Chapter 2 The Streak
Nine months has pass since the accelerator went off. Star labs went down hill. Cisco and Caitlin were the only scientists that remained. During those nine months they were helping one guy who was struck by lightning and currently was in a coma.
"What are you doing?" Caitlin look at Cisco.
Varity look at her friends.
"Guys give him some personal space he got struck by lightning, also what with the song Poker Face, Cisco?" She place her hands on her hips.
"He likes this song," Cisco retorted bopping his head at the music. "How would you possibly know that?" Caitlin suggested her face clearly showing confusion and amusement. "I check his Facebook page, I mean he can hear everything, right?"
"Auditory functions are the last sensory faculties to degenerate" Caitlin replied as she went to check on him. Varity sat in a chair to the right of the stranger.
He suddenly gasp sitting upward as everyone yelp while she tumble of her chair onto the floor.
"Oh my God!" Cisco place his hand over his heart. "Not cool dude."
"Ow-wy." She wince rubbing her back.
The stranger look around confused of his surroundings. "Where am I?" She pushed herself up the floor rushing to his side.
Cisco notified Dr.Wells with his walkie talkie.
Caitlin immediately started running tests. She shine a small flash light to his pupils as he squinted. "Pulse of 120, equally reactive to light."
Cisco had a geeky face saying "Hey, hey, whoa, whoa, relax. Everything okay man."
The little one turned towards him. "Cisco if I was getting examined by someone I didn't know I would be freaking out too," She look at the man. "Also your at Star Labs."
"Who are you?" The stranger asked. "I'm Cisco Ramon." He look toward Caitlin who eyes were expressionless. "She Caitlin aka Dr.Snow." He then glance at the girl who tuck a strand behind her ear making him turn soft. "She the gorgeous-"
"Varity Wells." He finished as she waved sweetly at the stranger. "Of course you know her." She smirk at Cisco sassy attitude.
"I need you to urinate in this." Caitlin spoke sternly extending the cup toward Barry as the other two scrunch there noses in digust.
"Not this second." Cisco snatch the urinate cup. "What is... What is happening? What is going on?" He sat up. Varity sighed, "Look what you guys did, you freak him out, didn't I tell you this would happen?"
Cisco look at him with a goofy grin. "You were struck by lightning, dude."
"What?" He turned around to a monitor that was turned off. "Lightning gave me abs?"
She chuckled. "Most guys would be ecstatic with that news."
"Your muscles should be atrophied, but instead they're in a chronic and unexplained state of cellular regeneration." Caitlin explained.
"Come here, have a seat, you were in a coma." Cisco ushers him. His eyes widen at the new piece of information. "For how long?"
Dr.Wells welcome himself making himself heard. "Nine months, welcome back Mr. Allen. We have a lot to discuss. Would you come with us Varity?" She nod.
His stomach started doing flips at the sight of her she really was enchanting like the media said. "It hard to believe that I'm here. I always wanted to meet you face to face and o-of course your daughter too."
"Told you I had fans dad." He ignore her comment replying. "Well, you certainly went to great lengths to do it. S.T.A.R labs has not been operational since FEMA categorized us as a class four hazardous location. 17 people died that night, many more were injured, myself among them."
They arrived at the particle explosion. Barry look down at the gap as she look away not wanting the memories the flood her brain. "Jeez, what happened?"
"Nine months ago the Particle accelerator went online exactly as planned. For 45 minutes, I had achieved my life's dream and then, then there was a anomaly. The electron volts became un- measurable, the ring under us popped energy from that detonation was thrown into the sky and that in return seeded a storm cloud-"
"-That created a lightning bolt that struck me."
"That's right I was recovering myself when I heard about you." She gave her father a squeeze on his shoulder as he pat her hand comfortingly. They walk back to were Barry was first resting. "The hospital was undergoing unexplained power outages every time you were going into a cardiac arrest, which was actually a misdiagnosis because you see, you weren't flat-lining, your heartbeat was moving too fast for the EKG to register it. Now, I'm not the most popular person in town these days, but Detective West and his daughter gave me permission to bring you here where we were able to stabilize you."
"Iris, yes. She came to see you quite often." She nodded "She a very sweet person." Caitlin walk toward them. "She talks a lot."
"Caitlin that rude." She shook her head at her. "Also she hot." Varity slap the back of Cisco head. "This is why your single you have no game." He frown at her choice of words.
Barry began to worried. "What wrong?"
"I need to go" He stated starting to walk off. Caitlin look at him wide eyed. "No, no you can't." Wells look at her. "She right now that you're awake we need to do more tests. You're still going through changes. There so much that we don't know."
"I'm fine, really, I feel normal. Thank you for saving my life." And with that you could say he was gone.
"Really?" Caitlin sighed.
He then came back "Can I keep the sweatshirt?" Varity laugh, "Yeah, keep the sweatshirt, take it as a gift for our new friendship." He smirk replying "Okay." Leaving with a hurried.
"So why am I'm here? I now have to reschedule my modeling shoot, that if they accept." Caitlin walk by. "We're here since Barry says he can run fast. Plus I didn't want to be the only girl here."
"Fair enough." She replied heading over to the trailer. She look at Barry he was in an outfit that was not doing him glory she wince. "How does it fit?" Cisco question. Barry walk down out of the trailer pulling on the outfit "It a little snug."
"If you needed me to make him an outfit you could of just ask." She trail next to them. Cisco look at him. "Well at least you will be moving so fast no one will see you. See, you thought the world was slowing down. It wasn't, you were moving so fast that it only looked like everyone else was standing still. Dr. Wells will be monitoring your energy output, and Caitlin, your vitals."
"What do you both do?" Barry ask gazing at them curious. "I make toys, my man check it. This is a two-way headset with a camera I modified. Typically designed to combat battlefield impulse noise or in your case, potential sonic booms, which would be awesome."
"I'm here as your cheerleader and for backup support. Also probably soon your future designer and let's not forget stylist because that outfit is scary." He nod agreeing about the outfit. Cisco scuff taking off Barry protective gear from his head.
She stare at him then his messy hair biting her bottom lip. "What is it?" Barry question. "Your hair is a little mess up I was wondering if I could fix it." Her face had a tint of red as she look at him. "S-sure." She try to reach for his hair but she was just too small. "Can you get to my height, sorry I know I'm small it's embarrassing." He bent down closer to her while she swept his hair back to place. She could feel him stare at her face. He notice behind her makeup she had light freckles. "I think your height is cute and your freckles" She blush stepping away. "Um, thank you."
She quickly walk over to her father shy and embarrassed as butterfly fill her stomach at the compliment.
Wells glance at his daughter then Barry. "Mr. Allen while I am extremely eager to determine your full range of abilities, I do caution restraint." He nod lightly. "Good luck Barry." Her father look at her confused. "No kiss on the cheek?" She blush lightly. "I'm not even sure he knows about that." She shifted her attention back to him. "Do you?" He rub the back on his neck. "Yeah I do it always all over the magazine and news papers when you give someone a good luck kiss." She walk over to him going on her tippy toes pecking his cheek. "Good luck..." They stare at each other briefly.
She walk over to Caitlin while Cisco mouth was open as he stare at her. "What is it Cisco?" She asked innocently. "You gave him the lucky kiss."
"Yeah, he needs it. What if he injures himself when he running? You didn't really give him much protective gear."
Barry got into position and took off wind blast behind at them. She quickly held her skirt down. She look up to see a red streak. Cisco stated "He just past 200 miles per hour." A smile appear on his face. Caitlin eyes were wide "That's not possible." She focus her gaze on Barry him ram into the creates in front of him. She gasp. "Barry!"
Caitlin show him his x-ray on the tablet. "It looks like you had a distal radius fracture." Barry furrow his eyebrow. "Had?"
"It healed in three hours."
"How is that even possible?"
"We don't know, yet." Cisco walk over. "You really need to learn how to stop my dude." Wells joined in. "What happened out there today? You were moving pretty well, and then something caused you to lose focus." Barry voice soften. "I started to remember something. When I was 11 my mother was murdered, It was late, a sound woke me up. I came downstairs and I saw what looked like a ball of lightning, inside the lightning, there was a man. He killed my mom. They arrested my dad," He paused before continuing. "He still sitting in Iron Heights for her murder. Everyone, the cops, the shrinks, they all told me what I saw was impossible. But what if the man who killed my mom was like me?" Wells replied "Well I think I can say unequivocally you are one of a kind." She shook her head at her father disappointed at his choice of words. She gave Barry an hug he tense at her touch not expecting remorse.
She pull away quickly telling Cisco she would be in the next room designing his suit to try to cheer him up.
Barry storm in while Varity sat in her chair making notes on her tablet for what colors where in season. She was not only a model but a fashion designer. She look up when she heard the loud footsteps. "I wasn't the only one affected by the Particle accelerator explosion, was I?" The three scientists share looks at each other while the little one had confusion written on her face. "We don't know for sure." Wells replied as he shifted his attention. "You said the city was safe, that there was no residual danger but that's not true, so what really happened that night?" He glance at the three as there faces held either guilt or sorrow.
"Well the accelerator went active. We all felt like heroes and then it all went wrong. The dimensional barrier ruptured, unleashing unknown energies into our world, antimatter, dark energy, x-elements..." He trail off.
"Those are all theoretical" Barry stated. "And how theoretical are you?"
"We map the dispersion throughout and around the central city. Though we have no way of knowing exactly what or who was exposed. We've been searching for other Meta-humans like yourself"
"Meta-humans?" Barry question.
"That what we're calling them." Caitlin explained. "I saw one today. He's a bank robber, and he can control the weather."
"This just keeps getting cooler." Cisco look amaze. Varity hit Cisco on the back of his head and he let out a yelp. "This is not cool! All right? A man died. Mardon must have gotten his power the same way I did from the storm cloud. He's still out there. We have to stop him before he hurts anyone else. Barry was about to leave when Wells call his name. "Barry, That a job for the police."
"I work for the police." Barry stated. "As a forensic assistant."
"Your responsible for this, for him."
"What's important is you!"
"Not me. I lost everything. I lost my company. I lost my reputation. I lost my freedom. And then you broke your arm and it healed on three hours. Inside your body could be a map to a whole new world... genetic therapies, vaccines, medicine, treasures buried deep within your cells and we cannot risk losing everything because you want to go out and play hero! Your not a hero. Your just a young man struck by lightning." Barry look at the youngest then walk out.
"Barry" She mutter, quickly try to follow him but he was already gone. The words of her father ran through her head repeatedly. She decided to leave him a voice mail. "Barry its Varity I know this is against everything my dad told you, but we all need a hero. Your not just the guy who was struck by lightning. My mom once told me everything happens for a reason like fate. So I know you were destine to be a hero. You could save people just like the opportunity we never had so just think about it." She ended the call. She went into star labs.
"Varity I never meant I lost everything those words were only meaningless... I only said that to Barry so-" She cut him off. "If there where meaningless why did you even think about saying them I suggest you come up with an better excuse." She grab her items leaving for a breather.
As she sat down on the bench in a park listening to the children laughter and watching kids run after each other she got a call. She glance down seeing it was Barry.
"Hey Barry, what do you need?"
"Where are you right now and what are you doing?" Barry asked
"I'm at Central City Park not doing anything really, why?" She was now in star labs holding onto her phone on one hand and her other grasping his shirt. His hand was around her waist and there face inches away from each other. "B-barry um your hand." She squeak out avoiding his gaze. He quickly let go of her apologizing multiple times. "Sorry, sorry, I call you because I need someone to cheer me and plus Caitlin wanted you." He finish off. She gave him a smirk. "Its okay Barry I'm happy to be your cheerleader and Caitlin friend."
They walk over to were a map was lay out with boxes on the sides that was top with files.
"I've been going through over unsolved cases from the past nine months and there been a sharp number of unexplained deaths and missing people. Your meta humans have been busy. Now I'm not blaming you I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen I know you all lost something." Barry look at the two girls with a sympathetic glare. "But I need your help to catch Mardon and anyone else out there like him, but I can't do it without you." He look at the rest of them as they look at each other with determination written on there faces. "If we're gonna do this, I have something that might help. Something I've been playing with." Cisco had a smirk on his face. "Don't forget me I know I'm small but I'm right here." Varity raise her hand.
He then flip the suit around that was on a stand."Designed to replace the turnouts firefighters traditionally wear. I thought if S.T.A.R labs could do something nice for the community maybe people wouldn't be at angry at Dr.wells anymore." Cisco explained scratching the back of his neck. "How is it going to help me?" Barry questioned confused. "It's made of a reinforced tri-polymer. It heats and abrasive resistant, so it should handle your speed. Also the aerodynamic design should help you balance, plus it has built in sensors which can track your vitals. You can also contact with us when were here and your out and about." She spoke with excitement in her eyes. "Fashion is my passion and he just the brains."
"Hey!" He put a had of his chest as she let out a giggle. "Thanks Cisco and Varity, now how do we find Mardon?" Caitlin came in with a tablet "I re-task S.T.A.R labs satellite to track meteorological abnormalities over central city. We just got a ping atmospheric pressure dropped 20 millibars in a matter of seconds. I track it to a farm just west of the city." He was about to leave when Varity grab his hand she didn't know why it just felt right. "Barry wait." He look down toward her hand barley holding onto his wrist. Her hand was much smaller compare to his. "Good luck we don't know what your dealing with." She got on the tip of her toes kissing his cheek. Barry was daze her lips were so soft against his cheek and his heart felt warm. He quickly shook it off.
"What another one!" She rolled her eyes at him. "Shut up Cisco and get back to work."
"Yes mam, Barry that thing is getting closer. Wind speeds are 200 miles-per-hour and increasing. Barry, can you hear me?"
"Yeah, Loud and clear." Barry responded touching the mic on his ear. "If it keeps up, this could become a f-5 tornado." Her heart began to beat rapidly she took deep breaths in and out. "Its headed towards the city. How do I stop it? Guys? What if I unravel it?"
"How are you going to do that?"She questioned into the com concern dripping in her tone."I'll run around it in the opposite direction, cut off it legs." Cisco eyes widen. "He'd have to clock 700 miles-per-hour to do that." Caitlin spoke in the mic to him. "Your body may not handle those speeds. You'll die."
"I have to try."
Cisco chuckled happily looking at Varity. "The suit is holding up" Caitlin worriedly responded. "But he's not."
"He can do it I know he can do it." Varity spoke softly holding her hands together with anticipation. "It's too strong!" Barry groaned. Varity then did the one thing that she could think of She ran to get her father. "Dad! I know we had a disagreement but Barry needs your help, if your not gonna do it for him the please do it for me." He then came over to the mic speaking to Barry. "You can do this, Barry. You were right. I am responsible for all this, so many people have been hurt." He look at the two women's. "When I looked at you all I saw was another potential victim of my hubris and yes, I created this madness. But you, Barry, you can stop it. You can do this. Now run, Barry, run!" He finish off.
"It's over I'm okay he responded."
She let out a huge sigh of relief while Cisco was smiling like a dork and Caitlin was smiling at wells as he look at his daughter. She walk over him draping her arms into a hug. "Thank you Dad." He smile. He hasn't smile like that in a long time."I should go over there and check on Barry right?"
"Yeah go ahead Varity." He patted her hand as she gave a curt nod making her way to her destination.
She saw Barry talking to Detective Joe so she waited till they were done. Barry spotted her motioning her over. "Hey Barry....Hi Joe!" She gave him a hug. "Are you two alright as soon as I heard about the incident I came straight over here." Joe then look at her and Barry with a eyebrow raise. "Are you two..." Both of there hearts thump loudly before she shook her head quickly. Barry spoke up "No she just a friend a great supportive friend." He smile at her. "Yep thats me nothing more nothing less." She pointed to herself. Someone call Joe name. He pardon himself leaving.
She look at Barry feeling the awkward tension. "Did something happen between you two? I would of call but there was a storm and I can't call while I'm driving either."
"Varity he knows that I'm the flash. He told me not to tell Iris to protect her but she my best friend and I tell her everything." Barry sighed She let out a whistle. "Well I can't help you with that since I have no siblings but I can take you were ever you want its on me."
"No, it's okay I could use my speed but since you came all over here to check on me let me walk you to your car."
"Aww how sweet of you." She gave him her signature smirk as he turn his head hiding the blush on his face, Nobody could resist her radiant glow. They made it to her car. "Woah, wait this is not your car." Barry look between the car and her. "That what I keep telling myself too. Isn't she beautiful." She smiled looking at her reflection on the surface. "Yes but it a red Lamborghini." Barry spoke still shock. "Yeah my dad got it for me on my 16th birthday. You may have speed Barry Allen but I got a beautiful car who might be fast as you...sometimes." He let out a chuckle smiling at her humor. She sighed wanting to spend more time with him but remembering she had to go to work. "Well I have to get going I don't want to be late for my photo shoot bye Barry." She gave him a quick hug as he watch her drive off. He smiled to himself the rumors were true she really did know how to capture hearts.
She walk into S.T.A.R labs and look over to see Cisco putting something on the suit. She headed over to Cisco curious. Caitlin ask a question. "Why is it shaped like a lightning bolt?"
"Its a reminder to finally move forward to better and brighter days."
"I think it a great thing to add Cisco." He didn't respond to her as she held a smirk on her face knowing why. "Are you jealous of me giving Barry two lucky kisses in one day?" He replied "" She cross her arms raising an eyebrow "Yes." She laugh. "Well you got my hugs so you should not be jealous. Plus you know it's a fact I give the best hugs in the world right Caitlin?"
"But you gave him an hug today also." Cisco added. Caitlin put her hands up" I can't argue with that." She pull them into a group hug with a bright smile on her face. "Is this better Cisco?" He chuckled nodding. "Also why did you change you outfit again?" Caitlin question. "I just came back from a photo shoot, you call this changing and I call it the struggles." They both chuckled together at her little pout set on her face.
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