Lams - What the heck I gotta do
John's P.O.V.
I was sitting in debate class, waiting for the teacher to arrive with his adopted son, or our new student. I was about to fall asleep when the door burst open, Washington basically dragging the boy into class. Time seemed to freeze when he looked at me, he was extremely handsome. He had shoulder length messy brown hair, handsome dark brown eyes. He wore a sweatshirt that said 'Non-stop', black sweatpants with white stripes down the sides, and he had a book bag. "Alexander take a seat." Mr. Washington said, snapping me out of my trance. He looked around at the empty seats before setting his stuff down on the desk next to me and sitting down himself. I blush3d fiercely, barely paying attention at all during class, noticing every time he would glance at me. Class ended soon enough, me and Alex stood and walked out of the room. "Hey Alex," I started, not realizing I didn't call him by his full name. He blushed and turned around, "yeah?" He asked me, trying to hide the fact that he was blushing. "Me and my friends are gonna hang out at my dorm, wanna come with?" I asked nonchalantly.
He seemed to blush brighter. "Uh, S-Sure! Right now?" He asked. I smiled "Yeah, follow me." I replied, grabbing his arm and running to my room. Once we arrived I saw Hercules and Lafayetter standing here. "John mom ami! Who might this be?" He asked, pointing at Alex.
Alexander's P.O.V.
I was pulled into class by Washington, and the first person I laid eyes on was a beautiful creature. He has curly brown hair pulled back into a tight pony tail, and he was covered in freckles, and he had the most beautiful eyes. "Alexander take a seat." I looked around, though I had already made up my mind. I dropped my stuff down on the desk next to the boy and sat down. After class I stood and walked out of the room casually. Only to be stopped by a sweet voice. "Hey Alex," I began to blush, he called me Alex not Alexander. "Yeah?" I asked, turning around and trying to hide my face. "Me and my friends are gonna hang out at my dorm, wanna come with us?" He asked me calmly. I felt my face hear up more. "Uh s-sure! Right now?" I asked, he smiled, "Yeah, follow me." He said, grabbing my arm and running off.
We arrived at his dorm quickly where a tall guy with black curly hair pulled into a ponytail, and a beard, along with another tall guy who wore a blue bandana around his short black hair. "John mon ami! Who might this be?" The first guy said, he had a thick accent. Right before John was gonna say something I stepped foward. "Alexander Hamilton, nice to meet you." John looked confused but I ignored it.
John's P.O.V.
"Alexander Hamilton, nice to meet you." I was dumbfounded, I thought he was shy. Maybe he just likes me, no he's probably straight. The thought still made me blush. "I'm Marquis de Lafayette, but just call me Lafayette or Laf." Lafayette said happily. Hercules stepped foward, holding Lafayette hand, "I'm Hercules." He said nicely. "Are you two dating?" Alex asked. "Yes and if you have a problem with it we can't be friends, because I refuse to be friends with a homophobe." Hercules said, stepping foward, causing Alex to flinch back. "No! I don't have a problem with it! I'm Bi, and even have my eyes on a guy here already..." He said the last part quietly. "Let's go on my dorm you guys." I said quickly, grabbing my key and unlocking the door, ignoring the smirks Laf and Herc had.
~Time skip~
Me, Laf, and Herc went in a separate room to plan something. We were gonna try to figure out who Alex liked, I told them I liked him, and if it was me we had a small dance and song planned out. We walked out of my room to see Alex sitting on the couch. Lafayette sat on one side of him and Hercules on the other. I sat on a chair, Lafayette leaned closer to Alex. "Sooo, who do you like?" He asked, Alex turned red. "Just some really cute guy in debate class." He said quickly and quietly. "Come on, you can tell us." Hercules said, doing the same as Lafayette and leaning closer. "Fine. J-john." He murmured. He stood up, "I s-should go." He said, Laf looked at me. "JOHN GO!" He yelled, I leaped out of my seat and began to dance and sing. "What the heck I gotta dooo to be with youuu!" I was blushing extremely hard, same as Alex. He smiled at me before kissing me lightly, Laf and Herc cheered behind us. "That." Alex said simply before sitting back down.
Woo! I just watched 21 chump street, it was really good, I recommend it. It's only 15 mins and the whole musical is on YouTube, soo yah.
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