Chapter 4 Dog Leash Violation


Varity just finish watching a movie with Iris and Barry. Iris invited her since she said she been working so hard and needed a break from modeling which she couldn't refuse.

"Regular movie scale, that was a seven or an eight. Zombie movie scale, it was like four tops." Barry spoke. "There's a zombie movie scale?" Varity and Iris ask looking at Barry.

"Did you know that zombies exist in nature. There a species of fungi that infect ants causing ants to attack plants that can release spores which in return infect new hosts. I'm going full nerd again, right?" Barry question as his rambling came to a end.

"Yep." Iris spoke while Varity smiled at him. "I think it cool who would of thought little ants can be zombie-fied"

"Yeah, it okay though. Your still the cutest nerd that I know. Anyways, I'm a lot more interested in the amazing as of late." Iris spoke as Varity raise an eyebrow. "You mean cause of this "streak" thing?"

"He's out there. People are talking about him."

"How do you even know he's a he? Maybe it a she?"

"It's a man, okay? You know I am really intuitive about this kind of stuff. Someone even posts a picture after being yanked from a car accident. It a red blur leaving the scene." Iris then pulls out and show them her phone. "Here what do you see?" Iris question.

"I wish more girls would kick ass in mystery now that would be fun." Varity commented sighing at the end. "I see your boyfriend calling." Barry gave a tight smile and she let out a small wince. "Oh I should probably get this, I'm crashing at his place tonight, and he supposed to leave a key for me somewhere." Iris said. She answers the phone walking a steps ahead.

Varity look at Barry and giving him a pat on his shoulder. His phone started ringing. He put the phone on speaker so she could listen in since it was Cisco. "Hello." They both said in sync. She smiled jogging to a piece of wood knocking on it. She mouth you owe me to him as he rolled his eyes.

"Code 237 on Waid Boulevard." Cisco spoke as Varity walk back to him. "Public indecency?" Barry look confused. "Wait, I think I meant a 239." Cisco corrected himself. "Dog leash violation?" Barry look at her as she chuckle shaking her head. "Guy with a gun in a getaway car. Go!" Caitlin spoke finally getting straight to the point. Barry then looks at Varity and then at Iris.

"I could stall her so do as Caitlin says before she goes mama bear." Varity pace around thinking of a possible excuse but was met with Barry in front of her. "That was quick." She whisper.

"You want to grab a bite? I'm feeling a little famished." Barry rub his stomach. "After the Mongolian barbecue, we had before the movie and the large popcorn you had at the movie? How are you not fat?" Iris question as Varity butt in saving the day. "He has been exercising with my personal trainer they are amazing."

"Oh okay." She agreed as everyone walk together. Barry and Varity look at each other smiling in relief.


"Fascinating, a meta-human that can manipulate poison gas." Harrison smirk as Varity look at him. "Seriously?"

"Is it just poisonous gas or can he control all aerated substances?" Cisco question as Caitlin added on "And how is he able to formulate the connection? Is it physiological or psychological?"

"This individual can create a mental nexus using gaseous substances." Wells answer wheeling himself in front of them. "You mean connect with gases on a molecular level?" Cisco ask for confirmation. "Yes"

"That is ridiculously cool." Varity look towards Barry and Joe "They get really excited about this stuff." She smiled at the smirks plaster on there faces. "The only thing I'm excited about is putting criminals behind bars. Except Iron heights aren't really exactly equipped to handle meta-humans." Joe said looking at Harrison specifically. "Then I guess it's fortunate the ones you encounter so far are no longer with us." Wells smirk. She frown at her father behavior he knew he could be cruel at some points but right now he was crossing the line.

"Well. Unless we're planning on executing every super criminal we stop you geniuses are gonna have to come up with someplace else to hold them." Joe look at the scientists. "A meta-human prison. Sweet." Cisco was now giddy. "Until we figure a way to remove their powers." Wells added. "There is one place here that might hold them." Cisco advised as she look toward him raising a eyebrow. She drop her eyebrow realizing what he was suggesting.

"You can't be serious. I mean we haven't been down there since...." She trailed of feeling her heart sink of the thought. "It cordoned off." Caitlin added.

"Cisco is right, it could be modified as a makeshift prison." Harrison look at Vairty as she tap her fingers against her thighs. "What could?" Barry ask confused of what they were referring to. "The particle accelerator." She whisper crossing her arms against herself tightly. Barry look at her and Caitlin they both look uncomfortable.

"Caitlin, Varity Did you hear me? We're going down to the accelerator ring." Harrison repeate."Actually, Dr.Wells, I could use Caitlin and Varity help identifying the poison gas and your daughter I need her to give us a ride." Barry counter. "Okay." Wells agreed to Barry. "Is that okay with you? Barry ask the two of them. They look at each other nodding "Let's go" Caitlin spoke firmly wanting to leave the memories behind.


"Welcome to the CCPD." Barry look at the two of them. "So this is your day job." Caitlin look around observing the scenery and commotion. "Wow, so many people." Varity look around astonish. "Mm-hmm." He gave them a smirk.

"I'm gonna rip out your hearts and eat 'em for lunch. Especially you Varity." The stranger licks his lips and looks at her as she took a few steps behind Barry. The cop pushes him forward

"...Well that's a new compliment"

"Lab rat I need prints off this gun pronto." A girl handed him a gun package. "Allen! Where the hell is the fiber analysis on the Orloff case?" Varity recognize that voice whipping her head. "Upstairs. It's all finished- I can just run up and bring it down."

"With you, that could be three days from now, I'll go with you." He then notice the two females. "Who are you?" He question. Varity look at with a small smirk on her face. "Don't you remember me the little girl with pigtails, Mickey Mouse sweater who got kidnapped." He look confused. "I give you a final hint my name is Varity, also she Barry's personal physician." She pointed at Caitlin.

" been so long. How are you?" He ask with a smile on his face. "Well I got out of my pigtails and Mickey mouse phase and now I'm on cover girl sometimes."

"That great to hear." She nods in agreement. "Also do you remember I owe you for saving my life so if you need anything I'm right here." He looked confused. "I thought you only said that because I save you." She shook her head. "Nope, I meant it."

"The fiber analysis for the Orloff case like you asked for sir." Barry said to the chief as they reach his laboratory. "Clean up your lab it's a mess." Chief scoff looking at the papers all around. "Don't worry I came today so I can help him with that." Varity look at the him. He smiles at her and says ,"It was great seeing you again and Barry keep her I like her." As he walks out Varity and Barry blush not daring to look at each other to embarrassed at the moment. Caitlin smiled at the two giggling a bit.


Barry was playing with molecules model while Varity actually was cleaning his lab.

"Can I ask you something that you don't have to answer?"

She finish stacking papers and headed toward the two of her friends.

"My least favorite question, shoot." Caitlin stated. "Ronnie. What was he like? You just never talk about him that much."

Varity look at Caitlin worried for her reaction. "We met when we were working on the particle accelerator. He was the structural engineer. He liked to joke that he was basically a very high-priced plumber." Varity smiled remembering Ronnie.

"We were very different, you might have noticed I can be a bit...guarded. Ronnie knew how to make me laugh. He use to say we were like fire and ice. He wasn't supposed to be there that night. He was just there for me. If he hadn't..." Caitlin then started to get the papers out the printer distracting herself from the guilt and tears wanting to slip. She analyze the information speaking out loud. "This says that there was no residue of gas in the tissue, poisonous or otherwise.

"It must have evaporated." Varity added on. "We'll need to get a fresh sample." Barry look at the paper in his hand. The two women walk to where he was standing. "Wait this can't be right this says that there are two distinct strands of DNA inside the tissue." Caitlin observe the sheet. "How did someone else's DNA get inside the victim's lungs?" Vairty question confused. They all look at each other.

"There no DNA match in the database" Barry look through the system. "I don't understand. Why would a chemical attack leave behind another's person's DNA inside the victim?" Caitlin thought out loud. "What if the meta-human we're looking for doesn't control gas? What if he becomes it?"

Varity listen into the radio. "All available units, we have a report of a toxic gas attack in the central city shopping mall."

"Barry don't, we don't know enough about what we're facing yet." Caitlin grab his arm. "It not safe." Varity spoke softly walking forwards to him. "I-I have to go." Barry look at them gently before leaving in a flash.

"He made a mess again... " Varity and Caitlin look at each other and sigh.


Then two ladies ran into S.T.A.R labs, hearing Barry got the DNA in him well more specifically trap in his lungs. "Barry!?" Varity was next to his side in a instance.

"Cut me open the poison's still in me." He gasp out. "He brought us a sample. Caitlin, we need to do a pulmonary biopsy extract an active portion of that gas." Wells look at her. "I can't give you any anesthetic. Your metabolism will burn right through it." Caitlin informed him.

"I heal quick, remember?"

"Do it" Harrison commanded. "Cisco give me the syringe." He pass the syringe into her hands "This is gonna hurt a lot."

"It's a small needle. You probably won't even feel it." Cisco lied

It was the size of a regular french fry.

"You're definitely going to feel it." Varity blurted out exposing her thoughts. Caitlin then put the needle in Barry as she look away squeezing her eyes closed as Varity covered her face with her hands.

Varity had a fuzzy white blanket over her while holding his hand as he slept. He shifted waking up greeted with her caring eyes. "The streak lives." Cisco said with a note of relief "You be dead if your lungs cells didn't regenerate so quickly." Caitlin pointed out.

"My chest feels like that one time I had a cigarette. Yeah, teen me lived for danger." Barry ranted. "This isn't funny you could of..."

"-I didn't," Barry reassure as she bit her bottom lip.

"Now that we have a sample we'll get to work analyzing it figure out the makeup of the poison maybe get a clue as to his human identity." Harrison mention. Varity help him sit upward still worried.

"Or at least a way to stop him from turning into mist. The Mist. Okay, that his name. End of discussion." Cisco announce. "I have to get to the station" Barry utter. "You should be resting" Wells reply. "I have to talk to Joe."


Varity sat down alone in a room as Barry sat next to her folding his hands. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, leaving like that." Barry spoke looking at her. She raise her gaze from the floor turning her attention towards him. "It's okay, I get it. You had to go it's just...that the last thing Ronnie said that night."

"My mother died 14 years ago. I use to think that the further away I got from it, the less it would hurt. But some days, the pain, it's worse then the day it happened." They gaze at each other gently. "Some things you can't fight."

"Caitlin and I had been terrified to go into that hole for so long."

"What if I went with you?" She nodded and headed to the explosion. They stood in the middle of where it all started with Caitlin. "He saved so many lives that day..." Varity trailed of looking at ground. "And no one will ever know what he did." Caitlin said with a strain. "I do. He was a hero" Barry spoke sentimental looking at the two women's. "I didn't want him to be a hero. My best friend should have got married to the luckiest girl on this Earth." Varity spoke tearfully looking at Caitlin. Barry pull them into a group hug.

They were interrupted. "Barry, Caitlin, Varity, you down there? You got to come look at this." Cisco spoke through the intercom. They pulled away heading to there destination. "Hey check this out. It a 3D molecular model of gas we retrieve from your lungs."

"We have identified the toxin." Harrison spoke plainly. "Hydrogen cyanide?" Barry look at monitor.

"What's interesting is what's mixed in with the cyanide...a sedative."

"Of course the night of the explosion, find out if anyone was executed?"

"Why?" Varity question confuse. "The sedative is given to criminals on death row before they go to the gas chamber and breathe in hydrogen cyanide." Barry answer as she shiver to herself disturb. "There was someone executed. Kyle Nimbus, he was a hit man for the Darbinyan crime family. They turn on him and testified Judge Theresa Howard was the judge at his trial she sentence him to death." Caitlin read out loud to the rest. "He must have been affected by the explosion while he was being gassed." Wells concluded. "Records indicate the execution was completed." Cisco added. "That's why there wasn't a match. The DNA database only has records of the living. He said there was one more person on his list. Check the arrest record. Who caught him? That could be his next attack." Barry question

"Barry the lead detective...." Caitlin trailed of worried.



"Barry, what up?" Eddie spoke through the phone. "Hey, do you know where Joe went? He's not picking up his cell." Barry question pacing around. "Uh...not sure." Eddie reply.

"Eddie, it's really important I speak to him. I need to know where he went." Barry stated with a serious tone. "He went to Iron Heights to see your dad." Eddie gave in. Barry thank him ending then call.

"I reverse-engineered an antidote to the toxin. I hope you won't need it." Caitlin spoke handing him the antidote as he gave a court nod. "Barry, I pulled up the specs on Iron Heights Prison, it's maximum security, but I think I can talk you through breaking in there." Cisco look at him.

"Don't bother, I've been figuring out how to break into that place since I was a 11." Barry smirk while Varity look softly at him.

"So you've come to finish what the gas chamber couldn't?" Nimbus question with a disturbing smile set on his face that scream creepy. "You're going somewhere you can't hurt anyone ever again." Barry use the antidote on Joe. "You need to stay away from him, Barry. Do not breathe him in." Varity spoke in the intercoms.

"I'm not sure how that helps me, guys."

"You can't fight him, Barry. Just keep him coming at you that should say his strength."

"Gas is the least stable form of matter. This meta-human will not be able to stay in his mist form for long. His particles we need to reform." Harrison spoke next to Varity. "So do the thing your good at and be fast."


"We win." Barry spoke with a smile hearing Varity let out a sigh of relief.

She later went with Barry to the hospital to see Joe. Barry fell asleep on the chair so Varity remain quiet reading a book making sure the two men were okay once in a while. Barry and Joe then woke up.

"It has been a while since I watched you sleep." Joe spoke looking at Barry. The two smiled. "Rescuing you is exhausting." Barry exaggerated. Joe chuckles and says, "I really miss the ability to be able to ground you."

Varity chuckles at there bantering. "Sorry I went and grew up." Varity smiles at the two. She look at the time seeing it was getting late becoming nervous glancing at her purse.

"I could have got my dad out of Iron Heights tonight."

"I know"

"But you were right, that's not the way."

Varity distract herself grabbing the gift she got for him. "Joe you might not like this but it reminds me of you." It was a bear dress in a police uniform. "It was either this or a bear dress in a tutu and I'm not sure if your into ballet so I went with this bear." He chuckles and says, "Thanks Varity and I'm not into ballet."

She smiles chuckling. Iris came in with Eddie. "Dad." Iris said going to him worried. "Baby, I'm fine. Don't worry."

"I'll let you guys talk." Barry said "So will I" Varity announce. Barry grabs her hand as they exit out together.

Varity call Iris later on. "Hey, Varity what's up."

"I wanted to ask how did your dad take the news."

"Well you can say if he didn't have his gun Eddie would have been dead but he knew."

"!? You guys did a great job on hiding, trust me on that. Whenever a guy would ask me on a date my dad would put the house on lock down mode so I would miss my date having to apologize the next day. Till this day I never had a boyfriend."


"Tell me about it." She responded sarcastically.

"Also if you ever need to borrow a dress for Eddie just give me a call my closet is like two rooms build into one." She laughs and responded, "Thanks Varity that sweet of you, also if you get any information from this red streak can you tell me?"

"Sure, no problem. Goodnight Iris."

"Goodnight Varity."

"Time to warn Barry..."

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