Chapter 16 Kidnapped me Please
Varity walk into Star labs with Caitlin and Cisco with smoothie in there hands. Cisco was worrying about his brother birthday party. "I shouldn't go" He replied. Varity turned her head toward him. "Cisco he your brother..." "Not by choice." He pointed out
"Well how bad can a birthday party be? " Caitlin question, "Um my folks think Dante dosn't make mistakes no matter how much he screws up or how many times he get into trouble in there eyes he could do no wrong and yet they never fail to remind me that I can do no right."
Caitlin turn around facing hI'm as they halt in there tracks. "What if we come with you?" She offered. "What seriously!?" He asked sarcastically. "Absolutely you done so much for me, let me be there for you for a change and I could look at old family photos albums and see what little Cisco looks like without long hair."
"...No." Varity choke on her drink. Cisco patted her back. After she finally stop choking she look at him. "I was not expecting that."
They walk in to the lab discussing Clyde Mardon.
"Clyde Mardon has a brother?" Caitlin look at the photo on the screen. "So both Mardon's brother survive the plane crash and then the dark matter release by the particle accelerator explosion effect them both."
"Inversely the same way." Barry and Wells spoke at the same time while Varity raise an eyebrow at him.
"Not like Clyde at all he can do things that you couldn't even imagine." Barry continue on looking at the screen of the mugshot.
"You mean he sorta like a..."
"Weapon wizard." Barry said in sync with Cisco. "Yeah..." He squinted his eyes at Barry.
Varity brung her smoothie to her lips taking a slow slip looking at the scene unfolding infront of her.
"Trigeminal headache." Caitlin and Barry say the same time.
"Do you mean-"
"Brain Freeze." Varity and Barry say at the same time.
"Wizard." She whisper to him while he smiles pulling her close into a side hug. "Maybe." He look to her shimmering eyed to her lips distracted. She blush slightly not knowing what to say, "Um..."
Her father ask if can Barry speak to him in private. He follow behind him as Varity turn around to Cisco, Caitlin and Joe.
"Is Barry on something?"
"No, no, no, and no." Joe replied he been acting weird since this morning.
"Oh he probably deji vu then." She shrugged.
Barry then came back with Clyde Marton.
"Wait I don't understand how you found him?" Barry look at Varity thinking of something, "Uh I just had a hunch."
"That got to be some kind of record." Caitlin smile at Barry. She huffed "I say it deja vu or drugs." She squinted her eyes at him as he rub the back of his head.
Cisco walk away "Well there go an excuse for bailing on my brother birthday." The two woman followed chanting "Baby pictures, baby pictures."
Cisco shove Varity lightly. "Oof, watch it Cisco. I still need to get my revenge on you." She tumble a bit. "I'll let you see the baby pictures." Cisco spoke frantically. She smiled happily, "I knew you would come around."
They walk in to Cisco family to see a lot of people there. The walls were a white-ish yellow decorated with balloons and flyers. There was a cake in a corner three stories high and under the table gifts layed all around. In a other corner there was a piano.
"Your parents really went out with the cake." Caitlin look back at Cisco "Oh well it is Dante birthday. Most important day of the year."
"Dont worry Cisco I'll make you a cake four stories tall and add figurines." Varity nudge him as he smiled at her comforting words
Dante saw Cisco and came over.
"Hey wassup man. Glad you can make it."
"Of course." Cisco responded while Dante look at the two girls. "Hi I'm Dante."
"These are my friends Caitlin and Varity." Caitlin extended her hand.
"Hi happy birthday." Caitlin shook his hand.
Varity extended her hand toward him "Well Cisco told you my name so Feliz cumpleanos Dante." He took her hand and kiss it. "Thank you." he responded with a wink
Cisco extended his hand to give Dante the gift so he could let go of Varity hand.
She look down at her hand shock her mouth hanging open as Caitlin stiffled a laugh.
"I got you a gift. I think you'll really like it."
"Thank men... Excuse me." Dante then left.
Later Dante play the piano for eveyone and then approuch Varity once more. "Ah I was a little rusty I haven't play in awhile."
"Oh well if that was how you sound rusty can't imagine how practice."
"Well for you I play for you morning evening and night."
Varity blush into Cisco shoulder. She had to admit that was romantic.
"So you had to get up in the morning."
She pick up her head lightly confused.
"Lucky for you I'm not a morning person." She rested her head on his shoulder again while Dante send her a wink. She hid her face again as now she was fluster.
"So mom tell me your still working in star labs."
"No reason man. Guess it was hard to find another job."
Varity was about to say something when Cisco replied.
"Well I wasn't looking I actually like working in star labs." Caitlin then spoke up "And we couldn't do what we do without Cisco."
"Yep." Varity planted a kiss against Cisco cheek. "My hero..." She smiled at him. "Oh he loyal just like a dog."
Cisco face smirked drop,"Oh come on why you so serious mija."Cisco shake his head storm out hurt. "Happy Birthday." Caitlin said grabbing Varity arm real quick.
As she was being drag away she received a call from Barry.
She pick up her phone. "Varity Wells how...Caitlin! Stop pulling me I'm not going to kill him...Anyway are you okay Barry?"
"O-Oh um no me and Linda call it off."
"I'm sorry Barry." She trailed off.
"Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to come with me tommorrow to get coffee at Jitters and talk and tell each other stuff, stuff rolling around in are heads I dont know."
She smiled to herself, "Okay yeah sure sounds great."
"Okay great, great alright I'll see you."
"...What did he say?" Varity got a idea. "That he want to see me in a shorter dress." Caitlin hand drop as she took her chance to go back inside to strangle Cisco brother. "Varity!"
She groaned lowly in pain rubbing her temples she saw a blonde girl smirking sweetly at Cisco.
Varity wonder how the vision was bad sure may be showing some cleavage but that his taste. She thought to herself.
She walk into jitters and saw Barry smiling he pull out a chair for her as she made her way. She thank him her cheeks turning a bit red. He then place a cup on the tablem "A cappuccino just how you like it."
She took a sip. "Just that way I like it." She smirk looking back up to his eyes. He soften up. "Yeah I know. I know you Varity." She smiled setting down her drink.
"...So what going on with you Barry? You're acting like Christmas came early."
"Uh I guess it did kinda." She look at him confused. He then grab both of her hands on the table. She look to there hands then back up at him. "Look Varity I still think about you all the time and I know you been thinking about me too so let just stop thinking and start doing."
"U-uh, Barry not to be rude-"
"And I know I know we both have awful timing, but we were meant to be."
"You and me we like each other."
She pull her hands away setting them on her lap, "Barry I told you that I needed time. I'm not sure what Ronnie told you but if he told you something then he forgot to mention that I-I fear no, um I"
She took a breath. "I'm not ready to love Barry. So its why I need time. I need more time till I'm ready then when I'm am I will give you my answer."
They sat in silence. He look heartbroken and shock.
She didn't know what to say to comfort him. "I should get going I'm going to be late for a shoot." She got up and left Jitters quickly.
She was driving toward her denstination for the shoot when the one of her tires pop making car swerve out of nowhere. She turned the wheel hard so the car wouldn't tumbled. The car skidded to a stop as she press on the breaks. She put the gear on park.
"Can this day get any worse?" She muttered to herself.
She heard tapping on her glass window.
She snap her head around to see Snart. She push her window down.
"You got to be kidding me." She spoke loudly as he raise a eyebrow at her.
"You know today hasn't really been my day so if your going to kidnapped me I will comply with you."
"Well that was easy." A girl voice said behind.
"Varity meet my baby sister." Snart step away. "Hello baby sister." She place her keys in her pocket.
"She the girl with the cleavage."
"The what!"
She exit closing the door.
"Nevermind that can you do me a slight favor since I'm letting you kidnapped me against my will. I need you two to help me push my car off the road because I'm pretty sure you two are not paying for towed."
As they finish pushing her car of the road she extended her arms.
"Okay take me away." They both look at her disbelief. "Or not..." She look at them as they haven't made a move. Snart grab her and took her away.
As snart was driving he look in the rearview mirror to see her conflicted looking at the glass.
He decided to ask her what's wrong.
"What's wrong charming Varity." She look up to the review mirror and began talking. "Well Cisco brother flirted with me but then insulted him and Caitlin wouldn't let me threat him. Then her fiance told the flash that I like him without my knowledge or permission but I'm not ready for a relationship right now since the timing is awful. He try telling me we are meant to be. But then I have to be the bad guy and say I'm just not ready. And then you came and pop my wheels so no more drifting till I get my car towed and some new wheels." She stop ranting and crossed her arms.
"You drift?" Snart raise an eyebrow as he look at her through the rear view mirror. "Whatn I may be rich and famous and sweet in the magazine but I had my rebel stage."
"Do you drive motorcycles?" Snart sister ask. "Yeah usually at night if the weather nice or if I have a need for speed and danger." She perk up her slump figure smiling. She turn around facing her. "So would you be down to race?"
Varity brighten up "Hell yeah! I haven't race in such a long time but let you know I am royalty around here."bThe car finally stop. She turn around and face Snart "Snart I like her."
"We all do she the charming Varity Wells." She blush, "Aw stop it your making me blush back here."
Snart open her door and took her arm pulling her up. He led her into the house and handcuff her to a chair.
Varity look around to see Cisco and Dante. "Oh did he kidnapped you guys aswell?"
They both look at her nodding slowly . "Cool no pun inteded." she responded as snart shook his head and left.
Mick was watching them while taking shots. Cisco and Dante were talking in Spanish. Varity ignore them.
They started speaking in English.
"I told her you wanted to become a priest broke her heart."
"Why you do that?"
"Because I was jealous of you men even then I knew exactly where my life was headed, no where."
Varity felt bad for wanting to kill him now. She place her head on Cisco shoulder getting tired.
"Dante that not true."
"I work at home and I work at a crap job with no pay."
"You still manage to be mom and dad favorite."
"I don't even know why. Is it because they still think of me as there son a concert pianist? You, men, they never understood you. They never understood you pursue your passion no matter what. Me? I was just to scared to even try." Dante scuff and turn his head.
He then started talking Spanish again.
Dante started kicking the table and the table collapse he took the leg and try to hit Mick but he hit him a glass cup to his face. Mick started coming toward them and Cisco try to swing at him but miss. He gutted Cisco.
"No!" Varity yelled as electricity pulse through her. She place her hand infront of him pretending to shoot electricity but she actually swipe him over his feet. Snart came down the stairs and saw Mick on the floor.
She was breathing heavy looking at him while she heard her heart beat race in her ears.
"Don't hurt the people I love." She crouch down to Cisco as he sat up looking at her.
"Your a good brother Cisco. I let you walk out with your family if you answer my question."
"What the question?"
"The flash who is he?"
"I swear I don't know he always wear a mask."
Snart shot Varity hands with the blaster. She yelled out in pain.
"This is first degree frost bite your sweet Varity can cover with proper treatment and if not all her tendies, blood vessels and nerves will freeze her fingers will need to be amputated."
Snart stroke her cheek as she wince in pain. "Now tell me who is the flash."
"You jerk." She croaked
She woke up to a tingling pain in her fingers. She look down to see someone holding her hand. She saw Barry face.
"Hi." She spoke slowly now feeling bad of rejecting him."Hey." He said while tracing light circles on the top of her hand with his thumb.
"I'm sorry." They both said at the same time.
"Why are you sorry I'm the one who broke your heart and literally let myself get kidnapped."
"You what!" His mouth drop open. She shush him,"Let keep that between us I don't want my dad getting preachy. It will boost his ego and probably his head."
"Cisco probably told him already." Barry said with a smirk "That assbutt." He smiled at her reference.
"I went after Snart." She raise an eyebrow. "Did you kick his assbutt?"
"I threated him.." He responded
"Next time I see him I'll..."
Barry shut her up with kissing her forehead. "Oh-" She was now mushy, her cheeks were the color of cotton candy.
"I know I been selfish but someone one told me Waiting is a sign of true love and patience, anyone can say 'I love you,' but not anyone can wait and prove it's true." Varity I'm going to wait and prove it's true even if its the friendship kind of love I will wait.
She look at him in his green eyes and nodded "Okay Barry, okay.."
They stood silent for a bit.
"Barry tell my dad thank you for my favorite blanket and go be a hero."
Barry nodded at her and kiss her forehead once more then headed to the door. He turn around glancing at her one last time and flash off. "My hero." She finish smiling at the door he left.
Aaaaaaaaah WHY DID I MAKE BARRY ADORABLE *fangirl intensify* Anyway hope you guys enjoy this chapter and if your wondering why I made Varity get hurt instead of Dante it is because in the episode Harrison Wells keep repeating if you change the time period it will just get worse so instead Barry getting a kiss from Varity him ended up getting Varity hurt and plus I could make her spend more time with Barry 😏 and happy early new year's 🎉🎆🎆🎊
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