Chapter 21 Grodd


Varity told Iris about her power and how she obtain them. She asks her questions about the men in yellow and how she knew him. She responded that he was once close to her heart. She promise her she would help her find Eddie. She stops asking  question as they made it to her hotel. She thanks me.

Varity gave her a smile.

(One day later)

Varity went to the doctor yesterday they told her to rest. She wasn't surprised.

Her phone rang. She stare at it for a little bit. She should follow her doctor orders but who really follow their doctor orders she thought to herself 

She reach for her phone and answer it. "Varity speaking how can I help you?"

"Hey, it's Cisco I know you called off today but Barry is in trouble with-"

"Iris at Star Labs?" Varity cut him off.
" did you know that?"

She sigh, "That a long story but I'm coming bye Cisco." She hang up the phone. She headed to her closet and vanity to get ready.

She walked into Star Labs. Iris stops in front of her. "You knew about everything this whole time."

Varity sigh, maybe she shouldn't have pick up the call. "That was not my secret to tell Iris."

"I trusted you Varity but you knew about the man in yellow was your dad and let him kidnapped Eddie. Heck, you knew about Barry and the metahuman, everything."

She took a step in front of her. Her eyes glistening a dangerous purple.
"V-Varity," Caitlin appropriate her afraid.

"I protected you and try to protect Eddie. That guy is not my father! My real father was found dead by a crossroad buried up by the man who took your boyfriend, murder my actual father and Barry mother. Iris play the victim but we all been affected not only you."

She step back and stormed off to another room leaving her shock.

She sat down on the floor with her hands covering her face.

Footsteps where heard approaching. She move some of her fingers down to see Cisco and Caitlin staring at her from a few feet.

They stare at each other and then extend their arms out for her.

She drop her hands from her face and push herself up running to their arms. They hug her tight in the group hug staying quiet.

She needed to know something.

"Are you two going to leave me now?" She look at them, "Because if so just do it now so-"

They cut her off. Caitlin put her hands on her cheeks. "Varity we know it wasn't your fault." Caitlin looks at Cisco signaling to add on. "Yeah, you're stuck with us so we are not going anywhere."

Varity try to smile but Caitlin was squishing her cheeks tightly. "Cait can't smile," She drop her hands, "Oh sorry." They all chuckled.

"I think I need to tell the whole world how great my best friends are."

"Best friends?" They both question.
"Did you guys think you were always going to stay in the friend zone?"

She gave them a peck on the cheek. "That for good luck since we all need a little good luck right now."


"The Central City gold reserve was about to transfer three hundred million dollars in gold bars to their coast city vault. Singh told Joe they think the man in the mask is going to make a pay for it." Barry said explaining the situation as they followed him around.

"Okay, but we still don't know if he responsible for those weird images he saw." Varity had a bad feeling that this had to do with Wells.

Maybe she was just being paranoid she thought.

"How are they transporting the gold?" Varity question.nBarry gave her a little smile. "An ice cream truck."

"But doesn't that attract kids and adults who have a sweet tooth?" Cisco ask

"Basically he means himself," She responded as Cisco fake gasp.

Her head started hurting. She shut her eyes hearing explosions. She heard tires screeching and saw a sign shaped like ice cream. She jumped looking around her surroundings to see Star Labs and everyone was okay.

"Varity you okay?" Caitlin asks placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Y-yeah just sleepy." She lied. This was probably one of her worse lies yet. "Are you sure-"

"I'm okay." She replied quickly. They didn't push the subject further.

Caitlin and Cisco sat down examining the truck through the monitors as she stood behind them."Woah the truck just got hit by a land mine," Cisco said looking at his screen. "Is Joe okay?" Barry asks through the intercoms.

"We're not sure," Caitlin respond looking fearful while Varity bit her bottom lip.


Barry caught the man in the mask. His identity was General Eiling he was now standing in the cortex prison cell.

"What is wrong with him?"
Varity went up to the glass and poke it three times. He didn't even look at her. "Spoopy," She took a few steps back cautiously.

"I pull a bullet out of his shoulder and he even didn't even flinch so I did a complete body scan and otherwise, General Eiling is super healthy. " Caitlin look at Barry.

"So why is standing there like a complete robot?" Joe ask confused.

Cisco walked in. "I just got off the phone with Argus. Unofficially Eiling is on administrative leave."

"Unofficially?" Joe question "I spoke to Diggle wife Lyla and she said Eiling been missing for the past three months and argus is covering up for it."

"Make sense. The last time we saw Eiling is when you and Ronnie broke Professor Stein put off that military facility. Pretty sure there covering that too" Vairty added in

"So where has he been since then?" Joe turned around facing him. He turned around raising his voice "General Eiling why were you trying to rob the gold reserve?"

"Maybe he in some sort of trance," Caitlin added looking up athim.
Varity spoke up, "Eiling do you remember us?" He looks to Barry saying Flash.

"How does he know you're the flash?" She look at Barry. "General-"

"Eiling not here. Eiling bad."

"Maybe it some kind of psychotic break presenting itself as an identity disorder."

"Caitlin, Varity...good." The two perk there heads up. "Thank you?" She force a smirk.

"Forget disorders have you guys seen the exorcist?"

"You and your movies," Joe stated at Cisco.

"Why is Eiling bad?" Varity walk infront of him. "Eiling hurt me. I hurt Eiling" She hum lowly. "Okay, so who are you if you're, not Eiling?"

"I... Am... Grodd, fear me." Varity eyes widen and Caitlins

"What is a Grodd?" Barry ask clearly confused


Varity show videos of her and Caitlin with Grodd but it was mostly her sneaking in and bringing food.

"Oh Grodd is a gorilla," Barry replied as he looks at Caitlin. "5 years ago Eiling and Wells we're working on a project to expand soldiers cognitive ability during battle." Cisco explained. "What we didn't realize is Eiling was trying to give soldiers psychic abilities." Caitlin frowned as Varity eyes widen with this piece of information.

"What do you mean by "psychic?" "

"Eiling was trying to create super soldiers with telepathic and telekinetic capabilities." Cisco explain

"But when Dr.Wells found out he put an end to the project," Caitlin told us as she stares at Varity.

"So are physcho killer has a soft spot for animals. That's sweet" Joe replied sighing at the end.

"What happen to Grodd?" Varity question. "We don't know after the particle accelerator I went down to check on him and his cage what empty."

"He lied to me..." Varity frowned, "He told me after the particle accelerator he gave Grodd to a local zoo where he was obtaining treatment after the particle accelerator since he had no funds."

Barry came behind her rubbing her back. She turn her head toward him  giving him appreactive small smirk. He snuck his arm around her givonh her a side hug.

"So he could of been affected by the same energy Barry was."

"When the energy hit Grodd the serums and drugs that Eiling injected to him could have activated. Maybe the particle accelerator created a meta gorilla. I think we know what happens when a super intelligent ape is piss of at humans escapes."

"King Kong 2.0" Cisco stated breathless. Varity shook her head lightly at his comment smiling to herself.

Caitlin walk to the desk and started typing on the computer. "Cisco right about the first part. This is the first brain scan I did on Grodd." She pulls up a brain scan in the monitors.

"Whoa, his primary motor cortex and Broca's area is are lit up like a Christmas Tree."

"Do I say pretty to the brain or stay confused?" They ignored her comments while Joe smile at her. She guess they were both lost.

"And this is the brain scan I just did on Eiling." Caitlin pulled up another brain scan next to Grodd brain scan. "His brain is lit up the exact same way."

"So Grodd and Eiling are connected somehow?" Joe examines the scans and turned his focus to Caitlin.

"I think somehow Grodd is transmitting neural signals to Eiling primary motor cortex, mind control, telepathy who know what Grodd is capable of."

"What do we think Grodd want? Revenge?" Barry ask confused.

Joe face Barry, "I do not like the fact Wells rescued Grodd. I don't think it a coincidence that this gorilla shows up at the very same time we're looking for Wells."

"Grodd and Wells always did have a special bond," Caitlin added in. Varity bit her bottom lip.

"It wouldn't surprise me if Wells was using Grodd to distract us. If we find Grodd we find Wells. We find-"

"We find Eddie and I'm going to help." Iris walks in interupting. She stares at Barry and Joe. Varity was going to walk away when Barry grabs her arm raising an eyebrow at her. She look at his hand briefly then sigh crossing her arms over her chest.  "I'm not leaving I'm just going to check up on Eiling or Grodd."

He let go of her arm. She rub it and headed to her destination. "Varity I-"

"If it not an apology I do not want to argue," She walk pass Iris.


Varity was sitting down in the cortex making sure Eiling was okay she got a huge headache. She clutch her head to see Barry knocked out in the sewers and Joe taken from Grodd. Grodd threw Joe somewhere knocking him out.

The pain faded as she open her eyes setting her hands to the glass containment. "Grodd I know you can hear me." He didn't respond. She sigh,
"Grodd you took Joe I know you did let him go he has nothing to do with this."

He twitches his head now focusing his attention on her. "Joe try to shoot me."

"Are you hurt?" Varity stood up.

"No, but he will be soon."

Varity panicked her eyes growing wide at his statement. "Don't please! Please don't! Joe is the only adult I can rely on. He has a daughter Grodd and a son. Don't take that away from them. I'm begging you Grodd."

He looks at her one more time and went back to position. Varity ran to where Caitlin and Iris were her hair flicking at her face while her heels made a clinking noise every time they hit the ground. She stop in the cortex "Is Joe okay what about Barry?!"

"How do you know about Joe and Barry?"

"It her power she has vision before something happens sometimes. And Barry is knocked out cold while Joe is missing." Caitlin responded

She grab her car keys and turn around. "Where are you going?" Iris ask Varity

"I'm going to get an unconscious Barry and a probably freak out Cisco and try to find your father." She look over her shoulder jogging out to the elevator.


Variry help Cisco with Barry out of the sewers and yes with heels.

Cisco put him in the back of the truck and she attach his seat belt across his chest. She stroke the barely noticeable bruise that was on his face with her fingertips. She sigh pecking his cheek.

She got out of the vehicle. Cisco looks at her.

"Go I will meet you there, I need to do a couple of things." He nodded as she gave him a slight nod back.

"Varity stay safe." Cisco told her as she smile at him, "I will just take care of everyone for me."

She waited until he drove off.
She open her trunk of the car and pull out a few articles of clothing.

Her plan is to at least try to find Grodd or Joe. Since she didn't want her current clothes smelling she change in the back of her car.

She walk through the sewers as she ignored the horrible stench and the echoing of water drops hitting god knows what in the water.

She flash the flashlight on the wall and straight through the tunnels.

As she made her way down the sewers she didn't know where she was going there were so many twist and turns. She already been here for two hours.

You think with a huge gorilla there be some kinds of marks leading her somewhere. She stop walking and saw only one tunnel finally.

She peak her head around the corner to see Grodd. She turn against the wall. At the moment she realized  didn't form a full plan. "Oh I'm screw well here goes nothing." She was about to reveal herself when a red light zoom by her. She turn her head Barry and her connected sight for a second but he headed to Grodd.

Grodd growl and ran toward Barry. The sewers were shaking with might. She try to keep her balance but she fell to the ground with a thud.

As Grodd pass her he grabs Barry and flung him against a wall. She quickly got up and follow the direction he headed straight through the tunnel.  Grodd was choking Barry.

"Grodd no!" She yelled as the scene unfolded. Grodd look her me briefly then turn his attention back to Barry he threw him against a brick wall.

She try to run to Barry but Grodd grab her from the ground. "Let me go!" She look at the distance from me to the floor.  "Actually... let me go gently!"

He put her down gently then push her and making her she toppled over her two feet and landed on the floor. "Well, at least he did it gently." 

He let out a yelled to Barry he wince clutching his head. "Human. Weak."

Varity got up and brush herself off, "Rude we are fragile." She whisper to herself.

She heard a train approaching Barry. She ran past Grodd as he was distracted and grab him.

"Barry we need to get out there a train approaching." He wasn't listening to her and still squirming in pain. She clutch his hand deciding to use her new power.

She was into his head seeing what he saw. It was him laying on a operating table with needles and knives.

This must be what Grodd went through. She thought.

"Barry! If you can hear me this is all not real your not in pain, your okay. I need you to fight this a train is going to hit us if you don't get out. Barry, I believe in you."

She got out of the trance as the train was coming he quickly flash them against the wall shielding her with his body. There lips were inches away from another, she was staring up into her eyes. He stare back into hers. Both of them had butterfly's in there stomach. There were entrance with each other.

He snap out of it. "Stay here." She nodded her head slowly.

Barry was in front of the train and Grodd charge at him he went back to Varity pressing himself against her as Grodd got hit with the train.

He panted a few times as he look at her serious.  "I'm guessing that means I'm in trouble." He grabs her and flash them to Joe.

"Joe, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Varity ask bending down. Joe grabs Barry hand into a fist. She look at him worriedly.

"Take me home." Joe responded. Varity smile, "As you wish."

Barry told everyone in the coms he got Joe. Everyone sighed in relief.


She change to her previous outfit throwing her clothes into a bag and heels so she could do laundry later. She walk into Star Labs a couple of minutes late. She saw Joe walking around as Caitlin rush to him.
"I said you have to be still you have three fractured ribs." She express worried. "I'll be fine." He responded clutching his side as Varity lean against the doorway.

"I can't believe Grodd became so violent." Caitlin looks at Cisco.

He nodded then burst out with questions. "How was his lair like? Did he eat the banana? Does he like King Kong? Is he more of a planet of the apes kinda ape."

Varity held in a giggled.
"Uh terrifying, no, and I didn't ask." Joe responded as he held up a finger for every question he answers.

She stop leaning against the doorway "Guys stop bothering now come-on you guys have to scold me for being reckless and he needs to talk to his daughter." He mouths a thank you as she nodded at him and follow Caitlin and Cisco out.

She did, in fact, got a scolding well mostly from Caitlin since Cisco was scared of her. After that, they hug it out and she promise if she did something reckless she would tell at least one of them.

She headed back home to wash her sewer hair and body. She came out dress up and sat on my porch having a view of the city. She smirk it was a comforting site.

She look at the time on her phone to see it was time to take her pills for her heart condition.

Varity walk into the kitchen and open the cabinets taking out Amlodipine. She set the pill bottle down and headed to my fridge for a bottle of Fiji water. A breeze hit her. She close the fridge door and turn around to see  Barry.

She let out a loud yelp and jump back.

"Barry don't scare me like that" She clutch her chest. "Sorry." He responded rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Now since your here what do you need?" She focus her attention on him setting the water bottle down on the counter.

"Varity what you were saying to me when we were down in the sewer-"

She step up to him looking him in his eyes while fixing his blazer. For second he was distracted with her soft touches but went straight to the point

"You know why I wasn't afraid? Because you were there." She drop her hands getting butterfly at his comment gazing up to his eyes.

"Even though I really was scared having you there. Having you there is how I can stand up to Grodd. Every time I falter or make a mistake the thought of you is what picks me up and keep me going."

"Look what I'm trying to say even though you weren't apart of my life that doesn't mean you were not apart of it. You were. Every-Single-Day. Without you, then weren't the flash."

"Does that mean I'm still apart of the team?" She whisper.

"You always were." He responded
She smile widely throwing her  arms around him. He smiles into her shoulder  hugging her back. She pull away.

"Don't forget to make things up with Iris and tell her I forgive her. But since your here...stay." They stood quiet. "I-I mean if you know you want to I was going to prepare dinner after my medicine and I just assume you were hungry you don't really have to."

He looks over her water and pills on the marble counter. "That your dinner?"

She rolled her eyes, "No silly that me getting prepared to take my medications." She sat up on the counter table her feet dangling in the air.

"How about I take you to dinner?"

"Are you asking me out on a friendly date Barry Allen?" She tried to hide her smirk.  "Maybe." He reply slowly looking up at her.

She jump off the counter. "Okay but I'm splitting the check."

"Deal." He responded

She found herself falling deeper for him even if she didn't want to admit it.

This book is coming to an end soon literally two chapters left I'm so excited for my first book to ever be complete! I hope you enjoy this chapter sorry if this is not one of my best chapters yet so far I had a tiny bit of writer block and so much homework this week and personal issues so I'm all over the place. Anyway, hope you enjoy ❤

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