew it and I got excited and I-I just hit it." Eddie look at Iris. Varity chuckled, "No it okay Eddie they will probably get it wrong too also I could maybe walk over an accidentally trip on my heel while passing to them and press the pretty button just say the word." They laugh together. "Oh yeah, I am sure the team Pride and Padawans don't know the name to Handle Solo's ship." Felicity said huffing.
"Oh, honey, you are so cute when you're confused." Iris said and kiss him in front of them. Varity look to the floor feeling like she was intruding. Eddie phone started beeping loudly."Someone spotted Snart. I got to go." Eddie grab his jacket tossing it round his shoulder.
"I'll cover for you" Felicity whisper to Barry. "All right what are you gonna say?" Barry question looking down at the girl. "I usually tell people Oliver's at a night club with a girl or nursing a hangover."
"None of which will work for me." Barry said pacing around.
Varity walk outside "How about you can say Barry driving me home since I had a emergency to attend with my company but Barry you need to take me with you."
"Okay, that will do." Barry put his jacket over her shoulders which was way to big for her and grab her bridal style setting her down outside and flash to Joe. She ran toward the museums where her enter. "Barry!?" He stood in front of a frozen guy she look to his face seeing guilt written all over him. She approach him slowly pulling him into a hug.
Varity stay with Barry overnight to make sure he was alright. "It still numb." Barry motion to his chest. "It presenting itself like third-degree frostbite." Caitlin explained. "I thought he had hyper healing." Felicity look at them. "It has been slowed. If your cells weren't regenerating at the rate they are your blood vessels would have been frozen solid and the nerve damage would have been permanent. You're lucky to be alive."
"Snart wasn't another meta-human. He has some kind of gun. It froze thing, slow me down... Enough that I wasn't in time to save someone." Barry spoke looking at Varity. She frown taking his hand. "According to his record, Snart didn't even bother to finish high school so how did he build a handheld high tech snow machine?" Felicity question confused.
"S.T.A.R Labs built the cold gun." Harrison spoke frustrated. "Dr.wells, Caitlin, and Varity had nothing to do with this. I built the gun." Cisco confess. "You did? Why?"
"Because speed and cold are opposites. Temperature is measured by how quickly the atoms of something are oscillating, they faster they are, the hotter it and when they are cold they're slower on the atomic level. When there's no movement at all it's called..." Cisco trailed off "Absolute Zero" Barry spoke catching on. "I designed a compact cryo engine to achieve absolute Zero. I built it to stop you. I didn't know who you were then, Barry. I mean, what if you turn out to be some psycho like Mardon or Nimbus?"
"But I didn't!" Varity jump slightly as he raises his voice. "We built the entire structure you're standing in to do good, and it blew up. In the wake of that, you could understand why Cisco would want to be prepared for the worst." Caitlin spoke defending Cisco
"I can understand that, but what I can't understand is why you didn't tell me what you did. I mean, after all, we have been through I thought you trusted me. I thought we were friends."
"We are, Barry." Cisco spoke softly "I mean, if you would of have just told me, I could have been prepared. But instead, someone died tonight."
"And I have to live with that."
"No Cisco we all do." Barry said as he looks at Varity letting go of her hand walking out.
Barry was working out on the treadmill. "Barry, Barry?" Varity call out gently. "What are you doing? You should go home get some sleep." Barry stop running on the treadmill getting off."You should sleep too." She commented looking at the circles that cover his eyes. "I can't. Every time I close my eyes, I see that man's face. I watch him die. I have to go faster."
"Barry, it's not your fault and it not Cisco's either. I know you are upset, but you have to see it from his point of view."
"No, I get it. He didn't trust me." She sigh approaching him "Barry when you met me I was a girl you didn't know. How would of you know if I wasn't threat to you wanting to steal your powers for more money. What I'm trying to say is trust take time and we were scared after the occurrence we didn't know who to trust anymore." Varity headed to the door ready to leave but she needed to say one more thing. She look over her shoulder thinking over her father. "I've seen first hand what this life can do to people it a really lonely path. Don't make it any lonelier then it has to be." She said with a sadden tone
"I figured out a way to track Captain Cold." Cisco walking into Star Labs. "You gotta stop naming these guys." Caitlin reply. Barry stood reminiscing on her words space out."Barry listen to him." Harrison said with irritation. "How?" Barry said and looking at Cisco giving him his attention irritated still. "The cold gun is powered by an engine control unit, a microcomputer that regulates air to fuel ratios so the sub-cooled fluid in the chambers doesn't overflow and..."
"Explode," Caitlin finish. "This E.C.U was receiving updates wireless from my tablet. If I boost the signal using Central City's network and send a false update we'll get along back and then..."
"We can locate Snart." Wells nodded "How long will it take?" Barry question firm wanting to catch the bad guy. "First I have to hack into the city's network so I don't know 30 minutes, maybe?"
"I could do it less than one when it comes to hacking, I'm the fastest woman alive." Felicity cracks her fingers "Ow! That was not bad ass as I pictured." Varity smiled "If you want it bad ass you do a sassy walk in front of someone and then crack it in front of there face and smile slightly but fierce."
Harrison, Cisco, and Caitlin look at Varity while Barry just smile. "I took improv class..." Varity kinda lied. "All right, I'm in."
"I'm sending the updates. We're connected" Cisco said looking at the screen. "Network is triangulating the location." Felicity spoke in a singing voice. "We got him, he's heading west on Nelson toward the train station." Caitlin pointed out looking at the monitor. "If he's leaving, it appears Mr.Snart may have gotten what he came for." Harrison added.
Barry then changes to his suit. "When we put our minds to it nothing can stop us." Barry took of his earpiece while Varity smiled turn to a frown. "Oh, you turn your earpiece off. How are we gonna talk to each other?" Cisco question to Barry. "I don't feel like talking right now." Barry look at Cisco as he flash out
"You should go after Barry." Felicity spoke to the team. Varity was already getting her car keys and a jacket. "You heard him, Felicity and Varity." Cisco said with a defeated tone. "He wants to do this alone." Caitlin spoke hurt. "Of course he said that, he hurt we are his team and friends." Varity look at them.
"If I had a nickel for every time The Arrow told me to back off I would be as rich as Oliver queen who I mention because he the richest person I know or used to be." Felicity rambled. "What she means is we are supposed to have our partner back no matter what which is Barry in this case." Varity added. "I have something that might help." Cisco smirk
Varity ran to see Barry on the cement and Snart over him. "Drop it!" She yelled. "This is a prototype cold gun four times the size, four times the power." Cisco stated. "I was wondering who you were talking to." Snart look to Barry. "Hey, unless you want a taste of your own medicine, I'd back the hell up." She smiled at Cisco sassy attitude.
"Your hands are shaking. You've never killed anyone." Snart smirk at him mischievous. "Well if he can't do it then I'll do it." Varity grab the device. "Does it look like I'm shaking?" He notice she wasn't lying. "You win, kids. I'll see you around" He gave them a wave walking off. "Hey, leave the diamond." Cisco said. "Don't push your luck." Snart then left.
Varity drop the device heading to Barry. "We couldn't shoot him if we wanted to. That the Star Labs vacuum cleaner with a lot of L.E.D's." Caitlin smirk "Lets get you warm." Varity pulled him up. "Thank you." Barry said to Cisco sincerely. The girls smiled at the two.
"We've been trying to track Snart but he must have disconnected the signal somehow." Cisco said "We'll find him Cisco, together." Barry said with nod as they first bump. "You have a great team, Barry. Speaking of teams, I should probably get to mine." Felicity said and look at everyone, "It was nice meeting you Ms.Smoak. Please extend a hello to The Arrow for us." Harrison spoke. "I will" Felicity nodded.
"Good-bye Felicity." Barry gave her a hug. "Bye Barry." Felicity said to Barry as she pulled away"It not goodbye till I see you again. Now Felicity let me drive you to your train station and I'm not taking no as an answer." Varity look at Felicity. "I'll be right back dad" She went over and plant him a kiss on the cheek and grab her keys.
As were heading to the station Felicity spoke up "Varity can we talk?"
"Sure, what do you want to talk about?" She raises her eyebrow at her. "Seriously?" Varity look confused. "What..." She thought for a second. " Oh Barr what about him?"
"I see the way he looks at you." She scuff "Like a normal person...?" Varity scrunch her eyebrows. "You really don't see it? He attracted to you, and the way you stay and take care of him for even if you don't have to says you are too. Plus I think you would make a great couple." She blush lightly. "W-well even if Barry like me I really don't know him that well and I never been in love."
"Yeah Barry told me."
"See!? He probably thinks I'm an anti-social person."
"I could ask him."
"Wait what," Varity look at her. Felicity then took out her phone and dial Barry phone number. "Oh my God, you're serious." Varity turned her attention back on the road. "Shh, Hey Barry I know this might be out the blue but how would you describe Varity I'm writing a Christmas card." Varity shook her head holding in a sigh. "But Christmas is a few months away and you just met her?" Barry question. "You never can be too early." Felicity said while Varity slap her head. "Well, first of all, you already know she beautiful and sweet. She also gives good hugs and a great cheerleader." Barry rambled on
Varity cover her mouth while one hand was steering the car clearly embarrassed. "Cheerleader?" Felicity question confused looking at Varity . "Oh, it's a good thing I call her when I first met her. I ask her what was her job and she replied a cheerleader think of it as moral support." Barry answer. "Oh.. that explains it. Okay now, the last question Barry Allen do you like her." Felicity spoke with confidence
"Where did this come from?"
"I only ask this because I was planning to make her go on a blind date but if you like her then you can fill that role." Felicity said
They then heard someone calling Barry name. "S-s-sorry chief calling me but I'll tell you later okay, bye." Barry stutter ending the call. "We were so close." Felicity spoke. Varity sigh in relief pulling up to the train station. Varity hug her and said, "Felicity I'm going to miss you even if I just met you." She laughs and exit to the train station with a smile on her face.
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