Chapter 23 Pause


She walk in Star Labs doing a little spin at the end. She stop in her tracks seeing Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Ronnie, Professor Stein, and Joe. Everyone looks at her with pity as Barry walkover to me.

She look up to him muttering a small"Hi"

"How did you sleep?" He look gently at her. "Like a cat, I purr the night away under those soft covers,” She smile at him as he returns it snaking an arm around her shoulder pulling hwr close.

"So what are we talking about?" She question turning her head facing everyone else."Wells offer Barry to go back in time and save his parents" Caitlin spoke up. Her eyes widened at those words.

"It a rare opportunity to right a wrong and, save your mother life-- quite the paradox Harrison presented you with," Stein said looking at Barry.
She turn her attention at Barry give him a soft glare.

"The chance to be with someone you love seems pretty cut and dry to me." Caitlin said walking to Ronnie with loving eyes. She smile at the couple little action.

"At first blush Dr.Snow, it would appear, so it this gift has unparalleled risks." Stein approach Barry as shs rested her head against him.

"Barry the night your mother died then night you save yourself from being killed that event altered the timeline you were already on and change the course of history."

"So what you're saying we're living in a parallel universe?" Cisco spoke up

"Just like the time, I altered the timeline before."

Varity look at Barry. "When the hell did that happen? She perk her head up. Actually, you know what I give up." She plop her head softly back to its original spot.

"But he--he only change one day that time." Joe look at Barry then at Steins

"Exactly now imagine 15 years of compounded experience. One different decision no matter how big or small impacts everything that follows. Moment upon moments, choices upon choices no relationships nothing would be as it is today, and you'd never know the difference because you won't remember anything." She felt Barry grip her tighter. She titled her head upward.

"So if I go back and save my mom my dad doesn't go to prison. I never live with Joe or Iris." Barry look at Joe

"You might never meet me, Caitlin, Ronnie, and Varity." Cisco added in as we all look at each other.

"Truth is we might not there no real way of knowing what your life might be." Stein said

"There no choice Barry you have to do this." She look at Joe and nodded in agreement.

"If I could change time I would do the same thing." She spoke softly "Too take back what was taken from us. You deserve that Barry." She stop leaning on him. He looks down toward me. She got on her tippy toes pressing a slow kiss to his cheek.

Joe exit. Barry looks down at me once more. She mouth the word go and he follows Joe.


"According to Wells calculations Barry super speed inside the Accelerator ring once Barry reaches optimum speed we then launch a hydrogen proton into the accelerator once the collisions happen a wormhole forms opening a gateway to time itself. It at that moment I shout something like 'Eureka!'" Everyone smiled at his joke.

Barry turns around facing Cisco who has his elbows prop to the computer desk holding his face with his hands.

"What do you think?” Cisco then let one of his hand fall while the other one is still in place.

"I mean on one hand it does make kind of sense on the other, why? why would you ever consider doing this?" Varity rub Cisco back. "You know why" Barry responded softly

"So for this to actually work how fast would Barry have to go?" Caitlin was sitting down while Ronnie stood next to her. Barry turns around.

"By my estimates mach two at a minimum." Stein reply to Caitlin
Caitlin look at Barry wide-eyed.

"You never have gone that fast..." Barry turns toward Varity as she hold his stare.

"So what happens if Barry doesn't reach that speed? I'm imagining a bug hitting a windshield. How far am I?" Joe said looking at Barry

"Not very far I'm afraid." Stein said looking down . Barry turns his attention toward Joe "Let me worried about how fast am I suppose to go." He then looks at Cisco. "We're going to need something else though."

"Really and what that? Because im not interested to see you get yourself killed.” Sassy Cisco pops out.

"I'm going to need you to build a time machine." Varity look into the corner of her eye seeing him looking interested. "I'm listening..."


Stein walks in as were all working.

"We have a problem the calculations there a danger."

"I know. I'm ready to take the risk." Barry said looking at Varity. I
She place her hand on top of his. He then turns his attention toward Stein.

"No not just you but everyone. Wells did not tell us everything. Barry even if you do reach the right speed colliding with the hydrogen particle there is a chance that explosion can create a singularity. Stein approach Barry

"What's a singularity?" Variry question

"It a black hole." Those words cause
hee to suddenly cause her a headache. She clutch her head with both hands closing her eyes letting go of Barry's hand.

She felt the world rumble and a big dark hole consuming the earth. She let out another groan. The regular breeze was now harsh with paper flying all around. She heard the gunshot echo in my head and Eddie name being yelled out by Iris. "Make it stop...please." She muttered through the pain. She saw firestorm go into the hole and then everything turn black.


"Make it stop... please" was the last she muttered after fainting. Barry caught her in his arms holding her closely tight.

"We need to speak to Wells now!” Barry yelled holding the pale girl who wasn't responding to there calls. He speeded her on a stretcher in the Cortex. The other rush in while Caitlin started checking her pulse and running test.

Cisco work on contacting Wells through the monitors. While everyone stood around facing the monitor except Caitlin. Wells face show up on the monitor smiling.

Barry stood up fuming angry. "What wrong with Varity you didn't mention the risk of wiping the whole entire earth!"

Wells smile drop. "What happen to Varity?” He asks seriously not caring for the catastrophe about to occur.

Caitlin walks in. "Varity heart rate is irregular due to her weakening heart. She also has irregular breathing so I put on an oxygen mask. I'm not sure if she going to wake up anytime soon."

"Before she fainted what was her actions?"

"She was muttering she was in some sort of pain clutching her head after she passes out." Caitlin respond

"It might be an effect of her powers. Keep an eye on her."  Caitlin looks at Barry for approval he gives her a nod confirming to do as Wells stated.

Barry was still worried but they need to discuss the black hole that might appear in the middle of central city.

"You have a minute and fifty-two seconds to save Nora."

"But not enough time to capture you." Barry looks at the screen projecting Wells.

Wells smile "Everything a choice."

"And what if I'm late?"

"I've believed in you Barry I always did the question is do your friends and family believe in you as much as I do?"

Barry clutches the chair and turns his head.  Caitlin grabs the controller for the monitor and turns it off.

The one person he needed right then and there was unconscious and he now had to make a choice to run into the particle accelerator and might turn to dust or to go back to the past and come back on time, and if not then Central City would be sucked into a black hole.

He walks away trying to make a decision as Joe follow him.


She was in total darkness everything was so quiet. No matter how many times shw try to move a body part or open hee eyes her body wouldn't react. She heard footsteps and chair scrape the floor next to her. She felt someone hands intertwine with my fingers. The feeling felt similar at the moment.

Images of her and Barry holding hands flashing. The time she was holding his hand as Caitlin stuck a huge needle in his chest when someone else DNA got stuck in him, when he pulled her away when Joe was giving Iris the talk about her dating her partner, him ddraggingher through the hallways with Caitlin as we were getting chase, him on
her side when she randomly pass out like right now and so much more. He stood silent.

She just wanted to hold him and tell him everything would be alright.

"Ronnie and Caitlin had a wedding while you were past out. If it makes you feel better Caitlin didn't throw the bouquet."

Oh, now she needed to wake up. She really did just miss her best friends wedding with the most gorgeous girl she knew. Her heart sank for the thought.

"Varity... I'm going to try and save my mother. I'm scared I won't make it back in time." She felt the warmth of his hand leave mine. "Or save you."

He turn serious. "Please hold on for everybody we need you especially me."

Shw heard Joe call out for Barry. The chair screech back. Something wet drip down her cheek. She realize it was a tear.

Before the teardrop could hit my neck she felt Barry's hands wipe it off with his thumb while slowing leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. He finally let go. She was now hoping Barry and the world we knew would all be alright.

The building started to shake. She heard glasses falling shattering to pieces paper flying. She felt the needles that were attached be pull harshly.

The black hole made it to Central City and the worse part was she knew how it plays out. They would loose Eddie and now Caitlin was about to lose Ronnie the man she just married. Two girls left broken hearted and one team split into pieces. But the only thing she didn't know was when she was going to wake up.


This was the beginning for team Flash one chapter closing so another can open. Life went on but for some of us, life had a pause button. That until a girl name Varity Wells woke up 6 months later putting this story back in place for those who press pause.

We made it through book one WOOO! This episode always breaks my heart are girls didn't deserve heart breaks at all especially Caitlin. I thought about keep Ronnie alive and Eddie but them not being dead will affect huge plot points now I understand how is it to be Barry Allen. Book two will be called "Love is a dangerous weapon." If you know where I got that from comment below ;) I honestly try making this chapter happy but literally the three last episodes of season 1 are so blue. So I kept it the way it is.

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