Ch. 1 Mad Love

Note: A story I've wanted to do for awhile after seeing Suicide Squad Hell to play. Really enjoyed it. 3 years ago I made a book called ask the Squard inspired by 2016 movie Suicide Squad. I loved it. But now looking back I can clearly see it was over hyped and it didn't get to reach its full potential as it should of. I still love the film but I think it could of been better with the plot, story and yes even the characters. Especially the relationship between Joker and Harley. Joker caring for Harley is not thire relationship and I'm sorry for saying but I can't really sugar cute this but thire Relationship is abusive and this is clearly shown in the Batman animated series where Joker throws poor Harley out the widow. I honestly think the movie should of been more about Harley and her relationship of the Joker and her interactions with the squard as they try to catch the Joker. Not this Enchantress trying to take over the world. It honestly felt out of place in the movie to me. So me and My brother decided in honor of James Gunn taking over for suicide Squad 2, we make our own version of the Suicide Squad centering around Harley Quinn with an orginal story and Villians we love to see on a team togeather. So we hope you enjoy.
It was midnight. The perfect night for a robbery.

A van crashes into an jewrely store. Harley Quinn got out of the van with a smile.

"Oh Mr. J this is our first night in 2 weeks what should we steal first !" Harley squeals with exitment.

Joker gets out of the van with a grin, he looks around and an old rusted diamond ring in a case full of beutiful jewels and much better looking rings.

"Grab that ring Harley" Joker said with a grin as he points a finger at the rusted ring.

This confused Harley.

"But puddin that's an old ring there's tons of pretty rings you can use to propose to me" Harley said.

Joker raises an hand towards as he was taking an motion to hit her. An motion Harley knew all too well, causing her to flinch away.

But then Harley felt a hand on her cheek, petting it. Joker smiles.

"Now Harley that would spoil the susprise and in comedy what's makes things funny is what susprises you with the final punch line" Joker said.

"Alright Pudden I understand" Harley said.

"Now go get the ring so we can get going before you know who shows up" Joker said.

Harley smashes the case and takes the rusted ring along with a few other jewels. Including a beautiful diamond ring she hopes Mr. J would propose to her with.

She gives him the rusted ring and he laughs, giving her a kiss. Harley smiles holding the the diamond ring in her hand.

In her mind everything was going well.

"It's over Joker !" A booming voice shouts.

Or not because B-man just showed up.

Joker narrows his eyes as he shoved Harley in the passenger seat and gets in the driver seat, driving off at full speed Batman giving chase.

"Bats always ruins date night !" Harley complains.


Meanwhile on a differnt street of Gotham.

An Lex crop worker down the streets of gotham, looking around to make sure no one was watching him.

However on a roof top above him, was none other than Deadshot and few other task force X members. having an traget on the Lex crop worker.

Deadshot pressed his comlink.

"I have my eye on the traget Waller" Deadshot reports.

"Good, Confornt him, I need to know to know what Luthor is up to" Amanda Waller said over the comlink.

"Well you heard her Katanna go get him" Deadshot said.

Katanna jumps down from the rooftops and grabs the Lex crop worker.

Deadshot,Count Vertgo, Mirror master, and block buster, the other Squard members jump down. Katanna pins the Lex crop worker to the wall.

"Please don't kill me !" The worker begs.

Block buster and mirror master laugh at his pleads while Katanna and Deadshot keep an emtionaless stare at the worker. Count Vertgo doesn't say a word.

"No one's seen Luthor in over 5 months so Where's he at ?" Deadshot asks.

"I don't know they don't tell me anything !" The worker cries.

"Oh that's bullshit you wouldn't be here in Gotham if they didn't tell you anything" Mirror master points out.

""They sent me to do earnings" The worker said.

"You expect us to belive you where picking up someone's dry cleaning ?" Deadshot asks.

"I...i...i" The worker begins to sweat.

"He's lying, look at this" Katanna said as she grabs the man's phone and shows a new text from Lex Luthor.

"Looks like Luthor reached out to you, now tell us where is Luthor ?" Deadshot snares as he points a gun at the man.


Everyone let's out a cry of a pain as they feel phyical waves causing everyone to fall to thire knees. Katanna falls to her knees letting go of the man.

Deadshot cringes in pain trying to stand up.

Suddenly an loud bang is heard followed by a thump. Deadshot looks up to see the man dead and Vertgo holding the gun with an evil smirk.

"He was very weak about to give up the location" Count Vertgo chuckles.

"Vertgo why did you do that, he was going to tell us where Luthor is ?!" Deadshot snares.

"Sorry but Luthor has hired me to get you all off his back" Count Vertgo said.

"You work for Luthor ?" Mirror master asks susprised.

"Traitor" Katanna snares.

"Well you do seem like the guy who would do that bold bastard dirty work" Deadshot growls.

Count Vertgo shoots block buster killing him.

Deadshot grints his teeth. They needed a distraction to escape Count Vertgo.

Suddenly the Joker's van zooms pass them, causing everyone to look. All them could hear Joker's insane laughter and Harley's over dramatic screaming.

"Pudden slow down I need to put my seat belt on !" Harley screams.

"Hanahahahahaha !" Joker laughs.

As The van zooms by the bat mobile is not too far behind as it races past the squard followed by a few a cop cars following the chase.

Well Floyd asked for a distraction and this is it so Deadshot lunges at Vertgo wrestling for the gun. Katanna and Mirror master try to help but Vertgo gets the gun to point at mirror master killing him. Then he grabs Deadshot and throws him at Katanna.

They try to get up but Vertgo uses his powers to disablize them.

"Well I can't say it has been fun my friends" Vertgo chuckles evilly.

"Waller knows" Katanna suddenly said.

"What ?" Vertgo asks.

"She's been listening this entire time, she knew there was mole working for Luthor and has been waiting to find you out" Katanna said.

"Your lying" Vertgo growls.

"That's your choice" Deadshot said bluntly.

Suddenly a beeping sound was heard. Vertgo's eyes widen.

"Waller please" Vertgo pleads before...

Boom !

His head explourted.

Deadshot looks around him to see all most all his teammates dead. He didn't want to admit it bothered him but a traitor killed them on his watch. He knew Vertgo couldn't be trusted but this still happened.

Deadshot slides agaisnt the brick wall exstausted Katanna calls someone to pick them up.

"That was a damn miracle" Floyd mutters.


Meanwhile in the van,

Harley holds the diamond ring close to her chest as Joker races the car at full speed as the bat mobile follows them closely behind. A few police sirens are heard from behind then as Harley could see the red and blue lights shining behind them.

"Oh where done for Mr. J !" Harley complains.

"Harley be a dear and open up your door" Joker said.

"Oh sure thing Mr. J" Harley said as she opens up the car door."You want me to get your boozeoka ?" Harley asks.

Suddenly Joker kicks Harley out the Van. She lands hard on the road. The diamond ring she had held, had slipped out of her hand and shattered when she was kicked out of the car. The diamonds shards where scatters around the lament of the road. Harley looks at the now broken diamond ring. Tears fell from her eyes. That was the ring she hoped her one true love would propose to her with but now it was gone.

Harley looks up to see the van driving off. Cops get out the police car and runs over to Harley, grabbing her.

"Mr. J !" Harley shouts as the cops begin to drag her towards the poilce car. "Please don't leave me !" Harley cry out as tears stream from her face.

Harley cries.

"Please don't leave me" Harley breaths out, tears streaming down her face.


Meanwhile at AURGUS HQ,

Amanda Waller looks at Harley's arrest over a large monitor, watching the whole thing. She presses a botton on an intercom.

"Bring her in, she might be useful to this mission" Waller said.

Gotham007 and DC presents

Harley Quinn and Task Force X


Margo Robbie as Harley Quinn

Will Smith as Deadshot

Kelly Hu as Cheshire

Voila Davis as Amanda Waller

Greg Ellis as Captain Boomerang

Daniel Panabaker as Killer Frost

Taron Egerton as Red Arrow

Kara Fukuhara as Katanna

Danny trejo as Bane

Mark Hamill as The Joker


Clancy Brown as Lex Luthor


Joel Courtney as Cornal Rick Flag

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