4. Acceptance
Happiness can exist only in acceptance - George Orwell
It's been a week since the events that took place with Zeke. Tyler was more confident about himself and was no longer afraid, all thanks with the comfort and love of his best friend, Josh.
Things were starting to get really serious in their friendship, but they didn't know it yet.
One day, Tyler decided to get back in shape, so he went out on a jogging trip. When he got back home, he saw Jenna pulling out of her driveway.
When she saw him, she waved at him.
"Oh, hey!"
Tyler came over to her driver side window; still in jogging position.
"Hey, Jenna!"
She smiled at him.
"Wow, look at you!"
Tyler looked down at himself; sweaty yet going at it.
"Oh, thanks."
Jenna smiled again, but realized she was a few minutes late for work.
"Oh, I'm running late, but I have Jim over at your house for the day."
Tyler nodded.
"Okay, go ahead. Go."
Jenna waved to him then drove off to work.
Once she was gone, Tyler ran up to his front porch, but when he got there, he saw a bag of food on his doorstep.
He knew right away it was from his sister, Madison.
Tyler sighed.
"Not again."
He picked up the bag of food and went inside of his house.
When he got into the living room, he was greeted by Josh; sitting on the couch watching TV.
"Hi, darling." Josh said.
"Hello, Josh." Tyler replied.
"How was your run?"
"Exhausting, but I'm very upset right now."
"Why is that, dear?"
"She keeps on sending me food every week."
"Well, that means less shopping, right?"
Tyler chuckled.
"Yeah, I guess."
Josh grinned, which kinda made Tyler blush, although he didn't see it.
Then, he went into the kitchen and put the bag on the counter, then went to call his sister.
"Maddy, you gotta stop these secret ninja food drops. We need to talk before things get weird-"
Suddenly, Josh came in and scooped the carpet from underneath Tyler's feet.
The boy hung up then looked up and saw the man rubbing his ass on the carpet.
Josh moaned as he did, which made Tyler shrug in nervousness.
"Oh, my dear sweet Lord!"
He looked up to the shaken boy.
"Did you know that the natural wool fibers provide an aggressive yet forgiving exfoliation without any of the painful after burn of some of your cheaper synthetics?"
Josh rubbed harder.
"Oh yeah!"
"Josh, that's disgusting." Tyler said. "You rub your ass on everything, and I want it to stop."
"Tyler, my anal glands need to be expressed. It's my constitutional right, my freedom of expression."
The boy started going through the bag of food, and Josh joined in.
"Oh, more Chipotle today!"
Josh took out a burrito.
"She's mixing it up a bit."
Tyler sighed.
"She must be worried about me."
"You think she's doing this because she cares?" Josh asked.
He felt up his burrito in front of Tyler's face.
"This is a guilt burrito, and they put onions in it."
Josh took a bite from the burrito, but the first thing he tasted was the onions, which immediately triggered him.
"Son of a bitch!"
The man slammed the burrito on the counter and spit it out, while Tyler continued to take out the food.
"I do feel guilty. Maddy was just trying to be a good sister, and I told her to get out of my life. She just wants what's best for me."
"Then she should accept you as you are."
Tyler looked at him.
"What do you mean?"
"Maddy's always busting balls." Josh said. "Does she ever try licking them?"
"Josh, how am I gonna get her to stop this?"
The man took the kettle off the stove and poured hot water into his cup.
"You know how Jenna stopped me from chewing on her panties?"
"How?" Tyler asked.
Josh held up a pair of Jenna's pink panties he had hidden in his fur.
"She didn't."
He dipped them into his cup of hot water.
"You know why? She never caught me in the act."
He placed the drenched pink panties on the counter next to the stove.
"You gotta catch Maddy in the act."
To seal the idea, Josh took a sip of his hot water and was satisfied with the taste of Jenna's panties.
Tyler stared at him; both disgusted and inspired.
Later that day, Tyler called Madison and asked her to bring cookies for them to have with tea. He used the call as a way to follow Josh's advice and catch her in the act.
Just before she planned to arrive, Tyler and Josh sat in the car to watch for her. They smoked weed together, which filled the entire car with smoke.
"How are we supposed to spot Maddy with all this smoke?" Tyler asked.
"Use the wipers." Josh replied.
Tyler did as he suggested and turned on the windshield wipers. When they came on, the man watched them while moving his head back and forth.
"That's better."
Despite his inspiring idea, Tyler grew frustrated.
"Oh, this is ridiculous."
He tries to leave, but Josh stops him.
"Don't open that door!"
"Why not?"
Because! What's the point of having a bake-out if we don't get properly baked?!"
Suddenly, Josh took the floor mat in his hands. Just like with the carpet, he rubbed his ass with it.
In response to his repulsive behavior, Tyler took out a water gun, which looked like a real gun, and started spraying him with it.
"What the fuck!" Josh shouted.
"Not the floor mat!"
"Why not?!"
"Because I'm trying to change your behavior. I caught you in the act."
"Tyler, my dear, I've been doing this for years. You can't teach an old dog new tricks."
When he said this, he smiled.
"Actually, that's good. I just come up with that. You should write it down."
Josh started rubbing again.
"No." Tyler said; his hand on the trigger on the water gun.
Josh stopped rubbing, but refused to listen, which caused Tyler to repeatedly spray him with the water gun.
"Aah! Why?! Why?!"
As they fought, they didn't see the faint scream of a woman.
"Oh shit!"
Tyler and Josh stopped fighting, and they both looked at each other and knew immediately.
The two jumped out of the smoking car, and they ran to the front porch. They found Madison laying on the ground. Tyler ran to her side and started helping her.
"Are you okay?"
"What the hell is your guitar doing on the steps?!"
Tyler saw his old guitar on the ground next to Maddy, then looked up at Josh.
"I don't know."
"Oh, yeah." Josh said; picking up the guitar from the ground. "I found your guitar in the basement. I left it on the steps."
"Is it broken?" Tyler asked; helping his sister to her feet.
"No, I think it's just out of tune." Josh replied as he tried to adjust the strings.
The man knew he was talking about Madison, but he just kept on adjusting.
After helping Madison into the house, Tyler laid her down on the couch and put an ice back on her ankle, then went into the kitchen and got her some pain pills and a glass of water.
When he sat them on the counter, she scoffed.
"I don't take generic."
"This is a switch, huh?" Tyler said.
He put the pills in Madison's hand.
"Back when were kids, you gave me the boo-boo medicine."
"I gave you the boo-boo medicine not too long ago and you abused it, remember?" Madison asked; harshly.
She took the pills then took a sip of water.
"You're right." Tyler said. "I messed up, but I'm feeling better. In fact, my life is great."
"Dog sitting in not a career, Tyler. Is this how you're gonna spend the rest of your life?"
Madison winced from the pain in her ankle, which made her even angrier.
"I have to work at the fucking hospital all day tomorrow, I can't drive, and my stupid husband is off golfing in Vegas!"
She winced again.
"Will is so boring, he probably is golfing."
Tyler smiled.
"I'd be happy to drive you."
"Thank you, Tyler, but if I am not there on time to help the mentally disabled, I don't get paid."
Tyler sighed.
"Look, I know I've been a little unreliable, but come on, give me a chance to prove I've changed."
As he pleaded with her, Tyler suddenly heard the sound of an electric guitar.
"Did you hear that?"
Madison scoffed.
"Yeah, you sound very sincere."
"No, I mean-"
The sound continued. Tyler got up.
"I'll be right back."
He went downstairs to the basement and saw Josh playing with his electric guitar in front of the mirror with a cigarette in his mouth.
When he heard him approaching, he stopped playing, took another puff, then turned to face him.
"You're late."
Tyler looked at him awkwardly. He didn't understand what he meant.
"If this band's gonna make it, we need to show a bit more dedication."
"We have a band?" Tyler asked.
"Yeah." Josh replied. "All's we gotta do is lay down a demo, shop it to the labels, then start giggling."
He got excited.
"We're gonna go big time, baby! I'm talking six fingers, and it all starts tomorrow!"
Josh took another puff from his cigarette in delight, but it quickly cut short.
"I can't." Tyler said.
The man took out his cigarette in response.
"Why not?"
"I have to help Maddy."
"You're letting her get between you and the band!"
Josh took off his electric guitar.
"I can't believe this!"
The man swung it across the room in anger.
"Calm down!" Tyler cried.
"That's exactly what John Lennon said before he ran off and got nude with that asian bitch!"
"Don't be racist."
"How can I be racist?" Josh asked. "I'm incapable of seeing color."
"Josh, she needs me."
"And I don't?" You know how I feel about being left alone, Tyler."
"It's just a few hours."
"Well, what am I supposed to do all by myself in this big empty house?"
Tyler got a big frustrated.
"Jeez, such high maintenance."
"What if something happens?"
"What could happen?" Tyler asked.
Josh took another puff from his cigarette.
"Well, I guess we'll find out."
He threw his cigarette into the trash can then ran upstairs. The burning of the tip caused a flame to ignite. Seeing this, Tyler sprung into action and put out the fire before it could spread.
When he did this, he knew right away Josh could not be left home alone.
The next day, Tyler and Jenna took Josh to a doggy daycare in town. When they walked into the lobby, Tyler smiled at sight of everything.
"Wow, look at this place."
While Jenna checked them in, Tyler and Josh walked to a glass window to watch the other dogs play. The boy continued to smile at it all.
"I think this is gonna work out great."
Josh shrugged.
"I mean, it's pretty cool, huh? You got an outdoor area, and look, a TV."
The man took Tyler's hand into his paw.
"I'm begging you, darling. Don't leave me in here with all these losers."
Josh pointed Tyler out to a dog nearby the window.
"Look at the hair on this pounce, and the pug. "I'm so ugly, I'm cute", no you are ugly!"
He pointed him out to another dog.
"Look at this genius, chasing his tail around in circles. It's not going anywhere!"
The man looked at back at Tyler, then looked down at his tail, then he noticed it move.
"What the?"
He chased his tail around in circles just like the dog in the glass window. Tyler wanted to giggle, because it was really cute to watch him be the dog he's always been, even though he thinks he's a human.
As this was going on, the owner came out to greet Jenna.
"Hello, I'm Max. Welcome to my day care."
Jenna smiled and shook his hand.
"I'm Jenna Black, and this is my friend and neighbor, Tyler."
Max looked over and saw the golden brown dog standing next to Tyler.
"And this must be Jim!"
He reached and hugged him.
"Hi, Jim!"
Josh stood and tried to shake off Max's hands, but he felt as if he couldn't move, like he was trapped.
"What type of dog is he?" Max asked.
"Good question." Tyler added; thinking he was going to ask about his human like appearance.
"He's a golden retriever." Jenna replied.
"Well, he's gorgeous. And something tells me, he likes peanut butter!"
"Oh my god, it's his favorite!" Jenna cried.
Josh, feeling uneasy, quickly moved away from Max and walked over to the other side of the lobby, where he was met with a strange silver demon creature in the form of a mega sized stuffed animal.
Tyler, Jenna, and Max all stood together, but Tyler was extremely worried about Josh's wellbeing in the day care. He thought Max was being too weird.
"He looks a little nervous." The boy said; watching Josh.
"Yeah, he'll be fine." Max replied. "Look, he's already made a friend."
Tyler watched as Josh took out his pack of cigarettes and offered one to the stuffed demon creature.
"Smoke?" Josh asked.
The creature didn't respond, but Josh knew what he was saying.
"Yeah, I should quit too."
Tyler walked over next to him and took his arm lightly; smiling.
"This is better than being left alone at home all day, right?"
Josh leaned next to the creature.
"That's Tyler. Ain't he stupid?"
The creature told him something. Josh answered him then looked at Tyler and chuckled.
"Ha! I never noticed that before, but you're right! It is too big for his body!"
Josh grabbed onto the creature's hand and laughed.
"Ha! LOL!"
Tyler ignored their remarks, then patted Josh's back.
"I'll be back before lunch."
The boy turned and walked back next to Jenna, who waved at her dog.
"Bye, Jimmie!"
Max walked over to Josh.
"Don't you guys worry." He said; rubbing Josh's shoulder. "I have a gift with dogs, okay?"
The man wanted to move away, but was once again trapped by Max's touch. When he went to open the door, Josh grabbed the creature and held him close as they were led into the room.
All Tyler could do was watch and take in the owner's seemingly kind words.
"Jim's gonna have a ball."
With his final comments, Max winked then went into the room and closed the door.
After leaving the daycare, Tyler went to pick up his sister like he promised. When he arrived, he helped her out of her house and walked her to his car.
Madison was surprised at how her little brother was acting, and she liked every second of it.
"Right on time, I'm impressed. No, actually, I'm shocked."
She got into the car.
"See? It's the new Tyler." The boy replied.
He threw her crutches in the back seat, which made her wince.
"What's wrong, Maddy?"
"When you threw my crutches in the back, it vibrated right into my ankle."
"Oh, sorry."
Tyler closed her door then got into the drivers side. When he said down to put his key into the ignition, he slipped back and sighed.
Tyler looked at his sister.
"I'm out of gas."
Madison shook.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
Tyler started chuckling.
"Yeah, I'm kidding."
Madison was not happy, even if it was a joke.
"Tyler, don't tease me. When I get stressed, my ankle hurts."
"Is that why they call it a stress fracture?"
Tyler kept on chuckling as he put his seatbelt on. Madison was still not pleased.
"Laughing hurts too. Now, take me to work."
The boy frowned, but he did what his sister wanted and drove her to work.
Towards the end of her shift, Tyler called Max from the daycare to check up on Josh.
"Hey, it's Tyler. I'm just checking in on Jim. How's he doing?"
"Oh, he's fitting right in." Max replied. "Man, be sure does love peanut butter!"
Tyler grinned.
"Okay. Well, I'll be there in a half an hour."
"Okay, take care."
He hung up, then went to help Madison get into the car.
"How was work?" He asked; opening the door for her.
"Ugh! Old women. One ugly lady two times."
"Oh, whatever. Who cares, right?"
Madison gave a light smile.
Tyler shut the door for her, then got into the drivers seat next to her.
"So, where do you want to have lunch?" Madison asked.
"Oh, I-I have to be somewhere." Tyler said.
"I'll buy this time."
"No, Maddy. It's not that. I just have to go pick up Jim from the daycare."
"That dog?" Madison asked. "That's why you don't want have lunch with me?"
"No, Maddy. I do-"
"You're still angry with me about something. All I've ever wanted was to keep you safe-"
"I'm not mad. I just promised-"
"Just listen to me, Tyler-"
"Okay!" The boy cried. "Let's go get lunch."
She backed down from her frustration, then started to put on her seatbelt.
"Tyler, keep your voice down, you're embarrassing me."
The boy felt bad for embarrassing his sister, but she looked at up to him and smiled, which made him feel better.
Once the car turned on, the two went to grab some lunch somewhere.
That evening, Tyler arrived at the daycare a little bit late than what he promised. He went up to the desk and rang the bell.
Max opened the door and came out to greet him.
"Oh, hi."
He walked out the room with a jar of peanut butter in his hand. Josh came out from behind him, carrying the stuffed creature in his arms. He looked sweaty and shaken.
He was not his normal self.
"You're late." The man said.
"I'm sorry." Tyler said. "I had lunch with my sister, and-"
He looked at Max.
"And, she wanted to go shopping, and-"
"It's okay." Max said. "Jim and I had a great time."
He padded his shoulder.
"Didn't we, Jim?"
The man shook him off.
"Can we go now?"
Tyler touched his cheek; lightly.
"Yes, we'll go right now."
Before they could leave, Max stopped them.
"Wait, Ned stays here."
He was referring to the stuffed creature in Josh's arms, which belonged to Max.
"Oh, of course."
He reached out to take him, but Josh refused to let him go.
"Jim, drop it."
Still, he refused. Tyler started pulling him out of his hands.
"Jim, drop, it."
Finally, Tyler took Ned away from him and gave him back to Max.
He couldn't understand why he was behaving so strange.
"What's wrong with you?"
"He must be hungry." Max said.
Josh looked at him then quickly walked away.
"Bye, Jim."
As Tyler walked him out, he turned around and saw Max stuffing peanut butter into a dog toy with his fingers.
The boy was heavily confused and disgusted, but he rubbed it off and left with Josh.
Later that evening, the two go home and decided to spend some time in the basement, but instead, Tyler used his time try on some clothes that he got while shopping with his sister.
He took out one of his new jackets and started trying them on in front of the mirror.
"I never wear jackets anymore, but she really wanted me to have it."
"It's very fetching, Tyler." Josh said; while staring at a picture on the wall. "It's a perfect choice."
"You know, Maddy's not so bad. When she ran out of things to criticize, we actually had a lot of fun."
Josh looked at him and smiled; slightly.
"I'm very happy for you, darling."
He stared back at the picture.
"I'm happy for you both."
Tyler smiled back.
"I think she's finally starting to accept me for who I am."
When he turned to look at him, he saw him peeing on the floor.
"Josh! What the hell are you doing?!"
He ran over and covered it up with a nearby pillow, then looked up to him; seeing the strange behavior he showed when he picked him up at the daycare.
"It's a cry for help, dear."
"Is this because I was late picking you up?"
"No, Max didn't do anything wrong."
Tyler looked at him; strangely. Josh quickly noticed and looked away from his dear friend.
"Who said anything about Max?"
"I-I better get home. Jenna will be wondering where I am."
"She's working late."
"Still, I should go."
Tyler reached out and took Josh's hand.
"Let's take a walk."
Josh was hesitant at first, but be trusted his friend too much to refuse him.
The two left the house and walked through town a little, but Josh didn't seem to be okay, so Tyler went over and got him some ice cream.
"Hey, my sweet. I got you something to make you smile, and will certainly make me blush."
He held up an ice cream cone, and Josh immediately recognized the flavor.
"What do you mean, "no"?" Tyler asked. "It's peanut butter."
"No. No."
"But, you love it."
"No, it's not right."
"Cut the crap, Josh. How long are you gonna stay mad at me? So I was late-"
"Just leave me alone!"
"No, I will not! Stop being such a baby! It's your favorite, peanut butter! Take it!"
"Take it! You know you want it!"
Josh gave in and took the ice cream, turned it upside down, and started licking it. As he licked, he began to cry.
Tyler watched and began to piece together everything that Josh was talking about.
"He likes peanut butter."
The man looked at him, with tears in his eyes.
"Oh, Tyler."
"Jim's gonna have a ball."
"Holy shit."
Tyler placed his hand over his mouth in shock. He felt the whole world collapse right in front of him. Josh's crying and tears told him the truth of what happened at the daycare.
He realized that Max had sexually abused him.
The two arrived home later that night. Josh was distraught over that fact that Tyler found out what happened to him, that he hid himself away from him.
Tyler did his best to keep him close. He offered to let him stay with him for the night, and Josh accepted, but he still wanted to be alone.
As Tyler sat in the living room doing some knitting, he heard the sound of a shower running. He assumed that Josh was in there. He went over there to check on him.
He leaned his head against the door, and heard the faint sound of crying.
"Josh? What are you doing in there?"
"A-A numbertwo."
The man sank the floor; hugging himself and weeping.
"Josh, I know that's not true." Tyler replied. "Please open the door."
Tyler walked into the bathroom and saw Josh on the shower floor; crying his eyes out. He shut off the water and pulled him into his arms.
Josh cried ever harder.
"Oh, darling."
"It's okay, my love. I'm right here."
The boy dried Josh off with a towel, wrapped him in a blanket, and made him his favorite soup. Then, they went down to the basement to talk about what happened.
Every time Josh brought up a certain part of the event, he sipped his soup.
"Then, what happened?" Tyler asked.
"H-He rubbed it all over his nut sack, then he-"
"Shh. It's okay."
Josh lightly grinned, then took another sip from his soup.
"I just don't understand why you'd... why you'd do that."
"You think I wanted to, Tyler?" Josh said. "It was fucking peanut butter."
During the conversation, the phone started ringing. Tyler looked on the screen, then looked back at his friend.
"It's Maddy."
Josh sighed then looked down in distress. Tyler didn't want to answer, but he needed to show his sister that he's changed.
So, he answered the phone.
"Hey, Maddy."
"Hey." Madison replied. "I just wanted to thank you again. You really impressed me today."
"So, about tomorrow."
"T-Tomorrow?" Tyler asked.
"Yeah." Madison said. "My ankle? Still sprained. I have to be at work at 9."
Tyler looked at Josh and thought of him. As much as he wanted to help his sister, he couldn't leave him alone anymore.
"I'm sorry." The boy said. "I can't help you tomorrow. I have to stay with a friend."
Madison was confused.
"A friend?"
"Yeah, thanks for understanding."
Before she could respond, Tyler hung up. He took Josh's hand and squeezed it in his palms.
"Listen to me, you are not going back to that daycare."
"Except to get Ned." Josh said.
"We have to rescue Ned."
Tyler was confused.
"Ned? Do you mean, the stuffed creature, Ned?"
"What Max does to Ned is even worse."
"But, it's a stuffed animal."
"Yeah, Tyler. Stuffed with pain and humiliation and Max's cum. And bits of foam, I think."
When he heard this, Tyler felt as if he was slapped in the face by the paws of his best friend.
"Oh my God. I am such a fucking idiot!"
"W-What do you mean?" Josh asked.
Tyler stood up in anger.
"This is exactly what you accused Maddy of doing. You're using guilt to manipulate me."
"What? Why would I do that?"
"Because you're jealous, Josh!"
"What the fuck are you talking about?" The man asked; putting down his soup bowl on the counter.
"I close Maddy over you, and she and I are getting along, so you come up with this bullshit story!"
"It's bullshit!"
"Tyler, Max is a "dog molesterer!"
"I'm starting to think you're more trouble than you're worth. The head games, the endless need for attention, the way you constantly critique every shit I take."
The boy picks up his phone and immediately dials his sister's phone.
"Well, you know what? I've had enough!"
Tyler puts the phone to his ear, and his sister quickly answers.
"Maddy! Hey, change of plans. Yeah, I'll see you there at 9. Great!"
Josh felt the biggest betrayal of his life. His own best friend did not believe him, and it fumed him with anger and sadness.
"I should've known you wouldn't believe me. It's like you're shoving Max's big, hairy, peanut butter ball bags in my mouth all over again!"
"Go home, Josh."
The man stood up and threw the blanket across the room.
"You're not my husband, and I fucking hate you!"
Tears came down his cheeks.
"I wish I'd never been born!"
Josh ran upstairs and out of the house. Tyler watched him and felt a bit remorseful for his words, but he didn't want to buy that Max had hurt him.
He was too blinded by the attention he had been giving to his sister, and didn't want to break the bond between them.
The next day, Tyler picked up Madison and they started driving to work, while Jenna took Josh back to the daycare. During the drive, Madison talked up a storm, but Tyler chose to just drive and listen.
"So, I finally saw John and Lily's new place, and the verdict is not good."
"Really?" Tyler asked.
"Yeah. I mean, there's a fine line between Beverly Hills elegance and Persian overkill. It looked like they used the same decorator as Saddam Hussein."
As he drove, Tyler got distracted from the conversation and started slowing down.
As he did, he looked over his left and saw his neighbor playing with his dog, which made him remember the fun times he had with Josh before he was pulled into caring for his sister.
Then he saw images of Jenna dropping off Josh at the daycare, and the man leaning on the glass window, begging for her to not go away.
"Bye bye, Jimmie!"
"No! Don't leave me! Nooo!-"
"Tyler!" Madison cried.
The boy pressed on the brakes; quickly, and came up to reality.
"Sorry, what were you saying?"
Madison was annoyed, so she took out her phone, but when she opened it, she got a text from her boss.
"Oh, fucking great!"
"My 10:00 just canceled."
"Oh, shit." Tyler said. "Why is that?"
"45 year old woman decides to skip her amino. She's even dumber than her kid's gonna be."
She put her phone back in her purse, then smiled to her little brother, who kept on driving.
"So, looks like I have a free morning."
"That's great." Tyler asked.
Madison started thinking, then she got excited.
"Hey, um, you know what we should do?"
Tyler had no idea what his sister was planning, until he found himself sitting at the salon getting ready to have his hair done.
"Maddy, I'm fine with having my hair cut, but I don't want it too short."
"No, of course not. Just something that looks more, professional."
"P-Professional?" Tyler asked.
"Yeah." Madison replied. "Not, I mean, you know, neat."
She nodded at the stylist, and she started combing, but before she could touch his hair, Tyler heard his phone rang and he answered it.
"Tyler, you've gotta help me."
When he heard Josh's desperate voice, the boy leaned away from the stylist so he could talk to him.
"How did you get this number?!"
"No time to explain! Max's gone to get the peanut butter!"
"Josh, I don't believe-"
"He's gone to get the peanut butter, Tyler!"
The man was crouched underneath Max's desk, with Ned next to him.
"He's trying to trick me into doing it again! Tyler, darling, you've got to stop this! You've got to-"
The phone call abruptly stopped.
"Hello? Josh?"
The boy became frightened for Josh's life, and he started to understand what he was trying to tell him. As he contemplated these thoughts, he looked over to a little girl watching her mother get her hair done.
"Mommy, Dolly wants a haircut."
"Dolly isn't real."
"She's real to me."
The boy started to feel helpless, then his sister started talking again, and what she said made him want to break his chains and flee.
"Hey, Tyler, remember Sheila Caudillo?"
"Doesn't matter. She runs a legal aid center downtown and it's for poor people. No one's gonna care if you don't try that hard. And, I was thinking-"
"You'd trick me into doing it again." Tyler told her. "I don't wanna be a lawyer."
"I was just trying to help-"
"I don't need your help!"
"Tyler, I've been taking care of you my entire life. What do you want me to do? Just stop?"
Her little brother's reaction stunned her. She felt as if he was betraying their relationship, but he got up from his chair, pulled her aside and told her the truth.
"Look, Maddy. I don't need a mother. I just need a big sister who can accept me as I am. Can you do that?"
Madison saw how desperate he was, but she wasn't sure.
"I don't know, Tyler."
The boy was distraught, until he thought of something that Josh once told him.
"Can't teach an old dog new tricks?"
Madison still wasn't sure, but it seemed that he was sensible about it, so she agreed.
"I'll try, but if I can't-"
"Then I'll just have to accept you as you are."
"A pain in the ass, but a good sister."
Tyler chuckled, and she gave a light smile.
"I'm sorry, Madison. I hate to leave you, but Jim needs me."
When she heard him mention Josh, she got irritated.
"That dog again? Tyler, you-"
The boy looked at her and frowned.
"Okay, go. Go to him."
"What about you?"
"I'll just take a cab. Don't worry."
"Okay, thank you!"
Tyler immediately ran away, and Madison sighed.
"You're welcome."
Tyler ran out the door and started running to his car, which was parked outside the salon. Once he got in, he sped through town trying to save his best friend.
Meanwhile, Max went and retrieved the peanut butter, then he started walking around the daycare, trying find where Josh was hiding.
No response.
Tyler drove as fast as he could, but when he hit traffic, it slowed him down. He screamed in frustration.
The boy had no choice but to leave his car and run to find Josh.
As he did, Josh and Ned did the best they could to hide from Max, but by the time he found them, it was too late.
The horny man undid his pants prepared to do the dirty crime on the innocent dog.
Josh placed Ned on a chair and calmed him down; assuring him that everything was going to be alright, when he knew it wasn't going to be.
When he turned him away, Josh looked and saw Max spreading the peanut butter all over his balls. He smiled and moaned through it all. Josh, having no urge to fight him for Ned's sake, kneeled down before him and prepared for the worst.
Suddenly, before he was forced into taking one smite of peanut butter from his disgusting testicle worms, the bell was repeatedly rung. Max walked out into the lobby to see who it was, but Josh had already knew.
When the horny man walked into the lobby, he saw Tyler standing there; looking all sweaty and drenched.
The boy saw that his pants were undone, and his pants were dipped with peanut butter. He was not at all hiding what he was doing, but he acted as if nothing happened.
"Oh, what a surprise." The horny man said; smiling like he had assaulted someone.
"I'll bet." The boy replied; knowing full well what his intentions were.
Max looked at him, awkwardly.
"I'm sorry?"
"Where's Jim? I want to see him now."
When Josh heard Tyler's voice, he came out of the room with Ned in his arms.
The man ran to him and embraced him. Tyler was relieved to see that he was okay.
"Come on, let's go."
Before they could leave, Max quickly stopped them.
"Actually, Jenna signed him in, so she has to sign him out. I'll just call to confirm-"
"No need." Tyler said.
He turned to Josh.
"Come on, we're leaving."
"But, he's not your dog." Max said, with the most disgusting tone of voice.
"And he's not your sex toy!" Tyler shouted. "He's a pain in the ass, but he's my friend. If he's got a problem, then I've got a problem."
Once again, he turned to Josh.
"Let's go."
Max smiled; licking his teeth.
"You can leave, but you cannot take Ned."
He forcibly took Ned out of Josh's hands.
Tyler, having enough of this evil sex addicted man, pulled out a gun and pointed it to his head.
"Don't even fucking think about it!"
"Are you fucking crazy?" Max asked; in shock.
"That's one possibility."
The boy looked to Josh; still having his finger locked on the trigger.
"Jim! Get Ned!"
Hearing his words, Josh took Ned back into his grip. Max looked closely and saw that it wasn't a real gun.
"Is that a squirt gun?"
As he tried to take it, Tyler shot water at him as they ran away; finally stopping him for good.
The two escaped the daycare and got into the car and started driving home. Tyler was in shock over what he done.
"I don't even know what happened back there."
Josh smiled.
"You came for me, and I knew you would."
Tyler looked at him.
"Why do I put up with you?"
"But, that's the question, isn't it, darling?"
Josh started itching in his ass again, but he didn't to use the floor mat. Tyler saw what he was wanting to do, and happily handed him his floor mat.
The two smiled and shared a brief moment as they gazed into each other's eyes, showing the contentment and love of their strange but wonderful friendship.
When they got home, Tyler did what he promised and started helping Josh with his band. The two started practicing together in the basement. Josh played the electric guitar, while Tyler played the bass.
As they practiced, Josh noticed that Tyler seemed to not be playing correctly.
"Cut, cut, cut." He said; stopping his strumming. "You're supposed to be playing a G there."
"Yeah, G, that's what I'm playing." Tyler said.
"No, you're playing an H."
Tyler chuckled.
"There is no H."
"Not in this song there's not."
"Josh, I did not play an H."
The man looked at Ned, who sat nearby.
"Ned, you're thoughts?"
"Hang on." Tyler said.
He looked at the stuffed creature; confused.
"Is Ned even in this band?"
"Why, would that be a problem?" Josh asked.
"Well, if his only purpose is to help gang up on me, then yes. And besides, he doesn't play any instrument that I'm aware of."
"He plays a pretty good skin flute."
Tyler decided to ignore him, and the two went back to practicing the song. However, within the next 5 minutes of practice, the boy became frustrated.
"Let Ned play bass if he's such an expert!" Tyler shouted; throwing his bass guitar on Ned's lap.
"Ned is giving constructive criticism." Josh said. "Don't take it personally."
"Well, it doesn't get much more personal than I play bass like a busted vagina."
The boy shook his head.
"I'm sorry, Josh, but I can't work like this."
He started walking upstairs. Josh was distraught.
"Guys! Ned, drop it! Tyler!"
When he was gone, Josh looked at Ned and started giggling.
"He didn't like that, did he?"
Ned didn't respond out loud, but Josh could read him perfectly.
"Yeah, I know. We'll just have to put up with him until we can find a new-"
Tyler came back downstairs, and Josh changed the subject back to the band practice.
"Okay, so we go down to G, into the middle bit, and then it's chorus, chorus, chorus."
Josh looked at Tyler, who picked up the bass from Ned's lap.
"Hi, darling."
Tyler looked at Ned, then looked at Josh as he got into position to play.
"Alright, ready?"
The boy nodded.
"Three, four."
The two started playing the song again, only this time, it was better than the first time they played.
"Okay, down to G, now."
Tyler played the note correctly, which made him feel more confident about his bass playing.
"Yeah, that's it!"
The two managed the finish the song, then they decided to call it quits for the day, making their band a huge success.
After taking a little walk and making a nice dinner for Jenna when she got home from work, the two relaxed in the basement for the evening. Tyler sat down with a bottle of beer and the Gatorade bong. As Josh came to sit, Tyler used a clicker, which told him he needed to sit down next to him.
When he sat down, the boy made a light giggle.
"I have you so trained."
"What?" Josh asked.
"Well, all week long, I've been clicking this and giving you a treat every time you sat down. Now, I don't even have to give you a treat, and you still sit down."
The man looked at him and smiled.
"I have to hand it to you, Tyler. You humans do possess the superior intellect."
"Well, I do go to Columbus Law School."
Josh nodded, then he grabbed a cup of water and started blowing bubbles into it, until Tyler handed him the Gatorade bong, and he lit and blew into it.
Later, the two shared some pizza and talked about the life of an average dog.
"Want to know something, darling?"
"What is it?" Tyler asked.
"A canine ear is four times more sensitive than that dried apricot you call an ear. As a matter of fact, right now, I'm hearing something. Three or four miles away."
"What can you hear?"
"I can hear, glass breaking, footsteps, a gun being cocked, a man screaming."
Josh started panicking.
"Oh my God, Tyler."
"What? What?"
"Coming from the other direction, I can, I can hear two labradors going at it."
"What about the man screaming?" Tyler asked.
"Shh!" Josh said. "They're both female."
"Well, should I call 911?"
"No, they're just experimenting."
"What do you mean, "they're experimenting?"
Josh took a bite from his pizza.
"Don't wait up!"
He got up and ran upstairs to check out the noises, while Tyler watched and was confused on what just happened. He later got up and started cleaning up the basement before going upstairs for the night.
Despite the strange experience he had that day, Tyler learned to be true to himself and accept others for who they are.
Especially his furry best friend.
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