Chapter 19 Stranger
Eveyone was at Joe's house dicussing the investigation of Harrison Wells. Barry brought the best pizza in the west while Varity and Caitlin sat on the staircase as the boys drunk beer. She wouldn't be here, but Barry convince her to not stay with Harrison until they knew the truth.
"Caitlin, Varity want a pizza?" Joe question them.
"No thank you Joe I'm still full from breakfest." She lied she was hungry but she couldn't bring myself to eat.
"I'm not hungry." Caitlin spoke next to Joe as she got up.
"Okay so six months of investigating Harrison Wells has led us no where so we are going back to the beginning to see what we could find out." Joe told the boys and Caitlin as Vairty shook her head lightly no.
"Okay so what does that mean?" Eddie question.
Cisco gave his famous goofy smile "Roadtrip baby." Joe and Cisco clink their beers together. "Joe and Cisco are going to Starling City." Barry look at Eddie. Caitlin cross her arms, "Starling City what for?"
"To investigate the car accident he was in with Tessa Morgan and Varity 15 years ago." Joe replied as Barry look at her.
"I don't understand. Why?"
"Dr.Mcgee said after the car accident he became like a complete stranger." Barry face his attention to Caitlin.
"Because he lost the love of his life. You off all people understand how grief can change a person." Varity remember her teenage years and slightly nodded her head at her words.
"Caitlin we have to learn everything we can about that night. For all we know he could of kill Tessa Morgan as the reverse flash." Varity stood up. "I'm going to get some air I'll be sitting on the steps."
She open the door heading outside closing the door behind her. She took a few steps down sitting down rubbing her arms getting sick to her stomach. Soon after Caitlin accompany her. She pulled her into a hug as she saw Varity frowning to herself rubbing her arms for somebody of comfort.
Caitlin was on the computer in Star Labs covering for Cisco while Varity was next to her sketching on her IPad. Foot steps came from the entrance. She set down her tablet and pen down on the table. She turn around and saw Barry.
"Good morning" he said to her and Caitlin. Caitlin didn't turn around since she was upset with the idea of Harrison being a killer. "Hey." Caitlin she replied as Barry set his coffee down on the table.
"Can we talk about what happened yesterday both of you."
The two stood up. "There nothing to talk about." Varity responded while following Caitlin.
"There is actually V-Varity. Look I know after what Dr. Wells did for all of us it hard to wrap your head around this, but I need you both to see the truth."
"The truth? The truth is he save your life multiple times." Caitlin responded to Barry as Varity follow her. "Look I know but if I'm right about this-"
"If your right Barry if , and if your right about this I'm going to need to see some proof."
"Same goes for me." Varity responded.
"Proof, proof of what?" Harrison question as they all snap thier head toward the voice.
"W-we may have another meta-humans case in are hands. Barry stutter as Caitlin gave a tight smile.
"Barry we are always happy to help as you know. Have you heard from Cisco? He hasn't arrived yet."
"He has to help Dante his brother. He might need a few days of, but you have me." Varity finish with a natural smile. Harrison then went away. Barry phone vibrated.
"Eddie." Barry responded as he had the phone press to his ear. He then ended the call with a "On my way." then flash out.
Barry came back explaining how the man who had stolen jewelry turn to a woman. "A shape shifter?" Caitlin question.
"Yeah I literally saw a grown man morph into a teenage girl." Barry walk over to Varity.
"That fascinating today physicist has always regarded programable matter is nothing more than a theory but I guess your shape shifter proves it can be done." Barry lean against a chair.
"Wait so he or she or this person can transform into anyone they touch?"
"Yeah that include your Mr.Allen."
"If he touches you he can expose the guy under the mask which could be bad, but we are not sure if he can copy your abilities." Caitlin look at him.
"So avoid hands of the meta human got it." Barry responded put his hands up.
"So how do we find someone who can transform to any one?" Caitlin ask
Barry extended his hand out to Varity. She took his hand. He pull her up as she sigh and gave him a slight smile.
"Well in this case just go back to the beginning. In this case that would mean finding the first person that the shape shifter morph into discovering there powers."
Varity finally spoke up, "All we have to do is pull up the cases that the victim plead innocent even though they were caught on tape." Everyone look at her.
"I may be quiet today but dosn't mean I'm not listening." She placed her head on Barry chest. He place a kiss on the top of her head and rub her arm.
"I knew you had the genius in you." Harrison replied as she went back to being quiet. Barry grab her hand as they walk behind Dr. Wells.
"Look at that multiple at that matter all debating one month after the particle accelerator."
"And the first one was?"
"J. Fisher a federal credit union claims he was framed by his best friend a Hannibal Bates."
"I will pass this to the ccpd see if they could track him down. Thank you Dr. Wells."
If you were wondering why was she was quiet it because she was deciding if she should confront Harrison.
She walk to the doorway and remember her sneaking out of the front when she was a teenager and taking his car to all the way Starling City to party. She smirk to herself she was so mad.
He smiled fell. She needed to know.
She slowly slid her fingers down the door. She took a deep breath and rang his doorbell. As she was waiting Barry came up and took her into a middle of a road.
"Barry! Are you my stalker now?" He held both of her shoulder. "What were you doing at his house?!" He shook her shoulder raising his tone.
"I was going to get answers on my own! " She yelled in frustration.
He drop his hands turned around frustrated and then turn back to her.
"You can't! You can not talk to him!" Barry look straight at her eyes he eyes held anger.
"I just can't stand to the side acting like everything all right when it not! I just can't watch you runied his life and mine." She clench her fists.
"Your life?" Barry question
"When you were in the coma those nine months were my hell. I thought my bestfriend was dead. I saw my friend turn cold and hollow. He told me everything was going to be okay even if I didn't believe it because I-I'm" She was crying.
The words finally fell from her lips like a whisper being exchange, "I'm sick Barry."
"W-what?" His eyes widen. "D-don't make me say it again Barry that just c-cruel." She drop her head.
Barry pull her into a him picking up her head and wiping her tears slowly from her face with his thumbs.
She spoke up, "I'm doing this for your father, for you but when you know the truth please let me be the first to know." She place her hands on top of his clutching them.
He nodded, "Of course... h-how long do you have?" She sniffle lowly. "I'm not sure only time can tell." She spoke softly as she took his hands off her face. "Do Caitlin and Cisco know?"
"No not yet at least your the first I tell. But after everything done I should tell them..." He stared at her for the longest time as she stare back at him.
She then look to the ground, "I should head back home it's pretty late."
"Y-yeah." Barry stuttered as he look to his feet. Barry drop her off by her car and when she took out my keys he said her name.
"I promise your not alone in this not anymore." She nodded.
Varity was having a dream that Eddie went to visit Barry and as Barry turn around he hit him with the back of his gun. She sat up from her bed grasping her sheets.
"Just a dream...but just to make sure let call Barry." She look at alarm clock to see it was the afternoon. She grab her phone that was ontop of the dresser and rung him but he didn't pick up.
She change out of her pajamas and into her everyday clothing.
She grab her car keys and decided to give Barry a visit while getting lunch.
She push the doorbell, but nobody came attended to the doorbell. She knock on the door and yell Barry name but still no answer.
"Joe please forgive me." She took steps back then gave a hard kick to the door.
"Barry!" She walk around the living room to not see him. She then headed upstairs and slowly open all the doors until she enter his room. She circle the room stoping at his closet slightly crack open. "Please nothing inappropriate, please nothing inappropriate." She close one eye while opening the closet fully to see a unconscious Barry. "Thank god." She bent down toward him. "Barry!?" She shook him but receive no response. She look at her hand for a second and gave him a hard slap across his face.
He moan against the taped she took of his tape quickly. "Ow! For real? Why did you slap me?" Barry said in a high pitch voice.
"Because you were unconscious." She reply taking the tape out of his tied wrist.
"Smelling salt work as well." Barry rub his wrists. "Well I didn't know that Mr smarty pants so sorry but Are you okay?
Foot steps then approach them she look over her shoulder to see Caitlin.
"Uh...It not what it look like." Varity inch away from Barry. "I know it was Bates." Caitlin responded as she look at her.
"Well then we have a criminal to catch up too." Varity stood up. "Also can we please stop for some food soon because I skip breakfest and it look like Im going to skip lunch.
Varity turn to Barry playing with her fingers. "Oh I'm I might have broken the door..."
"You what!"
"Well you didn't answer when I called your name." She shrug her shoulders at him. "But don't worry I will buy you a nice new breakable door. Also please don't tell Joe."
She was sitting down on the desk eating a burger and fries while Harrison, Barry and Caitlin talk science about Bates. She ignore them since she had food.
Caitlin came toward Barry showing she had a antidote to stop Bates. Barry place his hand on her shoulder. But then she flinch. Why did she flinch? "Thank you no need for hugs or anything." Varity raise an eyebrow at her.
"Okay." He responded slowly.
Then something started beeping on the monitors. Caitlin headed to the computers analyzing were the source of the beeping was coming from. "Barry we got a ping from your cellphone look like he heading toward the airport."
Later on he came back with Bates and lock him up in the cell. "Hey cutie want to let me out." He said to Varity dress as Caitlin. "Nah I have the real deal right next to me plus she way cuter." She spoke to him.
Harrison then came forward to Bates. "See lots of things you can become but who are you Hannibal Bates?"
He then transform to his orginal form. "I can't remember...I can't remember he spoke to himself as his eyes were close shut and look less human.
"Let's lock him up. Goodnight everybody " Harrison said as he left.
Varity look at Barry, "What about Harrison did you find?" "I need to show you something. Both of you." Barry replied as he extended his hand toward her. She took his hand as Caitlin followed.
They were in ccpd. Cisco show her the proof on the computer that the DNA was her real father who lay dead as a corspe.
"That not possible." She stare at the computer."I ran the DNA twice Varity. That the real Harrison Wells."
"M-My f-father is dead." She cover her hands to her face. Cisco pull her close to him rubbing her back.
"W-who is he t-then?" Her head lay sideway on Cisco chest as she wipe the tears escaping the corner of her eyes.
Barry face her, "He a completely different person."
I felt this gif was appropriate anywayy thank-you so much! For your support this past week it been amazing💕💕💕 ALSO IRIS WEST HAS BEEN TRENDING NUMBER 1 TAG FOR THE PAST FOUR WEEKS HDHEHJEJ THANK YOU SO MUCH. I'm still in shock from everything happening to this book so fast I'm just greatful for you loves 💜 Now have a wonderful day 💕💕
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