Blue Magic

{Handplates chapter references: bravery, can you overclock a soul, this could be considered overkill, (interlude)}

"my brother told me you both had a rather interesting conversation about killing. why would you try to get my brother to kill things?"

1-S looked up at Gaster, who sat across from him. His gaze was fixated on the chess board in front of him as 1-S placed his pawn.

"Because it serves my purposes."

Initially, that was the truth but the drawing 2-P made of you made him reconsider.

Maybe it would be best to put those kinds of experiments off for the time being and focus on his visions. Perhaps someday 2-P would be able to see and tell what could be done to bring you back.

Or how Gaster had achieved duplicating you if that was the case.

Whatever the methodology was, he desperately hoped 2-P was looking into the future and not into the past.

Perhaps someday... you will return to him.

But there was no harm in mentally preparing the two of them for what else he would make them do once his primary goal has been accomplished.

"are you trying to make him more like you?"

"Interesting theory but he's too-"

1-S glared at him: "because he's too brave to ever be like you."

Gaster tilted his head, resting one of his arms on the table in front of him to lean a little forward.

His curiosity was peaked: "That's an interesting choice of words. What do you know of bravery?"

"i know that no matter how many awful things you do to us, or all the awful things you put us through, he refuses to give in. he looks at all your darkness and he only sees light, and you try and drag him down into it and always says NO and that's braver than anything you've ever done, or anything you'll ever do."

Gaster nodded dismissively, his eyes trailing across the room as he considered his next words: "So tell me. What would you do?"


"What would you do if someone tried to kill your brother? Would you fight to save someone you love? Or would you let him die to stay true to some imaginary ideal?"

Gaster reached for the black Bishop on the board and moved it.

"What would 'bravery' be then?" As Gaster made his move, he removed one of the white pawns from the board and held it between his thumb and index finger.

"Pacifism is nice in theory but not so easy when it gets others killed. Others you could have saved, had you acted."

1-S stared down at the chess board, his eyes narrowed as he thought.
The silence gave Gaster an indication to continue:
"You are worthless in battle, but if you had the ability, if killing gave you the ability...would you kill to protect him? What matters more to you, his life or his ideals? What would you do?"

Gaster knew he was pushing him too much with these questions, but he desperately wanted to know his answer.

He couldn't help but compare it to his own situation that he was put into during the War.

Maybe somehow it could justify the decisions Gaster had made back then.

Gaster reached for another chess figure, his eyes locking onto the hole in his hand: "How far would you go?"

As far as he did? To destroy himself and everything he is just to keep the last few people that he cared about safe?

There was no right or wrong.

There was just one kind of hell or the other.

"And more importantly....if you killed someone to protect him, do you think he would forgive you?"

Would anyone ever forgive him? Could they look at him and still love him for who he is?
Could they still tell him that he is important to them and he matters?

"What would 'bravery' be then?"

1-S listened quietly, his eyes still narrowed and focused on his hands that held onto the edge of the table.

The small skeleton tsk'ed and turned his head away: "he's a better person than you. he always has been."

"You're not telling me anything I don't already know. What you don't understand is that it doesn't matter. Good, bad, it always comes down to the same principle. You kill or you are killed."

1-S huffed: "that can't be all there is."

"That's all that matters. You call it 'bravery', I call it stupidity...but either way, one day he will end up dead because of it. And whether or not you could have done something about it... that question will haunt you, for however long you live afterwards."

Gaster spoke from experience, and he knew that 1-S was aware of that, even though the background wasn't entirely clear.

Gaster brought down the white King, a checkmate.

"You need to make sure you can live with your choices."





"you and me?"


Since Gaster referred to you as "her" and "she", they adapted to that rather than calling you an "it". Even if they weren't exactly sure what that meant.

1-S shrugged: "yeah."


"uh huh"


1-S's eyes widen at that sudden realization: " that you mention it.."


1-S turned to his brother: "heh, maybe. what, you wanna try?"

2-P beamed with excitement: "YEAH! WE WON'T KNOW UNLESS WE TRY, RIGHT?"

1-S glanced towards the cell entrance, making sure that Gaster is truly gone.

You stirred a little as you heard their excited voices, shifting into a more comfortable position as you watched them: "What are you guys up to now? I surely hope it won't get you two in trouble."

Yes, talking to them was pretty much useless but you couldn't refrain yourself from staying quiet. It was literally driving you insane.

"so how do we start?"


2-P puts his hand on his chest, trying to show 1-S where to place it exactly.

"why you first?"



1-S put his hand on 2-P's chest.

You watched them curiously, slightly worried for whatever may come next. Something told you that they weren't just checking out each other's souls.


1-S chuckled: "heh, i dunno. i'm not too good at 'magic stuff'. woah!"

You perked up as suddenly a faint blue-ish glow emitted from 2-P's chest. His entire soul slowly started to light up and he gasped: "OH! IT'S WORKING! WOW, IT FEELS-"

"it feels weird, right?"

You couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable as you saw what they were doing. You had the weird feeling as if they were being watched and you did not like it.


"yeah it's like mine but....more? this is so weird."

1-S slowly pulled away his hand, the blue magic around his fingers still present, implying that the connection has been fully established and stable. They were bickering back and forth and 1-S had a sly smile on his face as 2-P looked at him in amazement.

2-P's face dropped and he huffed at his brother as he talked.

Without any hesitation, the taller skeleton reached for his brother's chest, trying to do the same kind of magic as 1-S did.

Your eyes widen: "Wait! Don't-"

Too late.

2-P had already placed his hand on 1-S's ribcage.

A strong magical surge went through their bodies and the whole room was dipped in a bright blew as streaks of magic swirled around them.

Their eyes widened in surprise and you could feel something suddenly being triggered in yourself.

The streaks of magic slowly faded over into [s/c] streaks before they disappeared into thin air.

Your whole body felt as if it was electrified and you watched as your already transparent silhouette started to glow in the same color as your soul.

The magic that you were made of seemed to radiate off you in colorful specks, your hair floating a little as well.

The two brothers looked at each other, their eyes burning in blue, occasionally flickering to the [s/c] color of your soul.

"what's happening?"


"yeah...kinda blurry.."

You felt as if you were frozen on the spot, their voices echoing through your head.

"Wait, I can hear you..?", you spoke softly.

They turned their heads towards you, looking at you in surprise.

They heard you. They can hear your voice!

A strange noise was audible before the magic surge vanished within a split of a second, your vision turning dark and your mind returning back to the black nothingness.

2-P and 1-S stared at the spot where you stood just mere seconds ago.

2-P frowned and drew his hand back, the magic around it slowly fading.

There was a hint of concern in his voice: "YOU THINK...SHE WILL COME BACK?"

1-S shrugged. They had brought you back so many times before, it didn't seem like much of a big deal to him.

"sure, maybe. but...did you hear her too? i could finally hear her speak idea what she said."


2-P focused on his magic, trying to bring you back but the spot was still empty.

1-S was silent, watching for anything to happen in anticipation. After a moment, he looked over at 2-P: "maybe you tired yourself out with this. we can try tomorrow again."

2-P didn't seem satisfied with that. He wanted to make sure you were okay. But there was nothing he could do differently at the moment to bring you back so he just nodded.


"yeah...maybe we shouldn't do it at the same time. felt like we had a loop going there, or something... and it seemed to somehow have affected her somehow too. we gotta be careful."


2-P was still thinking about everything that had happened. He was worried that maybe they hurt you with that loop but you didn't seem like you were in pain.

1-S pulled him out of his thoughts, leaning back a little more casually: "heh, it's pretty good we can do it though."


There was an uncomfortable silence, as 1-S looked away and nervously rubbed his arm: "...let's not tell him, huh? I don't think he'd like it..."

Unbeknownst to them, Gaster was watching them from his computer. He had previously installed a camera, and he saw what had happened.

Unfortunately, the sound somehow cut off as their blue magic overclocked.

There was an unreadable expression on Gaster's face.

They could wield blue magic, that was a problem but more importantly...what was that [s/c] colored magic that he had seen?

Was her soul responding? Was something of her...still alive within them?

Too many questions, not enough answers.

They seemed to constantly and actively talk about her...but not as if reviewing a vision.

More as if she was there? Was that a possibility?

The options have to be explored.

But first, a lesson had to be taught.


The next day, lights hummed back to life as Gaster walked down the hallway, unlocking the cell.

"Come with me.", was all Gaster said before leading the two brothers out of the cell.

You followed along, feeling somewhat on edge. The look Gaster had was more than alarming but once again, you couldn't say anything.

Whatever connection you had to the brothers last night that allowed you to hear them and actually talk to them was gone.

"I know the two of you have been experimenting with blue magic.", stated Gaster and the brother's exchanged worried looks, seeking out each other's hand for comfort.


"Yes, that is the color associated with the ability. It makes sense that you both would be able to use it you inherited-" Gaster shook a little as he said that: "...ngh, inherited it from me. Since you're beginning to show aptitude for it, a lesson is in order?"

Both 2-P's and 1-S's eyes glowed in a deep purple as they looked at him. You knew what that color meant. You had seen it so many times during Gaster's panic attacks.

Gaster put his hand onto the hand reader and the door unlocked, all three of you following after him with hesitant steps.

"You, here.", Gaster instructed 1-S to stand right where he was as they entered the room and gently guided 2-P further into the room.

"Blue magic allows a soul to be affected by gravity, the source of the heavy feeling you no doubt experience every time I pick either of you up.", Gaster started to explain and you carefully walk around him, a wary look in your eyes.

"Now, those truly adept at blue magic can take hold of the soul and move it as they please. With my expertise, I barely have to exert any effort at all to lift and move either of you. Now to the point."

Gaster snapped his fingers, bones shooting out of the floor and trapping 1-S. He flinched in response, clutching his chest.

You gasped and reached out for 1-S, feeling the urge to protect him.

You turned to 2-P, who whimpered a little as he got lifted off the floor by Gaster's magic.

"Should either of you ever even think of using blue magic on me, for any reason, there will be consequences."

With a flick of his fingers, Gaster sent 2-P crashing into the wall with brutal force.

2-P screamed and you cried out in response: "Gaster, stop it! Leave him alone!"

You instinctively walked up to Gaster, tears welling up in your eyes.

1-S also looked at the scenario in front of him with shock, his eye flickering wildly in multiple colors as he freaked out: "no- stop!!!"

Gaster was not deterred by the screaming and the sounds of bones hitting the hard floors and walls of the room: "at this level.."

He sent 2-P down onto the floor, his skull cracking upon impact.

You could hear his screams and yelps of pain and you couldn't take it any longer.

You grasped Gaster's shoulder, your voice growing louder and more desperate: "STOP IT, I SAID! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM-"

At this rate he is going to kill him!

"...I do not need to raise traps on the walls to inflict significant damage. Just the strikes themselves are enough."

Gaster continued to levitate him across the room, using the different angles and surfaces to further harm 2-P.

1-S became frantic, begging him to stop.

"Oh please, give me some credit. I know exactly how much punishment he can take, and I know exactly how hard to make each strike, right down to the number."

You felt anger rising inside of you, your chest felt as if you were about to explode: "Gaster, please stop! This isn't you!"

You exclaimed once again, shoving his shoulder and you watched as Gaster froze instantly, his eyes widening. The crashing and cracking of bones stopped abruptly, only silence filling the room as Gaster seemed to concentrate and listen.

Gaster's hand was still hovering in the air as he stared off into the distance.

Did he just...hear her?

Or was he totally losing it now..?

2-P was panting heavily as he floated in the air, his bones broken, one of his arms detached but at least for the moment he was able to catch a break.

Tears were streaming down your face: "Please, don't hurt him anymore...please..."

Gaster stayed quiet, trying to hear that voice again.

Maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

But he swore he could hear you call his name...but why did you sound so scared? So frightened?

He usually loved the way you said his name but this time, it felt so different...

His heart sank a little.

He couldn't hear you anymore. It must have been his imagination.

But now he found himself hesitating, guilt slowly clawing up his back as he looked at 2-P.

'Please stop?', did she see him?
Was she present? Did she see what he did to 2-P?

Or was it related to something entirely else?

Was his own guilt-ridden mind now telling him to stop, in your voice?

Gaster sighed and set 2-P back down on the floor.

2-P immediately broke down but at least it was over.
For now.

You didn't know what caused Gaster to suddenly stop. Was it you? Did he hear you? It didn't matter in that moment. You were too worried about 2-P.

You rushed up to 2-P, trying to hold him and comfort him: "Shh, you're okay. Just hold on a little.."

Gaster just stared at 2-P for a moment, before he tried to compose himself: "This was merely a demonstration. I assure you, this could be much worse.. Did I make myself clear?"

1-S nodded, desperate to break out from his cage and help his brother: "yes!! yes! please!"

"Did you hear that, 2-P?", Gaster picked up 2-P again with his blue magic.

You tried to hold onto him, but as always, he phased right through you.

Gaster looked up at 2-P as he floated right in front of him. Tears streamed down his face and several cracks were in his skull.

"I cannot make an example of him so easily, but you have the endurance to take his place should he misbehave. If 1-S ever considers using blue magic against me, I will hold you responsible. Do you understand?"

2-P closed his eyes, trying to stop the tears from falling: "UH HUH..."

Gaster turned back to 1-S: "And you, 1-S?"

"y-yes. i understand. just let him go, please."

Gaster's hold on 2-P's soul was removed and he tumbled to the ground once again.

"Then we are done for now. Here."

Gaster undid the bones that surrounded 1-S: "Heal him if you like. I'll fix whatever you can't. For your sake, I hope both of you keep this in mind."

1-S rushed up to 2-P, kneeling down beside his shaking form and trying to comfort him through the pain.

His eye sockets darkened as he saw the state his brother was in.

"...what about him?", 1-S hissed lowly.


1-S turned to Gaster, looking at him with a hateful expression.

"what if he used blue magic on you?"

Gaster looked up from the clipboard that he had taken into his hands to write notes, barely acknowledging 1-S's look.
He looked back down onto his paper.

He was still shaken from hearing your voice. If he actually did hear you, he still wasn't sure, but it was enough to trigger something inside of him. Gaster tried to brush these thoughts and doubts aside, answering 1-S's question instead.

"We both know that's not going to happen."

You knelt down beside the two skeletons and quietly watched 1-S heal 2-P.

You could see how hard he was trying but it just wasn't enough. 2-P was losing consciousness.

1-S's body was shaking, his eye sockets still black as voids.

You could tell how much it hurt him that he couldn't do more. That his healing output wasn't strong enough.

You put your hand on 1-S's shoulder, his healing magic suddenly growing stronger. 1-S's eye sockets widened, and he glanced over at you, not too obviously to make Gaster notice.

You looked at him just as surprised. Looks were exchanged and you equally understood each other in that moment.

1-S took a breath, focusing on healing his brother more, now that his powers had been strengthened. But even this significant boost couldn't make up for the amount of damage that has been dealt.

Eventually Gaster stepped up to them again: "Are you done?"

You flinched and removed your hand from 1-S's shoulder and 1-S slumped down a little in disappointment.

"'s all I could do.."

1-S carefully lifted 2-P's upper body into his arms as Gaster went around them to inspect the injuries. He knelt down beside them on the floor: "Let's see..."

Gaster carefully took 2-P off 1-S's hands, cradling him gently in his arms: "You healed more than I expected. Good. That will make things easier."

2-P's jar quivered slightly as he stirred in Gaster's arms.

"I'll take him from here. Come on."

Gaster easily lifted him up, carrying 2-P in his arms. Instinctively 2-P clung to Gaster's lab coat, mumbling the words 'brother' repeatedly.

It ached when 1-S heard 2-P cry out for him so weakly and he started shaking again, looking up at his brother with a worried expression.

His one eye socket was glowing furiously in blue and yellow colors as he watched 2-P snuggle further against Gaster's chest.

The bone rattling of 1-S didn't go unnoticed by Gaster, and he looked at the smaller skeleton with a softer expression: "You want to come with me, don't you?"

It was more than obvious that he was on the verge of a breakdown.
Gaster had been at that edge more than enough to be able to tell. It made him feel bad.

1-S didn't dare to say anything, but there was visible relief on his face as Gaster asked that question.

It was enough reason for Gaster to make up his mind.

He took a few steps forward to exit the room: "If you are quiet and do not distract me, I'll allow it."

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