Stupid exes (Secret Santa one shot)
HO HO HO! Merry Christmas! I decided to take part in Vee's Secret Santa one shot exchange, so this is for @AnimatedNydia ! <3
"Eliza! Come down here please!" Angelica yelled from downstairs. Eliza sighed and closed her book. It was December 23, it was snowing, and everyone was in the holiday mood--except Eliza. For some reason, this year didn't seem as magical as the years before. Perhaps it was the fact that she was growing up, or perhaps it was because her boyfriend of 2 years broke up with her a month ago because he had another girlfriend already, and she still wasn't over it. And this particular boyfriend was going to be at her father's Christmas party tonight. Yeah, that was definitely the reason.
Eliza trudged downstairs. "What?" She asked as soon as she was face to face with her older sister.
"You need to get ready for father's Christmas party. It starts in 7 hours." She said.
"Yeah, it starts in 7 hours. I have plenty of time." Eliza turned to leave, but Angelica grabbed her arm.
"I don't think so. In case you forgot, you told dad that you were going to help set up the party."
"What? I can't set up the party all by myself, that's crazy!"
"You're not going to set up the party by yourself. Alexander will be helping you."
"Oh no. No no no no no no no. I will not be anywhere NEAR him." Eliza snapped.
"Jeez, why do you hate him so much?" Angelica asked, leaning against the countertop.
"Hmm, let's think about that" Eliza tapped her chin, pretending to think. "Maybe it's because he's rude, obnoxious, a show off, a complete and utter imbecile, egotistical, power-hungry, butthurt, and a moron!" The younger girl fumed.
"Wow. Didn't know you hated him that much." Angelica shrugged. "Whatever. A promise is still a promise, meaning you're helping set up the party--with or without Hamilton."
"I-" Eliza started, but Angelica cut her off.
"No buts. It won't take that long. I'd be back in four hours in order for you get ready yourself. Alex is already there, and it's in Ballroom 9 at the Plaza Hotel."
Eliza sighed in defeat and got her keys. "Fine," She yelled from the garage doorway. "But if the ballroom looks like a mess it's not my fault!"
Meanwhile at the Plaza Hotel, Alexander Hamilton was wondering where Eliza Schuyler happened to be. She agreed to help set up this stupid party, and he wasn't planning on doing everything himself. The ballroom door opened so suddenly that Alexander almost fell off his ladder. A tired Eliza stumbled in.
"Where have you been? You were supposed to show up an hour ago!" Alex exclaimed up above.
"Shut up" Eliza snapped. Alex was taken aback by her behavior, she was never like this.
"You okay?" Alex asked as he climbed down the ladder.
"Perfectly content." Eliza gritted through her teeth. Alex didn't question her any further.
"Ah. Well, I just finished stringing the garland around. Why don't we get the tables set, and then we can do the stage?"
Eliza sighed and nodded. There was no point in staying mad. Alex clapped his hands together.
"Great! Now, there are 12 tables. You get half, I get half. Perfectly balanced." He said cheerfully, moving towards the opposite side of the room.
Eliza stood and smoothed her skirt. "Yep." She muttered. "Perfectly balanced."
Eliza started to set up the tables on her side, starting with the white tablecloth, then moving towards the decorations. 1 candy cane every other table, and roses (hehe) every 2 tables. Noticing Alexander wasn't following this pattern, she stopped.
"No no, it's a candy cane every other table, and roses every two tables." She said, running over to his side to change the pattern. Alex stopped her.
"No no, its called 'I don't care.' It doesn't matter if they're in a pattern, that only make it harder on us." He retorted.
"This is my father's party, and everything here will be representing him and his company. It's going to be in this pattern, extra work or not." She responded, already fixing his patterns.
"Are you always this much of a control freak?" Alex sighed.
"Are you always this rude? Oh wait, yes you are!"
"No need to get temperamental on me." He studied her face for a second. Eliza noticed this and blushed.
"Can you not stare at me, please? It's creeping me out." She said, tearing her gaze away from him.
"Apology accepted." She replied stiffly.
They finished setting up the tables in an awkward silence, neither one daring to speak. Once they finished, Alex beckoned to the stage and they set up the stage.
"Listen." Alex finally said, breaking the silence. "I know you don't really want to talk about your feelings right now, but something is up. Don't try to deny it, because it's true. I've seen you, Eliza. You're usually bubbly and cheerful, especially around the holidays. I know you don't like me much, but can you please answer my question?"
Eliza looked at him carefully. There was something oddly comforting about his gaze, and he didn't seem as egotistical as he once did. Finally, Eliza caved.
"Fine." She sighed, sitting down. "A month ago, my boyfriend of two years abruptly broke up with me. He said he wasn't happy anymore and that he wanted to try something different. As much as that hurt to hear, I respected his decision and we went our separate ways. I'm not great at forgetting things, so I definitely wasn't going to get over this anytime soon. Turns out that the reason why he broke up with me was because he was already dating someone else, before we were even dating. I was his side chick the entire time. And now, he's going to be coming to this party tonight with the girl he was dating who now happens to be his fiancee, who knows NOTHING ABOUT THIS SITUATION." She finished, tears threatening to spill. Alex rushed over to her side in an attempt to comfort her. Unfortunately, this kind gesture made Eliza brake down in sobs. He awkwardly patted her on the back while thinking of ways to murder Eliza's ex.
There was no denying it, Alexander Hamilton was in love with Eliza Schuyler. But Eliza wanted absolutely nothing to do with Alexander. What he did wrong, he did not know, but that's not important. What's important is that he had to get revenge on Eliza's ex.
"Eliza, I'm so sorry. Your ex sounds like an ass." He said soothingly as she sobbed into his shirt. "You said he was coming to the party tonight, correct?" He asked. Eliza nodded.
"Well that's perfect!" He said while standing up. Eliza stopped crying and looked up at him. "Wha-what?"
"Yep! This way I can punch him in person!" He cracked his knuckles.
"Alexander, you're not going to be punching anyone."
"Yes I am. I'll punch any dick who breaks your heart." He said, still planning the murder in his head.
"Y-you'd do that for me?" Eliza asked, confused.
"Of course! I mean, nobody should have to go through all of that, right? I would do it for anyone, not just you." He quickly responded, blushing fiercely "But I would do it especially for you." He added that last part under his breath.
Eliza sighed. "Alex, you're not going to punch anyone. Okay? Even though he totally deserves it." Her shoulders slumped.
"Totally." Alex replied, sitting back down. Suddenly, Alex had a better idea on how to get revenge.
"Eliza, I have a better idea."
"It better not involve you killing anyone."
"It doesn't, but I still don't think you'll like it."
"Whatever. Just tell me." She sighed. Nothing was worse than killing a person, right?
"Ok. How about I pretend to be your date to the party?" He cringed. As much as he loved the idea, it sounded stupid out loud. Eliza probably thought it was stupid too.
"Ok. Let's do it." She responded.
"Wait, really?" Alexander asked, dumbfounded.
"Yeah. I mean, you're a pretty respected politician, and dad is particularly fond over you. André would be so jealous if he saw me with you. He was always overprotecti-" Alex cut her off.
"Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that your ex is John André?" Alex asked.
"Uh, yes?"
"That dick was partners with me a few months ago during a report for the company! He would always drink and reek of weed whenever I went over to his apartment. If I had known that you were dating him then I would have beaten him up sooner."
"Alex! No beating people up!" Eliza scolded, then tentatively asked "He would drink and smoke weed?"
Alex shrugged. "I knew for a fact that he drank, but I don't know about the weed part.." His voice trailed off when he saw fresh tears streaming down her beautiful face.
"Oh Eliza, we're going to kill this bitch tonight." Alex said as he cradled her face in his hands.
>>>Time skip brought to you by Shane being an absolute idiot<<<
Finally, it was time for the party. Eliza dried her tears and put on her dress for the occasion (Kennedy Center outfit :>). For some odd reason, she was feeling better than ever. She was finally happy again, and it felt incredible. As much as she hates to admit it, it's all because of Alexander Hamilton. Who knew the boy that she strongly disliked at first would become her date to her father's winter party. Well, he wasn't exactly her date. This fact damped Eliza's mood a bit. While she was styling her hair, Angelica managed to sneak into her room.
"Woah, you look stunning." She said, her mouth agape. Eliza smiled sheepishly. "Thanks. You look beautifuller. Well, not fuller. Just more beautiful." Angelica chuckled.
"That reminds me," She began with a mischievous smile. "Do you happen to have a date to this wonderful party?"
Eliza smiled. The first lie of the evening. "As a matter of fact, I do."
"Ooh! Who is it?" Angelica squealed.
"Alexander Hamilton." Eliza told her promptly. Angelica raised her eyebrow.
"Really? I thought you hated him?"
"Well, we talked while setting up and he's actually really nice. So, I guess I was wrong." Eliza shrugged.
"That's a first. Anyways, we need to get rolling. So finish up and come downstairs. Everyone's waiting!" Angelica's voice rang out as she exited the room. Eliza sighed. This lying thing was going to be a lot harder than she thought.
>>>Ew another time skip<<<
"You look incredible!" Alexander said to Eliza. Just when he thought Eliza couldn't be more beautiful.
"Thanks." She grinned. "You look great, too."
"Thanks." He replied. "See our target yet?"
Eliza lowered her voice. "Not yet. If he can be avoided, then please avoid him. This is my father's company that we're representing, after all."
Alex nodded his head. "Got it."
"Wanna get something to eat?" She asked brightly. Alex smiled at the change in mood.
"Sure!" He said, and they both made their way towards the buffet.
"Everything looks so go-" Eliza was cut off by a familiar voice.
"Well if it isn't Eliza Schuyler!" John André boomed, startling some boomers around him.
"How are you, babe?" He asked while snaking his left arm around her waist. She firmly pushed it away.
"André. Hi." She said stiffly. Alexander was boiling with anger at this very moment. Eliza touched his shoulder. "Alex, you know John? My backstabbing ex?" She said through gritted teeth.
"Ah yes. Mr. André." He clenched his fists.
"Mr. Hamilton." John replied dismissively, with an flair that seemed to say "I don't care about you", but Eliza could see the fear growing in his eyes.
"So, you're with him now?" He gulped. He obviously didn't expect someone as powerful as Alexander Hamilton to be her ex's new partner.
"Yep! And we're madly in love." She planted a kiss on his cheek. "We were just talking about how some people in the company are actually being laid off due to some personal problems with the CEO, is that right babe?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at Alex. Alexander seemed to get the message.
"Ah yes, one of our businessmen got laid off because he broke off an engagement with Betsey's younger sister." He quickly lied. John's eyes widened.
"Ah really? Quite petty if you ask me." He replied fearfully.
"Yeah well, he already had a wife. Pretty stupid to go after the CEO's daughter."
"Speaking of wives, don't you have one now?" Eliza added nonchalantly. "I would love to meet her, where is she?"
"She happens to be-" André was cut off by a lady coming up to him. She had dark, thick curly hair that was cut shoulder length. She had a beautiful red dress on, and a visible baby bump.
"Babe, there you are! I was looking all over for you!" She said. André looked panicked. "Well it was great seeing you two. But my fiancee and I really should be going." He said hurriedly.
"No, no! André I simply must meet your fiancee! I'm Elizabeth Schuyler. This is my boyfriend, Alexander Hamilton." Eliza extended her hand for the woman to shake it.
"Maria Reynolds. Pleased to meet you and your boyfriend!" She said, shaking her and Alex's hand. "How do you two know John?" She asked. Before the pair could say anything, André answered for them.
"They're just old friends. Anyways, it was lovely seeing you two. Maybe we'll meet again. Goodbye." André rushed away, practically dragging Maria away despite her protests. When the couple was finally gone, Alex and Eliza burst into laughter.
"His face when Maria came up to us was priceless!" Alexander chuckled.
"'Quite petty if you ask me!'" Eliza imitated his squeaky British accent in between laughter. "I cannot thank you enough, Alex."
"Don't mention it." Alex told her after his laughter stopped.
"You know, you're actually a really nice guy." She said, smiling. Alex turned pink.
"Miss Schuyler." He said, holding out his hand. "May I have this dance?" He asked. Eliza smiled.
"I thought you would have never asked."
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