Chapter 13 Drunk Mama bear
The team was talking about how Barry save a couple from their car burning in flames. "Dude that was so insane even I'm mad about you dirtying my suit." Cisco said as Barry was sitting down in the spinny chair while Vairty clean the smudges on the suit.
"Our suit Cisco." Varity look at him throwing the rag at his face playfully. She sat on the desk crossing her legs.
He took the rag out his face. "Rude." She raise an eyebrow giving a side smirk. "Our suit." He corrected himself.
"Okay when are we going to consider it my suit?" Barry ask as he look at the two. "I'll be comfortable calling it our suit."
Caitlin walk in. "Tonight is the fastest you have ever ran."
"Yes your training is paying off, that couple is alive tonight because of you." Wells look at the hero who stood next to his daughter.
She got off the desk went to hug Cisco. Little did he know that was not her intention.
"I could still get faster I know I can."
Barry responded. "And I'm sure you will but for today I say you fulfill your quota, rest is what you need and so do we." Wells then exit.
As she pull away she pick pocket him taking a lollipop. She made her way to Barry.
"Better yet all we need is a proper drink who up for a round." Cisco ask them. She unwrapped the lollipop and pop it into her mouth. "Can't I'm enjoying your lollipop." Cisco then patted his pocket in the back of his pants multiple times surprised.
"I can't it movie night with Joe and Varity but I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"B-but I thought that was our thing Varity." Cisco pouted at her.
"It is but we already did move night and yes it count even if you fell asleep in the popcorn bowl" She chuckled recalling the memory.
Barry hand nudge her hand as she nudge his then instantly there hands were bound together. She blush shyly as he guided her out with a smile on his face.
Varity stood behind Cisco while they discuss the breakout of Clay Parker. They observe his cells on the monitor.
"Not even Barry cells move that fast." Caitlin exclaimed. Joe turned his head to her. "So Clay Parker is a meta-human."
"Not so fast the particular residue you gather at iron heights dose contain Parker DNA but also DNA of a women." Wells spoke looking at the projector. "Run a scan through the cpd data base see if you get a match." Barry said to Cisco as he turn around facing toward the rest. "Yahtzee her name is Shawna Baez mostly petty crimes and this girl like to party apparently aslong with disorderly conduct of local bars."
"So let me guess we find her, we find Clay Parker." Joe said as Barry and him headed out.
Caitlin and Varity follow Wells while Cisco said he'll be with them in a few.
Barry invited Vairty out for a coffee break. She agree needing a pep to her step. He was smiling very huge as they grab their drinks sitting down.
"What that smile about? I swear it contagious." Varity smiled back
"I saw my dad today no glass no phones just me and him face to face Joe arrange it."
"That must of been amazing Barry." She reach forward for his hand giving it a light squeeze then pull her hand away. "I really needed it." He look at his hand then at her.
"I'm sure you needed it too, it been awhile since you seen him." She took a sip of her drink. Barry then started chukling.
"What so funny?" She set her hot chocolate down. The whip cream cover her face. "There whip cream covering half of your face." She pouted. "Well Barry Allen that was happens when your so small but you wouldn't know that."
"Even with high heels?" Barry smile teasing her. She look to her pumps see them not touching the ground. "Even with high heels." She mumble grabing a napkin as he smirk at her.
Varity sat next to Caitlin as Barry walk in. "I was analyzing the particulates on Parker and Shawna Baez and I found something very interesting when Clay cells come into contact with Shawna they adopt her properties." The two look at Caitlin.
"Is something wrong or bothering you?" Varity question her. She raise an eyebrow "Why would you ask?"
"Your doing that thing, biting your lower lip that you do when something bothering you." Barry responded.
She then cough "I'm fine." Then she stood up straight and cross her arms caving in."Cisco said I don't have a life." The two smile at her. "You don't, do you?" Barry tease as Varity started giggling.
"I do I cook and I eat and I read and I help you." Varity place her hands on the table poping her her chin "So what your saying is you do everything that has nothing to do with having a life."
"You don't have to be rude about it."
"Hey I'm not doing any better then you my social life consists of running at super hero speed and watching Netflix." Then they both look at Varity
"Well I get up and smell the roses then get ready for two hours, do business calls and magazine shoots then come to Star Labs and help out. Coffee break while getting photo bomb by paparazzi then continue on." She shrug her shoulders.
The computer started beeping. "There a armed robbery happening two suspects, one male and one female." Caitlin lean in the monitor. "Sound like are meta-human Bonnie and Clyde are at it again." Varity look at Barry. "Time to ruined there social life." Barry smiled at the two flashing out.
Barry then came back with a bullet graze to his neck. "Your lucky it just barely broke this skin." Caitlin look at him while cleaning his wound. Varity sat next to him. "Guess I'm a lot faster then speedy bullet." He replied as he putting his sweater on. "Shawna Baez, she can teleport."
"As in beat me up Shawna?" Caitlin questioned while he nodded at her
Wells then blurted some science stuff. As Varity didn't even try to comprehend what he said at the moment.
"Every time I got close she dissapear it was like we were playing a game of-"
"Peekaboo! Come-on can't I name one." She pleaded as Barry just smile and turn his head around back to her father. "Welp I'll take that as a nope."
"I think peek-a-boo is really a cute villan name." Caitlin look toward her as Cisco shook his head repeating no. She let out a huff.
"How am I suppose to catch her if I don't know where she gonna be?" Barry ask Wells. "Eveyone has limits Mr. Allen now that we know Shawna has powers we will focus on those limits." Barry told us he was going to change to help Iris.
Caitlin invited Varity at a bar for a stakeout to catch Bonnie and Clyde. Of course she enter fashionably late seeing the two sitting. She walk over to the table. "Hey am I late? Because if so I blame traffic and Caitlin you look beautiful." Caitlin mouth open "Woah." While Barry look at her with his eyes wide. "I over dress a little bit didn't I?" She tug on her dress from riding up.
"No no no you look great." Barry spoke with a hint of blush on his cheeks. Varity got butterflies in her stomach tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. She pull out a chair sitting down with the rest.
"I thought we could kill three birds with one stone look for them and get us back there." Caitlin look at the two. She grab her drink. "Beside that, let have fun here to liquid courage." She then downed her drink. "That is very fast..." Barry look shocked watching her gulp her drink. She slam her drink to the table. "She drunk all of it..." Varity worriedly spoke as she stare at her empty glass.
"Scuse me I would like to start a tab and so would my famous friend." Caitlin spoke to the bartender.
"Have mercy." Varity whisper as Barry chuckle at her comment. "Oh no." Varity look around my surroundings not seeing Caitlin. She was just next to her one minute then up on stage with a microphone the next. "Caitlin what are you doing?" She rush over look at her ontop of the stage.
"Mr. Allen come on down! I would say Varity but she right here. Come up here with me you two. Come show em what you got especially you Varity." She wink at her.
"Caitlin, honey your drunk and don't know what your doing." She spoke slowly to her. She then started cheering into the microphone. "Barry, Varity, Barry, Varity." everyone cheer along while clapping following Caitlin lead. Varity turn around to Barry he slowly made his way over to them while he taking her hand upstage.
"Look at him he so fast~." Then she started shushing them drunk. Varity carfully made her get off stage and sat her down.
"I'm not much of a singer and your not much of a drinker. Now stay here." Varity pointed her finger to her sternly. "Your going to bring this place down!" She yell from her chair. She wince."Okay, okay we will as long as you remained in your seat." She nodded her head fast.
"Good Caitlin."
She sigh looking at Barry.
"Well here goes nothing." They both grab a mic.
"Summer lovin' had me a blast
Summer lovin' happen so fast." Barry sang.
"I met a girl crazy for me."
"I met a boy cute as can be." She join in.
"Aren't they just adorable!" Caitlin got up and started dancing swaying around drunk. Varity held in her laugh.
"Summer day drifted away." The two look at each other and sang. "To uh-oh those summer nights-. "
As they finish singing people clap for the while they headed to a bar table. Caitlin follow behind trudging. "You both can sing what else can't you guys do." She then dunk another drink.
"Stop you from drinking apparently." Barry replied as Vairty nodded in agreement. "I have to go to the bathroom." Caitlin replied to thrm she went to the bathroom. She face Barry "I'm going to follow her incase you know..."
She stood by the stall waiting for her.
"Varity..." She whined. "What is it Caitlin?" She raise an eyebrow. "I really have to pee." "Then use the bathroom." She let out another whine. "I'm stuck." She was now concerned. "Stuck like how?"
"My dress zipper-" She mumble. "Can you open the door?"
"Why is there two locks?"
"Caitlin I'm going to come in okay? Step back." She mumble a small okay as Varity took off her heels and pull her dress all the way down then slid under the stall. Caitlin look confused as Varity quickly pull herself up. "Okay turned around." She wiggle around as she pull down her zipper sighing. Varity then turned around facing the door. "Go use it Caitlin."
She finally finish flushing the toilet and calling her. She turned around helping her with the zipper. She unlock the door as Caitlin gasp. "How did you open them at the same time?"
"There only one lock." She let out a groan. "What wrong?"
"My stomach hurts."
"Let's get back to Barry." She stood help her over as she wobble. "Barry she dosnt feel good." Caitlin shook her head with a frown set in her face.
Barry scramble to his feet led her out the parking lot were she puke. Varity grab her hair as she threw up and rubbing her back.
Barry ran both of them to Caitlin home. "Are we still running?" She ask as he led her inside slowly. "No we are here." Varity smirk. "Vodka and superspeed not a good combination." She rub her tummy.
Caitlin drop her her coat on the floor as Varity pick it up and put it in her closet grabbing her pajamas aswell.
She th3n came back in to see Caitlin stripping her dress and Barry turn around eye wide. She chuckle at the sight placing the pajamas on her sheets. She assume there were talking about the girl who gave Barry his number.
"Little help please." Caitlin said stuck in her dress.
"Uh Barry go make yourself comfortable while I help drunk mama bear again."
"It's a long story."
Barry nodded going to the kitchen as she help her out of her dress and into her pajamas. "You can come out Barry! Let get you to bed." She motion her toward the bed.
"Did you sneak a peek at my goods." Caitlin ask the two. "I wouldn't be much of a hero if I did that."
"I have my own goods." Varity replied tucking her into her covers. "Oh right, well Barry if fine if you snuck a little peek you deserve it after all the good you do."
"Drink lot of water." She hum at his comment. "Thank you for tonight. I ship you two." Varity laugh lightly.
"Anytime." Barry responded while he help Varity up.
"Hey can you two will you stay with me till I fall alseep?" They both saw her cute face and couldn't resist. She look at Barry and gave him a smirk while they look back at Caitlin.
"Sure mama bear we would love to."
She lay next to her while Barry sat next to her.
The two stood infront of the elevator waiting for Caitlin to come out while they were both were drinking coffee. Caitlin walk out the elevator wearing black sunglasses and a yellow scarf.
"Hi." Varity spoke. "So loud." She responded to her as Barry giggle cutely. "We just wanted to make sure you were okay." They follow her. "Let just say I envy Barry inability to get drunk. I don't remember much from last night."
"Yeah that probably for the best." Barry then look at Varity and they both sang "Summer lovin~" while smiling.
"Oh god that I do remember." They both chuckled. They walk in to see Cisco looking guilty facing Wells while he had his hands cross. "What wrong?" She stop in her tracks.
"Cisco has something to tell you all." Her father said as he face the team.
"Harley gone." She walk to computer desk setiting the coffee down. "He escape from the pipeline? How is that even possible?" Barry question. "I let him out." Varity stood silent not knowing what to say.
He look toward Caitlin. "Are you mad? I can't tell with those glasses on."
"I like to wave my arms around but I'm afraid I might throw up." She responded. "Why what were you thinking you know how dangerous he is." Barry ran a hand through his hair.
"Hartley said he knew what happen to Ronnie." She took her glasses off. "I told you to let it go. I didn't want you looking into that for me."
"I wasn't doing it for you I-I seal Ronnie to the eseralator before it blew. He told me to wait two minutes and I waited but he didn't come back and I can't stop thinking 10, twenty seconds Ronnie wouldn't be like he is right now. I wanted to tell you so long both of you so many times. I'm so sorry."
"So you carried that around this whole time." Caitlin said as the two girls approach Cisco. "Do you know what Ronnie would say if he was here."
"He would say you did the right thing Cisco." Varity finish up Caitlin sentence. "It wasn't your fault what happen that night wasn't anybody fault." She place her hand on his shoulder.
"Come on don't we have a teleporter to catch?" She a gave a soft smirk and as Cisco smiled. "We do have a teleporter to catch fortunately we do have a promising theory. Take a look at this." Wells motion to the monitor.
"Now this is the normal behavior of the particulate the Shawna left behind watch what happens when we remove light. Shawna can only become untangle with something she can see take away her ability to do that-"
"She can't teleport." She finish catching on.
"Exactly." Her father look at her proud that she was taking a interest. "So we just need to get her into a dark space how do we do that?" Caitlin tilted her head.
"That a valid question."
Barry pick up his phone that had been ringing. "Yeah okay I'll be right there."
"What wrong?" Varity look at him with a concern expression. "My dad he been stab." Her eyes widen. "Go." She immediately spoke as she kiss his cheek gently.
Barry caught Shawna but Clyde left without his Bonnie. Cisco made adjustments her cell so she wouldn't escape.
As a few days past Varity was relaxing on her day off laying down in her bed. She sat up and rub her head. Probably slept to much. Her phone then rang as she pick it up.
"Hello Varity Wells is speaking." "Varity..." She recognise that voice she shot up from laying down. "Cole. " She stated bluntly "You pick up."
"And I'm about to hang up bye bye."
"Wait! wait!" She sighed "You have two minutes starting now."
"Well the lady you saw in pictures I didn't kiss her she kiss me." She scuff
"If that what happen why didn't you call me right after."
"I was scared of losing you.."
"Well you already did." They stood silent. "I think it would be best for you to move on I already did."
"Wai-" She hang up the phone. He was lying he had a high pitch voice when he was talking to her. But honestly she was happy she got that out of her chest. Maybe just maybe she would try dating soon.
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