Chapter 15 Little Flame
Warning: Triggered warning of self-harm if triggered please skip this chapter it may not be use for intentions of self harm or suicide but I know personally people struggle with self harm if you do please call 1-800-273-8255 they are available 24 hours of the day and just know your loved.
She made it to the middle of nowhere finally while out of breath. She sigh to herself and walk around in her flats. They made crunching noise beneath the snow. Her power made her move to the nearest generator which was many block away while the electricity in her kept her warm
As she got closer to the explosion there was smoke around. The white snow was now black. She cover her mouth and slid down the snow seeing silhouettes of four people. She smile to herself and ran well actually more like limping toward the silhouettes. "Ronnie! Caitlin! Professor Stein! Barry!" She was a few feet away from them but then collapse. Her legs were weak from all the walking she did. Barry flash in front her. "Hi B-Barry." She said out of breath looking up.
He then try to help her up but she began to fall again on top of him just like this morning. "Sorry." She said while Barry held her waist. "It okay." She look up at him. He had snowflake in his hair. She look away embarrassed remembering her eyes were purple. She thought she look like a freak. He sat her down on the snow and examining her arms. She squirm under his stare. "Varity look at me." He spoke gently. She turn her face toward him. Her noise, cheeks, and ears were slightly pink as he her hair held snowflakes while her eyes swirl like the galaxy. He put his hand toward her cheek. She close her eyes against his soft touch. "We will figure this out later right now we got to make sure the other are okay." She spoke. He nodded. "Well since you can't walk I'm going to have to carry you." She smile and said her favorite words "Piggy back ride." He grab her legs while she wrap her arms around his neck. "Were coming home all of us." Barry said through the intercoms.
She started drifting to sleep unintentionally on his back he guess it the side affects of the powers.
She was dreaming, she heard a helicopter flown over her. She look up to the sky to see the army. They all surrounded her quickly. She try to find a exit but every corner was block all of them held weapons at her. One shot at her but before she could feel anything she woke up gasping.
She try looking around but her view was black out. She heard arguing from Ronnie and Stein.
She took off whatever was blocking her view. She turn it around to see it said "Go away" She knew it was Cisco doing, but revenge was going to be serve later. As she try to move she felt needles stuck into her skin. She sigh and counting to three to pull out the needles carefully. She mumble not so intelligent words to herself as she drop the needles. She grab bandages and place them on her arm.
She got up to see professor Stein walking out. She would ask about it later.
"Ronnie..." She smile widely. She still look like a mess but she didn't care he was glad his bestfriend was okay. She ran up to him throwing her arms around him while he pick her up spinning her around. "Varity!" He put her down while she hug him tightly.
"I miss you, I miss are debates about who was the most stylish by the way its me, I miss us eating football pizza together while watching the game and ordering every topping there was, I miss you and Caitlin together, I miss you comforting me in any situation-" He cut her off by hugging her closer to his chest kissing her forehead. "I miss you too little V." She stop hugging him. "So how about some pizza with my two favorite girls?"
"Definitely you earn it." Caitlin said to Ronnie as they kiss.
Varity couldn't be any happier.
Then her dad came in. Oh no, Abort! abort! nearest exit 20 feet away leading to the parking lot. She look down to her socks. She then knew her chances of success 0 percent. She then got an idea she then move behind my dad. "Let me get ready for some pizza on the house!" She spoke in a high pitch tone booking it to the elevator. "Varity!" Her dad yell while she click down on the elevator multiple times.
They were at Jitters. "And the boomerang go flying through the cortex and Cisco goes like my bad this one is on me." Caitlin said to Ronnie while she shake her head from that incident.
Varity wonder how Felicity was doing. She noted to herself to pry on her relationship with Oliver.
"Sounds like you two had some crazy times."
"Tell me about it." Varity responded to Ronnie while laughing with Caitlin. Ronnie then look at her whispering to Varity ear, "Can you give us a second." Whelp what did she expect for a third wheel. She nodded exiting looking at her phone. She look to see she had 3 miscalls and they were all from her father. She then notice a red laser on her. Varity look up to see men with tranquilizer by the window. She quickly drop down to the ground while glass was now spread around, people ran out screaming in fear. She look to Caitlin and Ronnie table to see Ronnie still there. "Ronnie!"
He slid next to her. "Varity what are you still doing here still?!" "I'm apologizing to floor that I fell onto of it so I wouldn't get tranquilize!" She spoke sarcastically while raising her voice. He would of laugh but there where in a bit of a predicament. "Come on!" He grab her hand and pull her up as they ran to exit in the back into an Alley. As they ran they heard a man name freeze. She look to Ronnie as he nodded at her. They both stood still raising their hands up. They slowly turn around. She look to see Eiling. "Ronnie Raymond burning man himself well half of him and sweet Varity Wells."
"Who are you?" Before Eiling could answer she answer for him "A murder who put disrespect to the military name just to gain power." Eiling snicker at her comment. "What do you want?" Ronnie ask him. "Firestorm." Varity look back to see Barry fighting the military. Barry stop and stare at Eiling while all the soldiers were on the concrete floor knock out cold. Eiling threw something in the air. Before Varity could react needles were all over Barry stabbing him. "Hah stings. I had that specially made for you. Firestorm was my main objective but getting you is great." Varity stood in front of Barry and Ronnie while Ronnie examine Barry below. A car then came roaring in which she assume was Caitlin as it was a white van. She open the door yelling get in. Varity help Ronnie pick up Barry and put him in the car.
Caitlin was taking out the needles from Barry while Varity pace around. "You need to hurry Barry wounds are starting to heal with the fragments under his skin." Wells commented. "It just like the time I step on a sea urchin." Barry then turn his head as Cisco raise a brow at him. "Only much worse." Barry grunted at Caitlin pulling the needles slowly. "Just don't pee on me." "You know that a myth." Barry chuckle a tiny bit and Caitlin pull three needles out. Barry grunted slowly breathing in and out.
"I'm so stupid Jason rush the Ed student who was helping perfect professor Stein with his firestorm research he that the army took all professor Stein material when he disappear I should of know." Caitlin commented.
Varity stop pacing made her way to Barry grabbing his hand. She hated seeing him in pain. As she held his hand and look at him she felt a rush of energy come to her. Barry seem a little more relax now. "V-Varity did you just took some of the kinetic energy?"
"I-I don't know." She stuttered looking at there hands then back to his green eyes. She felt stares at the back of my head. "Let's just finish this, I got to get to Stein house." Varity look to see Stein walk in. "Look like he here." She reply, "I don't think Mr. Raymond and I distinctive as we hope so."
"So I'm inside Ronnie." Stein said as they look at the monitor showing his brain and Ronnie connecting. "There has to be a better phrase to say that." Cisco spoke, She scooted away from disgusted Cisco as they chuckle. As she scooted toward Barry while he took her hand and pull her into him. "Not funny." She said pouting at him he then just kept smiling downward at her."Kinda funny." She slightly smiling while he gave me a sly smirk.
She always wondered how many girls he kill with that smirk because every time she sees it she couldn't help but get butterfly's in her stomach like a teenage girl. They stare at each other for a few more seconds until she turn around ducking her head down so he wouldn't see her blushing.
"Beta, alpha, delta all your brain waves are perfectly in sync that chances of that happening are next to impossible." Caitlin pointed the screens looking back at Stein. "Impossible is just another Tuesday for us remember?" Barry said looking at Caitlin. "It should be taco Tuesday." Varity commented.
"This is like some twilight zone level stuff and I say that knowing full well we have a guy lock up in are basement to poison gas."
"Really?" Stein question Cisco. "Dude that was like week three."
"Look if Eiling is dangerous as you say I need to warn Clarissa." Stein said standing up looking at Barry worriedly. "Look I promise I can get Clarissa out the city in time but we need you to stay here, professor I need you to trust us." Barry took a step slowly to Stein. "Very well." He responded heading a different direction following him
"Hey are you both okay?"
"No." Varity responded
"Are you hurt do I need to get Caitlin no maybe I should get Dr.-" She walk up to Barry with a amuse smile. "I didn't thank the floor for saving me." She turn around looking at Ronnie sticking out her tongue at him. Ronnie roll his eyes. "Ignore her."
"He can't I have the Varity Wells charm which people can't resist." She wink at Ronnie as he raise an eyebrow looking how close there were. "Star Labs change a lot." He exclaimed. "Ronnie this isn't the world you knew. Think about it." Barry walk away while she patted Ronnie on the shoulder. She was walking away but Ronnie grab her arm and turn her around facing him.
"Told you I'm one of a kind. You already miss me." Ronnie let a low chuckle. "Tell me the truth are you and Barry dating?" Her eyes widen "No, no, no, nooo did I say no?" She wave her arms around shaking her head. "You two seem pretty close."
"He has a girlfriend." She look down to the floor and rubbed her arms. "You guys to seem to have a connection and the way he look at you I can tell he loves you," She blush staying silent. "It's the same look I give Caitlin."
"H-He did tell me he loved me but-" He interrupted her "But what?" She pick up her head. "I rejected him...and he didn't do anything wrong it just because I-I came out a relationship a-and..."
"You dated!?" She wince, "Yeah but he broke my heart... I kind of uh sent him to hell. Then I needed time so I told him no." Ronnie rub his forehead as he look at her. "He a good guy."
"I know just give me time I'm hurt."
"No your scared." Ronnie saw past her lie. She bit her lip. "Fine I'm scared Ronnie. I'm scared someone will love me for fame like the previous jerk. I'm scared maybe the next day I just might never wake up." She finish quietly. Ronnie pull her into a hug. "You should tell them." She look up, "Ronnie you know I can't it it will break there heart."
"Then at least think about it."
They enter Joe house with Iris since it was Tuesday and they were going to make tacos plus Varity had to offer to help come-on it tacos! She saw Ronnie, Caitlin, Joe and Barry there. "What are you doing here?" Joe question. "It Tuesday I'm making dinner." Barry observe Varity as she waddle with the paper bags as the block her view. They all stare amused at her at she was clearly not giving up. He headed to the kitchen taking her bags as her mouth drop. "I had it under control."
"You were waddling." She pouted. "Caitlin what bring you by?" Iris look at her. "There a gas leak in my apartment so Barry said we could stay here." She look at Ronnie. "And uh who this?" Everyone was silent till Varity squeal and ran to Ronnie. "Babe you should of told me you here coming to see me I didn't see you." She snuggle into him as he stood at the entry. "Uh yeah." Ronnie responded not knowing what to say. "Oh let me introduce you to my boyfriend... Uh Robbie but we call him Ronnie." Varity hid her laugh as he look down at her. "You look very familiar." Iris squinted. "Yeah I-I have one of those faces so what for dinner... Kitten." Ronnie replied as she stop laughing hating that nickname. "Well it Tuesday so taco Tuesday my little flame." This made Iris confused. She headed to the kitchen to Barry asking when did Varity get a boyfriend. They were talking about good memories when Ronnie started walking and almost fell. :Ronnie!" Caitlin clutch his arm. "Are you alright?" She ask him. "Yeah just felt a little dizzy."
"Not now." Varity rub her temples. She saw a wine glass hit the floor and erupt into many pieces by those pieces lay Stein.
The headache became more intense. "Glass-." She muttered out to Caitlin and Ronnie. She then saw the military come from a elevator and walk in next to Stein. The headache finally stop. "We need to get to Star Labs Stein in in danger and so is dad."
"Did he hurt you dad?" Varity crouch down to her father looking at him. "Tell me the truth dad please." He shook his head. "I told you he didn't hurt me just my pride unfortunately I'm not in the position to take armed soldiers."
"Where do you think Eiling took Professor Stein?" Caitlin spoke while she had both hands on her hips. "I imagine some of the butch research facility." Varity spoke worriedly, "We need to get him back he has a wife."
"Easy Eiling already demonstrated he has the power to disable the flash or worse."
"Well we can't let him turn Stein to a weapon." Caitlin stated, "How do we find him?" Ronnie ask Varity father. He look at Ronnie while Barry then look at him next Cisco and Caitlin then his daughter. "What." Ronnie looked confused. Caitlin started testing Ronnie figure to see if he could feel Stein. "You really think Ronnie can somehow feel were they are keeping Stein?" Barry ask her father who was sitting next to him. "Ronnie got dizzy when the soldiers grab Stein, Stein develop Ronnie obsession with pizza." Cisco said while looking to Barry and Ronnie "I don't feel anything right now." Ronnie said as he look at him. Caitlin walk up to Ronnie and put a hand on his shoulder "Just keep trying." He look at his lover, "Whatever this is it doesn't have an on and off switch." Wells then spoke up "It's possible that it's some kind of residual connection temporarily link your time together."
Ronnie position himself upward, "Wait I feel something I-Im cold." Ronnie then started screaming in pain. Varity ran up to Ronnie side touching his arm. "What happening to him?!"
"Nothing happening to him it happening to Stein. Ronnie is feeling his pain. The connection is not temporarily it's only stronger."
"Water." Ronnie said as he took the cup and smash it into pieces. He grab a piece of the glass then started cutting into himself. :Ronnie stop!" Caitlin pull his hand "Let him." Barry look at her as she drop her hand off him. He cut words into his skin he trying to send a message to Stein. "Anything?" Caitlin question. "Nothing just cold metal surface pressure on and off, tap tap...tap, tap, tap, tap tap tap."
"Morse code." Varity look at her father. "I got this." Cisco said as he ran out. "Same thing again tap tap...tap, tap, tap, tap tap tap." Cisco wrote down what Ronnie said on a sheet. "27."
"What dose it mean?" Caitlin ask "How many bases they sometimes go by numbers like area 51." Barry said looking at Cisco. "Facility #27 about 300 miles away it was shut down in 1961." Cisco went and type whatever on the computer to show the facility and location. "Oh yeah that where they are keeping Stein."
"Bet you that were they are keeping the alien too." Cisco said all serious. "I'm coming with you." Ronnie sat up, "No your not. You can't " Caitlin stood in front of him. "I'm connected to Stein I have to go." Ronnie took both of Caitlin hands. "But do you ever stop to think why your connection to him is growing stronger by the minute. Maybe your being drawn back into him together maybe your proximity is causing you to emerge to one."
"What happens to me of he get kill? Cait, Barry was right the world different now look I-I thought we could get away start a new life a normal life together but there isn't no normal life for us you will always risk your life to try and help people and I will always be that guy who run in the pipeline for you." Cisco gave Ronnie the splicer.
"Okay lets go." Ronnie said "Wait." Caitlin kiss Ronnie. Varity whistle at them.
"Come back. All three of you." She turn to Barry and kiss his cheek "Good luck and please be safe." She look into his green eyes and he nodded at her and went with Ronnie.
She look at dad to see he had a guilty look on his face but she didn't say anything.
"If you two merge weight not be able to separate you again."
Varity had a bad feeling she heard Barry scream. "Barry I'm picking up some serious phi number on your suit." Cisco examine the computer "They hit me with some kind of chemical." Barry responded., "Water or foam won't extinguish it."
"But you cant burn in the vacuum so you need to create one run Barry run."
"We need to merge again." Ronnie said to Stein thought the intercoms
"Ronnie don't." Caitlin frowned "Listen to me the last time you both merged you fought against it this time don't."
"Cait whatever happens us just remember I will always love you and Varity take care of each other."
Varity help Barry lift up his shirt to see a nasty wound. "Really, it look worse then it feels." She put down his shirt. "I told you be careful." She look at his green eyes sigh. "It like you look for danger like teenager me." She wrap his wound being careful not to graze it. "Teenager you?"
"Yep drifting was not only hobbies I only had." Barry smile at her while theymade are way to Ronnie/Stein aka firestorm. "Ronnie or Stein."
"It me Cait. Its both of us somehow."
"Acceptance is a powerful thing." Wells spoke while Cisco was next to him "Powerful to reverse it." Barry added in. "We could try." Ronnie said
They all back up. They both separated. "Oh we are getting the hanged of this quite nicely." Stein said as they smile at them. Caitlin when up and hug Ronnie. Ronnie look at Stein then at her. "It okay I understand you have to go."
"How you know?"
"I'm connected to you too." They look down to there ring fingers. Varity rest her head against Barry chest as he wrap a arm around her. Later they were all in Stein house Caitlin and Ronnie were talking and they kiss. Varity heard was pizza so came. She headed over to them as they pull away. "Stop kissing and give me my hug little flame."
Ronnie rolled his eyes and pick her up spinning her around in a hug she giggled as he put her down gently. Cisco hug Ronnie. Ronnie headed to Barry and said something that made both of them look at Varity. She waved at both of them innocently not knowing they were talking about her and Barry.
Ronnie ask Stein walk out in the front and merged.
"We love you." they both said while she smiled at the cute scene. Varity, Cisco ,and Caitlin headed to Jitters they were talking about Ronnie when Iris came in. "Hey Varity were your boyfriend?"
"He went home I miss him already..." She pouted as she look at her. "Where was that?"
"Up coatsway. He move around a lot." She frowned. "That always hard."
"Yeah but I love him."
"Alright well enjoy bye."
As she walk away Varity spoke up "She knows something..."
Happy Christmas Eve y'all that if you celebrate America Christmas if not happy holidays and I know my update schedule I didn't put as updating because I wanted to be a surprise so surprise!! If you skip this chapter you didn't really miss anything important just Ronnie and Stein are bonded and are going to get help and learn more about each other. Take care and happy holidays 💕💕
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