Chapter 17 Flying Papers
Barry ask Varity if he could meet him at ccpd he couldn't break the news through the phone.
She enter in his office waving at Joe while Barry flash infront of the board and paper flew all around her. "Beware of the paper cuts!" She move away from all the papers flying around. Joe chuckled at her action.
"And Barry if your worry about me seeing your research on your mom it okay I already saw it remember?" She said as she pick up the papers of the floor and handed it to him.
"O-oh yeah." He responded rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
"So what brings you here?" Joe ask as her as Barry face them."I'm not really sure Barry ask me to be here." She shrug her shoulders and looking at him. "I wanted to ask you some questions about your father."
"Oh you could of just said that through the phone ask away." She place her hands into her overalls.
As she was answering the questions she got a headache. She hid her pain.
"Did your dad ever tell me why he wanted to help me?"
"To be honest no...he just said he felt like he had to help you but I assume it was because of the accelerator explosion." Barry nodded to her words. Joe spoke up, "Has your dad ever been suspicious to your eyes?"
"Only when he was working on projects he wouldn't really tell me anything. I thought it was cause he was so busy." She pause thinking slowly. "To be honest me and my father never were really close when it came to his work stuff. It what made us drift apart but then he told me he needed help with you-" She got a vision of presents floating from the sky and exploding in the park where it was full of kids. She was now looking outside worriedly.
"Do you protect your dad in anyway?" Joe said asking another question.
Usually she would be offended by that question but her focus was on outside. She look up to the blue sky seeing nothing. "Yeah from the paparazzi and his rivals of course. Why are you asking me these things?" She turned around to them.
"We are just trying to put a good word for him in ccpd." Joe replied lying. "That sweet of you but as I told Barry don't that will make his ego bigger." She pointed a finger at them.
Explosions were heard. She quickly shifted her eyes to window. Black smoke filled the sky. Barry walk behind her looking at her view.
"Go we can reschedule coffee date later." Varity replied still looking at the window shock at the sight.
He nodded and glance at Joe then flash out while paper flew around the two.
"So a date..."
"It not like that..." She turned around facing Joe with her arms cross over.
"Whatever you say." Joe chuckled to himself while walking away.
She pouted, "Meany." She responded catching up with him.
They were now in Star Labs watching a guy broadcast himself talking about the trick he played. Varity growled as he put innocent kids at risk.
"Talking in third person that never a good sign." Cisco look at the screen with the man who was named Trickster. Caitlin face him,"Your just mad because he name himself." Joe turn around facing them. "Actually he didn't 20 years ago the city was hit by a series of terrorist attacks one man kill ten civilian two cops and that guy called himself the trickster."
The screen show a old man, "James Jesse?"
"Like Jessy James but only more twisted." Joe responded to Caitlin. "Where is this Mr Jesse now?" Harrison ask him. He hesitated for a second but compose himself. "Serving several life senses. He was about the most dangerous ganster Central City ever seen."
"You mean until the particle accelerator blew up." Barry turn to Vairty father while she felt the tension rise in the room. "Barry and I will see this James Jesse in Iron heights and see if he can give us something that can help us catch this groupie." Joe replied
"I will analyze the video to see if I find something new." Cisco finished while Barry already walk out. She frowned and follow him. "Barry!" she yelled as she jog up to him. He kept going.
She stop in her tracks feeling a sense of dread, "Barry did I do something wrong?" He froze at her words he quickly turn around to see a hint of sadness pool into her eyes. "No you didn't do anything." "Then tell me what wrong Barry?" She took few steps toward him, "I-I can't tell you." He looking down at her.He eyes held confusion, "Why?" He grab both of her hands then pull her into a hug. She slowly put her arms around him.
"It to protect you just be carful around your father." He whisper lowly.
Her heart sank to the floor with those words. What did her father do now?
"Please." Barry pleaded as she look conflicted. She met his gaze caving in nodding. "Okay Barry I promise."
He kiss the top of her head then exit as she stood there alone.
Barry came back after discussing with the real Trickerster while she kept a distance from her father standing next to him as promise.
"Whoever this trickster is he certainly not shy."
"Well not every criminal has to hide in the dark." He look at her dad while she look at him tugging his sleeve.
"Uh um Cisco can you trace where the video was posted from?" Joe ask trying to ease the tension. "I try but this guy is using some crazy scrambler like I never seen."
Barry roll his eyes. She figure he was irritated so she took one of his hands he was crossing and rub circles onto his skin. He sigh giving her a gentle smile. At the moment he thought he didn't derseve her. Here he was investigating her father while she stood next to him comforting him when didn't even know the situation.
"The orgin of the upload is coming from hundred of different locations until he uploads another video it going to be tough." As he began to talk he squeeze her hand. "This psychopath has the abbility to destory the city."
"Hey I said tough not impossible." Cisco said offended putting his hand to his chest. "Barry we will catch him we always do." Caitlin replied
"Mr.Allen a word please." Wells look at him and her daughter.
She look down to there hands and slowly let go. "I'll be here if you need me." She put her hands in her overalls. He smile at her heading to Wells.
She got a messager earlier from Iris asking if she could meet her at Jitters. Vairty assume it was to talk to the flash as usual.
It was now late the two stood at Jitters alone talking about random stuff as she had a caapuchino in her hand.
"I don't think he going to come." Iris cross her arms looking at Vairty.
"Just give him a few more seconds." She put the cup to her lips. She ignore her and was about to leave when the flash came in.
She put down her drink "I told you." She snicker as Iris rolled her eyes.
"I thought you were a full time reporter now. Why are we meeting here?"
"I still have a key." She held them up.
"Lucky... imagine if she wanted coffee at night." She pick up her cup.
"Like you?" He smiled under his mask. She smirk placing the cup dowm gently. "No I came because I needed to say thank you to the floor."
"What up?" Barry look at her sipping her drink. He couldn't help but stare at her light pinks lips. "My coworker Mason Bridge is missing. He not at home, he not answering his phone I mean it not like him I'm really worried something bad has happen." Iris spoke pacing. "I'm sure he fine." Barry spoke distracted
Iris sigh, "That what Eddie says, that is what everyone is saying. Please will you look into it for me for us." Iris nudge Varity loooking at her. She snap out gazing at Barry.
He turned looking at Varity. "For you."
"Thanks." She mumble at him
"Um are you okay you seem like you have a heavy heart." Iris question. "He human Iris, heros feel too. But something tells me he has a special someone in his life who looking out for him. Almost like cheerleader..." She smiled at him.
"I wonder why I wear a mask with you." He directed at her as she chuckled. "Me too."
"Maybe one day you will take it off." Iris spoke up.
He then press the com to his ear getting a message from Cisco. "Can I borrow your laptop?" Flash ask Iris.
"Yeah help yourself." She move away.
He was already on the laptop looking at the broadcast. It show the copy cat trickster with a big bomb he told them a clue of where the bomb would be. He then flash off.
Vairty quickly told Iris bye and ran out to her car to Star Labs.
As she ran in Star Labs she got a headache showing Barry father capture by the real Trickerster.
Great now Barry going to be more frustrated she said to herself and walk in to the room seeing he was not listening to her father commands.
She stood next to Caitlin hearing the intercoms.
"I'm going to keep looking." Everyone look at each other confused as she wasn't faze. A few seconds later he said he found it but it was a trick.
"Yeah we know Iron heights is getting broken into as we speak." Cisco look at the computers.
Barry call Joe to inform him what was happening. He said he knew but they took a hostage which was Barry father.
It was the next day and they discuss what they knew about the situation and how we were going to approach it. She stood behind Barry who sat on a chair.
"I should of been there."
She then went around him and took his hands bending down a tiny bit to his level as she was already short.
"We will find your dad." She look straight in his eyes. "Definitely." Cisco added. Caitlin came and put a hand on Barry shoulder comforting him .
Barry look at Joe then Wells while getting up. He extended his hand for Varity to take she grab on to it as he pull her up gently.
"I guess I should of listen to you." Barry look at Wells letting go of her hand walking away.
She stare at him sadly. Joe past her patting her shoulder and headed toward him.
She was sitting down deep in her thoughts how to cheer Barry as got another headache. She saw a poster with the Mayor Bellows and many people with what look like wine.
"I need to head somewhere." She said immediately going to the Mayor Bellows speech.
She walk in showing her ID "Varity Wells." She spoke as they let her pass. She examine her surrounding to see Iris.
"Excuse me, Pardon me." She spoke making her way to Iris.She grab her arm firmly. "We have to go now..." She stareinto her eyes. "Hey Varity...What why?" Iris look confused at her actions."I explain later but we need to-"
"James Jesse, The Trickster, I'm here to relieve you people from all your money because we know if your in this room you got loads of it." The man next to him pull out a gun.
"Why don't you think anybody will give u a cent?" The rerunning mayor ask."Because that wine they slurp like fruit punch I added a little something special to it trymethyl-mercury-32, poison. Without the antidote you be dead in one hour."
A man started spitting out foam.
"I remember you, you got to the party about one hour early. I offer you the very first glass champagne."
The man fell dead while Vairty cover her mouth.
"A hour is plenty of time for all of you to call bankers and transfer everything to the account number on the bottom of your glass. Once my young friend and I are rich you'll get the antidote."
Varity turn around calling Joe putting her phone in speaker and pushing the phone back into her pocket.
"If any of you call 911 well we switch the led poison." He pull out a gun.
The trickster circle around her stoping as he stood infront."Well hello you know I been in prison for 32 years." Jesse said trying to flirt. She rolled her eyes, "I can tell by your hair color at least you know the routine for when you get back and your little friend or should I say son." She said smirking. He tense. Barry quickly grab the man and slam him. "Where Henry Allen!"
He place a bomb on his suit."You see that bomb I place on you well if you run below 600 miles you will go boom so I suggest you run run run run!"
The son activated the switch for the bomb. Barry ran out.
Later he came back stinging eveyone with a needle for the antidote. "Ouch. I didn't need to get a antidote I came to late to even drink." She rubbed her arm. Barry came back putting a bandage on her arm as she smiled.
Vairty drop Iris home and headed to Star labs
She didn't change out of her clothes since she went back to Star Labs and met Henry Allen.
"Wow this stuff didn't exist in my time period." she smile at his comment as he look around the lab. "I would gladly give your tour when ever you come out." Henry look at Cisco "I will shut up now." Varity chuckled to herself.
Caitlin then went over to him. "Mr.Allen I feel the need to give you a hug." "Absolutely. I will always except a hug." Henry spred his arm out. Varity was standing next to Barry shyly looking at him from the corner of my eye. Henry came over.
Barry face him."Dad meet Varity Wells daughter of Harrison Wells."
She extended her hand to him.
"It a honored to meet you face to face." Henry shook her hand.
"Thank you for taking care of my son."
"Dad..." Barry scratch the back of his neck. She giggled, "My pleasure."
She stood next to Barry resting her head on his shoulder as his father thank her father. Henry came back and look at his son and Barry went over to him.
Barry and Henry hug each other while he got a little teary eyed.
She went and hug Barry."It seem like you could use a hug too."
She walk out to change out her outfit and letting Barry talk to her father.
Hi guys! I usually update every two weeks on a Sunday but this week I plan to update earlier then this Sunday. The reason is because I want to relax since I had a Asthma attack. I don't want to stress about not updating usually on the day I update so might as well release the chapter early. So if I don't update my book it not that I abandon my book its just so I can take care of myself. With that said I hope you enjoy the chapter! And the beginning of the new year is going great for you 💕
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