Babysitting [Washington Family]
Requested by: FunFunTimeDW
Hercules stood in front of the door, squirming nervously. Why the Washingtons, the richest family in town, hired him to babysit their children, Hercules didn't have a clue. Shifting his bag a bit, he took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.
The door flung open revealing a kind looking woman. "Ah! You must be the new babysitter!" She said, smiling gently.
Hercules' eyes widened and he nodded. "Uh y-yes! Yes I am." He stuttered.
"I'm Martha Washington." Martha said, stepping back to allow Hercules in. He stepped in, still fiddling with his bag.
"Uh, Hercules Mulligan." He greeted back awkwardly.
"The boys are in the living room with George." She said, shutting the door gently and leading Hercules down a hallway. He followed her silently, very nervous. This family was rich and powerful, one mistake could spell a whole lot of trouble.
"Boys!" Martha said, smiling gently. "Your caretaker is here."
Two young boys, maybe around the age of nine or ten, sat on a couch. Hercules was slightly surprised to see one of the boys sitting on the couch had his nose buried in a book while the other played video games.
The boy who was playing video games looked up and grinned. "Ello!" He said cheerfully.
Hercules blinked, the boy had a very heavy accent. "Hi." He greeted back awkwardly.
"We'll be gone until around ten o'clock." Martha said, walking over to an older man and pecking him on the cheek.
"The boys must be in bed by nine." The man, George Washington, said. The boy reading the book head's snapped up.
"Hold on!" He said, his voice quite high pitched. "I'm not going to bed at nine o'clock!"
George sighed while Martha chuckled gently. "Alexander, you're only eleven years old. Despite what you seem to think, you are still a child." George said tiredly.
Alexander scowled, before returning to his book. Hercules laughed nervously. This was not looking good. The one playing video games seemed alright but Alexander... he was feeling kinda nervous about.
"Well, we're off now." Martha said as George helped her into her jacket.
"Goodbye boys. See you tomorrow." George said, before gently shutting the door, leaving a very nervous Hercules with the children of the most powerful people in town. Why did he agree to this again?
"So." Hercules said. "What do you two want to do?"
Lafayette looked at him and smiled largely while Alexander completely ignored him.
"Come here!" Lafayette said happily, patting the spot next to him. "Let's race!"
Hercules walked over and plopped down, taking a controller and raced Lafayette in Mario Cart.
Hercules lost every single time.
"Aw! Again?!" Hercules cried in defeat. Lafayette laughed gleefully. "You sir," Hercules said, "are the King of Mario Cart."
Lafayette giggled, before his stomach rumbled. Hercules chuckled.
"Let's go make something to eat." He glanced over at the boy who was still reading. "Are you coming Alexander?"
Alexander looked up, before returning his attention to his book. Hercules frowned, before walking up to him.
"Up we go." He said, before picking the small eleven year old up with ease.
"Hey!" Alexander shrieked, kicking his legs futility.
"You, my friend. Need to eat." With that, Hercules walked to the kitchen, Lafayette followed, giggling madly. Alexander squirmed in his arms, before finally giving up and settling with just pouting the whole time.
"Alright you two." Hercules said, "What do you want to eat."
"I want," Alexander said, annoyed. "to read my book."
Hercules sighed. "You've been reading that book for hours. You need to have some fun."
Alexander looked offended. "That is fun!"
"It really isn't Alexander." Lafayette said. "Reading is boring."
"No arguing." Hercules said sternly. "Now tell me what to make."
"Let's make cookies!" Lafayette cried. The two looked at Alexander.
"Ugh." He finally grumbled. "Fine."
When Martha and George came home, their kitchen was a mess and the boys and their babysitter were curled up on the couch, fast asleep.
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