Phillip x reader


Crapcrapcrapcrap where is it?!

I said this over and over in my head while searching for my flash drive.

I need it to finish my project but I don't know where I put it. Frick crack.

I know!!! I'll just call Lily!

Lily Church. Had guys falling for her since she could walk. Daughter of Angelica Schuyler and Jon Church.

My best friend

She picked up on the first ring.

"What up Y/N?"


"Woah slow down Mulligan. Retrace you're steps! Where did you work on your laptop today?"

"One don't call me by my last name and two just the coffee sho-

On fudge-noodles it's at the coffee shop"

"THERE YA GO!! Do you want me to meet you there or..." she trailed off.

"I think I'm good to walk!"

"K baiii"


I hung up the phone and slipped on some socks.

A few minutes later I ran out the door and almost immediately bumped into someone. Instead of falling backwards like I should because gravity, I felt strong arms grab me. They set me back on the sidewalk and I realized who it was.

Here's a little you didn't know about me...

I'm a hard worker! I don't stop for anything.

Except maybe a 5 year crush...

On my best friends cousin...

Okay okay hear me out! I've known him since middle school and up through high school. And lemme tell ya, Phillip hamilton grew up nice

So here I am, standing stiff as a board, probably pale as a ghost, in front of said Phillip.

He was waving a hand in front of my face saying my name. I should probably answer...

"Y/n? Y/nnnnnn? Are you okay"

"I am now" I mumbled.



"Where are you headed?"

Oh sugarnuts! The flashdrive.

"I gotta get to the coffee shop at the edge of campus"I said frantically

"On foot?" He asked holding me back from running.

After no one said anything, I decided to smile and walk away. I got a few feet before I realized he was still holding my hand.

"Ahem" I cleared my throught. I don't think pip noticed that he was still making physical contact because he gave a huge smile and let go. "S-Sorry mulligan... uhm why don't I drive you?"

A ride? With Phillip?


We got to the car and he opened my door for me and closed it behind me rushing to the other side to start the car.

The radio was low but I heard a farmiliar piano key with a slight echo. Followed by another and another...

I didn't even have to say anything and Phillip raised the volume.

"I hope your ready for some really bad singing" he grinned at me

"I was about to say the same thing" I smirked

"wHeN i WaS a YoUnG bOi-"

That was the best car ride of my life. Not only was I with the man of my dreams but we were both singing at the top of our lungs.

But it ended sooner than I'd liked it to.

We got out of the car and I rushed into the coffee shop to find my flashdrive sitting on the table I was sitting at before.

I held it up in triumph "yess" I hissed

As far as I knew Phillip was in the car waiting for me but when I turned around to head back, he was right there!!

He looked down at me. I looked up at him.

My e/c eyes meeting his brown ones. We were so close I could feel his breath.

He started laughing and looked down at his shoes.

"What are you laughing at?" I sounded exasperated. I pouted

"Its just- nah" he said still not moving an inch.

"Noooo tell me! "I said punching him lightly on the arm

"I don't know. You just- your at the top of like every class. Your the smartest girl I've ever met! But all that considered, your so dense sometimes."

"Oh yeah like when?" I said sassily putting my hands on my hips.

"Like now" his eyes flicked back to mine and they almost seemed closer than before.

My breath hitched as his eyes darted to my lips then back to my eyes.

I don't know why but I had an overwhelming urge to laugh.

That is until Phillip decided to close the space between us. My eyes widened but eventually closed to 'enjoy the moment or whatever'

-timeskip a week or so-


"What is it now y/n?"


"Oh it's something my aunt Peggy taught me how to do"

I felt two strong arms wrap around me and a big head rest on my shoulder.

"I think it's cute" whispered Phillip. I giggled and then he picked me up and spun around.

"Freaking finally"

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