Chapter 9: Spartans never give up

We see the Fairy Tail guild members downbelow and fighting the Phantom ghosts as they have an ability to weaken them once they gone through their bodies so they needed to be careful in order to keep on fighting.

Within the guild we see Ur sitting next to Erza who is laying on a table still unconscious and Ur hopes she'll wake up soon while Mirajane changed her appears to Lucy to fool Phantom so the real Lucy will be safe.

Ur: You sure this will work?

Mirajane: We have no choice. They wanted Lucy and the Jupiter cannon maybe destroyed they are still forming a large magic circle that could destroyed Magnolia.

Ur: Let's hope Y/n and the rest will find a way to stop it soon.

Mirajane: Agree and but I hope Elfman will be alright.

Ur: (smirk) I'm sure he'll be fine, never worry about him.

Mirajane: It's not that, it's.....something you don't know about us.

Ur: And that is?

Mirajane was silent a little and then hear the scream of her fallen friends end decided to time has come and exit out of the guild Hall while Ur rush over and look out of the window to see Mirajane who is still disguised as Luvy walk up and then call out.

Mirajane: I'm here Phantom! Take me and leave everyone else be!

There was silence as Ur hopes this works and give Y/n and the rest within enough time to do what they have to do but then Jose laughs and said.

Jose: (speakers) You think I'll fall to your magic. I know Luvy is somewhere else and I will get her no matter what.

Mirajane changed back while she can't believe it didn't work.

Mirajane: (thought) I tried my best but I fail.

Tears start to pour and suddenly she was teleported and appear onto the fingers of the Phantom Lords bot.

Cana: They got Mira!

Everyone was shocked by this while Ur slams his fist onto the wooden wall and calls up Y/n.

Ur: Y/n you copy?


Inside we see Y/n taking down a fee Phantom Lords members as he fire his rifle at them before he thtow his combat knife at the last member and once that he walks over to get his knife while Ur calls up on his Com.

Ur: (com) Y/n do you copy over?

Y/n: I'm here. What's the situation?

Ur: (com) It's mira! She try to distract Phantom but gets captured and now she is gonna be squashed.

Y/n: Right, be right there.

Y/n sprinted through the halls and after a while he turn a corner and nearly dodges a incoming rocks as he deploy his engery shield just in time as the rocks his his enegry Shield.

He looks over to see Elfman fighting another member of the Element 4 so he rushes over and one of the Element 4 have his back turn Y/n kicked him from behind and sent him flying and crash onto one of the pillars.

Elfman: Nice one! Now that's I like to call a manly kick.

Y/n: Thanks but we have a problem, Phantom has your sister and we need to rescue her.

Elfman: (shocked) You mean Mira! No one hurts my sister.

???: Yes but I'm sure that is obviously a lie isn't it?

Then he appear out of the floor as Y/n aim his shotgun at him and asked.

Y/n: Never knew you made a friend, mind introducing for me?

Sol: My name is Sol, I am the Earth Element and one of the element four.

Y/n: Nice to meet you Sol. Names Y/n also known as boom headshot.

He fire a shotgun at Sol but Sol stuvked into the floor and appear behind them as they turn.

Y/n: Okay that's new.

Elfman: Yeah and annoying.

Sol: (smirk) You must be the Spartan that bpow up our master, well I do not blame you, after all your not the only monster.

Y/n: What are you on about?

Sol: (smirk) I guess that you know Elfman and Mirajane have a little sister and know her death but you weren't given the full story on how she died.

Y/n: And why should I listen to a creepy guy like you?

Sol: Because I can know about people's past by just them stepping on me and now I know the truth about what really happened to their little sister. She was killed by a monster and that monster is right next to you..

Y/n was confused while Elfman looks down and then says to Sol.

Elfman: Shut up! You don't know anything about me!

He changed his arm into a beast arm and charge at Sol and was aboit to punch hi but a statu of Lisanna appear which made Elfman stop and step back a little.

Elfman: (shocked) L-Lisanna?

Y/n: Elfman what ever Sol is trying to do, ignore it! He's just tricking you.

Y/n active his engery blade and swings at Sol but he leaps back and lands onto the floor and stood up and said.

Sol: Ooh Spartan you are really are blind aren't you? Believe that a friend with you ain't a monster.

Y/n: I know your just lieing to me. Elfman would never do such a thing.

Sol: (smirk) You wanna bet on it?

Then Sol fired a blast that sent Elfman and Y/n flying. Elfman crashes onto a wall that breaks apart and it made a hole while Y/n fell through the hole and fell down but Y/n stab his engery blade into the wall to stop himself from falling down.

He was hanging and looked up to see lights and he could hear Elfman whike he also hear Mirajane yelling out of Elfman. Y/n active his jetpack and flies up and interrupt Sol tormented Elfman and punches Sol in the face.

He stumble back with his nose bleeding out a little while Y/n raised his rifle at him.

Y/n: Sorry but this party is going on long enough.

Sol: (smirk) You really think you can save the once that you cared?

Y/n: I'll do anything to protect those I care for. I will not let you tormented Elfman and Mira-

Elfman: She's crying.

Y/n turn his head to Elfman as a magic circle appear below Elfman and Y/n can feel something within Elfman.

Elfman: I promise I won't let anyone make you cry! SO TELL ME, WHY ARE YOU CRYING??????!!!!!!!

Then a blast of magic sent Sol and Y/n flying and Y/n lands hard onto the ground while he shields gone down a bit as he slowly stand up and turn back to Elfman and he was in shock to see him fully changed into a large a hulk like beats as he roars like monster and rage.

Y/n: (shocked) What did Elfman just do.

Sol was also shocked ans scared by the as the beast Elfman turns to Sol which Sol froze in fright.

Sol: (scared) S-S-Say l-let's just call it truth right?

The beats Elfman roars and then slams his large fist onto the ground and sent Sol flying before Elfman grabs him and then punches him many times while Y/n slowly stand up and watch him beating Sol while he looks out of the open hole and exit out of the hope and runs towards Mirajane.

Once there he grabs one of the fingers and pull them apart and once that Mirajane was free and Y/n grab her before she fell and set her down.

Y/n: What happened to Elfman?

Mirajane: He gone into his beast form.

Y/n: Beast form? Is that even possible?

Mirajane: Yes but now Elfman is in a blind rage and there is no way to stop it.

Then they hear his raor and look over to see Beast Elfman as he lands onto the arms and rushes towards the two. Y/n gets in front of Mirajane and rushes towards him.

Mirajane: Y/n!

Beats Elfman was about to swing his arms at Y/n and pulls them down but Y/n grabs them and he holds them but he has to admit, Elfman in beast form is a lot more stronger then him as he struggled to keep his ground up whike he calls out to Elfman.

Y/n: Elfman I know your in there, you won, you don't have to keep fighting! Please stand down!

He roars once more and pulls his hands harder and Y/n fell on one knee as he struggled while he slowly looks up at Elfman and then he told him.

Y/n: Look I don't fully know what happened to Lisanna but what I do know is that Lisanna would never wanna see you like this and I know she doesn't blame you. Think about the good times with Lisanna, think about the reason why you wanna protect everyone in the guild Hall. Lisanna would be proud of you and I know because I am proud of you. Heck, your maybe one badass wizard I've ever met and shown true to your honour to protect those you cared for. So please.....don't do this Elfman....we're with you....she's with you and don't you forget it.

Now Y/n was on his knees and he can feel his bones cracking a bit but then Elfman stops and legs go as Y/n fell his arms onto the floor as Elfman looks down at Y/n and said.

Elfman: Your right. I can't just remember what i did years ago. But still.....I can't help to blame I killed my own little sister.

Then he changed back to his human form while Mirajane step forward and said.

Mirajane: Elfman, I know you didn't mean to kill her. It wasn't your fault, none of us doesn't blame you and Y/n is right on one thing. She maybe gone but she and always will be, in our hearts.

Then Elfman burst into tears and cry while Mirajane smiled and Y/n stand up and look at the magic circle and then asked.

Y/n: Is it me or is that slowly down?

They turn to see Y/n was right. The large hand was moving slower then before.

Mirajane: Your right. It's getting slower but why.

Y/n: Wait a minute, those Element four might have something to do with it. Think about it, Sol was at the right side where the magic circle is, Totomaru was at the bottom.

Elfman wipe the tears off his eyes and then asked.

Elfman: So what dose that mean?

Mirajane: It means the Element four might be the once that are power this magic circle and if we take the last two out.

Y/n: Then the spell will be stopped and Magnolia will be saved.

Mirajane: (smile) That's right.

Elfman: So what's left of the Element four?

Mirajane: There is Juvia who is a water wizard.

Y/n: And theirs Aria that some Erza told me about and the one that injured Makarov.

Mirajane: That's right.

Y/n: Then looks like we gonna hunt them down then. Wish you two luck on finding either of them.

Elfman: (smile) You too and thank you for snapping me back.

Y/n: (smirk) Sure and also, remind me not to challenge you to a arm wrestle once all of this is over.

Elfman: (smirk) Haha, what think I beat you?

Y/n: (smirk) Maybe, be safe and good luck.

Y/n active his jetpack and flies up to search around while Mirajane watch him leave with a smile and her heart beating as she falls for Y/n even more.

Mirajane: (thought) Thank you Y/n....your my hero.

We cut to Y/n flying around and looking around for any signs of the element four members when he spotted Gray claiming onto the roof by using the window ceiling so he lands down and rush up to him.

Gray: Hey Y/n, what's happening?

Y/n: Good but we got some good news. We can stop that magic circle if we take down the element four.

Gray: Nice! How many do we have left now?

Y/n: Sol and Toronto are down now there is the othe two left and it be all over.

Gray: (smile) Neat, this is gonna be easy as we thought.

Y/n: Probably not jinx that.

Then rain suddenly came down as the two look up to see clouds suddenly appear over them.

Gray: Rain already?

Y/n: See now this is the reason we should watch when we say things that will turn out hard.

???: Drip, Drip, Drop.

Y/n quickly aim his magnum at a figure that is walking towards them and they see its Juvia with a blue umbrella over her as she said.

Juvia: My name is Juvia and I am one of the element four, Drip, Drip, drop.

Y/n: (thought) She sounded a bit depressed. Now I think about it, there is Sol and Totomaru so why I'm I arguing?

Juvia: We will not allow you bith to ruin our plan of capturing Lucy.

Gray: Listen here lady, we won't let you have Lucy and we gonna stop you no matter what.

The three stood and both Gray and Y/n were ready for a hard fight but then Juviw blushes and turns away while she said.

Juvia: (blush) Very well both won. Goodbye.

She then walk away while Y/n snd Gray were confused which Y/n asked.

Y/n: I'm confused already now.

Gray: We can't let her get away! Hey get back here!

Gray rushes off while Y/n shake his head while he said to himself.

Y/n: He is gonna get attacked as soon he gets close to her, I can tell.

He follows Gray and he was right when Juvia fire a water blast and shot Gray that sent him flying but Y/n catches him just in time and help him up.

Y/n: Maybe not go chase her knowing that she is our enemy.

Gray: Well at least now we know.

Y/n: Agree.

Juvia: I know that we are enemies and I must do what ever I can to defend my guild. This is goodbye.

She then fire water at them but Y/n deploy a engery shield to block the attack while Gray fire ice sharps at her but she blocks them with her water wall and fires more water at them.

The two get cover while she continues to fire water at them. She the stop just ad Y/n leap out and throw a grenade at her but she trap it with water and it blows up.

Y/n: (thought) Man she's one hard wizard.

He rush at her but she trapper Y/n inside a water bubble but Gray Iced it and Y/n shattered it and fell onto his feet just as Gray rush up to him.

Y/n: Thanks, I gonna say from all the Element four she's one tough one.

Gray: Yeah but I think I got a plan but I need you to distract her.

Y/n: Right.

Gray spirit off whike Y/n rush at Juvia and try to throw a punch at her but his fist went through her like she was liquid herself and he step back and try to blow punches at her but his first just gone through and then Juvia fire water at him that sent him flying back and he lands hard onto the ground.

Juvia: I can turn my body into liquid so you cannot attack me.

Y/n: Well that's kinda cheating but who cares, at least i have something else to do while your busy.

Juvia: What do you mean by that?

She then turn to see Gray in the air and he fired ice magic at her and it froze her in place whike Y/n stand up and smike underneath his helmet but then he sees Gray accident grab one or Juvia's breast which made Gray blush in embarrassment.

Y/n: Is that apart of your plan Gray?

Gray: (blush) No shut up man!

He then breaks the ice and he jump back next to Y/n as Juvia felt warm inside of her as she looked up at the two and thinks to herself.

Juvia: (thought) I'm feeling weird, like my heart I'd getting tighter and tighter. Is this love? But which love my heart is looking at?

Y/n: Well at least now we know we can just froze her I order to beat her.

Gray: Yeah and also this rain us still keep on going? Man this is just so droppy.

Y/n: It's not so bad for me.

Juvia hear what Gray said and she makes a fist in anger and blssted Gray with hot water ane sent him flying.

Y/n: Gray!

Then hot water was coming towards Y/n and he deploy his engery shield to block as Juvia yells.

Juvia: (anger) I am sick and tired of everyone who call me that!

Y/n: What are you talking about?

Juvia: (anger) Why should I explain this to you all! You all just the same, I've always have this cursed for all my life and I fail to how yo control it and everyone I cared just left me not before calling me droppy and I always rained everything! I join Phantom because they welcome me and now I will punished those who ruined my happy life!

Y/n hears this and realised that the reason why she join Phantom is because everyone she knew always abandoned her because of her magic and realised the rain was actually her doing and she has no idea how to control it.

Y/n slowly walks towards her whike his enegry Shield still blocks the water while he talk her out of her rage.

Y/n: I'm sorry for what you have to go through, I really do. Bullying isn't right and you should have deserve better. But fo you think Jose cares for you, you think everyone in Phantom cares for you? Well they don't, they just let you join because of your power and not your feelings and your rough past. But you don't deserve this, I can help you.

Juvia: (anger) How can you help me! Aren't you like eveyone that says all these means words to me!

Y/n throws a flash bang and it blinds her a while when it gose off and then Y/n tackle her to the ground and he holds her arms down to the ground and he look at her and told her.

Y/n: Because I know now your not like anyone in Phantom. You just wanna feel happy, feel joy but you were driven in sadness and sarrow which made you the person that you are. But I know you have feelings and I know your not happy but I can help you.....I can show you true happiness.

Juvia anger gose lower and lower and her heart beast faster when Y/n stare into her eyes and she calm down and Y/n lose her arms and the two sat up.

Y/n: Calm?

Juvia: Y-Y-Yeah...but why help me though? We're enemies?

Y/n: Hey today your enemy, tomorrow a friend. Besides I think your outfit suits you, like the blue, kinda matches you a bit.

Juvia blushes a bit and then something bright appear onto the sky and she looked up to see the sun which shocked Juvia to see the sun up for the first time ever in her life.

Juvia: (shocked) That....the sun.

Y/n: (smile) Looks like it. Rain is nice but the sun is better, don't you think so Juvia?

Juvia looked at him and smiled and nods. Y/n took off his helmet and Juvia blushes deeply to see his face as he turn to her with a smile and asked.

Y/n: (smile) So....wanna be friends?

Juvia: (thought) MY GOODNESS SO HOT!

She then fated and fell onto the ground while Y/n was confused but take that as a yes. He stand up and Gray rush up to him and see Juvia unconscious.

Gray: Looks like she's down.

Y/n: Agree and it looks like Natsu and Happy May have taking care the last member.

Gray turn and they see the magic circle completely stop as Gray smirks and said.

Gray: (smirk) Looks like we did it!

Y/n: (smile) Agree.

Erza: (com) Y/n do you copy?

Y/n put on his helmet and then respond.

Y/n: Here, Magic circle is done. What's the situation?

Erza: (com) It's Lucy! She's been taking and now at the guild right now!

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

Gray: That's not good!

Erza: (com) I'm inside looking for her now.

Y/n: Copy, I search for her as well.

After that he turns to Gray and tells him.

Y/n: You find Mirajane and Elfman and tell them what happened.

Gray: What about you?

Y/n: I'll find Natsu and Happy and ending this war for good.

Gray: Right, be safe.

Y/n nods and walks off to find Natsu and Happy, Rescue Lucy and finish this war once and for all.

To be continued..............

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