Chapter 3 Cat Whiskers


Varity walk into Star Labs seeing Cisco with a lollipop tuck in side of his mouth while talking into the com. She stood by the entry way viewing the scene in front of her. Cisco let out a groan of disapproval. "What? Did I miss it?" Barry question. "You overshot by six blocks." Cisco spoke still not noticing her in the background. Barry replied "My bad." Cisco question shifting his lollipop to the other corner of his mouth. "You there yet?" Caitlin stood by her as she shrug her shoulders. "I only been here for a minute and I have no idea what happening." Caitlin spoke clear and loud making the two known. "What are you doing?" She stood in front of him with her arms cross. Cisco shifted turning off all the computer screens and turn back replying "Nothing" as his lip tremble with fear. "Who are you talking to?" Caitlin raise an eyebrow. "No one" He gulp as his Adam apple bob. Varity smile at him playing innocent. "Are you talking to Barry?" She tilted her head. He look back at her. "Who?"

"Barry Allen? Struck by lighting? Was in a coma for nine months? Woke up being able to run faster than the speed of sound? Ring a bell?" Caitlin gave a stern stare as Cisco shifted nervously.

"Cisco if your lying to me and Caitlin you know what comes next and it ain't going to be the sweet Varity you know." She gave a wicked smile that had his legs trembling. "Haven't talked to him" Cisco squeak out. The com wasn't mute as Barry voice came through. "Cisco, there's fire everywhere! Cisco, are you still there?" She gave Cisco a stern look. "Liar"

"Never mind everybody out and safe, what else do you got for me Cisco?" Varity turn on the mic while Cisco look like a guilty puppy. "Barry, its me and Caitlin"

"Hey...,Varity and Caitlin. How's your day?" Caitlin took the mic. "Get back to S.T.A.R labs now."

"On my way." Barry spoke while gulping at Caitlin harsh tone. Varity and Caitlin look at Cisco and he gave them a tight lip smile."Have you both lost your minds? Who do you think you are?" Caitlin said looking between the two. "Well, I'm the eyes and ears, and he the feet." Varity let out small smile at his humor. "This isn't funny. You could of gotten yourself killed. You can't be running around the city like some supersonic fireman." Caitlin exclaimed. "Why not? This is what we talked about, Me using my speed to do good."

"No we talked about you helping us contain other people who might have been affected by the particle accelerator explosion. Meta-humans and aside from Clyde Mardon, we haven't found any."

"People in this city still need help and I can help them."

"We can help them" Cisco added in. "Will you please say something?" Caitlin said to my father as he enter. "I think what Caitlin is saying in her own spectacularly angry, angry way is that we are just beginning to understand what your body is capable of. Not to sound like a broken record, Mr.Allen but I do caution restraint."

"Dr. Wells I doubt restraint is how you got to be the man you are today." He look at him. "In a wheelchair and a pariah. Lack of restraint is what made me these things. You need to know your limits." Caitlin gave him a stern stare. "Don't expect me to patch you up every time you break something. Varity might because she a kind soul but I won't." Caitlin look at Varity then Barry one last time before walking away.

"Hey, uh...anything happen out there today? The sensors in the suit were kicking back some weird telemetry like your vitals spiked for a few seconds." Cisco ask Barry

"Never felt better." Barry replied brushing the subject off. Barry got a phone call as Varity headed toward Cisco. "Now you Mr.Ramon you are getting a punishment. No hugs for today and good luck kisses or even smiles from me." Cisco frown clasping her hands."No, no, I will make it up to you. I will buy you chocolate." She gave a small smirk "...I'm listening." He smile yelling yes in victory. He gave her a hug as she returned it. "Your lucky that I love Chocolate Cisco Ramon."

Barry then left to to work."When do you think he realize he didn't take his clothes?" Wells question. Varity let out an adorable laugh as they both smiled at her.

She received a call from Iris. "Excuse me, Hey, Iris how can I help you?" She spoke walking away from the two still giggling. "I was wondering if you would like to come with me and Barry to a University. Simon Stagg is getting a big reward and I thought it would be more fun if you came along. Plus you might help me get a statement from him."

"Sure I would love too anything to help you out, seen you soon." She look towards her father. "I'm going out in a little so I'm going to head home and get ready." She place a kiss on the cheek. "Be safe!"

"No promises!"


"I find it quite remarkable having once been a timid freshman at Central City University, to be standing before you now, the regents for a man of the year. While I very much appreciate the award, the real honor for me is knowing that my work in organ transference helps give people a second chance at life. Thank you very much for coming." Varity enter late since paparazzi cover the door and the security had to help her in. It didn't help that she was very noticeable with her red Lamborghini. Claps erupted when she enter.

Simon Stagg look at her suggestively as she made an entrance. Right then and there she knew she over dress but at least this gave her chance to get a statement for Iris. She spotted Iris and Barry from the distance heading over. "Hi guys, sorry I'm late the paparazzi wouldn't let me enter and the security try to get me in as best as they can. Barry gawk at her figure she was stunning. "Iris you look beautiful and Barry your quite handsome."

"You look stunning now I know why your a model, and it's no problem." Iris reassure her. " look beautiful Varity." Barry blush looking to the floor rubbing the back of his neck you could say he was still stun. A caterer approach them with a wine tray. Iris took two wine glasses for her and Barry. "Thank you sir." She received a nod from him. "Are journalists allowed to drink on the job?" Iris question with a smirk on her face the two girls giggle with each other.

"Okay if you were bored already just wait till we get to cellular regeneration." Barry grab the glasses from her hand putting them down on the nearest table.

"I have missed this, Barry. I feel like we haven't spent any quality time together since you woke up from the coma." They all stop in are tracks. "Yeah, I've had a crazy few weeks." Barry look at Varity. She gave him a little smile making his heart flutter she was adorable. "I thought maybe you been avoiding me because of Eddie. I know you think it's wrong, me dating my dad's partner, and I just-" Iris got cut off the two. Varity and Barry both said "No that is not it. At all." They both look at each other wide eyed. Stagg walk pass as Iris follow right behind ignoring the two. "Oh, oh Mr.Stagg I was wondering if I could get a quote from you for my article." Iris spoke quickly as he was about to exit.

Varity walk over to him sensing he was going to brush her away. "Yeah it be very useful for me and my partner since your the man of the year. I was wondering if you could give us a chance to express how great you are, and of course the changes you contributed to this community for people to see you as a hero like I see you." She flutter her eyes toward him having experienced of getting her way. What can you say she was one of a kind."Not now miss." The body guard spoke as she pouted.

Mr.Stagg cut him "Hold up now I think I can do this for them." She gave him a flirty smirk as he agreed. "I may not be the timid freshman now but many people are and I know I can't help everyone but I can help people feel not timid with my work of organ transference. Without you people too I wouldn't be here so thank you."

He lean into her ear whispering "Here my number." He place his business card in her hand. She flutter her eyes at him when he left she let out a gag. Iris look shock at her. "How did you learn how to do that? She question. "Well I took a little bit of improv class and I always had to meet my dad business partners." She shiver in disgust. "He just gave me his number. Hopefully he doesn't remember my face." They all laughed as Iris gave Vairty a hug while thanking her.

"So what were you gonna tell me, you looked like you were about to say something." Iris told Barry. "Yeah-"

There conversation was interrupted again as gun shots were heard and screaming. Everyone duck down as a guy then got push in the center. "Quiet down! All of you! Quiet!" The intruder yelled. Everyone went silent. "How considerate you're all wearing your finest jewelry. Almost like you knew we were coming to rob you! Now everybody line up."

She line up with Barry and Iris at her side and threw my jewelry in the bag. "Boss we have the famous Varity here." The boss grab her arm and stroke her cheek. "Your worth more then any jewelry."

"If you touch me again your gonna regret being birth." She stood her ground giving him a glare.Iris had to hold Barry back so he wouldn't do anything to the intruder. "I would give you a kiss but I can't let you risk seeing my face." He push her into Barry as he caught her in his arms. "You okay?" Barry ask looking down at her as she nodded quickly.

A security officer ran over yelling "Freeze!" All six men raise there weapons the poor man started trembling."Dro-Drop your weapons." The officer stuttered realizing how bad his odds were. They all shot but Barry got the man out of harm way. The other men's ran out.

Varity follow them but as she approach the car she saw Barry slump by a garbage can. She rub her hands together. "I'm so sorry Barry please forgive me." She slap his face as he woke up with a start holding his face. "Did you just slap me?" He look up at her as she responded with "Uh..."

"Barry!" Iris ran over. He was still on the floor. "Barry! What happen? Are you okay?" He stood up with the help of Varity. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I went after them and try to get the plates and I-I fainted." He look between the two. They all enter back at the scene while she link his right arm with his making sure he was okay. They headed toward Detective Joe and Eddie"Hi."Iris spoke shyly looking at Eddie with googly eyes. "Iris." Eddie gave a smiled.

"Where were you?" Joe look at all of them. "Dad go easy I found him outside. He fainted." She clutch his arm signaling she got this . "He still going through the effects being struck by lighting." She look at him. "You have ease up on pushing yourself." Vairty explain hoping they didn't sense her lie. "You want me to get you a paramedic Allen?" Eddie replied believing her as she sigh internally. "No I'm fine thanks Eddie" Barry responded.

"Let me talk to Varity and Barry for a second." Joe spoke as Eddie and Iris walk away together. "You chase those gunman didn't you?" Joe look knowingly as Varity look at her heels wincing. "Yeah. They must be the same guys that knocked over the gun shop earlier today."

"And what were you going to do when you caught them? Huh? Ask them nicely to pull over? Your not bullet proof. Wait are you?"

"No but-"

"No more heroics. Chasing bad guys is not your job it's mine. Your not a cop. Promise me." He hesitated but gave in. "I promise."

"And you know Iris is not stupid. Start making better excuses than I fainted." He was about to walk away when he look at Varity. "Watch him."

"Yes sir." She responded. He finally walk back to the scene. She turn look to look at Barry. "Your going to get a speech when we go back to S.T.A.R labs. Now come on before the paparazzi crowd us."

"I could use my speed." Barry offered. "Barry you just pass out so we are going to take my car and go to S.T.A.R labs until we can figure out what happened. It's for your own good." She smile at him as he frowned. "Now stop being sad and think of the great ride we are gonna have in my car." He smile at her humor. 


"You lied to us how could you not tell us you're experiencing dizzy spells? We're your doctor's. God knows what's going on inside your body. Your cells are in a constant state of flux. You could be experiencing cardiopulmonary failure or a transient ischemic attack." Caitlin spoke frustrated. Barry look at Wells confuse at Varity sat next to him on the medical bed "Mini stroke, probably not."

"You of all people should know that in science, we share, we do not keep secrets." She walk away fuming. "Wow... I haven't seen anyone make her angry since Ronnie." Cisco look at Barry. "Ronnie was Caitlin fiance? The one that died the night of the accelerator explosion?"

"Yeah he is...missed." Wells spoke carefully with words as his daughter was in the room. "Now let's figure out why is this happening to you."

She got up giving Barry a new shirt. "Here I thought you wanna change. I know it uncomfortable trust me I'm still wearing my dress and heels but lucky for me, I store clothing in my trunk." He took the clothing in one hand as she was going to walk off he grab her wrist gently. "Barry?" She whisper as she look her wrist then him. Her eyes held confusion. "I wanted to say thank you. You haven't been really yelling at me for the mistakes I've done, you just been caring. Even if you didn't have to." Barry gaze gently at her. "Your welcome but you don't have to thank me it's just what I do." She gave him a smile before walking off he look down at the shirt in his hands with a soft smile.


A little padding, just in case." Cisco look to Barry pointing at the boxes against the wall."Yeah , are you sure about this, Cisco?" Barry question he was a little worried. "Most home treadmills have a maximum speed of about 12 miles per hour. This one has been Cisco'ed trust me it can handle your speed." He pat his shoulder with a smirk. He sigh "Okay." And enter the treadmill starting to run.

"Heart rate, blood pressure, nerve conduction all normal" Caitlin look at the monitor in front of her. "For Barry" Harrison added. "Brainwave function within standard limits."

Cisco chuckled "I told you the treadmill could take it." "Your such a dork which just make you more lovable." Varity hug Cisco. "Also were my Chocolate?" He tense at that question as he eyes gleam with mischief.

"Caitlin look at the glucose levels." Harrison pointed out "Oh my god of course."


"It was so obvious."

"Barry we think we know why you keep-" Harrison didn't finish his sentence since he pass out and flew into the boxes. "...Passing out." She stop hugging/threatening Cisco and ran toward him.


She sat by his side till he woke up munching on chocolate. She was nervous. He slowly woke up while Caitlin and Cisco help him up supporting up his back.

"I passed out again?" Barry question. "Total metabolic failure brought on by acute hypoglycemia." Caitlin explained as Varity look adorably confused trying to sound out the big words. "I'm not eating enough so an I.V back and I'm good to go." Cisco then chuckle "Try 40" He pointed pile of I.V bags in the floor. "Guess you were thirsty." Her father added as he nodded in approval when she pronounce the word correctly.

"Were gonna have to get you a new diet base on your metabolic change."

"I done a few calculations. You need to consume an amount to roughly 850 tacos. Unless we're talking cheese and guava which is like a whole other set of equations." Cisco smile looking at Barry as he chuckled. "For Mexican I recommended Tito's on Bruckner Avenue? Best burrito in the city." A familiar voice spoke. In the front stood Joe.

"Detective West what brings you to S.T.A.R labs?" Harrison's ask greeting him. "When I couldn't find you at your lab, I started doing a little research. Turns out there's been reports of a red streak round the city stopping muggers, rescuing people from burning buildings." Joe look at Barry. "You didn't tell him we were working together?" Wells ask looking at Barry. He shook his head and said while sitting up. "Joe, I can explain."

"You already have a job in law enforcement, Barry. I suggest you get back to it." Joe spoke sternly. "Mm-hmm." Caitlin smirk happily. Joe look at her with an eyebrow raise. "Don't look at me, I'm on your side." She pointed out. "Detective. We all want what's best for Barry." Wells assured him as Varity nodded. "If you wanted what was best for Barry, you try to talk to him out of this lunacy instead of encouraging him going out there risking his life." Joe criticized. Varity balled her hands. Cisco notice placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You saw a man control the weather. What are the police gonna do against someone like that? Since the accelerator explosion we suspect there may be more like him." Barry raise his tone. Joe scoffed "And your gonna do what? Catch them? Are you insane? You think because you can run real fast that your invincible? You're not! You're just a kid. My kid."

"I'm not your kid, Joe. And you're not my father. My father is sitting in Iron Heights, wrongfully convicted. You were wrong about him, and your wrong about this. Now I may not be able to help him, but if I can save someone from a burning building or stop some armed thieves, I'm gonna do it and you cant stop me. So don't try." Barry insisted.

"You think your so smart. All of you. But you don't know what you don't know and I hope you are clever enough to figure it out before somebody get killed." Joe look at Barry one last time with a hurt expression.


"Sorry." Varity spoke softly as he hiss as she clean his wounds. "The abrasions are already rapidly healing" Caitlin verified. "Yeah, I got my ass handed to me." Barry sulk. "You got blood on my suit." Cisco whined. "Our suit Cisco, and if your worry about how to clean blood off don't worry I know. It's the one thing all girls are suppose to know."

Caitlin scuff with a smile as Varity smirk. Cisco scrunch his nose.

"I think some of it belongs to him. Another not-so-friendly meta human." She finish cleaning his cuts, taking her gloves off and took at seat next to him resting her head on his shoulder. He look down at her softly he was soft for this human being.

"Daton black. He a bio-geneticist specialized in therapeutic cloning. Growing new organs to replace failing ones." Her father look at her as she look away biting her bottom lip. "Apparently Stagg stole his research and then fired him." Caitlin stated. Varity lift her head. "I'm so glad I didn't call him." Everyone look at her while Barry gave a smile. "It's a long story..."

"We are gonna talk about this later." Her father spoke as she wined placing her head back on Barry shoulder defeated. "I saw Black create duplicates from his own body." He explain to the group. "That pretty ironic the guy specialized in cloning and now he can make xeroxes of himself." Cisco let out a scuff. "If he was experimenting on himself when he was expose to the dark matter wave released by the particle accelerator explosion-"

"Meet captain clone." Cisco exclaimed as everyone raise an eyebrow at him. "Don't worry I'll come up with something cooler."

"Your such a dork also whatever your wearing on your head is a no to fashion." Varity got up snatching his hat. "Hey!"

Barry started to walk away. "Where are you going?" She look at him confused. "Joe was right. I'm in way over my head. Yeah I'm fast but I am no warrior. Man I could barely fight one meta-human,let alone six." Barry sighed. "Barry I understand. Today was a setback. But any grand enterprise has them and we can never learn to fly without crashing a few times." She nodded to her father words. "This wasn't a grand enterprise, Dr.Wells. This was a mistake." She frown as Barry left.

"Sweet heart?" She turned her head toward him."Yes dad?"

"Can you drive me to Barry work?"

"Um I would ask why but I feel like you have a plan so yep I can take you."


"Mr.Stagg I wish you would reconsider our offer for protective custody Danton Black has proven he is willing to kill and he got...friends and trust me, they're all dangerous." Joe advise. "I've increased my security, detective. I hope Black comes looking for trouble cause he'll find plenty." Mr.Stagg chimed in.

Varity stood next to her dad as he started clapping. She look at him and shook her head with disapproval. "Sorry my dad like to make an entrance."

"Spoken like a true philanthropist or is it humanitarian? I'm sorry I could never remember which one you're pretending to be, Simon."

"Harrison... Don't get up." Mr.Stagg counter back. "Hah." Harrison gave a strain smiled.

Varity gave hi m a stern look. She went up to him giving him his number back. "I don't like a man who disrespect my father especially when I'm his daughter so do us a favor and leave since you are so sure your protected." Mr.Stagg then took his number and left as she gave a satisfied smirk.

"Another fan of yours doctor?" Joe question.

"Can we talk, detective?"

"So you were right. Barry not the only one who special. This guy tried to kill Simon Stagg today, he could-."

"Replicate spontaneously. Yeah we know." Joe look back at her as she nodded confirming.

"Did you know about Barry? When he was first in his coma you came to the hospital, and you asked me if you could take him to S.T.A.R labs. Did you know what he could do?"

Varity cross her arms and stood right next to both of them looking at her father. Varity thought he must of went when she fell asleep the first time after Ronnie death. Harrison scuff and so did Joe. "I had my suspicions that he was... affected." She raise an eyebrow at him.

"Hey, Joe. I was never looking to become the senior member of a secret fighting unit. You and I both know we are the only ones equipped to protect Central City."

"Maybe I'm more interested in protecting Barry. But of course he's all set to fly into the fire right along with you." She spoke up. "I know this may be rude. But Joe, He isn't, and that not from a daughter trying to support her dad. That from what he said today. He said he quit." She informed him. "He didn't tell you?" Harrison question. "I haven't seen him."

"Well I'm sure it only temporary. From what I know of Barry when he sets his mind to something no one gonna talk him out of it but the next time he suit up and run head on into danger. He will fail, why? Well he doesn't think he's capable." He pause. "Doubt... Is his real enemy. Joe not whatever lurking out there and as long you continue to doubt him he'll keep doubting himself." Wells then turn around his wheelchair to the right. "And for the record I care about him too." Her father headed to the elevator.

"Dad I'll catch up." He enter the elevator and then he was gone.

Varity then went and hug Joe"Do what right for you and Barry. I don't like seeing you two fight. I know Barry didn't mean what he said toward you, he was just heated and knowing Barry he always does the right thing at the end. I'm pretty sure he got that from you Joe. Now I'm his cheerleader but parents sometime make the best supporter, unless he has a significant other which is just another story, anyway trust me on that." She then kiss him on the cheek and told him "Good luck Joe." She headed toward the elevator.


"Look I told you I'm through." Barry spoke sternly. "I know but you need to get to S.T.A.R labs right now it's a emergency." She spoke to him on the phone. Barry rush in front of the motionless human. "Barry it's okay." Caitlin rush over to Black. "It is not okay Black is here, and he just standing there...that not him is it? Also why does he have cat whisker drawn on him?"

"I may have found a sharpie and brace my artistic side." Varity smile while her dimples show innocently. Barry cooed quietly of sight of her.

"It's one of his replicates." Harrison addressed. "How did you get it?"

"We kidnapped him!" Varity cheered. "No, I grew him. I isolated a sample of Black blood from your suit to see if I could trigger the in vitro cultivation process and learn to how Black multiplies. So I exposed the target cells to a protein gel and they began replicating into that." Caitlin pointed at Black replicate.

"Buzz kill." Varity whisper next to Cisco as he push her gently. "Why is he...not doing anything?"

"We did a brain scan." Caitlin explain as the rest of the group added on "Involuntary motor functions are active. Little else-"

"We think it's acting as a receiver." Cisco cut in "The clones are an empty shell without Black. Shut down the real Black and you might shut them all down." Varity told Barry.

"But how do we know which one's the real Danton Black?"

"That occurred to me given your own passing out. Black has limits, just like you. Controlling all of those clones must require a tremendous amount of physical strength. So, look for the one showing signs of weakness or fatigue He's the prime." Caitlin informed. "Just a theory but one you might want to put to the test. Mr.Allen." Harrison suggested. "Plus I whipped up these high-calories protein bars for you to keep your metabolism up." Cisco said to Barry. "We did." She corrected him. Everyone stare at them. "I like cooking and he like eating them." Varity said with a shrug.

Then the Black replicate move. Varity panicked and jump back, and so did Caitlin. Gun shots went off leading to Joe. "Any more of them?" Joe asked. "Nope" Caitlin said shock at wha t just happen. "Why did it start moving?" Barry ask. "The prime. My guess is the prime is on the move. This one heard the summons to battle." Wells informed. "And I know where he was summoned to. Stagg industries." Joe spoke

"You should call it in."

Varity knew why Joe enter so all she did was smile to herself.

"Police can't fight this what Black's become, like Mardon beyond me. Maybe beyond them too. The only person it's not beyond is you. You gotta do it, I get it, s for once in your life do what I tell you to do. Go stop him." She look at Barry smiling while he nodded and smile at Joe.

Joe then look at her and Wells. She smile and went up to him and said "Now that what I'm talking about." He look at her confused. "Sorry... Cisco rubbing off me."

"Seriously I'm right here."


"Stay here." Barry said to Mardon. "I know Stagg stole your research but that doesn't give you the right to murder."

"You think this about my job this is about Elizabeth she was my wife. She had a degenerative coronary disease. She's been on the transplant list for years, but...time was running out. So if I couldn't get her a new heart-"

"You were gonna grow her a new one."

"I was so close until Stagg stole my research so he could real the glory and I got to bury my best friend. Now... I'm alone." Varity bit her bottom lip her. "Remember, Barry find the prime." Caitlin said "There too many of them to fight."

"Barry, you need to isolate the prime." Harrison repeated. "I can't. It's impossible."

"Nothing's impossible, Barry. You taught me that. You can do this." Joe vouch.

Barry?, Barry, are you alright? Varity questions through the coms. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Its done." Then they heard a burst of glass through the intercoms."Hang on!"

"No!" Black yelled. "Don't"

"Central City policeman are now confirming former employee Danton black-" Harrison turned of the television. "I tried to save him." Barry spoke guilty. "Doesn't sound like he wanted to be saved. Some people when they break...they can't be put back together." Harrison stressed out

"Some people heal even stronger." Barry replied. "I hope so." Wells spoke firmly looking at his daughter. Cisco look at Varity sitting on a chair with a blanket over her and Caitlin. "Well,at least Multiplex won't be able to hurt anyone else. Told you I come up with a cool name." Cisco grinned as everyone smile. "Yeah, I may be the one in the suit doing all the running...but when I'm out there helping people, making a difference you're all out there with me. I finally realized something, we were all struck by that lightning." Everyone smirk at each other.


Varity got up from with her blanket jogging over to him"Hold up Barry."

"What is it Varity?" Barry ask. She hug him wrapping him with the blanket. "Thanks Barry I needed that." He return the hug. "Your blanket so soft..." Barry touch the material. She laugh lightly "Yep I'm surprised I didn't fell asleep with it. My mom gave it to me."

"Did you ever accepted Stagg invitation?" Barry ask. She tilted her head up to him while we still hugging. "About that...I might have put him in his place and he might not like me no more."Barry smiled at her. She look up at him letting go of him. "Umm... Let me walk you to the elevator."

They then walk to the elevator in silence. It was a peaceful silence a silence that just felt right.He then got in and she waved bye to him. Then when the elevator close she went back to S.T.A.R labs.

She received a call from Joe."Hey, Joe what up?"

"I wanted to say thank you from the advice you gave me. You may be young but you give some great advice like your father." Joe said. She laugh. "Let me guess Barry apologize? Was it sweet?"

"Oh now your teasing."

"Maybe a little." She replied. Now sorry to cut you short but I have a shoot in the morning. It was great talking to you Joe."

"You too Varity."

"Bye Joe." She ended the call sighing clutching her chest. "I need to take my pills."


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