Chapter 20 Love Is a Dangerous Weapon
Varity layed in bed distraught over everything that happens in the past few days. She was suddenly in ccpd with Barry holding her in his arms while Caitlin, Cisco, and Joe stare at them.
"Barry? What am I doing here?" She look down at her outfit. "Did you also change my clothes?"
"Cisco is about to test a device that allows him to access into his dreams but he very nervous, a-and I thought you know... "
"That I will calm him down and needed help changing?" She raise an eyebrow for confirmation."Yeah... " Barry look down at her nervous. She sigh, "I will try, but no promises I'm still..." She trailed off thinking of the events from yesterday.
"Yeah of course." Barry gently set her back to ground level as her fingers brush his shirt for support. "Also you have good fashion taste, Barry Allen," He turns his head blushing.
Varity turn around seeing Cisco.
"Hi, Cisco," She gave him a small wave walking toward him. She gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek.
He just stares down at her wide-eyed.
"Feel better now?" She question lightly tilting her head. "Definitely," he responded smiling down at her. "But can you give one more just in case." Caitlin scuff so did Joe.
"I'm going to tell you a secret. If I kiss the person twice in the same spot it then it turns to bad luck. I'm pretty sure you don't want that Cisco."
He nodded frantically repeating right. She smile at him letting a low chuckle.
Joe pass her a glass of milk which I gave to Cisco. "Sip up buddy."
"What am I five?" Cisco said holding the glass in one of his hands. She cross her arms and gave Cisco a stern look. "I said sip up." "Yes, Mam," Cisco saluted at and down the milk. He extended the glass to her as she set the glass down on the table carefully. Cisco lay down as she pull up a chair and sat by his side.
"The glasses are admitting a low-level delta way which should help you fall asleep," Caitlin slips the glasses on his face.
"I got to warn ya it takes me a long time to fall asleep...I mean it not like I have insomnia or any..." Varity giggled as he fell asleep. Barry put his hand on her shoulder. She look back to see him smiling.
"So that how you get him to shut up," Joe smirk down as Cisco sleeping.
"He entering REM. It working." Caitlin smiled as she looks at the monitor.
"Cisco can you hear me your dreaming bud," Barry spoke slowly staring at Cisco.
"Guys this is mad freaky."
"You mean what you did in your dream or the simulation?"
"The simulation." Varity nodded at Cisco words.
"Where are you?" Barry ask, "I'm in the cortex. I know I'm dreaming but it feels so real. "
"What is the dream you doing?"
"Caitlin just left. I ask her to take Wells to Jitters.
"W-why did you want Wells of the lab?"
"I think he has might have tampered with my work. I need to check. Okay, I'm walking to the bunker. Oh man, I love this shirt I thought the dryer ate it."
"I will get you a new one Cisco or just help you clean it you chose." She smirk grabbing his hand. Joe let a giggle out of Cisco comment. "Focus Cisco," Barry told him.
"Okay, now I'm running a test on the containment system. This data doesn't make any sense. All the supercapacitors they were fully charged. There absolutely no reason the man in yellow should of escape. Oh my gosh, he trick us. "
As Varity was holding Cisco hand she got a headache. She close her eyes to see she was in the dream. She saw the hologram of the man in yellow. She look behind to see the doors open. She saw the face of Wells. "Hello, Cisco."
Cisco whipped his head at the voice. "Oh god, Wells is here."
"Cisco is just a dream. He can't hurt you." "You better be right about that." She felt someone tap her shoulders. She try to open her eyes but couldn't.
"V-Varity?" She realize she was stuck in the dream with Cisco but she was invisible in his dream as she wave her hand outward in his face.
Wells was now standing up from his wheelchair. "My name is Eobard Thawne."
"Eobard Thawne," Cisco repeated
"Like Eddie Thawne?" Joe said
"Why did you kill Nora Allen?" Cisco asks Eobard.
"It was never my intention to kill her." Eobard reply coming closer to Cisco. "You were like a son to me Cisco." He raises his hand as it vibrated.
"He going to kill me! Help me! Help!"
"Cisco no!" Varity yelled out as she step in front of him. But his hand phrase through her and went straight for Cisco. He shot up and took off the glasses.
She open her eyes and let gulp some air. She pull back her hand that was holding his. "Varity! Are you alright?" Barry ask.
She look at Cisco then at Barry. She clutch her hand close to her chest. She felt her heart pounding.
"It felt so real," Cisco said as she slowly nodded to his words.
"Look like I have a new ability..." She mutterd lowly to the group. Her phone started ringing. "H-Hello?"
"Varity are you with Barry?" She look up to him hesitating as he nodded. "Yeah I'm here with him, what do you need?"
Harrison inform them saying there was a huge fire at where the captain fiance work. Barry flashes off.
"He on it." She reply to her father. "Thank you Varity. Are you coming over today?" She frown, "No I-I'm a little tired I'm going to head home and rest." He hum on the other line. "Okay call me when your home. She frown further. "Will do, bye dad." She end the call letting out a sigh. She look over to the group, "I'm going to head home these couple of days have been rough and to top it all off I have a new ability.
Joe approach her, "Do you need a lift home?" She gave him a slight smile. "I would appreciate it if you would u-unless your busy."
"It no problem I heading home as well." She nodded at his words as she thank him and wave Cisco and Caitlin goodbye.
Varity was dragged the next day again by Barry to the bunker. She sat on top of the cart randomly in the room. She was staring at the floor trying to ignore the lingering eyes when they discuss Wells.
The elevator open with a ding and Caitlin walks out. "I just talk to Dr.Wells he attending a lecture downtown won't be back until 5:00." Caitlin stops as she reaches the boys and turns to her. "Varity he also said he worried about you-"
"Let him worried," She responded coldly. "Varity.."
"Don't just don't," She cross her arms looking away from the group. "Just explain the plan so we can get this show on the road." Silence echoes the walls until Barry spoke. "All right Cisco when he gets here you need to be working on the trap so when he gets here he will see you working on the hologram."
"Hold on ain't that what happens in your dream when everything went-" Cisco cut him off.
"Khali Ma. Temple of Doom. Yeah, that totally happens but this time I'm ready for him."
Cisco walks into the force field. "I originally designed the force field to keep a speedster from getting out but I reverse it. Now it won't let one in." Cisco press a button on the gadget he was holding and a force field came up. He seductively lifts a finger and motion Barry to come toward the field. Varity got a bad feeling in my stomach. Barry told everyone to step back.
"Barry maybe you shouldn't-"
Barry hit the force field and hit the cart she was sitting on she topple off and fell on her back. She felt her chest go tight. Caitlin ran over to me examining me.
"She has a diaphragm spasms. Varity listens to me slowly breathe in your nose and exhale." Barry came over looking down at her. She did as told for ten minutes and her breathing patterns finally regulated. Sweat cover her forehead. "Barry Allen I would scold you but now I'm too tired," she stated lazily on the floor. She could see he felt horrible. "But I will forgive if you give me a piggyback ride." Caitlin shook her head at Varity as Cisco, Eddie, and Joe stood shocked.
Barry slowly helps her sit up as Caitlin looked very worried. "Mama bear I am alright," Varity said as she extended her hands toward her. She grab her hand gently as she pull her upward. Barry places a hand on her back as she gave him a little nod.
She turn around toward Barry. He bent down to her height. She put her arms around his neck and hops on to him as he grips her thighs. "Thank you. Now on with the show" She spoke as lay her head against his.
"Okay then...Well since Barry couldn't get in then I'm safe from Wells."Cisco spoke as she hummed to his words in agreement.
"And I will be in the cortex watching and recording everything that happens."
"And as soon we get the confession for my dad I'm moving in," Varity could feel the vibration in his chest as he talks. This made he relax she rested her head on his shoulder
"What do I do?" Eddie question Joe turning his direction. "Wells also threatened Iris so if something goes wrong we need you to keep an eye on her until Wells is neutralized."
"I always keep Iris safe Joe," Eddie spoke stern as he walks out.
Varity and Barry stare at Joe. He look at both of them. "What?" She let out a small sigh. "Come here," Barry said to Joe as he follow him."So Eddie told me what happen that you kiboshed his wedding proposal." Varity pick up her head, "Wait you denied Iris future husband."
"That was supposed to stay between us," Joe said frustrated."I so agree with that." Varity furrowed her eyebrows at Barry. "And I-I know we have a lot going on right and I should be the last person pleading his case but Joe I don't get it. Why did you say no?"
"Because if Eddie proposes to Iris she going to get caught up in the moment and romance and say yes."
"And what wrong with that? Don't you want to see your daughter walking down the aisle with you by her side?" Varity question softly. "I do it just I told Eddie that he didn't have a word in her decision unless he was her husband."
"Oh Joe, she always going to be your little girl but Iris is an adult. She needs to pave her own path plus you will always be by her side. Just think about it."
"911 text from Iris I have to go," Barry spoke to him. "What about me? Is it take Varity to work day" She joked while smiling. "Yep"
"Wait what Barry no..." Barry put her down. Her heels gently touch the surface to be grab again in his arms. She let out a yelp and clung onto him.
She could see him and Joe smiling. She couldn't help but smile. "Fine let go before I change my mind plus I miss Iris. Bye Joe!" Varity wave as Barry race to ccpd.
Barry walked in and spun her around she laugh blushing ever so slightly. She stop in her track to see Iris looking at two smiling ear from ear.
Varity swear she was waiting for her to make kissy faces at the two.
"Surprised he brought your favorite second person in the world, well hopefully" She extended her arms and engulfing her into a hug. They pull away as Varity stood next to him.
"What up? He asks Iris.
"Who reputation do I ruined?" She crossed her arms. She let out a giggle as she rolled her eyes at her playfully while he smirks at Varity.
"Look I know it not a good time I mean lately it never seems like a good time but I need you to really listen to me right now." Iris grabs her hand and gave it a squeeze.
Varity look down to there hands then back at her. Did she do something wrong? She thought to herself.
"Of course yeah, whatever you need to tell us," Barry responded as Varity nodded to his words.
"Okay, I know this is going to sound really crazy at first but." Iris let go of my hand whipping out a folder out of her jacket. "Everything strange that been going on in Central City it all goes back to the night."
Varity heart drops at those words.
"The night the particle accelerator exploded. "I've gone through every bit of information since I started my blog-" She presses the folder against Barry shirt as he takes it shock.
Varity had to admit his face looks funny.
"Every tip, every rumor, and every strange sighting. Nothing predates the explosion whatever was released during the explosion I think change people, gave them powers. Unless you want to confirm my theory Varity?" Iris turn to her.
"Um..." Varity started getting teary eyed again. Barry quickly spoke up for her putting a hand on her back.
"She really doesn't know much about the particle accelerator only Dr.Wells." Varity nodded at his words. "Y-yeah what he said."
"I think Star Labs knew about it. I think burning man worked there and I think that how the flash got his powers too." Barry walked around the lab examining the folder while Varity stood quietly. "So what do you two think?"
"I-I don't know it interesting, yeah it interesting there is, there is- there just a big hole in your theory."
"I was affected by the whatever was released by the accelerator and I don't have powers."
"Obviously," Iris responded. "Same goes for me," Varity raise her hand.
"Look I know it's mind-blowing and I haven't even talked to Eddie about it but- " Varity cut Iris off, "Yeah, how you and Eddie, is everything okay with you and Eddie?" Varity spoke changing the subject.
"Yeah were great why?" Iris said looking at her confused.
"Uh you know I just want some uh... godchildren," Varity spoke smiling.
Iris looked at her raising her eyebrow. Barry grabs Varity by the hand and the papers. "We will look over it, it just mind-blowing let us go through it and we will get back to you," Barry dragg her away.
"Yeah, Bye Iris!" Varity wave behind me.
"More like nieces and nephews." Iris smiled at the two looking at there hand interlock.
Varity was hiding behind Barry and Joe as Wells was going to kill Cisco. But Cisco put the barrier up.
"Oh, Cisco your smart but not that smart." He phrased the barrier with his hand raised smiling. Varity got up from her hiding place.
"Dad!" She yelled at him. He turned around slowly and spotted her. All he could see was the small scared toddler once more his smiled drop
Tears spill from the corners of her eyes.
Joe shot three bullets at Wells. One struck him at his heart. Varity eyes widen in shock as he look at her once more before falling over. Her ears were ringing.
"He didn't confess!" Barry yelled.
Caitlin ran pass her as she stood stuck. "Cisco are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just never going to sleep ever again but I'm okay."
Caitlin bent down and check his pulse. "He dead."
Varity heart race against her ribs as her heart fell.
"He didn't confess. Joe this was it my father going to be in prison forever" Barry pace. "I'm s-sorry Barry," Joe stuttered.
Varity ran out of the compound. She couldn't take the sight. Every memory with her "father" hit her. She saw him being by her bedside after the crash, her sneaking out and him catching her, him being next to her bed when days her condition worsen and prevented her from doing anything.
She finally let all her emotions burst. She fell to the ground holding herself tightly. A loud sob erupt from her.
She felt a hand on her cheek. She look up trying to push there hand away but froze. It was him.
"Your not real..." She spoke frighten her lip wobble.
He wiped his hand on his pants from the tears he collected, "You're getting worse."
She gritted her teeth looking away from him, "It's all your fault."
"You know stress is bad for the heart." He responded, "Let me help you."
"No! I don't want help. I don't care if you made me a promise years ago everything you said was a lie."
He hit the wall next to her with his fist and she flinch."I spare you that night!"
"Every night I thought of killing you, I couldn't! You know why...It's because you taught me how to be a parent to love."
She shook her head. "No, no, if you love me you wouldn't have used me you're so blinded by your goals that you can't even see how hurt I'm am."
He picks up his head "There coming we need to go." He grab her arm. "What n-no let me go!" She was then drop down to the concrete floor. The lights were dim and walls were full of grim dirt.
She look up to see Eddie and Iris.
"Varity?" She stand up shakily looking at Iris.
Eddie was then flung backward. Varity gasp running over to him as fast as she can shaking off the fear. Wells stood infront of him as she stood behind.
She started to get a dizzy. The stress was to much on her body. She ignore it lifting her hand directly at the man she use to call father. Her eyes turning a dark shade of purple. She was focus now.
"Stop hurting the people I love!" She threw electricity at him but he caught it and threw it back at her. She stumbled backwards. "Stay out of this!"
She clutch her side shaking her head. She slowly gain her balanced standing firmly.
"Your problems are my problems." She spoke shakily.
"Varity you don't have to do this." He pleaded. She smirk her eyes flashing little red streak before turning back purple.
"I know I don't but you need to learn what happens when love becomes a dangerous weapon." She raised her hands as her arms were cover with electricity pulsing through her body.
He looks at Iris.
Everything slow down, Varity look at her surroundings slowly. This remember this happen when she protected him from electricity now she turned against him.
She focus at the electricity coming out of from his torso. Now she stood infront of him behind Iris.
"How did you do that?" She didn't respond she quickly threw electricity against him. He flew back and fell to the floor. He then glance one more look at her and took Eddie.
"No! Damn it!" She yelled. Barry flashes in. "Iris are you okay!"
She turned around to Barry, "Varity what are you doing here? Are you're okay?!"
"Yeah I'm okay, but he took Eddie we need to get him back," She began to calm herself down. The electricity faded from her arms. Her eyes went back to light brown contacts.
"Iris head back home and Varity. I'll get him back," He told them as he grabs there hands.
He let goes of there hands and shock them then flash out. "Barry?" Iris said looking at her hands. Varity pretend she didn't heard her comment.
"You have explaining to do," Iris look at her.
"I will, I will but your driving so I can talk about me." She nodded as they made there way to home.
Iris trend for number 1 has died down but it was number one for 5 weeks which was insane so thank you so much also by the time this is publish the book hit 4,000 readers again thank you! How do you think Iris reacted when she finds out Wells took her boyfriend keep in mind she think Wells is Varity dad ;) Now that the end of this Chapter I hope you enjoy 💕
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