
3rd POV

Deep within a pitch black void was another void with a much brighter color. A home was there and the Entity known as Dush20 was just floating there in his home that was nicely created. He made this all on his known and with the knowledge he possessed. Surprisingly enough you can actually go outside of this home and float around in the second void without needing anything. Oxygen was not a problem as it floats everywhere in both the home and second void. The main void does not have oxygen meaning those that need air cannot survive in there, only Dush20 can enter it as it's his real home.

Right now we see Dush20 working on setting up a bunch of controllers and consoles so he could play with his friends. When he finished it he made invitations to the following friends and sent them. The only way for one to enter his second void is if he grant permission to the said person or thing. He never lets anyone in the main void because it will also tear them apart. Allowing Dush20 to become stronger if he does not feel like killing anything or anyone at that time.

Once he finished setting up invites and sent them he waited for everyone to appear.

The first one was a skeleton lookalike of Sans. He goes by the name VHS_Sans.

VHS_Sans|VHS_Sans:"Image Down Below"

VHS_Sans: Hey thanks for the invite, Dush20. Also thanks for making sure to email an invite as a back up cause last time my Y/N stole it.

Dush20: 'Nodding his head' No problem.

However Dush20 was waiting for the rest of his friends to arrive. A portal opened up with a green color and out of it came his interesting friend. It was none other than iweier35icloudcom.

iweier35icloudcom|iweier35icloudcom:"Image Down Below"

iweier35icloudcom: Thanks for the invite Dush20, we're gonna have a lot of fun I just know it.

Dush20 not understanding many things decided to just nod his head as he didn't understand what people would mean by fun.

He waited for the others to arrive and soon enough another portal opened up. This portal was purple and out of came one of Dush20's favorite writers. Dracunyin1987.

Dracunyuan1987|Dracunyan1987:"Image Down Below"

Dracunyuan1987: Thanks for the invite man, I needed a break after working on those stories and one-shots for awhile.

Dush20: 'Nodding his head' No problem, dude.

Another portal then opens up showing a Neon design as Sonic3399 appears from it. He got Y/N's invite and was happy to join them in their hang out.

Sonic3399|Sonic3399:"Image Down Below"

Sonic3399: Yo, Dush20 thanks for the invite.

Dush20: No problem, dude. Glad to see you came here. How's everything going with your girlfriends?

Dush20 who was somewhat able to understand a bit of love, but he lacked a huge amount of common sense to realize that it was way to straight forward.

Sonic3399: 'Blushing' H-Hey! That's... personal!

Dush20: Umm... okay? Moving on from that how have things been so far?

Sonic3399: Things have been fine and I feel pretty good about the work I've done as well. I also decided to take a break with the work that I've been doing.

Dush20: Cool.

A portal opens up with some ancient designs and a familiar face steps through revealing himself to be Crimson-Pendragon-X.


Crimson-Pendragon-X: Hello, Dush20. I see you've given me the invite and I look forward to what you have planned for us.

Dush20: Well if it isn't the Pendragon Knight himself. Glad to see you got the invite.

A portal opened up and four girls stepped out of it revealing themselves to be the Doki girls. Dush20 calls them the Poets since he figured they would know more about Poems.

Doki Girls (Monika, Sayori, Natsuki and Yuri): "Image Down Below"

Monika: Dush20! Thanks for letting us join your hangout.

Sayori: Do you have cookies Dush20!?

Dush20: I do as a matter of fact. 'Hands Sayori a crate full of cookies' Here you go.

Sayori: YAY! 'Jumps into the create full of cookies'

Natsuki: 0_0 I am not gonna be unable to see that am I?

Yuri: 0_0 Nope.

Monika: 0_0 There is not enough therapy to deal with this.

A pipe appeared in the void and Mawio comes out of it.

Mawio: "Image Down Below"

Mawio: Hi Dush20. OwO

Dush20: Oh, Mawio. I didn't know you were going to join us.

Mawio: How could I pass up the opportunity? I also wanted to hang out again after we got to meet for the first time. OwO

Dush20: Yeah... Anyways VHS_Sans is here as well. Why don't you go ahead and spend time with him while I wait for the others to arrive.

Mawio: Yay! ^w^

Dush20's Mind: "Nice to have her around here. At least I got VHS_Sans back for throwing me at iweier35icloudcom."

Dush20: Wait... Where the funk is that blue one at?

Suddenly a blue ring appears with a blue glowing color and out of it came a familiar face.

????: Sorry I'm late everyone.

Yup there she's is. The Majin from Rooster Teeth and given a style of Sonic from Sega.

Majin Ruby Rose.

Majin Ruby Rose: "Image Down Below"

Majin Ruby Rose: Had to take care of something earlier, sorry about that Dush20.

Dush20: It's fine. Just give me a heads up ject time.

Majin Ruby Rose: Got it.

One more portal opened up and it was friend that Dush20 made on both Wattpad and Discord.

????: Dush20 I hope you haven't forgotten about me dude.

Dush20: Aye it's MSpaint_DirkStrider. Welcome to Hangout everyone's here today.


MSpaint_DirkStrider: I'm so glad that I'm here for the gaming you have for us- Why is Sayori swimming in a crate of cookies?

Dush20: She wanted cookies and I gave her cookies.

Monika: 'Sweating' Yeah...

Yuri: It's shocking how she can eat all of that and still be hungry.

Natsuki: 'Sweat drops' Your telling me.

Dush20: Anyways... I got the games we can play, but first... let's do our own version of The Fighters.

Majin Ruby Rose: Does this mean I can take Majin Sonic's role for that?

Dush20: Of course.

Majin Ruby Rose: YES!

Everyone soon took their places and started with the roles they were given.

Sayori took the role of Tails

Natsuki took Knuckles.

Yuri took the role of Eggman.

Dush20 took the role of Xanthus since he could shapeshift even though he lacks a soul.

Sonic3399 took the role of BF.

VHS_Sans took the role of Pico since he wanted to test out if his powers could be combined with a gun and see if it's even possible to delete an entity.

Majin Ruby Rose, Mawio and Crimson Pendragon X took the role of Majin Sonic.

Monika was adjusting the camera so she could film everything as this was going to be the gangs first FNF Style of singing.

MSpaint_DirkStrider took the role of playing the music this guy has a real sneaky stunt he's gonna pull during the song.

The others played as the victims of Xanthous.

By the time the song was over everyone laughs and starts heading to the gaming room, so they could play the games Dush20 has prepared. VHS_Sans couldn't delete the entity, so that was one thing that never works.

MSpaint_DirkStrider had the music off the whole time they were singing meaning everyone was only using their vocals while MSpaint_DirkStrider was trying really hard not to laugh which failed as the others were embarrassed. Putting it aside they also got food, drinks and snacks for their hangout. While also having vegetables for Monika since Dush20 learned that she's a Vegan, so he kept that as an important thing to remember when she comes to either hang out or visit. Everyone got comfortable in the gaming room Dush20 made and went to find a game they can all do.

Little did everyone know that they are also going to be in for a surprise.

End of Prologue

What game should we start playing?

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