Chapter 10 Eggnog
As Christmas approaches Varity brighten smile dimmed. Every light, decoration, snowflake reminded her of her mother. She became depressed not even showing up to help the team. That was till Caitlin came around helping her gain enough confidence to head to work which led to today.
She was sitting with her favorite blanket from her mother wrap around staring into the distance.
She felt someone place there hands on top of her making her flinch looking ahead seeing Barry eye level.
"Varity.." He held a gift in her hands. "What this?" She ask confused. "It's a Christmas present it a small token of my gratitude for everything you guys have done for me this year."She lunge at him wrapping her arms around her neck as he smiled against her.
"Thank you Barry." She unwrapped herself from him. He stood up straight extending his hand out for her to take. She look up at him hesitating but gave in. "Should I open this now or later?"
"Save it for later at night." She nodded. He held her hand the whole time as he took out a canister. "What that?" Caitlin ask curiously. "This is complimence from Iris grandma Esther famous eggnog."
"That what I'm talking about." Cisco said as he sassily walk toward him.
"Maybe later for me. Wouldn't want to drink and drive" Harrison look away from Barry. "Yeah me too I'm a little under the weather." Varity escorted her father to his car safely.
"Did I say something wrong?" Barry ask looking at Caitlin and Cisco. "No they um, this use to be both of there favorite time of year but the accident happened before Christmas it kinda ruined the holiday." Cisco explained.
"I'm going to get them a present maybe that will cheer them up." Caitlin rush out
Varity was back at home wrapping gifts for her friends and writing note cards. She received a phone call from Barry saying she needed to head to Star Labs it was a emergency.
She walk into Star Labs seeing everyone anxious. She decided to stand at the door way and listen in. "The witness describe seeing a yellow blur just like the one who kill Barry mother." Varity heart fell to the pit of her stomach. "We need to stop this speed psycho." Cisco place a candy cane in his mouth. Varity walk over to the computer station stealing a candy cane from his stash. Cisco look at her offended. "I'm stress." She spoke looking at the floor. He gave in seeing her pout he even gave her an extra.
"The crime scene in Mercury Lab was on the floor with highly secure faults and the witness said he was looking for something."
"-Wanted so badly so he would could kill for it." Harrison spoke with a slight of irritation. Varity look at her father shaking her head lightly.
"Doctor what do you know about this Mercury Labs?" Joe ask looking toward Wells. "Mercury was one Star Labs major competitors until our little set back and then it catapulted to the for front and led by Dr. McGee but ego centric physic."
"It say here Dr.Mcgee has secure half a billion dollars in private funding to develop prototypes for the technology of the future." Cisco sum up. "Dr.Mcgee has been messing with super liniment particles." Harrison added.
"So what can someone do with one of those texhnons?"
"Well I don't know, become invincable and you could devise a matrix big enough to harness the power, you could travel faster then light."
"Well obviously if this man in yellow want to be faster he going to try and strike again." Varity stated while crossing her arms as Harrison smirked at her.
Her powers were finally taking affect. The plan was falling in line. He push away the feeling or regret and guiltiness.
"We need to get that Mercury labs and use it as a lore." Barry look at the team. "Your exactly right, Cisco and Caitlin let start engineering traps." Wells spoke nodding in agreement.
Varity went in front of Barry as he look down at her. "We will find this men and get justice for your mom and your father." She spoke sincerely as he
Varity walk in with two coffees figuring Barry would need someone with him. She saw him staring a white board. "Barry?" No response was given. "Mr. Allen?" Still no response. She set the coffees down on a near by table and walk over to him wrapping her arms around him while he was sitting. He flinch and look behind his shoulder seeing Varity. He began to relax feeling her warmth against him. "I was calling your name but you didn't respond sorry I scared you." She look to see what he was staring at so intensely. "This is your mom case..." She muttered against his ear while looking at the board fill with pictures and newspapers with all sort of clues. "I use to study this board everyday. Lately I haven't look at it as much as I should off."
"I didn't know you did that." She unwrap herself from him. "I guess there still some stuff about me you don't know." He smiled at her turning around in his chair facing her directly. She walk over to the table with the coffees grabbing them. "Oh yeah um I brought coffee I thought we would need it since it been a rough couple of days. " She handed him the drink.
Iris walk in. "O-oh if you two are busy I could come back another time." She look at the two snickering at herself for ruining there moment. "No it's fine I just came to bring some java." She pointed to her drink.
"Okay well I have big news and I want you two to here it."
"You're pregnant!?" Varity blurted out. Her eyes widen. "No, No, no Eddie ask me to be in with him."
"So your about to get pregnant." Varity wiggle her eyebrows. She rolled her eyes. "What I really mean is congratulations." She pulled her into a hug. She let out a sigh of relief.
"I mean it been a year Eddie thought you Barry would disagree."
"I-I don't, why would he say that." Barry look at Iris confused. "He thinks that you like me romantically. Well I mean honestly it sounds silly suggesting it."
"Well Eddie wrong. If I seem weird before its just that this year gone by really fast and I guess I didn't realize how far you guys gone to your relationship " Barry said as he look at Varity having all eyes for her now knowing Iris had made her decision.
"That what I told him. Um I guess I should get going." Iris said "Let me walk you to your car I need to leave as well." Varity gave Barry a quick hug and walk Iris down stairs.
"So you and Eddie. Who eyes do your think your firstborn going to have." Iris blush "Shut up Varity." She chucked "I want to be the godmother."
Varity look at a text message from Caitlin
"Your going to be a aunty if Barry decided to tell you the truth." She muttered under her breath. "Huh?" She look up blankly. "Nothing"
Varity stood next to the team as Barry informed them of the attack after she left. "He acted like I knew him, like we done this before."
"He was atagonizing you barr." Joe commented. "I would get close and he would pull away I mean this is just some sick game to him."
"We'll catch him, we will help." Harrison spoke playing his part. "No you don't get it his speed is beyond me I'm not the fastest man alive he is, so how do we catch somebody even that I can't catch."
"The beautiful thing about force fields Mr. Allen is they are impervious to speed now we almost finish fabricating the trap what remains is to tell officer west to precure the bait."
"I'm on it." Joe said as he walk away and Barry following him.
Varity sighed "You think around Christmas no bad guys would strike like wouldn't they rather be snuggle in a nice cozy blanket with hot chocolate and a fireplace." She plop down frustrated. Wells nodded her way she look over to him. "Also where is Caitlin and Cisco?"
"They said they needed a few parts for the device where building." She hum it seem typical of them.
Varity walk into an argument with Barry, her father and Joe. "This is my fight!" Barry exclaimed. "Not today son." Joe replied.
Barry then grab his jacket and was about to storm out when he saw Varity. She look down to her feet frowning. He grab her hand storming out with her following.
"Did your son just steal my daughter?"
"I'm pretty sure he just did."
Meanwhile Barry halt in his steps as Varity stood her ground confused and worried. "Hey wait, what wrong talk to me." Varity grab his other free hand. "I want you to take you to meet someone important to me." Varity knew he was avoiding the topic but she went along with him.
Varity was in the back of the room waiting for Barry he was talking to his father.
In the other room Barry was talking with his father. "Merry Christmas slugger."
"Merry Christmas." He replied sluggishly. His father raise an eyebrow. " Are you alright Barry?" He shook his head. "I screw up dad after years of searching I finally found him. I found the men who murder mom. The men in yellow the one with the lighting. He's out there and I had him. He got away. I was so close. I promise you that I would get you out of here. Everyday you spend in here is because of him until today. Now your in here because of me and I'm so sorry I-" His father cut him off. "Barry this is not your fault. Look at me I know what you given up every decision you made in the past 14 years is because me and your mom which you study why you became a CSI even with Varity."
"Varity?" He look confused. "Joe told me and I could feel it your my son. You don't think I know how you love her but you haven't told her because you have been to consume with what happen to me and your mom. You have to let yourself have a life let it go now Barry. Here me now. The man in the yellow suit has taken enough from us already. Don't let him take anymore."
Her enter the backroom with tears in his eyes. "Barry..." Varity went on her tippy toes wiping the tears from his face as gentle she could with her sleeves. She then hug him. "I would let your drive to cheer you up again, but you seem a little of a mess." She look up at him. "People say my driving skills are the best around so why don't I drive this time." He nodded and she unwrapped herself from him and took his hand and leading him out.
They then walk to the front of Joe house. "I guess this is goodbye and goodnight." Varity told Barry at the steps of the doors. Barry look down at her gently. "Varity I love you."
"Awe Barry I love you too and Cisco and Caitlin and dad and.... " Barry shook his head. "No I love you Varity ever since I met you there been a connection with us," She remained quiet as her lips were parted in shock. "I wanted to tell you many times like when you left for work, when you enter Star Labs, when you got hurt, when you hang out with me, but I was afraid you didn't feel the same way which meant I would lose you too. I know this timing is horrible with the men in yellow and your mother, but I couldn't just keep it in. I'm sorry." She smiled at him reaching her hand up to cheek as he leaned into her touch. "Barry I'm new to love so I don't understand these feelings...once I do I'll give you an answer but please promise me don't go on waiting for my answer if there a girl who you think completes you go for it." She took a breath grabbing his hands.
"But for now I will be your Varity and you will be my...well Barry Allen."
Varity glance at him slowly untangling her fingers from his placing her hands in her pockets.
"Christmas is still on no matter the circumstances this will be my first Christmas in a while and I wanted with you and everyone that I care about deeply." She gave a soft smirk. He still look quite sad her heart fell to her stomach. She felt horrible she couldn't give him an answer but she needed more time.
Varity drove to Star Labs spending within seconds receiving a S.O.S text from Caitlin. Her tires screech as she made a stop exiting quickly of her car. She saw the men in yellow beating Barry into pulp. Flames emerge from the sky toward the ground. Varity pick up her head seeing Ronnie. Her eyes widen "Ronnie..." She whisper to herself.
"Our race is yet not done see you soon flash." The men in yellow flash out as Varity went down toward Barry touching his wounds gently.
"Don't look for me again." Ronnie spoke clearly looking directly at Caitlin then the girl on the floor. He flew away with his flames. Varity look up at her friends behind her. "Y-You guys knew R-Ronnie was alive?"
"Wait were my dad!?" She look at Barry as he gave her a nod to go as she ran inside. "Varity wait..." Caitlin and Cisco spoke but it was to late she already made it to the elevator.
She later on fell asleep sitting down in her cozy white blanket holding her dad hand as he gotten 'hurt'. "I been going over the data and I still don't know why containment system fail. I must of miss something. I'm sorry." He stated distraught. "It not you fault Cisco but if you both need to fill the need to apologies you might start with Ronnie is still alive."
"I ask Cisco not to say anything once I saw what Ronnie had become I needed...I needed time to see if I could make him whole again. I'm sorry I know your mad." Caitlin look to the floor.
"No I wouldn't know what I done different in your situation." Harrison responded as he look at Varity as she snore softly. "I know I made you a lot of promises. I know I haven't been able to keep them all but on my life I promise you this we will bring Ronnie home."
She sat with her friends quietly still processing everything that happen within these hours. Barry and Joe walk in. "Hey what you guys doing here?" He ask confused. "I invited them. Where Dr. Wells?" Joe question. "He wasn't feeling good after what happen, but he appreciate the invitation." Varity stood up straightening her skirt.
"Eggnog?" Caitlin offer standing up.
Barry went over to Iris and Eddie saying he was happy for them moving in together. Cisco went to get eggnog and then Iris call her dad to put the angel on top of the tree. They all stood around. Barry stood behind her while she look over her shoulder grabbing his hand. She pull him next to her. "Merry Christmas Barry."
"Merry Christmas Varity." She place her head on his shoulder as he wrap an arm around her. They both stare at the tree in front of them.
Barry then remember her gift. "Did you open your gift yet?" She shook her head and bent down grabbing her gift for him. "Here I didn't forget about you. I hope you like it." He sat down tearing the wrapping paper to see a book. He look confused as she urge him to open it. He gave in seeing pictures of team Flash all together. He smirk as she did a little victory dance while the rest laugh. "I was nervous you wouldn't like it."
"No, no I love it." Her heart warm up at his words. "Your turn." She nodded taking a seat next to him opening her gift. She open the small little box then close it immediately her lips quivering. "How?"
"I had some help from arrow mostly Felicity." She hug him as everyone was confused. She then pulled away looking back opening the small box and slipping her mom engagement ring on her finger. She sniffled seeing the small jewel. "Thank you Barry."
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