First kiss!?

Hanzo woke up at his usual time and he rubbed the sleep out his eyes and started to meditate... during his meditation he started thinking of Jesse which was throwing him off so after a while he just gave up and walked out his room to make himself some breakfast, he made some eggs and bacon simple, and sat down and ate while on his phone, soon enough he heard retr0's door open and he heard her yelling to get Genji up and seconds later Hanzo heard genjis door open and Genji yelling from upstairs and retr0 came downstairs with Genji thrown over her shoulder and Hanzo looked at retr0 put him down in a chair "Ughhh sis I'm 15 I'm not a baby" said Genji and Hanzo laughed and retr0 replied while putting 2 plates down of breakfast "well I don't care you need to start getting up more early" said retr0 and Hanzo laughed it was always like this when they got up in the morning and Genji head fell on the table but retr0 moved his plate away from him before his head landed it and Hanzo laughed and went back to his phone "me and Jesse are going on a date today for lunch" Hanzo mentioned and retr0 started to tease Hanzo "Aww so y'all can share your first kiss" and retr0 started making kissing noises and Hanzo laughed "nooo not yet" said Hanzo and retr0 smiled and began to eat...after breakfast they put their plates up and went to do whatever they do, Hanzo was in the garden since it was a beautiful day out, Hanzo loved being out in the garden hearing the water flow in the small river and the smell of the flowers, he started to think about what him and Jesse would do on their date and before he knew it, it was almost 12 o clock so he hurried back in the house and quickly got dressed in his blue long kimono and quickly combed and brushed his hair and grabbed his phone and left, he quickly walked to the cafe and as soon as he walked in the cafe he was on time 12 on the dot and he saw Jesse sitting down and he walked to the table and sat down "hey there Han you like bein on time don't ya?" Said Mcree and Hanzo replied "yes my father built that in me I won't dare be a minute late to anything" and Mcree laughed and the waitress came and asked for their order "I would like the green tea and the ginger sushi" said Hanzo and Mcree ordered "I'll have the beef ramen bowl with any soda" and the waitress smiled, bowed and walked away. "So what have you been up to today" asked Mcree and Hanzo smiled and said "Nothing really I'm actually glad I didn't do anything today" and Mcree paused and said "so your glad to be bored all damn day?" And Hanzo nodded and said "after your father keeps you busy you would be glad to relax" soon enough  the waitress came with the orders and she asked "any dessert?" And Mcree nodded and replied "I'll have the apple pie and Hanzo?" Hanzo replied with "I'll have the mochi ice cream" and the waitress wrote it down and said "good choice your desserts will be ready soon" and walked off and Mcree tried to eat but he couldn't work chopsticks he was struggling Hanzo laughed and said "here let me help" after helping Mcree he could eat with ease he was a fast learner and they ate and talked some more and ate desert, Mcree paid and they left and Mcree started to walk Hanzo home "ya ever pulled a prank on ya siblings" Mcree asked and Hanzo laughed and replied "hehe no my siblings have done it to me plenty of times" and Mcree laughed "you should see me and my sister we do it all the time" and Hanzo laughed and soon enough they made it to the front of hanzo's house aka the gate of shimada castle and Hanzo turned to Mcree and blushed and said "well I really appreciate you for the lunch thank yo-" before Hanzo could finish his sentence Jesse kissed him, Hanzo froze for a minute he didn't know what to do but somehow his body agreed with the kiss and he fell into it, soon enough Mcree pulled away and saw Hanzo blushing blushing like a tomato and Mcree smiled and said "Hope to see you again..." And gave Hanzo a quick kiss and walked away, Hanzo quickly walked in the gate and in the house and squealed and retr0 came downstairs and looked confused "uh bro wha-" "HE KISSED ME!!! AHH" Hanzo interrupted and retr0's eyes widened and she squealed and said "Ahh oh my gosh!" They talked about it all that day Hanzo still couldn't believe it now what was the relationship build into now?...

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