Ch.3 Task force X and Mission briefing

"I'm think there's been a mistake, I'm suspose to be at Arkham not this place" Harley  said speaking up.

Waller raises an eyebrow at her.

"Oh believe me there's no mistake ms. Quinzeel you belong here with theses criminals" Waller said.

"Especially with Bane" Harley said pointing at Bane who glares murdlessly at them.

"Especially with him" Waller smirks.

"I think he wants to kill us" Deadshot notices.

"Why ? we didn't do anything to the block" Captain Boomerang said.

"Villians want to kill each other, for example I want to kill you" Cheshire snares.

"Sheilia with lips like thoeses, I'll let you kill me" Captain Boomerang smirks.

Cheshire growls as she struggles agaisnt the chains around her torsal.

"You honestly know how to piss off the deadly assassin, boomer" Deadshot sighs.

"The guy thinks with his dingling what do you expect" Killer frost mutters.

"Enough !" Waller shouts. "you convicts have been special selected for Task force X, an off the government op team doing impossible missions as exstanable agents" Waller explains.

"And what is this mission this time Waller and who are the new the new guys ?" Deadshot asks.

Waller walks around.

"Dr. Caitlin Snow Aka Killer frost, once a scientest undressed Star Labs working on an noiral genration project until people she had been working with turned out to be Hive agents and  betrayed her even going as far to shove her into the genrtor, turning her into an cold hearted bitch" Waller explains pointing at Killer frost before turning to captain Boomerang.

"Owen Mercer Aka Captain Boomerang, Gergoe digger Harkness's son who took up the mantel" Waller explains.

"Wait he's not Harkness and he had a kid with someone ?" Deadshot asks.

"Yeah he had kid with someone how the hell do you think I'm here right now ? and No I'm not Mate but trusts me my dad had told me alot about you" Owen said.

"Oh really ? Has your old man told about all the fights we had ?" Deadshot asks.

"Something like that" Owen mutters.

"Unlike Harkness, Mercer here can be useful because of his speed like reflexes" Waller said.

"And you better believe it" Owen said cockly.

Waller turns to Cheshire.

"Jade Nguyen aka Cheshire, Master Assassin, occasionally works for the shadows and the light. And daughter of the criminals Sportsmaster and Huntress. I advise to stay away from her nails she lacs them with a poison, nearly took out deathstroke with that" Waller said before turning to clock king.

"Temple Fugone Aka clock king, influtration expert and expert planner he'll be working the side lines for your mission" Waller said before turning to Bane.

"Bane, the first one to break the Batman himself, very useful to us" Waller said turning to Harley.

"And last but not least Harleen Quinnzeal aka Haley Quinn, former phcolotrises at Arkham Aslume before she meet the Joker and he turned her into the woman you see now" Waller said.

"Uh exuses me lady, hi, listen you know alot of about us but we don't know alot about you and we're basically at stalker territory at this point, I mean I'm not the one to talk because I stalked Mark Hamill that one time" Harley said.

Katanna cocks an confuses eye brow at her.

"What you never heard of him ? He's Luke Skywalker from Star wars for god sakes, that's like saying you don't know who Tom Hanks is" Harley said.

"Uh who's Tom Hanks ?" Owen asks causing Harley to gasp.

"Your dead to me Boomer" Harley said turing away from him.

"Stop talking !" Waller shouts at her before regraining her poster.

"As I was saying each one of you have been carefully selected for this mission, succeed and I'll shave time off your sentences" Waller said.

"Sounds to good to be true" Captain Boomerang mutters.

"Sounds fun !" Harley said.

"I rather go to hell than do your flithy dirty work" Cheshire growls struggling against her chains.

Waller merely smirked.

"I was hoping you would say that Cheshire, which brings us to my next point, that thing you feel in the back of your neck ? Not only is that a tracker it's also something to make sure you don't go try to escape" Waller explains.

"It's a bomb she put in our necks" Deadshot sighs knowing what Waller was referring to.

"Holy shit !" Killer frost and Boomer gasp out.

"That's a nice joke... please tell me she's joking... Shot ? Kit Kat ? She's kidding right ?" Harley said worried.

Katanna shackes her head sadly.

"She's sersuoisely, There's one thing about Waller she doesn't joke around" Deadshot said.

"Fine kill me I don't care if I live or not" Cheshire said, giving an glare.

"I would be glad to but are you willing to die before getting a chance to see that certain someone again ?" Waller asking smirking smugly at Cheshire.

Cheshire growls before looking at the ground in defeat.

"Didn't think so, now since I have all of you on board, Rick Flag will brief you on your mission" Waller said as she exits the room with the clock king.

"Alright here's the mission, 7 mouths ago Lex Luthor had disappeared after an all out fight with Superman. And in thoses 7 months Luthor has been working an illegal weapon smuggling shop, selling weapones to super villians, Gun, misslies, lasers you name it. We had gather intel form Katanna and Deadshot's last mission that Lex's is returning to Motroplis tomorrow after he contact one of his many Lex corp workers, and in the next 2 days Luthor is meeting with a mysterious partner to sell ready made Lex corp missles. Your mission is to take down Luthor's operation and take out his mysterious partner. Red Arrow here is going to join you on your mission while Clock king has pervioted a way for you to infrotrate Lex corp" Flagg explains.

"Any questions you might have about the mission ?" Red Arrow asks.

Harley raises her hand causing Red Arrow to sigh

"Yes Harley ?" Flagg asks.

"Are we going to get pay for this ?" Harley asks.

"No but if we succeed, you'll get time off your sentences, anyone else ?" Red arrow asks.

Boomer raises his hand.

"No Boomer none of the women here are single so stop trying" Red Arrow sighs.

"I wasn't gonna asks that mate" Owen said.

"Then what where you going to asks ?" Red arrow asks.

"Are we gonna eat before we go ?" Owen asks.

"Don't remind me, I'm already hungry" Killer frost mutters trying to warm up.

"We leaving now, Waller is going to gas us and will wake up some where else, we don't get time to god damn eat" Deadshot said knowing the drill.

"You sound like you've been through this before" Cheshire said.

"We have, more times than I'm willing to admit" Katanna said.

"You talk ? Wait is that mean you can tell me you name ?" Harley asks her.

"It's Katanna" She simply replies.

"Katanna, that sounds cool" Harley said.

"Okay enough ! You 8 will be taken to an Helicopter that will fly to Lex corp, no gas were using guards to escort you there" Flagg said as agents come in the room and drag them off, Red Arrow following behind for the mission.

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